----------------------------------------- THE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF OLDER ADULTS ----------------------------------------- Issued July 1996 CD0013 ICPSR 6727 CD-ROM prepared by: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging P.O. Box 1248, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1248 Phone:313-763-5011 Email:nacda@icpsr.umich.edu Website:http://www.icspr.umich.edu/nacda This CD-ROM contains ASCII files that require the use of specific statistical software packages. The CD-ROM contains full-text image documentation in Acrobat format. -------------------------------------------------- THE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF OLDER ADULTS DATASETS -------------------------------------------------- The NACDA data files on this CD-ROM, which are supplied in raw, uncompressed ASCII form, include the following: Americans' Changing Lives: Waves I and II, 1986 and 1989 (ICPSR #6438) National Survey of Black Americans, Waves 1-4, 1979-1980, 1987-1988, 1988-1989, 1992 (ICPSR #6668) Myth and Reality of Aging, 1974 (ICPSR #7657) National Survey of the Aged [United States], 1957 (ICPSR #7686) * Part 1. Health Needs of Older Persons * Part 2. Household Enumeration: Noninterviewed Individuals * Part 3. Public Attitudes on Older People National Survey of the Aged [United States], 1962 (ICPSR #7687) National Survey of the Aged, 1975 (ICPSR #7945) * Part 1. General Survey * Part 2. Proxy Respondents * Part 3. Noncontacts Aging in the Eighties: America in Transition, 1981 (ICPSR #8691) National Survey of Hispanic Elderly People, 1988 (ICPSR #9289) National Survey of Problems Facing Elderly Americans Living Alone, 1986 (ICPSR #9379) Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly, 1981-1987: [East Boston, Massachusetts; Iowa and Washington Counties, Iowa; New Haven, Connecticut; and North Central North Carolina] (ICPSR #9915) Directories, Subdirectories, and files Main Directory Contents ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Readme..............(text file that provides information about this CD-ROM and user service information) Citation............(bibliographic citations to be included in footnotes or the reference section of publications based on these data) Acrobat.............(Acrobat Reader Installers for Macintosh, Windows, UNIX, and DOS) S6438...............Americans' Changing Lives: Waves I and II, 1986 and 1989 S6668...............National Survey of Black Americans, Waves 1-4 1979-1980, 1987-1988, 1988-1989, 1992 S7657...............Myth and Reality of Aging, 1974 S7686...............National Survey of the Aged [United States], 1957 S7687...............National Survey of the Aged [United States], 1962 S7945...............National Survey of the Aged, 1975 S8691...............Aging in the Eighties: America in Transition, 1981 S9289...............National Survey of Hispanic Elderly People, 1988 S9379...............National Survey of Problems Facing Elderly Americans Living Alone, 1986 S9915...............Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly, 1981-1987: [East Boston, Massachusetts; Iowa and Washington Counties, Iowa; New Haven, Connecticut; and North Central North Carolina] Files on each dataset directory (S####): Contents ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CB#### (documentation and codebook, includes substantive summary, citation, and technical description of the data) DA#### (data file) SA####.SAS (SAS Data Definition Statements) SP####.SPS (SPSS Data Definition Statements) Acrobat sub-directories Contents ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACROWIN Acrobat Reader Installer for Windows will the following files: ACROMAC Acrobat Reader Installer for Macintosh ACRODOS Acrobat Reader Installer for DOS ACROUNIX Acrobat Reader Installer for UNIX NOTE CONCERNING MULTIPLE DATA FILES: For studies 7686, 7945, and 9915 multiple data files exist, withfile extensions that correspond to the part numbers. (i.e., DA7686P1 is the data file for part one. The SA7686P1.SAS and SP7686P1.SPS data definition files should be used with DA7686P1.) Most of the codebook and questionnaire files for the multi-part datasets are contained within one file each. (i.e., CB7686.PDF and QU7686.PDF are the only codebook and questionnaire files for all three parts. (The National Survey of Black Americans #6668 has four separate questionnaire files, one for each wave, and the Americans' Changing Lives #6438 has two separate questionnaire files, one for each wave.) -------------------- NACDA Data on CD-ROM -------------------- The CD-ROM is designed as an extension of a personal or mainframe computer. The CD-ROM does not contain software for text or data searches. The CD-ROM does contain software for viewing and searching the "Portable Document Format" (PDF) codebooks and questionnaires. Data definition statements for the two primary software packages used in the social sciences, SAS and SPSS, are provided. What you need to use the NACDA CD-ROM: Please review the following list of minimum hardware and software requirements before you begin using the CD-ROM. This CD-ROM has a DOS overlay on the ISO 9660 format. It has been