Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: PSROs in dentistry Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Friedman, J.W. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 12 Pages: 1298-1303 Abstract: Although the discussion of Professional Standards Review Organizations (PSROs) has been directed almost entirely to medical care, dentistry will not only become part of the process, it can also lead the way. This paper presents a brief review of the background of dental PSROs and the experience of U.S. Administrators as a prototype PSRO, including a description of the quality assurance system and data based on 2 yr experience. The significance of this paper is the demonstration that effective implementation of PSRO principles in dentistry will not only improve the quality of dental care programs but will also pay for itself by eliminating unnecessary and excessive services. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:12:1298-1303_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health planning in Latin America Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Garcia Gutierrez, J.L. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1047-1049 Abstract: Health planning in Latin America became an organized activity with the Charter of Punta del Este in 1961. The charter's 10-Year Public Health Program set forth a series of objectives that stressed international cooperation, the link of public health with economic development, and assistance from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the U.N. through Economic Commission for Latin America. The basis for most planning efforts in the region has been the PAHO/Center for Development Studies (CENDES) method, a joint venture of WHO and the Central University of Venezuela. This methodology suggests health programs that are organized from the bottom up beginning with "program areas" for populations that lie not more than 2 hours from a health clinic. The program areas comprise a regional area, which in turn is serviced by specialized clinics not affordable in program areas. The regional areas serve as the building blocks for the national programs. Beginning in 1963, several countries undertook planning activities using the PAHO/CENDES procedures. In many countries, however, the evolution of the planning process did not measure up to the expectations of 1961; only a few countries actually completed the program cycle. The problems confronted by these programs demonstrated that health planning has to be more than the intermittent exercise of preparing plans and documents. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1047-1049_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Development indices of nutritional level from anthropometric measurements on women and young children Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Talwar, P.P. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 11 Pages: 1170-1174 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:11:1170-1174_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The district health center in Japan. History, services, and future development Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jonas, S. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 58-62 Abstract: The Jpanese public health system has many remarkable achievements to its credit. The impressive strides in tuberculosis control and the complete elimination of cholera are only 2 of those which can be mentioned. However, as Japan moves into its mature capitalist period, with infectious diseases under control, low crude and infant mortality rates (6.8 per 1,000 and 14.2 per 1,000, respectively, in 1969), and an aging population, the chronic, degenerative diseases and killers are becoming more prevalent. In addition, as is well known, environmental pollution is an extremely serious problem in Japan. Because of the rapid urbanization as well as industrialization in recent years, public health practice in the country is facing a new phase aiming at comprehensive health care for the community. Consequently, great emphasis of the Department's activity has been laid on teaching and research to meet the changing needs in public health pratice. Main research fields under study in the past several years are: comprehensive health service systems; community health planning; training, education and recruitment of public health personnel; history of public health practice; evaluation of health education; educational effects of community organization for health; social health insurance; medical care security; and medical social work. One of the major interests is in the integration of preventive and treatment services and the reorganization of district health centers into polyclinics serving defined populations, on the one hand and community health planning and health information centers on the other hand. (10 references.) Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:1:58-62_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Malpractice: a public health emergency Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 7 Pages: 747 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:7:747_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Guidelines for counseling young adults with sickle cell trait Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Headings, V. Author-Name: Fielding, J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 8 Pages: 819-827 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:8:819-827_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Parental failure and consequences for children. The drug abusing mother whose children are in foster care Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Fanshel, D. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 6 Pages: 604-612 Abstract: The developmental progress of children of drug abusing mothers was assessed in a study of foster children. Cognitive abilities and personal adjustment appeared to be normal but significantly poorer school adjustment patterns were observed. Such children are disproportionately locked into foster care. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:6:604-612_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The role of the public general hospital in community health. 1974 Rosenhaus Lecture Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Haughton, J.G. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 21-25 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:1:21-25_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Contraceptive technology in controlling reproduction in pets Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Faulkner, L.C. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 77-78 Abstract: A great deal of emphasis has been placed on the importance of contraception in resolving the problems of a surplus of free roaming pets. There is a clear danger that contraception may be stressed at the expense of programs to educate owners of the responsibilities of pet ownership and legislation and enforcement to prevent irresponsible ownership. Pets which are responsibly cared for and controlled do not mate promiscuously. Sterile pets which are free to roam at will still bite, create nuisances and disturbances, damage property, spread disease, cause traffic accidents, pollute the environment, and become ill, die and create the need to destroy life. Nonetheless, it is a fact that contraception will reduce these problems, and appropriate contraception is a part of responsible ownership. A variety of contraceptive technologies for controlling reproduction in pets are in various stages of research, development, or availability. Some of these are described and evaluated. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:1:77-78_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Nursing homes in Massachusetts. Industry in transition Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Levey, S. Author-Name: Stotsky, B.A. Author-Name: Kinloch, D.R. Author-Name: Ruchlin, H.S. Author-Name: Oppenheim, W. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 66-71 Abstract: The impact of Medicare upon cost trends and quality of patient care in the nursing home industry is demonstrated in this overview of nursing home services in Massachusetts. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:1:66-71_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The sickness impact profile. Development of an outcome measure of health care Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gilson, B.S. Author-Name: Gilson, J.S. Author-Name: Bergner, M. Author-Name: Bobbit, R.A. Author-Name: Kressel, S. Author-Name: Pollard, W.E. Author-Name: Vesselago, M. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 12 Pages: 1304-1310 Abstract: The sickness impact profile a behaviorally based measure of sickness related dysfunction, is being developed to provide an appropriate and sensitive measure of health status for use in assessing the effects of health care services. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:12:1304-1310_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Menstrual regulation in family planning services Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kessel, E. Author-Name: Brenner, W.E. Author-Name: Stathes, G.H. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 7 Pages: 731-734 Abstract: Fertility control by means of menstrual regulation is discussed in the context of family planning programs. Its efficacy, efficiency, safety, cost effectiveness, and acceptability are evaluated. Menstrual regulation is the term applied to any treatment which is administered within 14 days of a missed menstrual period to ensure that a woman either is not pregnant or does not remain pregnant. Because pregnancy tests are not accurate at this stage of pregnancy, it cannot be reliably determined whether a woman is pregnant prior to the procedure. The most common method of treatment is vacuum aspiration using a small diameter, clear plastic, flexible cannula. Neither dilation of the cervix nor anesthesia is usually required. Curetting the uterus for delayed periods has been performed for at least a century under the guise of 'dry cupping' or diagnostic endometrial biopsy to investigate amenorrhea. Many physicians have also had the experience of missing the ovum and having a pregnancy continue. Unfortunately, because these procedures were performed under guises, their effectiveness and complication rates for use in women with amenorrhea are unknown. The first systematic studies of the practicability of menstrual regulation were initiated by the International Fertility Research Program in 1972. Menstrual regulation appears to be a safe, effective, and economical method of fertility control. Its increased safety compared to first trimester abortion establishes menstrual regulation by vacuum aspiraion for treatment of up to 14 days missed menstrual period as probably better medical practice than waiting to confirm the presence of a pregnancy. Because it is a postconceptive method, menstrual regulation has potential in family planning services both as a recruitment service and for the treatment of contraceptive failures. Its use as an only method of fertility control is being studied. The acceptance of this new family planning service will primarily depend on its availability, dissemination of information about the service, and the ability of women freely to avail themselves of the service without delay. Although long term effects of single and repeated use of menstrual regulation are not known, its immediate complications are few and it can be recommended as a useful addition to present fertility control methods in family planning programs. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:7:731-734_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Early reconception and contraceptive use among black teenage girls after an illegitimate birth Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Graves, W.L. Author-Name: Bradshaw, B.R. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 7 Pages: 738-740 Abstract: Contraceptive continuation and early reconception rates among a group of low income, black, teenage primiparous women were examined. Subjects who subsequently married following their first pregnancy were significantly more likely to conceive again within 1 yr, but when the association was examined by method of contraception chosen, the difference persisted only for those who selected oral contraceptives. There was no association between method of contraception chosen and subsequent marriage within 2 yr postpartum, although patients who did not marry but reported at the time of delivery that they had plans to marry were more likely to choose oral contraceptives. Selection of the IUD was associated with a set of social situational factors which suggest that family pressures may be an important factor in the choice of this method of contraception. Active use of contraception at 1 yr does not appear to be related to social situational factors in this population. Psychological attributes seem to be more critical. It was shown that passivity was related to continued use of the IUD and discontinued use of oral contraceptives. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:7:738-740_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Adult stature in relation to childhood exposure to the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Belsky, J.L. Author-Name: Blot, W.J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 5 Pages: 489-494 Abstract: Height and weight measurements were obtained for adults who were under age 18 at the time of the atomic explosion of 1945 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Adult height was found to be significantly lowered among Hiroshima survivors. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:5:489-494_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The Pan American health planning program Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Tejada De Rivero, D.A. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1052-1057 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1052-1057_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: Perspective on a current public health controversy. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Haddon Jr., W. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 12 Pages: 1342-1344 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:12:1342-1344_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Cluster health program for day care children Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gururaj, V.J. Author-Name: Russo, R.M. Author-Name: Reddy, H.V. Author-Name: Jackson, D.E. Author-Name: Allen, J.E. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1102-1103 Abstract: An essential component of a day care service is a meaningful health care program to protect, maintain, and improv the health of each child enrolled. The lack of adequate programs to promote these goals provides a unique opportunity for organizers of health care to develop and evaluate innovative health services to these predominatly preschool children. A pediatric Ambulatory Service in Brooklyn has undertaken the task of developing a health program for a day care children in the community. In the first phase a pilot health program was established and evaluated at one day care center. The experience gathered from the project has led to the development of a program serving the health care needs of children and their siblings in a cluster of day care centers in the community. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1102-1103_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The man in the street: a tale of two cities Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Baker, S.P. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 5 Pages: 524-525 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:5:524-525_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Development of a school health information system Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Johansen, S. Author-Name: Orthoefer, J.E. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 11 Pages: 1203-1207 Abstract: Computer control of school nursing records for the purposes of health planning and follow up, an important aspect of a large scale health information system, is described and evaluated. This paper represents an experiment in making school health records more responsive to the needs of school nurses, so that they in turn can be more responsive to the needs of the children. The availability of modern computer technology and the obsolete systems of record keeping in some school health programs indicated an obligation to bring these two areas together. In the attempt to bridge the gap between the two diverse disciplines of computer methods and school nursing, considerable learning had to take place in both areas. Useful sources in the school nursing field are listed in the references. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:11:1203-1207_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Secondary prevention. The utilization of public health nurses as agents of behavioral change in the community Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Barnes, K.E. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1099-1101 Abstract: The possible expansion of the role of the public health nurse to include observation and treatment of preschool behavior problems is discussed, in this article. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1099-1101_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: International health planning: socioenvironmental dimensions and community participation Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Martin, J.F. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 175-177 Abstract: The emphasis of the last decades on a systems approach to planning should foster adequate consideration, in health planning, of the influence of nonhealth factors on health conditions and services. However, the health professions, sometimes on 'international standards' grounds of questionable relevance, have been rather long in recognizing that medical care in the developing world is not only an 'exotic byproduct' of Western practices. The importance of going beyond the traditional tropical medicine concerns has been indicated: the main determinant of the pattern of medical care in developing countries is poverty rather than a warm climate. This is true not only of medical care, but also to a large extent of the health problems. Others have aimed at fostering the same awareness, as have technical assistance agencies like WHO. Yet, it still needs to be emphasized that most of the ills of public health importance in developing countries are basically socioenvironmental in nature. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:2:175-177_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Development operations in mental health delivery systems. An urgent need Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: May, P.R.A. Author-Name: Cohen, J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 156-160 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:2:156-160_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: The mission of health professionals. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Smillie, J.G. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 12 Pages: 1345-1346 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:12:1345-1346_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Postpregnant vasectomies Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Thompson, D.S. Author-Name: Schwentker, F.N. Author-Name: Henshaw McCullough, E. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 7 Pages: 735-737 Abstract: The operation of an outpatient vasectomy program in a maternity hospital, characteristics of the patients, and reasons for requesting vasectomies are described. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:7:735-737_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The costs of detection and treatment programs for infectious kidney disease Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Menz, F.C. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 4 Pages: 401-407 Abstract: Given knowledge of appropriate management of a disease, it is feasible to estimate cost parameters of a program to control the disease for a population. A model for estimating costs of infectious kidney disease detection and control is presented. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:4:401-407_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The practice of family health care. A descriptive study Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cohn, H. Author-Name: Schmidt, W.M. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 4 Pages: 375-383 Abstract: Practices characteristic of family health care in 10 centers are described and the need for training of staff and the development of standard procedures for responding to family related needs, particularly in families with young children, is discussed. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:4:375-383_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The birth number concept and record linkage Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lunde, A.S. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 11 Pages: 1165-1169 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:11:1165-1169_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Patterns of marijuana use among public health students Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Seiden, R.H. Author-Name: Tomlinson, K.R. Author-Name: O'Carroll, M. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 6 Pages: 613-621 Abstract: The prevalent use of marijuana among future public health workers raises important questions in terms of current professional role expectation in areas of drug use prevention and education. More realistic and honest drug use policies are advocated as a public health responsibility. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:6:613-621_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A critical reassessment of the evidence bearing on smoking as the cause of lung cancer Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sterling, T.D. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 9 Pages: 939-953 Abstract: Since population statistics have contributed significantly to the belief that cigarette smoking is a cause of lung cancer, perhaps one should start by asking how population surveys and statistical studies can contribute to the understanding of the possibly complex causes of lung cancer or, in fact, any cancer? This question is basic since it includes cigarette smoking as one of the possible antecedents but does not ignore the rich evidence implicating others. If it is true that existing population studies clearly indicate that cigarette smoking is the major cause of lung cancer, then additional large and expensive population surveys to uncover other causes may not be warranted. On the other hand, if this general conclusion is not acceptable, then the groundwork may be laid for a much more inclusive population study. It is generally believed that existing evidence has established that smoking is a major cause of lung cancer. This report has undertaken to probe this belief - not to provoke or to please, but to dissect and to analyze. Because one adopts an analytical attitude, it may be difficult to avoid the impression that the focus of this paper is on the critical side. The voluminous research on smoking and lung cancer contains many good as well as bad points. While a critical analysis tends to bring out inadequacies, this should not be taken to imply that none of the past studies are of value. Quite to the contrary: many able investigators have studied this difficult problem with great care and have gathered valuable data, and their analyses have significantly contributed to the understanding of human disease. A critical analysis offers an objective framework for evaluating widely used research methods and analytic procedures but, unfortunately, without singling out individual good or bad points or emphasizing how the work of many of these scientists has enriched our knowledge. Bearing in mind these limitations, there is yet one other pressing need to closely analyze the statistical studies and population surveys of the effects of smoking. Unfortunately, conventional procedures based largely on animal studies are becoming increasingly inadequate for determining the toxicity of any consumed product or of a widespread pollutant. Continuing surveys of human populations may be the major method for monitoring the health of large communities and protecting men from the untoward effects of the byproducts of his many activities. The smoking and health population studies form a model on how such surveys may be conducted. If this model is invalid and possibly leads to misleading conclusions, as many respected statisticians and scientists have claimed, then incalculable damage may result in the long run if the shortcomings in this model are not made public. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:9:939-953_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Manpower training as an alternative to disadvantaged adolescent drug misuse Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Nelson, S.H. Author-Name: Wolff, B. Author-Name: Batalden, P.B. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 6 Pages: 599-603 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:6:599-603_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Perceptions of emotional disorders among children as viewed by leaders, teachers, and the general public Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bentz, W.K. Author-Name: Davis, A. