. * Define global macros for sample size and number of simulations
. global numobs 150 // sample size N
. global numsims "1000" // number of simulations
. * Program for finite-sample properties of OLS
. program chi2data, rclass
1. version 11
2. drop _all
3. set obs $numobs
4. generate double x = rchi2(1)
5. generate y = 1 + 2*x + rchi2(1)-1 // demeaned chi^2 error
6. regress y x
7. return scalar b2 =_b[x]
8. return scalar se2 = _se[x]
9. return scalar t2 = (_b[x]-2)/_se[x]
10. return scalar r2 = abs(return(t2))>invttail($numobs-2,.025)
11. return scalar p2 = 2*ttail($numobs-2,abs(return(t2)))
12. end
. set seed 10101
. * Simulation for finite-sample properties of OLS
. simulate b2f=r(b2) se2f=r(se2) t2f=r(t2) ///
> reject2f=r(r2) p2f=r(p2), reps($numsims) ///
> saving(chi2datares, replace) nolegend nodots: chi2data
. summarize b2f se2f reject2f
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
b2f | 1000 2.000506 .08427 1.719513 2.40565
se2f | 1000 .0839776 .0172588 .0415919 .145264
reject2f | 1000 .046 .2095899 0 1
. * Summarize results
. mean b2f se2f reject2f
Mean estimation Number of obs = 1000
| Mean Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
b2f | 2.000506 .0026649 1.995277 2.005735
se2f | .0839776 .0005458 .0829066 .0850486
reject2f | .046 .0066278 .032994 .059006
. // histogram t2f
. histogram p2f
(bin=29, start=.0000108, width=.0344747)
. graph export mus04p2test.pdf, replace
(file /Users/baum/Documents/Courses 2009-2010/EC771 S2010/mus04p2test.pdf written in PDF format)
. * t-statistic distribution
. kdensity t2f, n(1000) gen(t2_x t2_d) nograph
. generate double t2_d2 = tden(148, t2_x)
. graph twoway (line t2_d t2_x) (line t2_d2 t2_x)
. graph export mus04ttest.pdf, replace
(file /Users/baum/Documents/Courses 2009-2010/EC771 S2010/mus04ttest.pdf written in PDF format)