tested and should work on any system that can read ISO 9660 CD-ROM discs, including most Unix, MS-DOS, and Macintosh systems. For some Unix systems, a "dos2unix" conversion may be necessary. All data files on the CD-ROM are ASCII files without internal formatting characteristics specific to any proprietary software. These files can be used in a text editor or imported as text files into any word processing software package. Hardware * Any computer or computer system that can read ISO 9660 formatted text is needed. For example, a personal computer running MS-DOS will suffice. The CD-ROM may also be used within the Macintosh environment utilizing either System 7.0 and above or System 6.08 and the appropriate PC emulation software. * A CD-ROM drive capable of reading 650 MB of data is recommended. * The user must have sufficient disk space to manipulate the data files. The data files on this CD-ROM range in size from less than 1 MB to 12 MB. Software * Microsoft CD-ROM extension (version 2.0 or above) to MS-DOS is required. * SAS, SPSS, data analysis software may be used. (Search-and-retrieval software is not needed to use this CD-ROM.) SAS and SPSS setup files The following list gives the contents of the data definition files which are available for use with SPSS and SAS software: Software File name Contents -------- --------- -------- SPSS SP####.SPS datalist variable labels missing values value labels SAS SA####.SAS proc format data infile input label missing value recodes format SPSS setup file Four setup sections are provided on this CD-ROM in an SPSS data definition statement file for each data collection and/or part. These data definition statements were produced by ICPSR. The sections are listed below. DATA LIST. Assigns the name, type, and decimal specification if any, and specifies the beginning and ending column location for each variable in this data set. VARIABLE LABELS. Assigns descriptive labels to variables. Not all variables in this data set necessarily have assigned variable labels. MISSING VALUES. Declares user-defined missing data values for variables. Not all variables in this data set necessarily have user-defined missing values. VALUE LABELS. Assigns value labels to variables. Not all variables in this data set necessarily have assigned value labels. (These data definition commands have been tested for compatibility with SPSS Release 4 for UNIX and SPSS Release 6.1.2 for Windows.) (Users should combine and modify these data definition commands to suit their specific needs. Users will also need to change the file specification in the data list statement of file handle command to an appropriate filename for their system.) SAS setup file Five SAS setup sections are provided on this CD-ROM in a SAS data definition statement file for this data collection. These data definition statements were produced by ICPSR. The sections are listed below. PROC FORMAT. Creates user-defined formats for variables. Formats provide value code descriptions by substituting write formats of 40 characters or less for original value codes. Not all variables in this data set necessarily have user-defined formats. (Data - Begins a SAS data step, and names an output SAS data set. Infile - Identifies the input file to be read with the input statement. Users must provide host computer-specific input file specifications.) INPUT. Assigns the name, type, decimal specification and specifies the beginning and ending column locations for each variable in the data file. LABEL. Assigns descriptive labels of 40 characters or less to variables. Not all variables in this data set necessarily have labels assigned to them. MISSING VALUE RECODES. Contains SAS program statements that convert missing values to the SAS missing value. FORMAT. Associates the formats created by the PROC FORMAT step with the variables named in the INPUT statement. (The data definition statements have been tested for compatibility with SAS Release 6.08 for Windows and SAS Release 6.09 for UNIX.) (Users should combine and modify these data definition statements to suit their specific needs. Users may need to change the host computer specific input file specification in the infile command line.) ------------------------------------------------- Portable Document Format (PDF) and Acrobat Reader ------------------------------------------------- ICPSR has included on this CD-ROM Adobe Acrobat Reader, which runs on most computing platforms, including Macintosh, Power Macintosh, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT, DOS, SunOS, and Solaris. Users without the reader may install if from the CD-ROM directory ACROBAT. Note: Each Acrobat Installation Directory/Folder has a textual readme.txt file for assistance. Acrobat Reader System Requirements Macintosh system requirement: * Macintosh 68020-68040: 2 MB of RAM available to Acrobat Reader * Power Macintosh: 4 MB of RAM available to Acrobat Reader * Apple System Software version 7.0 or later Windows system requirements: * 386, 486, or Pentium processor-based computer * Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT 3.5 or later * 4 MB RAM available to Acrobat Reader Sun OS and Solaris system requirements: * Sun SPARC workstation * Solaris 1.1 operating system software running SunOS version 4.1.3 or Solaris 2.3 or greater * OpenWindows version 3.0 or later, or Motif window manager * Version 1.1.2 or later * Window manager * 14 MB available hard-disk space * 8 MB of application RAM DOS system requirements: * 386- or 486-based personal computer (486 recommended) * DOS version 3.3 or later * 2 MB of RAM (4 MB recommended) * 5 MB of hard-disk space Installing Adobe Acrobat Reader Macintosh users: 1. Double-click the CD0013 disk icon. 2. In the CD0013 window, double-click the ACROBAT folder. 