EC 316 (PH 530) Advanced Scientific Computation

Fall 2003: Profs. Baum, Ames, Clote

Meeting Tuesday/Thursday, 1:30-3:30 P.M., Higgins 155

This course will be offered as three modules. Each of the modules will be under the direction of one of the faculty members.

Students may select term projects starting at 5:00 PM on Thursday 20 November, and must have a project selection recorded with the appropriate instructor by midnight on Tuesday, 25 November. Each student must select a different project. Student project presentations will be made during the scheduled final examination period, on Saturday, 13 December, 9:00 AM - 12:00 noon.

A: 2 September -
2 October
Christopher F Baum Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Economic Models
B: 7 October -
6 November
William Ames Digital Signal Processing
C: 11 November -
9 December
Peter Clote Computational Biology: RNA secondary structure determination