 Boston  College  

From Jamil Samara

Tell all your friends!
The one! The only..

Orthodox Christian Fellowship of Boston College
General Meeting and Ice Cream Social
Tuesday October 12, 1999
6:15 pm
Ignacio B34

This is just an early reminder that we will have our next meeting in Danielle's room Tuesday. God willing, we'll have ice cream there, so bring a friend, and show them what Orthodoxy is all about (Food is central to the theology of Orthodoxy!). But seriously, we have some exciting plans for the year. If at any time you all have ideas or concerns, please feel free to call me or e-mail me!

At our last meeting:

Jacob Gorny, a seminarian at Holy Cross Seminary, joined our group for the year. He will be a part of our group and assist in all that we do.

Professor Connolly of the Slavic and Eastern Languages Department joined us with an interest as (I think) the first faculty member to be a part of our group!!!
He is going to help us (along with Andy Andronikidis and anyone else that wants to) design the official BC OCF web site.

Fr Ted Barbas, a priest at a Greek church in Watertown, will be working with our group also throughout the year. He will try to make one meeting per month, as well as any of our activities.

Here's what we're planning for the next few weeks:

Some Big Events that we will also talk about:

Some websites you can check out if you're not busy:
and coming soon (to be the official OCF web site of all Orthodox in America): (details to follow)

So, God willing, with a little help from all of us, our group is well on its way to wonderful things. With our constant prayer and support from each other, I look forward to making the voice of the Orthodox Community of Boston College come alive to praise the name of Jesus Christ for all to see. God bless, and I look forward to seeing you all Tuesday at Danielle's! If you have questions, let me know.

In Christ,
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