200 Lexington St
Belmont MA 02478
tel: 617 / 489.2280 fax: 617 / 484.0218
web: http://fmwww.bc.edu/ecclarm/sbxa.html
(this page, requires UTF-8 Unicode for Armenian text)
Pastor: | Very Rev Fr Raphaël Andonian OMech | raphaelandonian@yahoo.com |
Archdeacon: | Rev Dcn M.J. Connolly (Boston College) | cnnmj@bc.edu |
Supreme Pontiff: | His Holiness Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) | |
Patriarch: | His Beatitude Nerses Bedros XIX (Tarmouni) | |
Apostolic Eparch (US & Canada): | His Excellency Mikaël Antoine Mouradian ICPB |
The Parish celebrates the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (Surp badarak Սուրբ Պատարագ) every Sunday morning at 10.30h.
Refreshments and pastries follow in the Atinizian auditorium.
Religious instruction for youth Sunday mornings at 10.15h.
Information on religious instruction
v11B01n cnnmj