------------------------------------------------------------------------------- log: /Applications/Stata/771simul2.smcl log type: smcl opened on: 23 Jan 2004, 13:13:18
. set more off
. local reps 1000
. global true_mu 50
. . * set up model: y1 contains a homoskedastic error . * y2 contains an error term which is heteroskedastic across reg > ions . . . * define the simulation experiment . capture program drop mcsimul2
. program define mcsimul2, rclass 1. version 8.0 2. syntax [, c(real 1)] 3. tempvar e1 e2 4. . gen `e1' = invnorm(uniform())*`c'*zmu 5. gen `e2' = invnorm(uniform())*`c'*z_factor 6. replace y1 = true_y + `e1' 7. replace y2 = true_y + `e2' 8. ttest y1 = 0 9. return scalar p1 = r(p) 10. ttest y2 = 0 11. return scalar p2 = r(p) 12. return scalar c = `c' 13. end
. . forv i=1/10 { 2. * 50 states' data from US Census . webuse census2, clear 3. * true_y indicates the variable being used as base for the noisy measureme > nt . gen true_y = $true_mu 4. * z_factor is the variable generating heteroskedasticity in e2 . gen z_factor = region 5. sum z_factor, meanonly 6. scalar zmu = r(mean) 7. qui gen y1 = . 8. qui gen y2 = . 9. local c = `i'*10 10. simulate "mcsimul2, c(`c')" c= r(c) p1=r(p1) p2=r(p2) /// > , saving(cc`i') reps(`reps') replace 11. } (1980 Census data by state)
command: mcsimul2 , c(10) statistics: c = r(c) p1 = r(p1) p2 = r(p2) (1980 Census data by state)
command: mcsimul2 , c(20) statistics: c = r(c) p1 = r(p1) p2 = r(p2) (1980 Census data by state)
command: mcsimul2 , c(30) statistics: c = r(c) p1 = r(p1) p2 = r(p2) (1980 Census data by state)
command: mcsimul2 , c(40) statistics: c = r(c) p1 = r(p1) p2 = r(p2) (1980 Census data by state)
command: mcsimul2 , c(50) statistics: c = r(c) p1 = r(p1) p2 = r(p2) (1980 Census data by state)
command: mcsimul2 , c(60) statistics: c = r(c) p1 = r(p1) p2 = r(p2) (1980 Census data by state)
command: mcsimul2 , c(70) statistics: c = r(c) p1 = r(p1) p2 = r(p2) (1980 Census data by state)
command: mcsimul2 , c(80) statistics: c = r(c) p1 = r(p1) p2 = r(p2) (1980 Census data by state)
command: mcsimul2 , c(90) statistics: c = r(c) p1 = r(p1) p2 = r(p2) (1980 Census data by state)
command: mcsimul2 , c(100) statistics: c = r(c) p1 = r(p1) p2 = r(p2)
. . * combine the results files into a single file for tabulation . use cc1 (simulate: mcsimul2 , c(10))
. forv i=2/10 { 2. append using cc`i' 3. }
. save cc_1_10,replace file cc_1_10.dta saved
. gen RfNull_1 = (1-p1)*100
. gen RfNull_2 = (1-p2)*100
. gen R5pc_1 = (p1<0.05)/10
. gen R5pc_2 = (p2<0.05)/10
. format %6.2f R5pc_1
. format %6.2f R5pc_2
. * get descriptives on results file . tabstat p1 p2 RfNull_1 RfNull_2,stat(mean) by(c)
Summary statistics: mean by categories of: c (r(c))
c | p1 p2 RfNull_1 RfNull_2 ---------+---------------------------------------- 10 | 1.90e-14 1.86e-12 100 100 20 | .0000184 .0000911 99.99816 99.99089 30 | .0020743 .0039576 99.79257 99.60424 40 | .0217047 .0280593 97.82953 97.19407 50 | .0635537 .0737673 93.64463 92.62327 60 | .1142537 .1291062 88.57463 87.08938 70 | .1711062 .1843764 82.88938 81.56236 80 | .2225545 .239061 77.74455 76.0939 90 | .2479417 .2686859 75.20583 73.13141 100 | .295781 .2993188 70.4219 70.06812 ---------+---------------------------------------- Total | .1138988 .1226424 88.61012 87.73576 --------------------------------------------------
. tabstat R5pc_1 R5pc_2,stat(sum) by(c) nototal
Summary statistics: sum by categories of: c (r(c))
c | R5pc_1 R5pc_2 ---------+-------------------- 10 | 100 100 20 | 100 100 30 | 99.3 98 40 | 91.3 86.9 50 | 73.8 71.3 60 | 57.9 52.9 70 | 45.5 42.1 80 | 34.5 32.8 90 | 29.6 27.1 100 | 23.6 23.4 ------------------------------
. . set more on
. log close log: /Applications/Stata/771simul2.smcl log type: smcl closed on: 23 Jan 2004, 13:28:28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------