3. Double-click the ACROMAC folder, choose the Mac version that you are running, Power Macintosh or 68000. 4. Double-click the appropriate folder, and then double-click the ACRO-READ.HQX icon. (The installer has been placed in binhex format and must be decoded (Stuffit Expander) prior to use. Windows users: 1. From the Windows Program Manager, choose Run from the File menu. 2. Type [your cd-rom drive letter]:\acrobat\acrowin\acroread.exe 3. Press Enter UNIX users: 1. Become superuser [root account]. 2. Mount the CD on /cdrom 3. Then type: cd/cdrom/cd0013/acrounix/acroread 4. Then type: ./install.rdr DOS users: 1. Choose the CD-ROM drive as the default drive 2. If you are using drive d:, type d: and press Enter. If you are using drive e:, type e: and press Enter. 3. Type cd ACROBAT\ACRODOS and press Enter. 4. Type install and press Enter. For further information on using the Acrobat Reader, contact the Adobe Web-site at http://www.adobe.com/Acrobat/freeread.html. SOME SPECIFIC NOTES CONCERNING: THE NATIONAL SURVEY OF BLACK AMERICANS, WAVES 1-4, 1979-1980, 1987-1988, 1988-1989, 1992 (#6668), and ESTABLISHED POPULATIONS FOR EPIDEMIOLOGIC STUDIES OF THE ELDERLY, 1981-1987 (#9915). (If printing the codebooks for these datasets from Acrobat, using a "shrink-to-fit" option on printing may be necessary. Some of the text is in landscape format and is wider than usual.) THE NATIONAL SURVEY OF HISPANIC ELDERLY PEOPLE, 1988 (#9289). Spanish text appearing in the questionnaire are image and not searchable. CODEBOOKS originally created using OSIRIS software contain references to both card-image data (deck numbers and column ranges from 1 to 80), and logical-record (lrecl) information. The data included on this CD are in lrecl format, users should disregard the card-image information. The Health and Well-Being of Older Adults - codebooks and questionnaires For full documentation of the data, users should refer to the computer-readable codebooks and questionniares included with these datasets. N.B. Many PDF codebook and questionnaire files were created from the original hard copy versions and the quality of legibility varies. The codebooks and questionnaires are provided as electronic files in Portable Document File (PDF) format. the PDF format was developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated and can be accessed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader. The codebooks and questionnaires have been prepared using the Adobe Acrobat programs Capture, Reviewer, Exchange, and PDF Writer. This method was chosen because it encompasses both text and image to compose a richer format and is completely transportable. The codebooks and questionnaires can be viewed in various stage of magnification and three basic formats: full page, reduced page index (Thumbnail), or with a detailed index (Bookmarks). If desired, the user may print a hard copy. The codebook is also available in hardcopy form upon request from ICPSR. --------------------- About NACDA and ICPSR --------------------- About NACDA The central goal of the National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging (NACDA) is to advance research on aging and the aged by helping researchers to profit from the under exploited potentials of a broad range of datasets. NACDA acquires and preserves datasets relevant to gerontological research, processes them as needed to promote effective research use, disseminates them to researchers, and facilitates their use. By preserving and making availiable the nation's largest library of computer-readable data on aging, NACDA offers opportunities for secondary analysis on major issues of scientific and policy relevance. NACDA is a project of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), and is funded by the National Institute on Aging. The National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging can be accessed via the WWW at: http://www.icpsr.unich.edu/nacda About ICPSR Since 1962, the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) has served the academic community by acquiring, processing, and distributing data relevant to a broad spectrum of academic disciplines, including criminology, political science, sociology, law, history, economics, gerontology, public health, and education. ICPSR maintains the world's largest repository of social science data. ICPSR is a membership-based organization whose members include over 360 member colleges and universities in the United States and abroad. Payment of an annual institutional fee entitles faculty, staff, and students at member schools to take