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 129-132 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:2:129-132_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Emergency aid for insect sting. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Frazier, C.A. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 12 Pages: 1346 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:12:1346_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health and safety in the solid waste industry Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cimino, J.A. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 38-46 Abstract: Solid waste disposal is one of the most hazardous occupations in the United States. Almost no good epidemiological information is available on the subject. There are obvious preventive measures which can and should be undertaken immediately. These include the following: safety education courses should be offered, starting with top management personnel, and extending down to every supervisory level and to field personnel; equipment must be evaluated from a human factors engineering standpoint, so that the equipment is made to fit the worker's capacities; the work environment must be further evaluated and tested on a continuous basis in terms of hazardous conditions; manpower needs and schedules should be reevaluated and altered in an effort to avoid excessive overtime; the basic work procedures of solid waste disposal must be changed to hasten mechanization and containerization. Solid wastes must be tested in order to evaluate community and work exposures to organisms and chemicals in terms of biological effect. Finally, the finding of a significantly higher incidence of coronary disease in uniformed sanitationmen is surprising. An epidemiological study is necessary in an attempt to identify causative factors. The possibility of involvement of acute and/or chronic carbon monoxide exposure in the etiology of coronary diseases must be investigated. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:1:38-46_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Typhoid fever: Public health aspects Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Saslaw, M.S. Author-Name: Nitzkin, J.L. Author-Name: Feldman, R. Author-Name: Baine, W. Author-Name: Pfeiffer, K. Author-Name: Pearson, M. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 11 Pages: 1184-1191 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:11:1184-1191_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The Child Health Associate: The new image in the nursery Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Dungy, C.I. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 11 Pages: 1179-1183 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:11:1179-1183_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: With a positive goal in mind Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Myers, D.S. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 9 Pages: 957 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:9:957_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Smoking and cancer. A rebuttal Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Weiss, W. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 9 Pages: 954-955 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:9:954-955_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Fee for service insurance versus cost financing. Impact on mental health care systems Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Spiro, H.R. Author-Name: Crocetti, G.M. Author-Name: Siassi, I. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 139-143 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:2:139-143_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Children's mental health services in an inner city neighborhood. I. A 3 year epidemiological study Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Novack, A.H. Author-Name: Bromet, E. Author-Name: Neill, T.K. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 133-138 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:2:133-138_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The Health Maintenance Organization delivery system. A national study of attitudes of HMO project directors on HMO issues Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lum, D. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 11 Pages: 1192-1202 Abstract: The purpose of this research was to conduct an exploratory study on the attitudes of health maintenance organization project directors regarding HMO delivery issues. Speficic reference is made to the 86 HMO planning and development institutional grantees funded by DHEW. Hopefully, the results of this preliminary study may lead to the formulation of problems for more precise investigation or the development of hypotheses. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:11:1192-1202_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The wages of neglect: death and disease in the American workplace Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Miller, A. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 11 Pages: 1217-1220 Abstract: Black lung, only recently recognised in the US as an occupational disease in coal miners, has taken a toll of something like 200,000 lives in death and disablement. Other occupational diseases affect high proportions of the work force but only 10% of job related disorders are recorded by the government. A plea is made for more protection in the workplace and for adequate compensation for injured and disabled workers. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:11:1217-1220_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Dentistry in regional medical programs. Need for greater involvement Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Dummett, C.O. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 5 Pages: 465-468 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:5:465-468_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The Denver developmental screening test. A normative study Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Barnes, K.E. Author-Name: Stark, A. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 4 Pages: 363-369 Abstract: The developmental norms of preschoolers from an urban population, collected for the Denver Developmental Screening Test, were compared with norms of preschoolers from a rural and semirural population. Subjects consisted of 122 male and 104 female, caucasian preschoolers ranging in age from 2 wk to 6.4 yr. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:4:363-369_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Rural medical care. An experimental delivery system Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Reid, R.A. Author-Name: Eberle, B.J. Author-Name: Gonzales, L. Author-Name: Quenk, N.L. Author-Name: Oseasohn, R. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 266-271 Abstract: An experimental system was established to deliver medical care to families residing in a sparsely populated rural community. A family nurse practitioner located in a rural facility is linked to supervisory physicians at an urban location. Operational characteristics of the system components and the type of patients and medical problems for which care has been provided are presented. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:3:266-271_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Evaluation of emergency room triage performed by nurses Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Albin, S.L. Author-Name: Wassertheil Smoller, S. Author-Name: Jacobson, S. Author-Name: Bell, B. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1063-1068 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1063-1068_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The public health implications of urban dogs Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Beck, A.M. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 12 Pages: 1315-1318 Abstract: It is suggested that physicians give dog related zoonoses a higher index of suspicion, and include pet ownership or contact as part of the patient's history. It is also time for the social and legislative forces of society to respond humanely, but strictly, by exercising greater control over the size of the dog population, the dogs' freedom to roam, and their promiscuous defecation. The dog should not be considered a pest to expel from society. In fact, the controls necessary to safeguard the public would also benefit the canine population. Dogs that are under direct supervision or control are healthier, live longer, and appear to be better adjusted, perhaps because a pet's real social group includes its owner. The unsafe aspects of livestock and wildlife populations have been made known to those in contact with them. It is now time for urban dwellers as well to have a more balanced view of the man dog relationship so that man and dog can live together in health and peace. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:12:1315-1318_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Approaches to an epidemiology of health Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Terris, M. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1037-1045 Abstract: A new definition of health and its relation to disease and illness is presented, and various approaches to epidemiological studies of health are discussed. The expanded definition reflects a major change in epidemiological thinking and practice. As the infectious diseases declined in the industrialized countries, it became increasingly clear that the noninfectious diseases were the most important causes of illness, disability, and death. Epidemiologists began to shift their efforts in this direction, and the chronic diseases have become the dominant field of epidemiological research in these countries. The new definition, however, no longer suffices, for the scope of epidemiological investigation has broadened beyond its boundaries. For one thing, the definition does not include trauma which, as a result of war and more limited forms of assault, as well as accidents and suicidal attempts, accounts for a considerable part of morbidity and mortality. Epidemiological studies of trauma, particularly that due to accidents and suicide, have been carried out in increasing numbers during the past several decades and need to be included in the conceptual framework of modern epidemiology. The purpose of this paper is to attempt to clarify the concepts and interrelations of health, illness, and disease; to demonstrate that the epidemiology of health is not a luxury or a minor concern but rather an area of crucial significance to the majority of the world's population; and to indicate the variety of approaches that have been used in its scientific pursuit. Much more can and will be done in the scientific development of an epidemiology of health. A precondition, however, is the casting off of the narrow viewpoints and constricting traditions which hinder interest and activity in this field. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1037-1045_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Toward a national health policy: values in conflict Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Pickett, G. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 12 Pages: 1335-1338 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:12:1335-1338_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Factors affecting the amount of mercury in human scalp hair Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Yamaguchi, S. Author-Name: Matsumoto, H. Author-Name: Kaku, S. Author-Name: Tateishi, M. Author-Name: Shiramizu, M. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 5 Pages: 484-488 Abstract: Hair samples were collected from several socioeconomic and ethnic groups in Japan and from 2 groups (vegetarians vs nonvegetarians) in India. The samples were analyzed for the amount of total mercury and methylmercury. A large amount of mercury in the hair of molybdenum refinery workers who were exposed to mercury vapor was detected. However, the amount of methylmercury in them was almost in the normal range. This suggests that the abnormal amount of mercury found in hair samples can be attributed to the mercurial contamination to which they have been exposed. On the other hand, a large amount of mercury was detected in the hair of Minamata patients and the ratio of methylmercury to total mercury in hair samples from this group was significantly larger than that in mercury workers who had heavy mercury exposure. This is evidence that the Minamata patients absorbed methylmercury by the gastrointestinal route through the ingestion of fish. It is suggested in this report that the amount of fish consumed significantly influences the mercury content in scalp hair, particularly the methylmercury content. Consequently, the actual or potential health hazards, particularly from a low level of alkylmercury contained in marine products caught in a natural environment, urgently require further study. The importance of determining the ratio of methylmercury to the total mercury in biological specimens for an assessment of mercury absorption is also emphasized. This means that the significance of the amount of mercury in hair specimens should not be evaluated merely by the total amount of mercury; determination of the ratio of methylmercury to total mercury is necessary. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:5:484-488_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Public health: alien ethic in a strange land? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Beauchamp, D.E. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 12 Pages: 1338-1339 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:12:1338-1339_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Making health education work Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Simmons, J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Abstract: This article assembles ideas, experience and advice drawn from over 100 health education programs. Seventeen of them were examined in fine detail at 3 regional workshops. The major issues arising out of these studies were then further reviewed by top experts in health related fields, who added their own experience and interpretation at the National Conference on Consumer Health Education in October, 1974. Publication of the work of this Project has a double purpose: to help those already busy carrying out health education programs, and to help the many others who, in the inevitable course of health care progress, will soon become involved with health education, administering it, paying for it, or using it. The material presented was developed over the past 3 yr under the guidance of a General Advisory Committee, whose members were appointed by the Health Education Section of the American Public Health Association and the Society for Public Health Education. The committee became involved in this effort as a response to a request asking how a particular drug company could best contribute to the health education of low income and minority consumers. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Trends in alcohol consumption and associated illnesses. Some effects of economic changes Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Brenner, M.H. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 12 Pages: 1279-1292 Abstract: The relation of short and long term trends in alcohol consumption to cirrhosis mortality and to fluctuations in the national economy is discussed. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:12:1279-1292_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The tuberculous patient in the Central Harlem Health District of New York City Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mushlin, I. Author-Name: Collins, J.G. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 9 Pages: 959-966 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:9:959-966_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The 10 year health plan for the Americas: Introduction: an updated self help perspective on our international activities Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Blum, H.L. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1046-1047 Abstract: The term "health planning" is defined as the attempt to determine the health needs and wants of a population and to design and implement the means of meeting them. The tragedy of Latin American health planning has been that the wisdom of their approach, which seeks to concern health consumers first rather than cater to the avarice of health producers as is done in the U.S., has not been matchable by the level of technological and political sophistication needed to bring it off. Thus, whenever a Latin American country sought unilateral assistan ce, their own farsighted goals of health for their people have often bee n forced into a secondary place by guidance from shortsighted but technically proficient spokesmen of ultrasophisticated medical care. A huge portion of all health dollars currently serve a small portion of the populace in many countries assisted by the U.S. American health professionals would be well advised to participate actively in the studies and deliberations of Latin American planners, whose wisdom has been ignored for too long. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1046-1047_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Politics and personality in medicine. Genesis of an indigent clinic Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Johnson, T.M. Author-Name: Stein, G.H. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 253-259 Abstract: Through a case study of a facility for the medical care of indigent patients, the interpenetration of politics, personality, and medicine is revealed. The nature of community health problems is examined from both medical and political perspectives. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:3:253-259_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Professional judgment and the use of auxiliaries Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Barish, N.H. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 9 Pages: 972-975 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:9:972-975_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Ideology, medical technology, and health care organization in modern nations Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mechanic, D. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 241-247 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:3:241-247_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The value of routine screening for intestinal parasites Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Eveland, L.K. Author-Name: Kenney, M. Author-Name: Yermakov, V. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 12 Pages: 1326-1327 Abstract: The most important conclusion that can be drawn from the high percentage of parasitic infections in patients not suspected of harboring parasites is that good clinical criteria for requesting stool examination for parasitic information are not always available. This study suggests the usefulness of routine stool examinations for screening unsuspected parasitosis in selected urban populations with high rate of infection and poor hygienic standards, even outside tropical endemic areas. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:12:1326-1327_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Drug abuse knowledge and attitudes in 'Middle America' Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: McKee, M.R. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 6 Pages: 584-591 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:6:584-591_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Fertility and family planning among white teenagers in metropolitan Atlanta Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Grimes, D.A. Author-Name: Romm, F.J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 7 Pages: 700-707 Abstract: Family planning services available to teenagers in the Atlanta metropolitan area are described, and fertility patterns among white teenagers are examined. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:7:700-707_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health hazard surveillance by industrial workers Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wegman, D.H. Author-Name: Boden, L. Author-Name: Levenstein, C. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 26-30 Abstract: Urban Planning Aid Inc. set up an Occupational Health and Safety Project to train industrial workers in the detection, reporting and correction of health hazards in the working environment. The goals, development and organization of the project are described, with several examples of successful detection of such hazards by workers, and their subsequent correction. Workers often believe themselves to be incompetent to deal with these problems: it was shown that minimal outside support, arranged in conjunction with the unions, changed this situation. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:1:26-30_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health manpower dialectic: physician, nurse, physician assistant Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Weiler, P.G. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 8 Pages: 858-863 Abstract: The professional development of physicians, nurses, and physician assistants is examined within the conceptual framework of the dialectic. Some of the problems in health manpower may be generated by the dialectic and can be alleviated by an understanding of the process. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:8:858-863_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Program planning, evaluation, and the problem of alcoholism Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Selig, A.L. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 72-75 Abstract: Rational program planning and is a is necessary skill. A conceptual framework for planning and evaluation is presented and discussed, using the example of preventing alcoholism and providing services and rehabilitation for alcoholics. A case study is presented similar to that used by many professionals in their efforts to plan programs. Some of the marked limitations of the case study are pointed out. (20 references.) Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:1:72-75_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Public certification of need for health facilities Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Correia, E. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 260-265 Abstract: The nature of certificate of need regulation, the possible ways such regulation can reduce health care costs, and the likely problems that state governments will face in practical implementation of the regulation are discussed. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:3:260-265_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A podiatric health screening in Harlem Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosenstein, D.I. Author-Name: Baerg, R. Author-Name: Gastwirth, G. Author-Name: Fox, J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 6 Pages: 634-635 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:6:634-635_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Experience with a rubella proficiency testing program in New York State, 1971-1974 Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Deibel, R. Author-Name: Clarke, L.M. Author-Name: Millian, S.J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 78-80 Abstract: Demonstration of rubella antibody has become, in recent years, one of the tests most frequently requested of virus diagnostic laboratories. The hemagglutination inhibition (HI) technique described in 1967 by Stewart et al is sensitive, reproducible, convenient, and economic and commercial availability of diagnostic kits enables laboratories to offer this test without costly facilities for maintenance of cell cultures, preparation of antigen, etc. Recognizing the need for a standardized procedure for the rubella HI test, the United States Public Health Service appointed a committee to evaluate the reproducibility and sensitivity of the various procedures in current use. A report published in 1970 recommended that nonspecific inhibitors be removed by the use of manganese chloride and heparin or, as an 'acceptable alternative' by the calcium chloride dextran sulfate method. Fresh red blood cells from 1 to 3 day old unfed chicks or from geese were chosen as the erythrocytes for the test. In 1971, however, most laboratories in New York State did not follow this procedure, which has not been mandated by federal or state laws or regulations. The majority used the kaolin method for removal of inhibitors; only a few laboratories used the specified erythrocytes. This paper describes the implementation of the New York State rubella proficiency testing program and the experience gained during the first 4 yr of its operation. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:1:78-80_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Profiles of physicians trained in schools of public health Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Padilla, E. Author-Name: Goldston, S.E. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 8 Pages: 828-830 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:8:828-830_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The New Orleans drinking water controversy: a statistical perspective Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: DeRouen, T.A. Author-Name: Diem, J.E. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1060-1062 Abstract: Recently, reports released by the US Environmental Defense Fund and the Environmental Protection Agency regarding the presence of carcinogens in the New Orleans drinking water have created both controversy and fear in New Orleans. In this note, the Environmental Defense Fund's report is reviewed from a statistical perspective. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1060-1062_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Planning health care delivery systems Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Baum, M.A. Author-Name: Bergwall, D.F. Author-Name: Reeves, P.N. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 272-279 Abstract: The increasing concern and interest in the health delivery system in the United States has placed the health system planners in a difficult position. They are inadequately prepared, in many cases, to deal with the management techniques that have been designed for use with system problems. This situation has been compounded by the failure, until recently, of educational programs to train new health professionals in these techniques. Computer simulation is a technique that allows the planners dynamic feedback on their proposed plans. This same technique provides the planning student with a better understanding of the systems planning process. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:3:272-279_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The poverty of affluence Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kerr, L.E. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 17-20 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:1:17-20_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Strong resolve and a change of pace made the difference Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Morse, C.D. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 9 Pages: 956-957 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:9:956-957_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Issues of health policy: local government and the public's health Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Miller, C.A. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 12 Pages: 1330-1335 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:12:1330-1335_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Demand versus need for medical services in a general cost benefit setting Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Schaefer, M.E. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 293-295 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:3:293-295_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Who should administer school nursing services? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Humes Jr., C.W. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 4 Pages: 394-396 Abstract: Administration and supervision of the school nursing program should come from health services. This means first, that the preferred jurisdiction emanates from the board of health and, secondly, that the actual management and supervision of school nursing practice falls to someone from the health community, i.e., a supervising school nurse or a school physician. In such an arrangement there will tend to be less domination by educational managers, specifically, school principals. While it would be naive to assume that the school principal will ever cease to be a major factor in the determination of the school nursing role, the opportunities for intervention and direction will be considerably less in the proposed administrative arrangement. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:4:394-396_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Influence of a folk superstition on fertility of Japanese in California and Hawaii, 1966 Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kaku, K. Author-Name: Matsumoto, Y.S. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 170-174 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:2:170-174_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Family focus Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Shepard, K.F. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 63-65 Abstract: Family Focus, an education service research program, was designed to provide a transitional health care experience for patients in an acute care hospital. An on site 'home' is the primary setting for this program with major emphasis directed toward teaching patients and their families to understand and assume appropriate rehabilitative and preventive health care measures relative to their own unique needs and life styles. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:1:63-65_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Abatement of toxic levels of carbon monoxide in Seattle ice skating rinks Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Johnson, C.J. Author-Name: Moran, J.C. Author-Name: Paine, S.C. Author-Name: Anderson, H.W. Author-Name: Breysse, P.A. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1087-1090 Abstract: Excessive levels of carbon monoxide were found in ice skating arenas where ice resurfacing machines were used. Efforts to overcome the problem are described. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1087-1090_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Intrauterine device retention. A study of selected social psychological aspects Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Morehead, J.E. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 7 Pages: 720-730 Abstract: A retrospective survey of IUD acceptors at the Central Clinic of Family Health, New Orleans, suggests the presence of sociopsychological factors which are associated with early discontinuation. Program implications note the finding that the early discontinuer is a particularly 'costly' patient. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:7:720-730_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Podiatric medicine. A new threshold in health manpower Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gorecki, G.A. Author-Name: Brzyski, T.P. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 11 Pages: 1212-1216 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:11:1212-1216_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The 10 year health plan for the Americas Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Horwitz, A. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1057-1059 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1057-1059_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Radiological practice in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Trends from 1964 to 1970 Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sawada, S. Author-Name: Fujita, S. Author-Name: Russell, W.J. Author-Name: Takeshita, K. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 6 Pages: 622-633 Abstract: Use of medical X ray in Hiroshima and Nagasaki from 1964 to 1970 was assessed according to numbers of films consumed, and the radiographic, fluoroscopic, and photofluorographic examinations performed. Except for chest photofluorography, a steady increase in the use of medical X ray since World War II is demonstrated. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:6:622-633_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Women in family planning Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bradshaw, B.R. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 11 Pages: 1239-1242 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:11:1239-1242_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A critique of some current approaches to the problem of drug abuse Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Louria, D.B. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 6 Pages: 581-583 Abstract: There is at present a growing realization that the rehabilitation of a committed drug user is difficult even if the user is well motivated, and it almost always fails if the user is not motivated. These therapeutic realities have resulted in a growing insistence on preventive education efforts both within the schools and in the community. The demands for preventive education have been accompanied by an increasing focus on methods of apprehending and punishing the pushers. In this brief review, the author comments on some of the current approaches. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:6:581-583_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A public health approach to suicide prevention Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Oast III, S.P. Author-Name: Zitrin, A. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 144-147 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:2:144-147_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Consumer responsibility in a prepaid group health plan Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Harrelson, E.F. Author-Name: Donovan, K.M. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1077-1086 Abstract: The experiences of a consumer group in attempting to achieve meaningful participation in a prepaid group health plan are described. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1077-1086_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Problem solving for common goals in two types of community agencies Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Li Wang, V. Author-Name: Fonaroff, A. Author-Name: Dawson, J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 8 Pages: 809-818 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:8:809-818_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Contamination of soil in two city parks with canine nematode ova including Toxocara canis: a preliminary study Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Dubin, S. Author-Name: Segall, S. Author-Name: Martindale, J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 11 Pages: 1242-1245 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:11:1242-1245_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: National health services and family planning. Thailand, a case study Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hemachudha, C. Author-Name: Rosenfield, A.G. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 8 Pages: 864-871 Abstract: In this paper, experience in Thailand is related, in which the basic family planning program was organized, planned, and implemented primarily through the rural health and hospital services of the Ministry of Public Health. While not necessarily a model for other countries, the approach seems to have been an appropriate one for Thailand. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:8:864-871_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A comparison of the health of index and subsequent babies born to school age mothers Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jekel, J.F. Author-Name: Harrison, J.T. Author-Name: Bancroft, D.R.E. Author-Name: Tyler, N.C. Author-Name: Klerman, L.V. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 4 Pages: 370-374 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:4:370-374_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Drug treatment programs in Pennsylvania. A statewide evaluation Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Ball, J.C. Author-Name: Graff, H. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 6 Pages: 592-598 Abstract: This article describes a survey of all drug treatment programs in Pennsylvania which was conducted to determine the prevalence of drug abuse in the state, the adequacy of treatment in various geographic areas, and the types of treatment available. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:6:592-598_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Quality. Medical care's answer to Madison Avenue Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Helt, E.H. Author-Name: Pelikan, J.A. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 284-290 Abstract: This essay criticizes existing approaches to medical care quality as unrealistic in their political and economic assumptions and for being hopelessly biased toward abstract professional categories rather than health as a basic human condition. Proposed is a new set of premises which would yield a health system oriented toward a more meaningful concept of quality. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:3:284-290_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A new development in the provision of comprehensive medical care in Australia. A description of the Southern Memorial Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Garb, L.G. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 280-283 Abstract: An example is presented of a government sponsored hospital in Australia working in cooperation with private general practitioners to provide them access to the total hospital facilities and to develop a health center that provides paramedical services not previously available in the community. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:3:280-283_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Neighborhood health center experience. Implications for project grants Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Merten, W. Author-Name: Nothman, S. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 248-252 Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to trace the development of the Neighborhood Health Center Program supported under section 314(e) of the US Public Health Service Act, as amended, and to extract from this project grant experience some implications for the best future use of federal health services project grant funds. These implications were drawn in the context of emerging federal and private sector initiatives in the areas of financing, organization, and delivery of health services, such as health maintenance organizations and national health insurance. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:3:248-252_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: Policy alternatives for alcohol control. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Vladeck, B.C. Author-Name: Weiss, R.J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 12 Pages: 1340-1342 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:12:1340-1342_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A comparison of program and contraceptive use continuation rates in a family planning clinic Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Romm, F.J. Author-Name: Armstrong, P.S. Author-Name: Prior, A.P. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 7 Pages: 693-699 Abstract: Two indicators of the effectiveness of a family planning program, that is contraceptive use continuation and program continuation, are examined and compared. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:7:693-699_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Screening yield in an urban low income practice Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Coulehan, J.L. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 5 Pages: 474-479 Abstract: A battery of screening tests was given to persons in an urban low income neighbourhood. Untreated disease requiring treatment was discovered in 18% of the persons tested. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:5:474-479_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Social factors and neurotic symptoms in family practice Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hesbacher, P.T. Author-Name: Rickels, K. Author-Name: Goldberg, D. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 148-155 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:2:148-155_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: New York City infant day care study Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosenbluth, L. Author-Name: Golden, M. Author-Name: O'Hare, D. Author-Name: McMurray, G. Author-Name: Freeman Jr., H. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 11 Pages: 1175-1178 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:11:1175-1178_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Organizational structure in hospital and community. A suggested relationship to clinic continuance Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Greer, C.D. Author-Name: Cole, S.G. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 7 Pages: 714-719 Abstract: In an endeavor to clarify the factors in the individual, the environmental situation, and the clinic program that affect client participation in public family planning programs, comparisons were made of selected attitudes and knowledge of women who attended a community based clinic with women who attended a hospital based clinic. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:7:714-719_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Assessing ambulatory medical care utilization patterns in the community: a brief questionnaire survey of young families Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gordon, D.W. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 177-179 Abstract: The purpose of this study was to ascertain the usual sources of ambulatory medical care for married couples and their young children living in an area serviced by a satellite medical clinic. The information on medical care and utilization patterns, used in conjunction with existing census data, would enable consideration of the feasibility of providing additional satellite medical clinic services in the community. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:2:177-179_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The environment of one world Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Turner, A.G. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 5 Pages: 523-524 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:5:523-524_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Predicting contraceptive use in postabortion patients Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Selstad, G.M. Author-Name: Evans, J.R. Author-Name: Welcher, W.H. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 7 Pages: 708-713 Abstract: The authors of this study feel that if the person who is unlikely to use contraception can be identified prior to her abortion, the teaching methods, counseling, and prescribing for these patients might be substantially modified to meet this challenge. This study deals with this identification and briefly discusses some suggested interventions with persons identified as probably poor contraceptive users after an abortion. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:7:708-713_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Shifting age parity distribution of births and the decrease in infant mortality Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Morris, N.M. Author-Name: Udry, J.R. Author-Name: Chase, C.L. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 4 Pages: 359-362 Abstract: Possible causes for a decline in the infant mortality rate in the USA during the late 1960s are proposed and examined statistically. 27% of the decline for 1965 to 1972 is attributable solely to shifts in age of mother and birth order of infant. Individual 'family planning' has thus made a greater contribution to the reduction of infant mortality than has been previously realized. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:4:359-362_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The development of a community health orientation scale Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Murphy, M.J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 12 Pages: 1293-1297 Abstract: A scale was developed for the purpose of understanding common community health concepts as they relate to health care settings and practices; it was found to be reasonably reliable and valid, with a variety of potential uses. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:12:1293-1297_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Factors promoting success in infant education Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gutelius, M.F. Author-Name: Kirsch, A.D. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 4 Pages: 384-387 Abstract: Frequent personal contacts and close friendly relations between staff and mothers in an infant stimulation program resulted in significantly more favorable IQ scores in comparison with those in a group of mothers given less attention and support. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:4:384-387_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Objective criteria for evaluating occupational health programs Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Webb Jr., S.B. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 31-37 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:1:31-37_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health and hygiene aspects of spray irrigation Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sorber, C.A. Author-Name: Guter, K.J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 47-52 Abstract: Land disposal of domestic wastewater has been practiced on a large scale in Europe for several decades, mainly for the purpose of irrigating crops or pasture. Recently, however, spray irrigation, one form of land disposal, has taken on new dimensions as it is considered a means of disposal of wastewaters which heretofore have been discharged directly to streams or lakes. The paper is a review of the health and hygiene aspects of wastewater treatment or wastewater reclamation by spray irrigation. Although the discussion is limited to spray irrigation because of its current popularity among communities and sanitary engineers, many of the basic principles are applicable to the other methods of land disposal such as surface flooding and ridge and furrow irrigation. The following conclusions relative to the health and hygiene effects of spray irrigation land disposal of wastewater can be drawn: Many of the detrimental health and hygiene aspects of land disposal should be significantly reduced by proper wastewater pretreatment including secondary treatment, filtration, and complete disinfection. By choosing a land disposal site that has from 5 to 10 ft of continuous fine soil, biological contamination of ground water can be avoided. The probability of inhaling pathogenic aerosols near a spray irrigation site may be significant. If ponding results in spray irrigation areas, mosquito breeding is enhanced. In areas where land disposal is the first step in a water recycle program, total dissolved solids, sodium, and nitrate nitrogen buildup in the ground water supply can be a problem. (44 references.) Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:1:47-52_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The growing epidemic. A survey of smoking habits and attitudes toward smoking among students in grades 7 through 12 in Toledo and Lucas County (Ohio) public schools: 1964 and 1971 Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kelson, S.R. Author-Name: Pullella, J.L. Author-Name: Otterland, A. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 9 Pages: 923-938 Abstract: The increased smoking among boys and particularly girls, in a recent 7 year period, is of epidemic proportions. In combating this trend, the precepts and examples of key adults, especially parents, teachers, and physicians, are stressed, as well as the important role of the children's peers. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:9:923-938_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Venereal disease: Interviewing and teaching by computer Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: van Cura, L.J. Author-Name: Jensen, N.M. Author-Name: Greist, J.H. Author-Name: Lewis, W.R. Author-Name: Frey, S.R. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 11 Pages: 1159-1164 Abstract: The results of an interactive computer program, developed to teach people about VD and to obtain medical histories for diagnosis and treatment, are evaluated. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:11:1159-1164_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Two years' experience of an outpatient vasectomy service Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sobrero, A.J. Author-Name: Kohli, K.L. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1091-1094 Abstract: Two years' experience of an outpatient vasectomy service in a family planning center is summarized and patients' responses to a postoperative questionnaire are reported. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1091-1094_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: HMOs and health education Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Shapiro, I.S. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 5 Pages: 469-473 Abstract: Health maintenance organizations (HMOs), by their stated purpose and nature, have a necessary and central involvement with health education. The specific characteristics of any HMO determine the extend and quality of health education. An HMO has the responsibility to identify its educational objectives, as well as the educational components of any of its other objectives. The more professional the educational guidance, the better it is integrated into the organization, and the greater its financial and administrative support, the more likely will be the success in achieving objectives. Every HMO has the need and potential for a health education effort. The extent and quality of that effort will reflect the mix of administrative philosophy, organizational characteristics, the degree to which professional educators are involved, and the amount and stability of financial support. (22 references.) Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:5:469-473_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health care of children and youth in America Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Miller, C.A. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 4 Pages: 353-358 Abstract: A proposal for a National Health Service for Mothers and Children and other recommendations for reforms in health care for children are presented. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:4:353-358_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: 'Legalese' on maternity benefits. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Stiller, J.A. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 12 Pages: 1344-1345 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:12:1344-1345_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Planning of external assistance to the countries: the quadrennial projections Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Barrenechea, J.J. Author-Name: Williams Jr., C.L. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1050-1051 Abstract: During the last few years the programming of assistance given by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and World Health Organization (WHO) to the countries in the Americas has been closely linked to the health planning process. This relationship has developed through joint use by the Ministries of Health and PAHO of a medium term approach to planning called the ''Quadrennial Projections System''. Essentially a somewhat simplified planning process that utilizes data known to be readily available in all of the countries, this procedure has been employed for the last few years by PAHO and the Ministries of Health for the joint planning of external aid to the countries, with special references to PAHO/WHO. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1050-1051_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Career escalation training. Five year follow up Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sainer, E.A. Author-Name: Ruiz, P. Author-Name: Wilder, J.F. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 11 Pages: 1208-1211 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:11:1208-1211_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Safety belt use in atuomobiles with starter interlock and buzzer light reminder systems Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Robertson, L.S. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 12 Pages: 1319-1325 Abstract: Data from visual observation of use or nonuse of safety belts by drivers are used to compare the effectiveness of buzzer light and starter interlock reminder systems in automobiles. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:12:1319-1325_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Effectiveness and efficiency of indigenous health aides in a pediatric outpatient department Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wingert, W.A. Author-Name: Grubbs, J. Author-Name: Lenoski, E.F. Author-Name: Friedman, D.B. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 8 Pages: 849-857 Abstract: The effectiveness of indigenous health aides in providing health care supervision and coordination for indigent families was assessed and compared with that of public health nurses. From this study, it appears that the ability to speak the colloquial language appeared to be no advantage in improving the compliance rate of or communication with disadvantaged families. Professional insights, sophistication, and skills, if delivered with empathy, remain important assets for effective functioning in the psychosocial area. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:8:849-857_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Evolution of public health and preventive medicine in the United States Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Terris, M. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 161-169 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:2:161-169_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health manpower distribution in Pennsylvania Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Tokuhata, G.K. Author-Name: Newman, P. Author-Name: Digon, E. Author-Name: Mann, L.A. Author-Name: HArtman, T. Author-Name: Ramaswamy, K. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 8 Pages: 837-848 Abstract: The distribution of physicians and other licensed health personnel in the state of Pennsylvania is analyzed with regard to adequacy of personnel supply for the population served. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:8:837-848_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Carbon monoxide in school buses Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Johnson, C.J. Author-Name: Moran, J. Author-Name: Pekich, R. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 12 Pages: 1327-1329 Abstract: Following an incident in which eight children became ill from carbon monoxide in a school bus, an investigation was made of CO levels in school buses in the Seattle area. The procedure selected for the evaluation was to test a large number of buses at a nearby ski resort. On the day selected for the sampling over 200 buses arrived, bringing school children from a number of school districts in the Seattle area for skiing lessons. As they arrived, 33 buses were checked immediately to determine in transit levels of CO. Four of the 33 buses had CO levels in excess of Environmental Protection Agency maximum allowable concentrations for an 8 hr exposure. As the buses sat idling in the parking lot, 65 of them were tested, during the lunch hour when the students returned to the buses to have their lunch and to rest. Two buses had nearly 3 times the concentration of CO permitted by the EPA for a 1 hr exposure. A total of seven buses (10 per cent) had concentrations of CO not permitted by the EPA for more than a 1 hr period. Altogether there were 24 buses (36 per cent) that had levels of CO in excess of EPA standards for an 8 hr exposure. As a result of these determinations and other observations a number of recommendations were made to reduce the hazard of exposure to carbon monoxide in school buses. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:12:1327-1329_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Quality assessment of restorations in a population of school children Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bagramian, R.A. Author-Name: Jenny, J. Author-Name: Woodbury, P.J. Author-Name: Proshek, J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 4 Pages: 397-400 Abstract: An index to measure quality of dental restorative care was devised and utilized on a population of 838 Caucasian school children in a large midwestern city. Quality was measured using a 4 point scale. All restorations present were considered as part of the entire mouth. Quality was tested in relation to socioeconomic status. Based on this index the problem of poor quality dental restorations is significant and not necessarily related to socioeconomic status as represented by income or education. Evidence of high quality dentistry as evidenced by stainless steel crowns, space maintainers, and orthodontic appliances was limited to children whose families reported incomes over $6,000. Further use of this quality index is recommended to improve and refine measurements in the area of dental care. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:4:397-400_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The professional public health worker. Educational and demographic profiles Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Goldston, S.E. Author-Name: Padilla, E. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 8 Pages: 831-836 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:8:831-836_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Pets in today's society Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hummer, R.L. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1095-1098 Abstract: The present pet population explosion is an important public health problem and is becoming potentially more serious each year in terms of injuries from animal bites, transmission of disease from stray and unwanted animals, and other health hazards. The American Humane Association's position on pets in today's society is presented. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1095-1098_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Evaluation of a school health program directed to children with history of high absence. A focus for nursing intervention Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Long, G.V. Author-Name: Whitman, C. Author-Name: Johansson, M.S. Author-Name: Williams, C.A. Author-Name: Tuthill, R.W. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 4 Pages: 388-393 Abstract: In recent years nursing personnel associated with a County Health Department have become involved in efforts to assess the effectiveness of their services, with particular emphasis on determining the benefits to the populations they serve. The present study was developed in response to questions concerning whether the skills of professional nurses were being utilized to best advantage within the school system. It was decided that identification of children with a past record of high absence would be a reasonable way of defining a group of children with a high risk of future episodes of illness and possibly a high prevalence of basic health problems. Since it was anticipated that children so defined could benefit from nursing service, it was concluded that high absence children constituted an appropriate risk group to which nursing services could be profitably directed. This group was therefore selected for the pilot program. The major objectives of the study were to consider the utility of directing nursing services to a defined risk group and to document the results of the experience in terms of patient outcomes, specifically, change in absence experience. The basic working hypothesis was that focused nursing attention would be positively associated with a reduction in days absent. From the perspective of the service agency some of the concomitant benefits from the study are: the methodology, using absence as an indicator, suggests a practical approach to identification of a high risk population; the school health program can be planned to further explore emphasis on prevention through selected priorities rather than continuing to be crisis oriented; and efforts can be directed toward development of improved documentation of nursing intervention not only to provide an improved data base for evaluation but also to meet the current demand for accountability. In addition to providing a meaningful experience in program evaluation for nursing staff within the health department, participation in the study promoted more effective communication between the school system and the health department which share joint responsibility for the school health program. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:4:388-393_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Some trends in schools of public health Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Matthews, M.R. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 291-292 Abstract: Some of the recent changes in the schools of public health include: an increasing number of schools and of graduates; a decrease in both the awarding of the MPH degree as compared with other masters degrees, and the DrPH degree as compared with the PhD; a trend toward lengthening the time for achieving the MPH degree; an increase in part time study for graduate degrees; institution of undergraduate programs and external masters degree programs; a thrust toward greater continuing education activities; and a broadened base for the student population in terms of the heterogeneity of professional backgrounds and prior experience, a wider age range with more younger students, more women students, fewer foreign students, and an increase in minority representation. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:3:291-292_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A study of reported therapeutic abortions in North Carolina Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Howell, E.M. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 5 Pages: 480-483 Abstract: An analysis is presented of abortion statistics in North Carolina before and after reporting of therapeutic abortions became mandatory. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:5:480-483_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A bookshelf on radiological health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wilms, H.G. Author-Name: Moss, C.E. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 11 Pages: 1231-1237 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:11:1231-1237_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorials: Fact and fancy about drinking water. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Stewart, W.H. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1111 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1111_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Read the lobbying report. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lowry, P.L. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1115 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1115_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: Immunization and health education. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Yankauer, A. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1111-1112 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1111-1112_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letters to the editor: Barnes queried. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Thorpe, H.S. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1112-1113 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1112-1113_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Seiden queried. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hickey, J.L. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1114-1115 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1114-1115_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Management problem persists. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Finley, M.C. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1115 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1115_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: On infant mortality. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gray, R.H. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1113-1114 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:10:1113-1114_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The case of the consumptive conductor, or public health on a streetcar: A. centennial tribute to Alfred F. Hess, MD. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosen, G. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 9 Pages: 977-978 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:9:977-978_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: On BCG controversy. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Oatway Jr., W.H. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 9 Pages: 980-981 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:9:980-981_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Heroin "epidemic"? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gould, L.C. Author-Name: Thompson, W.D. Author-Name: Berberian, R.M. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 9 Pages: 981-983 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:9:981-983_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: Cigarette smoking and public policy. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Friedman, K.M. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 9 Pages: 979-980 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:9:979-980_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: On immunization record keeping. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Fraikor, A.L. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 9 Pages: 983-984 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:9:983-984_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: Human resources for health: whither are we going? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Romani, J.H. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 8 Pages: 879 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:8:879_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Comprehensive health benefits and women's rights: a loss for "equal protection". Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 8 Pages: 875-876 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:8:875-876_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Call for quantitative standards. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: McNutt, D.R. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 8 Pages: 879-880 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:8:879-880_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: Purpose and promise. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Yankauer, A. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 8 Pages: 877-878 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:8:877-878_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: On "the right to choose abortion", an editorial. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mahoney, M.J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 7 Pages: 748 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:7:748_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: On abortion and neonatal mortality. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mahoney, M.J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 7 Pages: 747-748 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:7:747-748_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: On training public health personnel. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Prendergast Jr., T.J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 7 Pages: 748-749 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:7:748-749_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Abortion and the public good. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Pogonowska, M. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 7 Pages: 748 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:7:748_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Women and health bookshelf. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sprague, J.B. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 7 Pages: 741-746 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:7:741-746_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: In the medical services marketplace. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Solomon, H.S. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 6 Pages: 647 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:6:647_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: From frontier surgeon to industrial hygienist: the strange career of George M. Kober. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosen, G. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 6 Pages: 638-643 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:6:638-643_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Occupational health and safety. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Goldsmith, F. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 6 Pages: 647-648 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:6:647-648_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letters to the editor: On an epidemiologic view of drug abuse. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Morton, F.L. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 6 Pages: 646-647 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:6:646-647_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: The nation's economic paroxysm and human health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Chaiken, B. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 306 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:3:306_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Contributing to nursing knowledge. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Zaweckis, G. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 5 Pages: 527 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:5:527_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Barriers to health education training. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gutman, R.E. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 309-310 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:3:309-310_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letters to the editor: Will health services take the rap for inflation? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosenblum, M. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 5 Pages: 525-526 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:5:525-526_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: On development operations in mental health delivery systems. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Webb, L.J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 5 Pages: 526 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:5:526_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: Alcohol abuse and the role of the local health department. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Routh, F.M. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 306-307 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:3:306-307_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: BCG vaccination article challenged. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosenthal, S.R. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 307-309 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:3:307-309_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Medical care for urban workers and the poor: two 19th century programs. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosen, G. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 299-303 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:3:299-303_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A bookshelf on occupational health and safety. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Carnow, B.W. Author-Name: Miller, A.L. Author-Name: Boulos, B.M. Author-Name: Lebovitis, B.Z. Author-Name: Roumain, J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 5 Pages: 503-520 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:5:503-520_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Public warnings of the risk in oral polio vaccine. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 5 Pages: 501-502 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:5:501-502_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Foresight vs. 20/20 hindsight. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Morgan, M.T. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 4 Pages: 411 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:4:411_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letters to the editors: Alaskan community health aides. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Craig, M.E. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 4 Pages: 411 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:4:411_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Modern roles of APHA in housing. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Senn, C.L. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 4 Pages: 408-409 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:4:408-409_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: Mother and child and all of us. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wegman, M.E. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 4 Pages: 410 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:4:410_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Physicians and the pressures of industrialization. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Brooks, D.H. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 182-183 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:2:182-183_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Injury: intent and change. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Dietz, P.E. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 184-185 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:2:184-185_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Venereal disease detention and treatment: prostitution and civil rights. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 180-181 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:2:180-181_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Mind and body politic. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lieberman, E.J. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 183-184 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:2:183-184_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Social problems and injury. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Baker, S.P. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 184 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:2:184_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Integrating operations research and economics. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kaplan, O.B. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 185 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:2:185_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Are some public health problems more equal than others? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kelley, A.B. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 182 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:2:182_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Upside-down the organization. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Pickett, G. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 82-83 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:1:82-83_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Serum parameters in hard and soft water communities. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Briggs, M.H. Author-Name: Garcia-Webb, P. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 84-85 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:1:84-85_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: Health and work. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Howe, H.F. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 82 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:1:82_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The role of house dust in human DDT pollution Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Davies, J.E. Author-Name: Edmundson, W.F. Author-Name: Raffonelli, A. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 53-57 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:1:53-57_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Post-mumps screening. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Anand, J.K. Year: 1975 Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 84 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1975:65:1:84_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Public health education and training. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mesa, O. Author-Name: Forbes, J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: S1 Pages: 1122 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:S1:1122_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Directions for statutory change. The physician extender Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Barkin, R.M. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 12 Pages: 1132-1137 Abstract: The present status of licensure and legitimation of physician extenders is described and the effects of various legislative approaches are assessed. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:12:1132-1137_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The epidemiology of drug abuse. Foreword. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Greene, M.H. Author-Name: DuPont, R.L. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: S1 Pages: iii-v Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:S1:iii-v_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letters to the editor: The seat belt debate. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Edsall, G. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 12 Pages: 1122 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:12:1122_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Attitudes and perceptions of health service providers. Implications for implementation and delivery of community health services Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gentry, J.T. Author-Name: Veney, J.E. Author-Name: Kaluzny, A.D. Author-Name: Sprague, J.B. Author-Name: Coulter, E.J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 12 Pages: 1123-1131 Abstract: The attitudes of health service providers toward community health services and their influence on the implementation of service programs by hospitals and health departments are examined. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:12:1123-1131_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An epidemiologic assessment on heroin use Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Greene, M.H. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: S1 Pages: 1-10 Abstract: The validity and utility of the epidemiologic approach to studying heroin use are examined in detail, with particular emphasis on the analogy between heroin use and communicable disease. The rationale for designating heroin use an epidemic phenomenon, the role of the psychosocial model of addiction, and new drug abuse surveillance and intervention techniques are discussed. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:S1:1-10_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Self care requirements, self care capabilities, and nursing systems in the diabetic nurse management clinic Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Backscheider, J.E. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 12 Pages: 1138-1146 Abstract: Assessment of patient capacities in relation to health care requirements of a diabetic therapeutic regime establishes the need for initiating a system of nursing assistance and identifying the type of nursing system required. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:12:1138-1146_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: How permanent was Vietnam drug addiction? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Robins, L.N. Author-Name: Davis, D.H. Author-Name: Nurco, D.N. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: S1 Pages: 38-43 Abstract: In 1971, drug use by U.S. servicemen in Vietnam had, by all estimates, reached epidemic proportions. A follow up study of returning Army enlisted men was carried out in order to facilitate planning of programs for these soldiers and to gain insight concerning the natural history of drug use and abuse, when drugs are readily available to young men from all types of social backgrounds. Findings on the permanence of Vietnam drug addiction are presented. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:S1:38-43_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Developing objectives in community mental health planning Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bachrach, L.L. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 12 Pages: 1162-1163 Abstract: When several administratively independent agencies are to be involved in the development of a community mental health plan, a number of interagency communications difficulties may potentially arise. An effective mental health plan which expresses and endeavors to implement the aims of several organizations must have a foundation which represents the consensus of all of the participating units. At the same time, it must have enough flexibility to allow for the different populations served by, and the various aims, needs, and resources of, the separate organizations. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a conceptual framework for embarking on the design of objectives for a community mental health plan, where a number of administratively independent facilities provide mental health services to the population. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:12:1162-1163_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The high drug use community: a natural laboratory for epidemiological experiments in addiction control Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hughes, P.H. Author-Name: Crawford, G.A. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: S1 Pages: 11-15 Abstract: This report reviews a series of intervention experiments aimed at reducing incidence and prevalence of heroin addiction in 6 Chicago neighborhoods. A key element in the research intervention model is the mobile epidemiological field team. During outreach, the team attempts to involve active addicts in attractive, convenient treatment. Projects are evaluated by monitoring local incidence and prevalence trends before, during, and after intervention. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:S1:11-15_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Drug use during and after high school: results of a national longitudinal study Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Johnston, L.D. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: S1 Pages: 29-37 Abstract: Findings indicate that the amount of nonaddictive illegal drug use has been much less for American young people than reports in the media had suggested during the period in question, and that the relationships between nonaddictive drug use and delinquency (as well as between drug use and academic performance) is far less serious than commonly has been assumed by the public. Clearly there has been an important generational change in this area, with an increasing proportion of American youth being interested in, and tolerant of, the use of psychoactive drugs. However, as of mid 1970 the vast majority of the age group studied were still cautious about illegal drugs and not deeply involved in them; and many of those who were involved made important distinctions between the different drugs and the different degrees of usage. In fact, from the perspective of health and public safety one of the most important findings about levels of drug use may be the degree to which American young people are continuing to adhere to certain traditional practices, namely, the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes on a major scale. Even though the best available evidence suggests that absolute levels of illicit drug use may be quite a bit higher now than was observed for the high school class of 1969, the authors expect that most of the relationships observed in this study could be extrapolated to more recent cohorts of high school and college students. Among those relationships are that between drug use and delinquency, and that between drug use and academic performance. Still a third is the relationship of certain drugs to membership in the counter culture. A developmental trend, which also would be expected to hold up in the present, is the substantial increase in the use of both licit and illicit drugs which occurs in the year following high school graduation, particularly in the sectors which are most age segregated, such as military service and college. Finally, note should be made again of the intriguing finding that there exists a general orientation toward psychoactive substances, both licit and illicit, which can explain some of the variance in all of the drug attitude and drug behavior variables included here, and which causes them all to be positively associated to some degree. Discovering the causes of this general orientation, which has been replicated in a number of other studies, remains a serious challenge to researchers in the field. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:S1:29-37_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The New York city narcotics register a case study Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Newman, R.G. Author-Name: Cates, M.S. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: S1 Pages: 24-28 Abstract: The New York City Narcotics Register, established in 1963 in response to the apparent sharp rise in the incidence of narcotic addiction, serves as a model of an effective and confidential public health register. Discussion of the utilization of the disease register concept in monitoring and understanding the problem of drug abuse is presented. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:S1:24-28_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Alexander, M. Author-Name: McCaslin, C. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: S1 Pages: 51-56 Abstract: A study of criminal activity of heroin addicts enrolled in the methadone treatment program in Atlanta, Georgia is presented. 118 heroin addicts with criminal records in a methadone maintenance and detoxification program were studied. Comparison of the preaddiction and postaddiction criminal rates showed no changes for thefts or violent crimes. In comparing the year prior to treatment versus the time while in the treatment, no changes in rates of arrests or convictions were found. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:S1:51-56_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Military psychiatry: A paradigm of a complete third party payment system Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Ruben, H.L. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 12 Pages: 1161-1162 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:12:1161-1162_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Schools of public health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rest, C. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 12 Pages: 1164-1165 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:12:1164-1165_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Methadone maintenance treatment five years later: where are they now? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gearing, F.R. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: S1 Pages: 44-50 Abstract: In a cohort of 1,230 patients admitted to Methadone Maintenance Treatment between 1964 and 1968, 770 (63%) continued in treatment at the end of the study period, December 31, 1973. The total cohort had accumulated over 58,000 person months in treatment. During this period, the percentage of patients who could be classified as socially productive rose from 36% to 72%, and there was a decline in unemployment from 64% to 28%. Among those in treatment at the end of the study period who were unemployed on admission 75% were considered socially productive after 5 or more yr of observation. Antisocial behavior as measured by arrests and incarcerations in the full cohort decreased from 201 per 100 person yr to 1.24, and approximately 85% of those who remained in treatment were completely arrest free, despite their previous history of criminal activity. Among those who left the program during the study period, on whom follow up information was available evidence of return to heroin use was high, but 59 (15%) were reported to be in an abstinence program. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:S1:44-50_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Views of healthy children toward illness Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Brodie, B. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 12 Pages: 1156-1159 Abstract: In this study of 408 healthy school age children, selected from the first, third, and fifth grades, who responsed to questionnaires on illness and general anxiety, it was found that these children possessed different views of illness than do ill hospitalized children. Analysis of the data indicated that children who scored high on the general anxiety test also scored high on the illness anxiety test. Only these anxious children perceived illness as a possible punishment for their misbehavior and saw it as a disruptive force in their lives. Healthy, nonanxious children frankly rejected to the possibility that misbehavior caused illness, or that their parent's reactions were negative, or that illness was disruptive to their lives. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:12:1156-1159_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: The insulting buzzer. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Ames, W.R. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 12 Pages: 1122 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:12:1122_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Preventing dental disease in children. An ecological approach Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jenny, J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 12 Pages: 1147-1155 Abstract: An ecological general approach to the prevention of dental disease in children is presented. Four models of factors affecting dental condition are discussed. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:12:1147-1155_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A hinge of history. Health and environment Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Metzler, D.F. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 12 Pages: 1160-1161 Abstract: Concern with population levels, environmental quality, resource conservation, and the quality of life can be considered as facets of a single problem. This has been described as 'the hinge of history, on which man's long term future may depend'. The control of environment quality is central to the health and well-being of man. The greatest hope for health improvement lies in an understanding of how the environment contributes to disease in man, and conversely, how it can be managed to provide the greatest improvement in human health. It is imperative that we recognize how little we know and how badly we need scientific understanding of the nature and magnitude of environmental problems. Further, scientists must avoid the temptation to exaggerate the actual deterioration of the environment and refrain from making unreasonable demands for environmental controls, however well intentioned. Recognizing the need for our cooperative services, and accepting the responsibility for rational action, a multidisciplinary professional group should concentrate its efforts in research and program development, influence on legislation, environmental education, research into water and air pollution control and solid waste management and, finally, pesticide control. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:12:1160-1161_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Recent spread of heroin use in the United States Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hunt, L.G. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: S1 Pages: 16-23 Abstract: New heroin use peaked in major U.S. cities around 1968, leading to a theory of a simultaneous national 'epidemic'. Analysis of treatment data does not support this theory. Instead, peak use is shown to have shifted from larger to smaller cities and is still occurring in places under 400,000 population. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:S1:16-23_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: A year of progress. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Pond, M.A. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 12 Pages: 1121 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:12:1121_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health programming for the Peace Corps in Afghanistan: family planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Zaki, M.H. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1098-1099 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1098-1099_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The sociological approach to epidemiology. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Graham, S. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1046-1049 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1046-1049_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An epidemiological perspective of psychosocial factors in disease etiology. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cassel, J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1040-1043 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1040-1043_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: In-hospital detoxification and rehabilitation of alcoholics in an inner city area. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Novick, L.F. Author-Name: Hudson, H. Author-Name: German, E. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1089-1094 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1089-1094_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: On injury control. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Licht, K.F. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1032 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1032_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The community health worker. A resource for improved health care delivery. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Richter, R.W. Author-Name: Bengen, B. Author-Name: Alsup, P.A. Author-Name: Bruun, B. Author-Name: Kilcoyne, M.M. Author-Name: Challenor, B.D. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1056-1061 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1056-1061_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Population density and mobility. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wardwell, W.I. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1052-1055 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1052-1055_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Behavioral factors associated with the etiology of physical disease: a social epidemiological approach. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Syme, S.L. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1043-1045 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1043-1045_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Outbreak of head lice in Michigan misdiagnosed. In disagreement. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Safapour, E. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1101-1102 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1101-1102_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Implementation of rehabilitation services in community hospitals. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Stang, L. Author-Name: Sprague, J.B. Author-Name: Holley, L.S. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1081-1088 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1081-1088_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A field experiment to evaluate various outcomes of continuity of physician care. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Becker, M.H. Author-Name: Drachman, R.H. Author-Name: Kirscht, J.P. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1062-1070 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1062-1070_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A model for personnel planning and administration in a family planning program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Correa, H. Author-Name: Beasley, J.D. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1095-1096 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1095-1096_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Not all small neonates are premature. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gruenwald, P. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1102 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1102_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An anthropological perspective on behavior and disease. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Katz, S.H. Author-Name: Wallace, A.F. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1050-1052 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1050-1052_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Automobile head restraints. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Roberts, C.D. Author-Name: Roberts, E.N. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1032 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1032_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: Greater involvement of people--a message from WHO. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bivins, E.C. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1031 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1031_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Behavioral factors associated with the etiology of physical disease. Introduction. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bahnson, C.B. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1033 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1033_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Epistemological perspectives of physical disease from the psychodynamic point of view. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bahnson, C.B. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1034-1040 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1034-1040_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A controlled study of the effect of television messages on safety belt use. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Robertson, L.S. Author-Name: Kelley, A.B. Author-Name: O'Neill, B. Author-Name: Wixom, C.W. Author-Name: Eiswirth, R.S. Author-Name: Haddon Jr., W. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1071-1080 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1071-1080_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Preventive encounters and their psychological correlates. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gochman, D.S. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1096-1098 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1096-1098_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: On continuity of care. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Shaw, W. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1102 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1102_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: On prevention and cure. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Heckman, B.H. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 11 Pages: 1102 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:11:1102_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Diagnostic efficiency of paraprofessionals. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Dellaportas, G. Author-Name: Swords, W. Author-Name: Ball, R. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Pages: 991-993 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:10:991-993_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Recent advances in public health: immunization. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Witte, J.J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Pages: 939-944 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:10:939-944_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: World population year. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Parnell, F.W. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Pages: 938 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:10:938_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The questionable virtues of genetic screening laws. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Pages: 1003-1004 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:10:1003-1004_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The New York City Department of Health: lessons in a Lead Poisoning Control Program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Eidsvold, G. Author-Name: Mustalish, A. Author-Name: Novick, L.F. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Pages: 956-962 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:10:956-962_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Observations on nutrition education and training in schools of public health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Dwyer, J. Author-Name: Stare, F.J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Pages: 983-990 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:10:983-990_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Conspicuous consumption: an answer in search of questions. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kane, R.L. Author-Name: Kane, R.A. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Pages: 1001-1002 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:10:1001-1002_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Sickle cell counseling in a children and youth project. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Heimler, A. Author-Name: Chabot, A. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Pages: 995-997 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:10:995-997_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: A tribute to women leaders in the Laboratory Section of the American Public Health Association. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Robinton, E.D. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Pages: 1006-1007 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:10:1006-1007_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Recent titles for a health laboratory bookshelf. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Robinton, E.D. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Pages: 945-951 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:10:945-951_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The role of statistics in managing a drug abuse emergency facility. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Nightingale, S.L. Author-Name: Goldberg, E.L. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Pages: 998-999 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:10:998-999_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Large scale screening for hemoglobinopathies, utilizing electrophoresis. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Giorgio, A.J. Author-Name: Boggs, D.R. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Pages: 993-995 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:10:993-995_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A waterborne gastroenteritis epidemic in Pico Rivera, California. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mahoney, L.E. Author-Name: Friedmann, C.T. Author-Name: Murray, R.A. Author-Name: Schulenburg, E.L. Author-Name: Heidbreder, G.A. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Pages: 963-968 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:10:963-968_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A review of the first year's experience in the U.S. Army Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Harvey, L.R. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Pages: 999-1001 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:10:999-1001_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Erythroblastosis: the potential for eradication. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Judelsohn, R.G. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Pages: 997-998 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:10:997-998_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: PSRO legislation. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Simmons, H.E. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Pages: 938 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:10:938_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Planning and operating a multijurisdictional laboratory: a successful application to rubella testing. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Labar, G. Author-Name: Baba, S. Author-Name: Portoni, E.J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Pages: 952-955 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:10:952-955_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Consumer price differentials between generic and brand name prescriptions. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gumbhir, A.K. Author-Name: Rodowskas Jr., C.A. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Pages: 977-982 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:10:977-982_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The influence of wholesale discounts and other factors on prescription ingredient costs. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gagnon, J.P. Author-Name: Rodowskas Jr., C.A. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Pages: 969-976 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:10:969-976_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorials: A time to act. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Prather, E.C. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Pages: 937 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:10:937_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Student injuries due to aggressive behavior in the Seattle public schools during the school year 1969-1970. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Johnson, C.J. Author-Name: Carter, A.P. Author-Name: Harlin, V.K. Author-Name: Zoller, G. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 904-906 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:9:904-906_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The diagnosis and management of the walk-in syndrome. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lane, D.S. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 908-910 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:9:908-910_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Community nurse practitioner: an emerging role. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Skrovan, C. Author-Name: Anderson, E.T. Author-Name: Gottschalk, J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 847-853 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:9:847-853_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The issue of contact with the mentally ill. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Spiro, H.R. Author-Name: Siassi, I. Author-Name: Crocetti, G. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 876-879 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:9:876-879_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Evaluation of screening programs for childhood lead poisoning by analysis of hospital admissions. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Browder, A. Author-Name: Joselow, M. Author-Name: Louria, D.B. Author-Name: Lavenhar, M. Author-Name: Foster, J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 914-915 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:9:914-915_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Community mental health--for whose community? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Regester, D.C. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 886-893 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:9:886-893_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Mental health paraprofessionals: "indigenous" and middle class. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Favazza, A.R. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 907-908 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:9:907-908_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The use of central place theory for the location of maternal and infant care projects. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Fox, R.T. Author-Name: Fox, D.H. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 898-903 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:9:898-903_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Foodborne disease surveillance: Washington State. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Barker Jr., W.H. Author-Name: Sagerser, J.C. Author-Name: Hall, C.V. Author-Name: Anderson, H.W. Author-Name: Francis, B.J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 854-859 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:9:854-859_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: On viruses in soiled diapers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Driscoll, W.V. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 846 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:9:846_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The process of establishing a collaborative program between a mental health center and a public health nursing division: a case study. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Ahmed, M.B. Author-Name: Young, E.L. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 880-885 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:9:880-885_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Soiled disposable diapers: a potential source of viruses. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Peterson, M.L. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 912-914 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:9:912-914_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Real costs of delivering family planning services: implications for management. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Reardon, M.J. Author-Name: Deeds, S.G. Author-Name: Dresner, N.A. Author-Name: Diksa, J.M. Author-Name: Robinson, W.C. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 860-868 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:9:860-868_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A life table analysis of the relation of prenatal care to prematurity. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Terris, M. Author-Name: Glasser, M. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 869-875 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:9:869-875_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Maintenance of anti-M protein antibodies. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Dunlap, M.B. Author-Name: Bergin, J.W. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 916 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:9:916_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: An insider looks back in. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hickey, T. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 846 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:9:846_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: There is more to health than just paying bills. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cornely, P.B. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 845 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:9:845_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Comparative epidemiological analysis of sanitation and immunization in the control of typhoid and cholera. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sundaresan, T.K. Author-Name: Grab, B. Author-Name: Uemura, K. Author-Name: Cvjetanović, B. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 910-912 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:9:910-912_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Prisons, adolescents, and the right to quality medical care: the time is now. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Litt, I.F. Author-Name: Cohen, M.I. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 894-897 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:9:894-897_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: Legal abortion and public health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Tyler Jr., C.W. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 8 Pages: 823-824 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:8:823-824_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Neonatal screening for phenylketonuria. IV. Factors influencing the occurrence of false positives. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Holtzman, N.A. Author-Name: Meek, A.G. Author-Name: Mellits, E.D. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 8 Pages: 755-759 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:8:755-759_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Red tide: a recurrent health hazard. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Ahles, M.D. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 8 Pages: 807-808 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:8:807-808_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Safety programs for current high output laser systems and new systems. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Goldman, L. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 8 Pages: 812-813 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:8:812-813_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Hemoglobinopathy screening: approaches to diagnosis, education and counseling. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Schmidt, R.M. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 8 Pages: 799-804 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:8:799-804_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Myths and realities in international health planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Scrimshaw, N.S. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 8 Pages: 792-798 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:8:792-798_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The buzzer-light reminder system and safety belt use. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Robertson, L.S. Author-Name: Haddon Jr., W. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 8 Pages: 814-815 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:8:814-815_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The source of notification in tuberculosis. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Tizes, R. Author-Name: Hayden, C. Author-Name: Tizes, C.W. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 8 Pages: 809-811 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:8:809-811_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Birth certificate revision and reporting of congenital malformations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Naylor, A. Author-Name: Eaton, A.P. Author-Name: Aplin, E.R. Author-Name: Eska, B. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 8 Pages: 786-791 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:8:786-791_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Ellen H. Richards (1842-1911), sanitary chemist and pioneer of professional equality for women in health science. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosen, G. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 8 Pages: 816-819 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:8:816-819_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Nanophyetus salmincola infections in kippered salmon. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Farrell, R.K. Author-Name: Soave, O.A. Author-Name: Johnston, S.D. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 8 Pages: 808-809 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:8:808-809_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Socioeconomic correlates of attitudes toward abortion in Rhode Island: 1971. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rao, S.L. Author-Name: Bouvier, L.F. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 8 Pages: 765-774 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:8:765-774_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Appropriate developmental screening. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Thorpe, H.S. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 8 Pages: 752 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:8:752_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Outbreak of head lice in Michigan misdiagnosed. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gemrich 2nd., E.G. Author-Name: Brady, J.G. Author-Name: Lee, B.L. Author-Name: Parham, P.H. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 8 Pages: 805-806 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:8:805-806_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An operational and planning staffing model for first and second trimester abortion services. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mandel, M.D. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 8 Pages: 753-764 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:8:753-764_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Survey of infant feeding practices. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Maslansky, E. Author-Name: Cowell, C. Author-Name: Carol, R. Author-Name: Berman, S.N. Author-Name: Grossi, M. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 8 Pages: 780-785 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:8:780-785_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: The right to choose abortion. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Roemer, R. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 8 Pages: 751 Abstract: The position of the American Pharmaceutical Association supporting the Supreme Court decision on abortion is reaffirmed and organized efforts to reverse the rulings are surveyed. The cases of "Roe v. Wade" and "Doe v. Bolton", which were leading cases in the Supreme Court decision, are reviewed with respect to their opinions and guiding recommendations. The positive health effects of abortion such as reduced maternal mortality rates are mentioned and it is suggested that since Catholic women aborting constitute a greater proportion of abortees compared to the proportion of Catholics in the general population, that women of all faiths will resort to abortion if confronted with an unwanted pregnancy. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:8:751_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Significant social variables in favorable community adjustment of schizophrenics: a 5-year follow-up. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Klein, H.E. Author-Name: Person, T.M. Author-Name: Itil, T.M. Author-Name: Marchbank, G. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 8 Pages: 813-814 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:8:813-814_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The community pharmacist: health sentinel on the home front. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gervasi, P. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 8 Pages: 811-812 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:8:811-812_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A model for a community-based women's clinic. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Palmer, B.B. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 713-714 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:713-714_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A 3-year, longitudinal study of the impact of nutrition aides on the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of rural poor homemakers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Green, L.W. Author-Name: Wang, V.L. Author-Name: Ephross, P.H. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 722-724 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:722-724_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Ethnicity and social class in the delivery of services: analysis of a child guidance clinic. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wolkon, G.H. Author-Name: Moriwaki, S. Author-Name: Mandel, D.M. Author-Name: Archuleta, J. Author-Name: Bunje, P. Author-Name: Zimmermann, S. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 709-712 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:709-712_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Pediatric self-evaluation: Dade County Department of Public Health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mirman, B.N. Author-Name: Mirman, C.B. Author-Name: Saslaw, M.S. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 705-708 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:705-708_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Estimating the effect on unwanted fertility of a postpartum recruitment strategy. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Udry, J.R. Author-Name: Poole, W.K. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 696-699 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:696-699_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: 'Physician visits' issue still unresolved. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jonas, S. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 727 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:727_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Data gaps in planning for comprehensive fertility-related health services. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Muller, C. Author-Name: Jaffe, F.S. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 687-695 Abstract: Using aggregate national data, an attempt was made in 1972 to estimate the numbers of persons who will need each of the fertility-related services (e.g., prenatal and postnatal care for wanted pregnancies, medical care of infant in its first year fertility limitation, and medical treatment of infertility) between then and 1978, and the costs of providing them. The preliminary model was later refined utilizing additional sources of data are needed to help the health care system assist individual members of the community to achieve their family formation goals. The paper includes discussions of the sorts of data that are needed and the reasons for this need, the present sources of data (in terms of providers, households, payers, and carriers), and the types of data gaps (absence, insufficient disaggregation, lack of relatedness, in complete specification). The author contends that attention to the various gaps would increase the potential of our important national surveys to produce data on numbers in need of fertility-related health services, etc. Greater comparability in questions asked and in methods of analyzing and presenting the responses could be achieved at little sacrifice of the basic purposes for which the systems were created. Recommendation is made that a step be taken to convene a small conference of key personnel working on these systems to explore the gaps and incompatibilities, propose means of overcoming them, and identify needed special studies. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:687-695_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Gonorrhea screening in an urban hospital Family Planning Program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Noonan, A.S. Author-Name: Adams, J.B. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 701-704 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:701-704_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Vasectomy: who gets one and why? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Ager, J.W. Author-Name: Werley, H.H. Author-Name: Allen, D.V. Author-Name: Shea, F.P. Author-Name: Lewis, H.Y. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 680-686 Abstract: This study of 173 men who received vasectomies from one urologist shows the male seeking a vasectomy from this clinic is white, middle class, well educated, married once, median age of 36, and with 2 to 3 children. Three quarters of the men had used the condom and found it bothersome. The same number had also used the pill and various other methods of contraception without satisfaction. Other studies have shown economic reasons as the main factor leading to vasectomy whereas this one revealed freedom from anxiety about possible conception and sexual pleasure as the primary reasons. The concern for sexual freedom is considered characteristic of our present culture and probably closely associated with the pill itself. Since the pill is not related as closely with the sex act as other methods of contraception it has given couples the freedom to enjoy sex. Since the late 1960s when the media began publishing the side effects from the pill our society has been seeking a replacement method that will allow that freedom to remain. This group will continue to be followed along with other planned studies, to see if their contraceptive vasectomy has made any changes in their lives. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:680-686_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: World population year and the APHA. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mosley, W.H. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 655 Abstract: The August 1974 World Population Conference in Bucharest is unique as the first political conference on population ever held. It is also the first time that the United Nations has made population the sole subject of a major conference. The American Public Health Association, which recognized in 1959 the moral and ethical issues involved in the population increase, is urged to continue to have a voice in these decisions. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:655_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A bookshelf on family planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sundstrom, C. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 666-673 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:666-673_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Expanding roles for nurses. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Fick, J.E. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 727 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:727_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Biological determinants of demographic processes. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Menken, J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 657-661 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:657-661_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Shaping eating patterns. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Baresch, R. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 656 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:656_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Population epidemiology: an emerging field of inquiry for population and health students. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Omran, A.R. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 674-679 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:674-679_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Illegitimacy ratios in large U.S. cities: determinants and implications. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gendell, M. Author-Name: Van der Tak, J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 724-725 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:724-725_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Effects of legalized abortion on neonatal mortality and obstetrical morbidity at Harlem Hospital Center. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Glass, L. Author-Name: Evans, H.E. Author-Name: Swartz, D.P. Author-Name: Rajegowda, B.K. Author-Name: Leblanc, W. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 717-718 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:717-718_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Lippes loop insertion by midwives in healthy and chronically ill women in rural Haiti. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Berggren, G.G. Author-Name: Vaillant, H.W. Author-Name: Garnier, N. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 719-722 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:719-722_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Illegitimate conception among teenagers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Abernethy, V. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 662-665 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:662-665_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Need for a coherent food and nutrition policy. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lachance, P.A. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 726 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:726_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Requirements for abortion services. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Williams, S.J. Author-Name: McIntosh, E.N. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 716-717 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:716-717_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Evaluation of two methods of following women who have been treated because of exposure to gonorrhea. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: McCormack, W.M. Author-Name: Rychwalski, R. Author-Name: Fiumara, N.J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 7 Pages: 714-716 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:7:714-716_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Experiences of an Army nurse in developing care plans for outpatients with chronic illnesses. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Weydert, M.E. Author-Name: Soper, M.R. Author-Name: Collis, P.B. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 620-622 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:620-622_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Legal extension of the physician's obligations to the public in the treating of individual patients. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 624 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:624_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The effectiveness of nurse clinicians' service delivery. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Flynn, B.C. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 604-611 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:604-611_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Psychopharmacological roulette: a follow-up study of patients hospitalized for drug overdose. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mayo, J.A. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 616-617 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:616-617_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Nursing profession-a seller's market. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Macleod, K.I. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 528 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:528_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: From community mental health to human service ideology. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Baker, F. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 576-581 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:576-581_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: I. Representational standards in comprehensive health planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Evans, R.D. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 549-556 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:549-556_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Social class and racial differences in blood pressure. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Syme, S.L. Author-Name: Oakes, T.W. Author-Name: Friedman, G.D. Author-Name: Feldman, R. Author-Name: Siegelaub, A.B. Author-Name: Collen, M. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 619-620 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:619-620_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Nurse intervention and patient behavior: an experimental study. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Tagliacozzo, D.M. Author-Name: Luskin, D.B. Author-Name: Lashof, J.C. Author-Name: Ima, K. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 596-603 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:596-603_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A private sector view of public health today. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rogers, D.E. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 529-533 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:529-533_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Commentary: on the importance of schools of public health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Stallones, R.A. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 527 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:527_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The maternity home: present services and future roles. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wallace, H.M. Author-Name: Goldstein, H. Author-Name: Gold, E.M. Author-Name: Oglesby, A.C. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 568-575 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:568-575_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The father's influence on the intellectual level of black ghetto children. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mackie, J.B. Author-Name: Lloyd, D.N. Author-Name: Rafferty, F. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 615-616 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:615-616_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The changing scene in public health: Delta Omega Lecture. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Greenberg, B.G. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 534-537 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:534-537_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: From public health to health of the public: the redefinition of our task. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Navarro, V. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 538-542 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:538-542_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Evolutionary changes in the environment, population, and health affairs in Detroit, 1968-1971. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lewis, R. Author-Name: Chadzynski, L. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 557-567 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:557-567_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A model for the reorganization of child health services within an urban community. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Porter, P.J. Author-Name: Avery, E.H. Author-Name: Fellows, J.A. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 618-619 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:618-619_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Inner city residents and health decision-makers: perceptions of health problems and solutions. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kurtz, R.A. Author-Name: Chalfant, H.P. Author-Name: Kaplan, K. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 612-613 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:612-613_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The source of ambulatory health services as it relates to preventive care. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bullough, B. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 582-590 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:582-590_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The future of schools of public health: managing for survival. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mott, B.J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 543-548 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:543-548_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Increasing role effectiveness of school nurses. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Oda, D.S. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 591-595 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:591-595_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health planning in the U.S.S.R.: are there lessons to be learned? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Daniels, R.S. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 613-615 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:6:613-615_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Medicating the food stamp program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rada, E.L. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 477-480 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:5:477-480_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Effectiveness of drug education classes. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Tennant Jr., F.S. Author-Name: Mohler, P.J. Author-Name: Drachler, D.H. Author-Name: Silsby, H.D. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 422-426 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:5:422-426_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Data discrepancy clarified. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kane, D.A. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 416 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:5:416_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A backward glance at noise pollution. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosen, G. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 514-517 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:5:514-517_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Abortion attitudes among nurses and social workers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hendershot, G.E. Author-Name: Grimm, J.W. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 438-441 Abstract: A survey of attitudes toward abortion was conducted among nurses and social workers in Tennessee. It was found that, even when relevant background characteristics were similar, social workers were more liberal toward abortion than nurses. It is suggested that the difference may result from differences in goals and types of client contact within the 2 professions. Because social workers aim at helping clients "cope" with many problematic situations and nurses aim at preserving patients' health, social work involves contact with a greater part of clients' lives than nursing. Nurses tend to view abortion as a medical procedure while social workers may consider it an appropriate procedure for various social, economic, and psychological reasons. Social workers see clients in normal life situations but nurses see them under specialized medical conditions in clinics or hospitals. It is more likely that social workers would understand the benefit an abortion could provide to a client. It is speculated that, in the future, social workers will refer poor clients to clinics or hospitals for abortions they feel are necessary and nurses will discourage or turn away many of these clients. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:5:438-441_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Survey of adolescent drug use. IV. Patterns of drug use. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Weitman, M. Author-Name: Scheble, R.O. Author-Name: Johnson, K.G. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 417-421 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:5:417-421_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An experiment to reverse health-related problems in slum housing maintenance. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wood, C.B. Author-Name: Volante, R.S. Author-Name: Peeples, S. Author-Name: Jackson, S. Author-Name: Richter, E. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 474-476 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:5:474-476_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Epidemiology of stroke in an elderly welfare population. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Ostfeld, A.M. Author-Name: Shekelle, R.B. Author-Name: Klawans, H. Author-Name: Tufo, H.M. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 450-458 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:5:450-458_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Nursing homes. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Miller, D.B. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 416 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:5:416_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Design considerations for a state health department information system. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Haas, A. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 481-495 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:5:481-495_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Drug education programs. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Haynes, D.K. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 416 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:5:416_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The health and medical care of children under Title 19 (Medicaid). Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wallace, H.M. Author-Name: Goldstein, H. Author-Name: Oglesby, A.C. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 501-506 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:5:501-506_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A coordinated sickle cell program for economically disadvantaged adolescents. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Fielding, J. Author-Name: Batalden, P. Author-Name: Tolbert, G. Author-Name: Bennett, R. Author-Name: Nelson, S.H. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 427-432 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:5:427-432_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Smoking and drug consumption in white, black, and oriental men and women. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Seltzer, C.C. Author-Name: Friedman, G.D. Author-Name: Siegelaub, A.B. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 466-473 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:5:466-473_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Feasibility of an 18 months' physical training program for middle-aged men and its effect on physical fitness. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Oja, P. Author-Name: Teräslinna, P. Author-Name: Partanen, T. Author-Name: Kärävä, R. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 459-465 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:5:459-465_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Adapting the venereal disease clinic to today's problem. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Atwater, J.B. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 433-437 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:5:433-437_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: PSRO: a poor mechanism and a possible alternative. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Etzioni, A. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 415 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:5:415_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Symptom reporting during recent publicized and unpublicized air pollution episodes. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cohen, A.A. Author-Name: Nelson, C.J. Author-Name: Bromberg, S.M. Author-Name: Pravda, M. Author-Name: Ferrand, E.F. Author-Name: Leone, G. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 442-449 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:5:442-449_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Coordinating mental health systems: a national and international perspective. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gittelman, M. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 496-500 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:5:496-500_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Humanistic health management. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: King, E. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 416 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:5:416_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The changing health care environment: its implications for nursing. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Scott, J.M. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 4 Pages: 364-369 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:4:364-369_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Medical care section. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Berghout, C.F. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 4 Pages: 302 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:4:302_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A bookshelf on injury control and emergency health services: emergency health services. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Flanagan, P. Author-Name: Fortuna, J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 4 Pages: 402-405 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:4:402-405_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: End preferential treatment. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Pless, I.B. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 4 Pages: 302 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:4:302_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Social work manpower for the health services: problems and prospects. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wittman, M. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 4 Pages: 370-375 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:4:370-375_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A bookshelf on injury control and emergency health services: injury control. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Westaby, J.R. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 4 Pages: 394-401 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:4:394-401_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Suicide, firearms, and public health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Browning, C.H. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 4 Pages: 313-317 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:4:313-317_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Iodized salt. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Chavez, J.F. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 4 Pages: 302 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:4:302_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Drowning: epidemiology and prevention. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Dietz, P.E. Author-Name: Baker, S.P. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 4 Pages: 303-312 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:4:303-312_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A study of health referral patterns. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cauffman, J.G. Author-Name: Lloyd, J.S. Author-Name: Lyons, M.L. Author-Name: Cortese, P.A. Author-Name: Beckwith, R.L. Author-Name: Petit, D.W. Author-Name: Wehrle, P.F. Author-Name: McBroom, E. Author-Name: McIntire, J.R. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 4 Pages: 331-356 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:4:331-356_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: The accident, the ugly duckling, and the three preventions: a fable for mature health officers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Waller, J.A. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 4 Pages: 409 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:4:409_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Fatal pedestrian collisions: driver negligence. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Baker, S.P. Author-Name: Robertson, L.S. Author-Name: O'Neill, B. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 4 Pages: 318-325 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:4:318-325_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Gunshot wounds in children. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Heins, M. Author-Name: Kahn, R. Author-Name: Bjordnal, J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 4 Pages: 326-330 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:4:326-330_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Dimensions of consumer participation and national health legislation. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Milio, N. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 4 Pages: 357-363 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:4:357-363_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A comparative analysis of factors influencing the implementation of family planning services in the United States. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gentry, J.T. Author-Name: Kaluzny, A.D. Author-Name: Veney, J.E. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 4 Pages: 376-389 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:4:376-389_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Government control of individual behavior--its right and its proper role: the first annual Rosenhaus Lecture. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Shafer, R.P. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 4 Pages: 390-393 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:4:390-393_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Selected bibliography on recent developments in medicine and public health in the People's Republic of China. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Yu, L.C. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 4 Pages: 406-408 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:4:406-408_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Lead content of printed media (warning: spitballs may be hazardous to your health). Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Joselow, M.M. Author-Name: Bogden, J.D. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 238-240 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:3:238-240_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Mortality from lung cancer in U.S. coal miners. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Costello, J. Author-Name: Ortmeyer, C.E. Author-Name: Morgan, W.K. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 222-224 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:3:222-224_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Family planning and health: congruent objectives of Malthus and Spock. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cohn, H.D. Author-Name: Lieberman, E.J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 225-229 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:3:225-229_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Community presence as a key to quality of life in nursing homes. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Barney, J.L. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 265-268 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:3:265-268_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Statistics on physician and hospital outpatient visits. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jonas, S. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 204 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:3:204_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A new approach to explaining sick-role behavior in low-income populations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Becker, M.H. Author-Name: Drachman, R.H. Author-Name: Kirscht, J.P. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 205-216 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:3:205-216_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Nursing home performance as related to resident traits, ownership, size, and source of payment. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gottesman, L.E. