       log:  /Users/baum/Desktop/327xtdes1.smcl
  log type:  smcl
 opened on:  17 Jan 2008, 09:24:34

. use http://fmwww.bc.edu/cfb/boyan/UDCL_IRRC_3,clear

. desc

Contains data from http://fmwww.bc.edu/cfb/boyan/UDCL_IRRC_3.dta obs: 25,105 vars: 82 20 Nov 2007 15:16 size: 7,104,715 (99.5% of memory free) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dnum int %8.0g industry classification code cnum str6 %6s cusip issuer code smbl str7 %7s stock ticker symbol date long %d fiscal year data1 double %10.0g cash and short-term investments (mm$) data2 double %10.0g receivables - total (mm$) data5 double %10.0g current liabilities - total (mm$) data6 double %10.0g assets - total (mm$) data12 double %10.0g sales (net) (mm$) data13 float %9.0g operating income before deprec. (mm$) data14 float %9.0g depreciation and amortization (mm$) data18 float %9.0g income before extraordinary items (mm$) data21 float %9.0g dividends - common (mm$) data128 float %9.0g capital expenditures (scf) (mm$) coname str28 %28s company name yeara float %8.0g fiscal year company str48 %48s company name blankcheck byte %8.0g blank check preferred cboard byte %8.0g classified board fairprice byte %8.0g fair price supermajor byte %8.0g supermajority to approve merger antigreen byte %8.0g antigreenmail lwcnst byte %8.0g limit ability to act by written consent lspmt byte %8.0g limit ability to call special meeting dutiesnf byte %8.0g director's duties--nonfinancial impact dualclass byte %8.0g dual class common stock uneqvote byte %8.0g unequal voting rights lachtr byte %8.0g limit ability to amend charter ppill byte %8.0g poison pill advnr byte %8.0g advance notice requirements confvote byte %8.0g confidential voting exsvchg byte %8.0g change in control provisions sparachute byte %8.0g silver parachute pparachute byte %8.0g pension parachute cumvote byte %8.0g cumulative voting labylw byte %8.0g limit ability to amend bylaws compplan byte %8.0g compensation plan with change in control cumvotess byte %8.0g substantial shareholder gparachute byte %8.0g golden parachutes oo_buscomp byte %8.0g opt out of buscomb/freezeout law oo_cashout_pa byte %8.0g opt out of control share cashout law (pa) oo_csa byte %8.0g opt out of control share acquisition law(csa) oo_duties byte %8.0g opt out of directors duties law oo_fairprice byte %8.0g opt out of fair price law oo_rprofits byte %8.0g opt out of recapture of profits law oi_bc_ga byte %8.0g opt in to buscomb/freezeout law(ga) oi_fp_ga byte %8.0g opt in to fair price law(ga) oi_csa byte %8.0g opt in to control share acquisition law(csa) exch str6 %6s stocke exchange dirind byte %8.0g director indemnification dirindc byte %8.0g indemnification contracts dirliab byte %8.0g director liability execsv byte %8.0g executive severance agreement state str2 %2s state of incorporation de_inc byte %8.0g delaware incorporation sl_buscomp byte %8.0g business combination law sl_fairprice byte %8.0g fair price law sl_csa byte %8.0g control share acquisition law sl_rprofits byte %8.0g recapture of profits law sl_cashout byte %8.0g cash out law sl_duties byte %8.0g director's duties law date1 long %d beginning day. date used to create range of time when irrc data is applicable. date2 long %d ending day. date used to create range of time when irrc data is applicable. gindex byte %8.0g governance index (gompers, ishii, metrick) secretballot byte %8.0g combined secret ballot goldenparachute byte %8.0g combined golden parachutes severance byte %8.0g combined severance page int %8.0g irrc page number yr_reinc byte %8.0g year of reincorporation ecumvote byte %8.0g eliminate cumulative voting empc byte %8.0g employee contracts scrtbt byte %8.0g secret ballot cik str10 %10s cik mergecusip byte %8.0g mergeticker byte %8.0g matched float %9.0g prsd float %9.0g TB3MS double %10.0g (mean) TB3MS dlead float %9.0g (mean) dlead leadinc_v double %10.0g (mean) leadinc_v infl_v double %10.0g (mean) infl_v firmid long %8.0g firmid cusip issuer code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: firmid yeara

. tsset panel variable: firmid (unbalanced) time variable: yeara, 1990 to 2006, but with gaps

. xtdes

firmid: 1, 2, ..., 3218 n = 3219 yeara: 1989, 1990, ..., 2006 T = 18 Delta(yeara) = 1; (2006-1989)+1 = 18 (firmid*yeara uniquely identifies each observation)

Distribution of T_i: min 5% 25% 50% 75% 95% max 1 1 3 7 12 17 17

Freq. Percent Cum. | Pattern ---------------------------+-------------------- 502 15.59 15.59 | .11111111111111111 272 8.45 24.04 | .........111111111 226 7.02 31.07 | .............11111 193 6.00 37.06 | ...............111 172 5.34 42.40 | .................1 98 3.04 45.45 | .11111111......... 87 2.70 48.15 | ...........1111111 78 2.42 50.57 | .1111111111111111. 75 2.33 52.90 | .............1111. 1516 47.10 100.00 | (other patterns) ---------------------------+-------------------- 3219 100.00 | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

. log close log: /Users/baum/Desktop/327xtdes1.smcl log type: smcl closed on: 17 Jan 2008, 09:26:31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------