The Akathist Hymn, to the Most Holy Mother of God Prooemium: [Kontakion 1] To the victorious leader, we, delivered from evils, sing forth grateful and victorious hymns to thee, o Mother of God, we, thy servants. And since thou hast invincible power, free us from every need, that we may cry out to thee: Rejoice, thou bride unwedded. Troparion 1: [Oikos 1] A prince of angels from heaven was sent to say to the Mother of God: Rejoice! And with incorporeal voice, seeing thee becoming flesh, o Lord, he marvelled and stood crying out to her thus: Rejoice, o thou through whom joy will shine forth. Rejoice, o thou through whom the curse shall be removed. Rejoice, thou raising of the fallen Adam. Rejoice, redemption of the tears of Eve. Rejoice, thou height, hard for human thoughts to scale. Rejoice, thou depth, hard for even angels' eyes to see. Rejoice, for thou art the KingÕs throne. Rejoice, for thou bearest the Bearer of all. Rejoice, thou star that makest the Sun to shine. Rejoice, thou womb of godly incarnation. Rejoice, o thou through whom creation is renewed. Rejoice, o thou through whom we worship the Creator. Rejoice, thou bride unwedded. Troparion 2: [Kontakion 2] The holy one, considering her purity, boldly said to Gabriel: That most glorious word of thy mouth seems hard for me to apprehend. For thou foretellest a birth [how canst thou foretell] of conception without seed, as thou criest forth: Alleluia. Troparion 3 [Oikos 2] The reason for unreason seeking to find out, the Virgin exclaimed to him that ministered: From a pure womb, tell me, how is it possible for a son to be born? And to her he said with awe, crying out yet the while: Rejoice, thou mystery of counsel yet unspoken. Rejoice, thou faith of them that pray in silence. Rejoice, thou start of Christly wonders. Rejoice, thou chief of all His teachings. Rejoice, thou heavenly ladder, by which God descended. Rejoice, thou bridge that leads from earth to heaven. Rejoice, thou wonder spoken much by angels. Rejoice, thou wound by demons much lamented. Rejoice, thou that didst bear the Light in manner indescribable. Rejoice, in how thou didst tell no one. Rejoice, o thou surpassing the wisdom of the wise, Rejoice, o thou enlightening the minds of the faithful. Rejoice, thou bride unwedded. Troparion 4: [Kontakion 3] The power of the Most High overshadowed then her who had not tasted of wedlock. And her fruitful loins He made a meadow sweet for all them who would reap salvation whenever they sing: Alleluia. Troparion 5: [Oikos 3] Having God received into her womb, the Virgin hastened to Elizabeth. And her babe, when he heard her greeting, he rejoiced, and as with playful songs, sang out unto the Mother of his God: Rejoice, thou vine of Shoot unwithering. Rejoice, plantation thou of Fruit immortal. Rejoice, thou that carest for our loving Caretaker. Rejoice, thou that hast brought forth the Gardener of our life. Rejoice, Rejoice, thou table bearing a wealth of purifications. Rejoice, for thou makest a paradise of delights to bloom, Rejoice, for thou preparest a resting place for souls. Rejoice, thou fragrant incense of prayer. Rejoice, thou whole world's purification. Rejoice, thou God's good will toward mortals. Rejoice, thou confidence of mortal men toward God. Rejoice thou bride unwedded. Troparion 6: [Kontakion 4] Troparion 7: [Oikos 4] The shepherds heard the angels singing Christ's fleshly coming. And, running as to a shepherd, they saw Him, like a spotless Lamb, pastured in Mary's lap, and they sang to her and said: Rejoice, thou mother of the Lamb and Shepherd. Rejoice, thou fold for human sheep. Rejoice, thou torment of invisible beasts. Rejoice, thou opening of the doors of paradise. Rejoice, for heavenly things rejoice with earthly ones. Rejoice, for things of earth resound with those of heaven. Rejoice, thou never-silent voice of the apostles. Rejoice, thou ever-winning confidence of martyrs. Rejoice, faith's firm foundation. Rejoice, grace's shining recognition. Rejoice, o thou through whom hell was stripped bare. Rejoice, o thou through whom we are clothed in glory. Rejoice, thou bride unwedded. Troparion 8: [Kontakion 5]