advantage of the full range of ICPSR services. Because ICPSR is structured as a "partnership" with its member institutions, it is able to provide facilities and service to researchers and scholars that no one college or university could offer independently. Most ICPSR services are provided at no charge to the individual user. Each member institution designates one person on campus to serve as the "ICPSR Official Representative" (OR). The OR functions as a liaison between ICPSR and the member school and can answer questions about data already on campus and arrange for local users to obtain access to data housed at ICPSR. ICPSR can be accessed via the WWW at: http://www.icpsr.umich.edu Questions about this CD-ROM should be directed to: National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging (313) 763-5010 e-mail: nacda@icpsr.umich.edu (Internet) Restrictions Copies of ICPSR data on CD-ROM are ordered by and supplied to the ICPSR Official Representative at each member institution. All users of these data are reminded that all policies regarding the use of ICPSR data at member institutions also apply to data provided on CD-ROM. As stated in the ICPSR Bylaws, Article 1.2.A: MEMBERS WILL NOT DISTRIBUTE DATA OR OTHER MATERIALS SUPPLIED BY ICPSR TO OTHER MEMBERS, ORGANIZATIONS, OR INDIVIDUALS AT OTHER INSTITUTIONS, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AGREEMENT OF ICPSR. While copies of the files on CD-ROM can be made locally at member institutions, copies are not to be made for users at non-member institutions, nor are copies to be taken to off-site locations for non-member activities. As with data provided on any other medium, the Official Representative remains responsible for arranging local access to the data on CD-ROM and for maintaining copies for local use. Additional copoies of any CD-ROM maybe ordered from ICPSR by contacting ICPSR User Support. Citations --------- Publications based on ICPSR data collections should acknowledge those sources by means of bibliographic citations. To ensure that such source attributions are captured for social science bibliographic utilities, citations must appear in footnotes or in the reference section of publications. There is a separate citation for each of the ten datasets on this CD-ROM and they may be found in the file named Citations on the main directory. Users are urged to refer to and adopt these citations in their publications. ----------------------------------------------------------- Bytes for the Health and Well-Being of Older Persons CD-ROM ----------------------------------------------------------- 3159 citation 26105 readme Acrobat: acrodos: 3245 8514here.exe 1209256 acrobat.001 1221865 acrobat.002 5763 acrtest.exe 4873 binmod.exe 43 disk.id 204111 install.exe 1504 mousechk.exe 10587 readme.txt 18 sernum.txt acrounix: acroread: 7976960 acroread.tar 57300 easyinst.rdr 873078 getstart.pdf 1531659 getstart.ps 57308 install.rdr 5210 license.rdr 19421 readme.rdr acrowin: 1438059 acroread.exe 2481 readme.txt acromac: 68xxx: 1840762 AcroRead.mac.hqx 10543 README.TXT pmac_gx: 2989726 AcroRead.mac.hqx 11744 README.TXT S6438: 5045263 cb6438.pdf 12106099 da6438 1728994 qu6438w1.pdf 1778014 qu6438w2.pdf 378758 sa6438.sas 296644 sp6438.sps S6668: 4731250 cb6668.pdf 9137500 da6668 2074682 qu6668w1.pdf 845758 qu6668w2.pdf 774049 qu6668w3.pdf 891852 qu6668w4.pdf 1187630 sa6668.sas 970686 sp6668.sps S7657: 736974 cb7657.pdf 3905172 da7657 730407 qu7657.pdf 193857 sa7657.sas 195439 sp7657.sps S7686: 2248476 cb7686.pdf 2779910 da7686p1 576678 qu7686.pdf 318131 sa7686p1.sas 268818 sp7686p1.sps 23540 da7686p2 6874 sa7686p2.sas 6200 sp7686p2.sps 397885 da7686p3 31924 sa7686p3.sas 27001 sp7686p3.sps S7687: 523419 cb7687.pdf 1670328 da7687 223928 qu7687.pdf 143150 sa7687.sas 117179 sp7687.sps S7945: 781625 cb7945.pdf 5828960 da7945p1 465567 qu7945.pdf 196585 sa7945p1.sas 164685 sp7945p1.sps 22660 da7945p2 14562 sa7945p2.sas 12415 sp7945p2.sps 87290 da7945p3 8931 sa7945p3.sas 7631 sp7945p3.sps S8691: 419571 cb8691.pdf 1135710 da8691 298193 qu8691.pdf 78178 sa8691.sas 83864 sp8691.sps S9289: 462659 cb9289.pdf 1110417 da9289 535469 qu9289.pdf 77605 sa9289.sas 71473 sp9289.sps S9379: 200843 cb9379.pdf 441056 da9379 200285 qu9379.pdf 29238 sa9379.sas 26682 sp9379.sps S9915: 651374 cb9915.pdf 4669288 da9915p1 6374518 qu9915.pdf 63906 sa9915p1.sas 51330 sp9915p1.sps 678164 da9915p2 13940 sa9915p2.sas 11324 sp9915p2.sps 645388 da9915p3 14288 sa9915p3.sas 11602 sp9915p3.sps 1499740 da9915p4 38679 sa9915p4.sas 31792 sp9915p4.sps 245050 da9915p5 2472 sa9915p5.sas 2385 sp9915p5.sps Helpful Hints: ------------- The compact disc should be handled with care. It should be stored in its plastic case. Do not touch the surface. Hold the disc by the outside edge and gently place it in the CD reader. If the surface becomes scratched or damaged, the CD may become unusable. If your PC has a disk drive with sufficient storage capacity, you could copy the entire CD-ROM or selected files on this CD-ROM to that device. This will enhance performance because the data transfer rate on such a device can be up to six times faster than that of a CD reader, depending upon the disk drive used.