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 269-276 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:3:269-276_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Evolving health delivery systems and older people. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Brody, S.J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 245-248 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:3:245-248_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: CHP and regulation. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mason, H.R. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 204 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:3:204_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health services: their success and failure in reaching older adults. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hammerman, J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 253-256 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:3:253-256_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: Social history recycled. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Felton, J.S. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 203 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:3:203_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An easy developmental screening test for public health use. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Armistead, L.M. Author-Name: Crawford, E.E. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 241-244 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:3:241-244_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The fastest growing minority: the aging. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Brotman, H.B. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 249-252 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:3:249-252_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health status of older people: cross-national implications. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Shanas, E. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 261-264 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:3:261-264_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Social ecology and the health of older people. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lawton, M.P. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 257-260 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:3:257-260_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Human warehouses: a boarding home study. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Roberts, P.R. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 277-282 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:3:277-282_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Practical plagiarism for health services administration. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Ewell Jr., C.M. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 233-237 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:3:233-237_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Some negative aspects of state health departments' policies related to screening for sickle cell anemia. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rutkow, I.M. Author-Name: Lipton, J.M. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 217-221 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:3:217-221_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: General practice, mental illness, and the British National Health Service. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Shepherd, M. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 230-232 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:3:230-232_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Evaluation of BCG vaccination among Puerto Rican children. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Comstock, G.W. Author-Name: Livesay, V.T. Author-Name: Woolpert, S.F. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 283-291 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:3:283-291_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An 11-year study of cigarette smoking habits of students entering Drexel University, Philadelphia. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Arnett, J.H. Author-Name: Black, M.W. Author-Name: McNeary, S.S. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Pages: 120-123 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:2:120-123_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Apples and oranges and bananas: diversity in a health manpower consortium. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Young, R.L. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Pages: 140-143 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:2:140-143_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A model for a geriatric transfer service. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Flashner, B.A. Author-Name: Engandela, V.J. Author-Name: Alderman, R.J. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Pages: 129-135 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:2:129-135_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Emergency services in community mental health: problems and promise. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jacobson, G.F. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Pages: 124-128 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:2:124-128_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Drug abuse training and education: the community role. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Einstein, S. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Pages: 99-106 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:2:99-106_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Telediagnosis: a new community health resource. Observations on the feasibility of telediagnosis based on 1000 patient transactions. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Murphy Jr., R.L. Author-Name: Bird, K.T. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Pages: 113-119 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:2:113-119_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Schools of Public Health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lichter, E.A. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Pages: 98 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:2:98_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Chemical, bacteriological, and toxicological properties of cyanuric acid and chlorinated isocyanurates as applied to swimming pool disinfection: a review. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Canelli, E. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Pages: 155-162 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:2:155-162_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health planning: some legal and political implications of comprehensive health planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Corbett, R.M. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Pages: 136-139 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:2:136-139_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: On the subject of non-smoking--you count. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Terry, L.L. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Pages: 169-170 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:2:169-170_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Bacteriological investigation of wall-to-wall carpeting. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rylander, R. Author-Name: Myrbäck, K.E. Author-Name: Verner-Carlson, B. Author-Name: Ohrström, M. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Pages: 163-168 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:2:163-168_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorials: A new editorial philosophy emerges. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Pond, M.A. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Pages: 97 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:2:97_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Pooling health training facilities in Newark, New Jersey. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Keyes, F. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Pages: 144-148 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:2:144-148_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The education of medical personnel in the U.S.S.R. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Butrov, V.N. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Pages: 149-154 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:2:149-154_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Using cooperative extension programs for health education. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wang, V.L. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Pages: 107-111 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:2:107-111_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Food zealotry and youth: new dilemmas for professionals. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Frankle, R.T. Author-Name: Heussenstamm, F.K. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 11-18 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:1:11-18_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The functional committee model. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Abdo, J.C. Author-Name: Bennet, W.J. Author-Name: Brownfield, A. Author-Name: Brusstar, J. Author-Name: Miller, L.L. Author-Name: Yamahata, W.I. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 61-65 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:1:61-65_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The need for effective and comprehensive planning for migrant workers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Fuentes, J.A. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 2-10 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:1:2-10_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Medical services--demand versus need and the concept of shortage: rejoinder. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jeffers, J.R. Author-Name: Bognanno, M.F. Author-Name: Bartlett, J.C. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 58-60 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:1:58-60_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Medical services--demand versus need: a comment. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mueller, H.F. Author-Name: Uphoff, W.H. Author-Name: Zoellner, H. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 54-57 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:1:54-57_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Quantitative evaluation of a screening program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Grant, J.A. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 66-71 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:1:66-71_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Performance of adult health appraisal examinations utilizing nurse practitioners-physician teams and paramedical personnel. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Henriques, C.C. Author-Name: Virgadamo, V.G. Author-Name: Kahane, M.D. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 47-53 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:1:47-53_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Patterns of reproductive health care among the poor of San Antonio, Texas. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gibbs, C.E. Author-Name: Martin, H.W. Author-Name: Gutierrez, M. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 37-40 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:1:37-40_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The potential for paramedical personnel in family planning. An analysis based on the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 5-year Plan for Family Planning Services. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Ostergard, D.R. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 27-31 Abstract: The use of paramedical personnel in family planning services within the structure of the 5-year Plan for Family Planning Services and Population Research Programs submitted to Congress by the Secretary of HEW in 1971 was explored. The Plan works within the existing health care system through the basic module of a 4-hr 8-times weekly clinic session. The paramedical family planning specialist can perform breast and pelvic examinations, counsel, perform specialized gynecological procedures, and recognize a normal physical examination. In a series of 6000 comparative physical examinations, the family planning specialist demonstrates an acceptable level of accuracy in the description of physical examination findings of the breast and pelvis. Over 3000 IUDs were inserted by family planning specialists with no major complications. In a series of 10,582 patients, 43.8% preferred the specialists, 55.6% had no preferrence, .6% preferred care by a physician. In a series of 11,373 patients, family planning specialists provided care to 80% of the patients without the need for the involvement of a physician. Registered nurses had a consultation rate of 11.4%, nonregistered nurses, 19.6%. An optional distribution of of patients per specialist per session is 3 new patients, 4 returning patients with examination, 2 returning without examination (total 3 hr 10 min for patient card during a 4-hr clinic). The optimal patient load and the expected proportion of return visits (63% will require examination, 37% will not) are similar. The various possibilities of the system with variation of physician time per clinic, number of nonregistered/registered nurses, and number of patients, or with supervision of nonregistered nurse family planning specialists by registered nurse specialists, with time required for care of patients by type of patient visit constant is explored. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:1:27-31_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A selected public health bibliography with annotations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wylie, C.M. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 84-86 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:1:84-86_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Development of an abortion service in a large municipal hospital. Review of the first year's experience. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Walton, L.A. Author-Name: Epstein, J. Author-Name: Gallay, L. Author-Name: Nelson Jr., J.H. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 77-81 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:1:77-81_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Teaching relationship-building skills. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hollister, W.G. Author-Name: Edgerton, J.W. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 41-46 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:1:41-46_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: First use of the Federal Clean Air Act's emergency authority: a local analysis. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hardy Jr., G.E. Author-Name: Pate, P. Author-Name: Robison, C.B. Author-Name: Willis, W.T. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 72-76 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:1:72-76_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Enrichment and fortification of foods in Latin America. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Chopra, J.G. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 19-26 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:1:19-26_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Continuing education in family planning for practicing physicians. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wan, L.S. Author-Name: Lehfeldt, H. Author-Name: Tsuei, J.J. Author-Name: Sobrero, A.J. Author-Name: Douglas, G.W. Year: 1974 Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 32-36 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1974:64:1:32-36_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Assessing the costs and benefits of anti-malaria programs: the Indian experience. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cohn, E.J. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 12 Pages: 1086-1096 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:12:1086-1096_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: New data sets. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rizek, R.L. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 12 Pages: 1021 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:12:1021_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: Lessening risks associated with roasting bags and other consumer products. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Fisher, L. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 12 Pages: 1020-1021 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:12:1020-1021_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Untoward effects of drug education. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Levy, R.M. Author-Name: Brown, A.R. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 12 Pages: 1071-1073 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:12:1071-1073_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Continue smallpox vaccination. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Tizes, R. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 12 Pages: 1022 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:12:1022_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Attitudes of the medical profession toward drug abuse. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lieff, J. Author-Name: Avorn, J. Author-Name: Caddell, H. Author-Name: Anderson, H. Author-Name: Gorlin, P. Author-Name: Kennedy, S. Author-Name: Goodwin, J. Author-Name: Verlenden, L. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 12 Pages: 1035-1039 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:12:1035-1039_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorials: Retirement of our editor. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Pond, M.A. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 12 Pages: 1019-1020 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:12:1019-1020_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Mental health outreach of an occupational health service in a government setting. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Felton, J.S. Author-Name: Swinger, H. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 12 Pages: 1058-1063 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:12:1058-1063_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Categories of cases presented to mental health consultants by health agencies. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Deloughery, G.L. Author-Name: Gebbie, K.M. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 12 Pages: 1048-1054 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:12:1048-1054_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Intersociety Council to develop new edition of Standard Methods. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Marth, E.H. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 12 Pages: 1022-1023 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:12:1022-1023_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The physician's associate-a task analysis. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Braun, J.A. Author-Name: Howard, D.R. Author-Name: Pondy, L.R. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 12 Pages: 1024-1028 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:12:1024-1028_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Non-medical birth control. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Pierson, M.B. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 12 Pages: 1021 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:12:1021_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The evolution of an evaluation: methodological problems in programs for school age mothers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Klerman, L.V. Author-Name: Jekel, J.F. Author-Name: Currie, J.B. Author-Name: Gabrielson, I.W. Author-Name: Sarrel, P.M. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 12 Pages: 1040-1047 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:12:1040-1047_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A comparative quality survey of five common market foods in low and high income economic areas. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Messer, J.W. Author-Name: Leslie, J.E. Author-Name: Brown, D.F. Author-Name: Peeler, J.T. Author-Name: Green, M.T. Author-Name: Gilchrist, J.E. Author-Name: Wimsatt, J.C. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 12 Pages: 1074-1079 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:12:1074-1079_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Fears of genocide among black Americans as related to age, sex, and region. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Turner, C. Author-Name: Darity, W.A. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 12 Pages: 1029-1034 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:12:1029-1034_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Mental health services to the Mexican-American community in San Antonio, Texas. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Serrano, A.C. Author-Name: Gibson, G. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 12 Pages: 1055-1057 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:12:1055-1057_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Drugs in the workplace--substituting sense for sensationalism. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Redfield, J.T. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 12 Pages: 1064-1070 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:12:1064-1070_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Skunk rabies: the risk to man--or never trust a skunk. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hattwick, M.A. Author-Name: Marcuse, E.K. Author-Name: Britt, M.R. Author-Name: Zehmer, R.B. Author-Name: Currier 2nd., R.W. Author-Name: Elledge, W.N. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 12 Pages: 1080-1085 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:12:1080-1085_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Nutritional assessment in health programs. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Christakis, G. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: Pages: Suppl:1-82 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63::Suppl:1-82_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The neighborhood health center foundation for health care: a portend for the future or a necessity for survival? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Chapman, L.S. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 10 Pages: 841-845 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:10:841-845_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Provision of mental health services by community hospitals and health departments: a comparative analysis. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gentry, J.T. Author-Name: Kaluzny, A.D. Author-Name: Veney, J.E. Author-Name: Coulter, E.J. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 10 Pages: 863-871 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:10:863-871_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Housing and health--a new approach. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Richter, E.D. Author-Name: Jackson, S. Author-Name: Peeples, S. Author-Name: Wood, C. Author-Name: Volante, R. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 10 Pages: 878-883 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:10:878-883_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health information and referral services within Los Angeles County. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cauffman, J.G. Author-Name: Lloyd, J.S. Author-Name: Lyons, M.L. Author-Name: Lynch, N.T. Author-Name: Cortese, P.A. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 10 Pages: 872-877 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:10:872-877_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: Report on the National Center for Health Statistics. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Chase, H.C. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 10 Pages: 833 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:10:833_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Sharpening the attack on bovine tuberculosis. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Roswurm, J.D. Author-Name: Ranney, A.F. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 10 Pages: 884-886 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:10:884-886_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Desegregating health statistics. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Chase, H.C. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 10 Pages: 836-837 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:10:836-837_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Editorial: New manpower for family planning services. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sirey, A.R. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 10 Pages: 831-832 Abstract: In some isolated family planning services innovative uses of new professional manpower are being demonstrated. With specialized training, the paramedical personnel are performing full gynecological screening examinations under the supervision of physicians, serving as clinic administrators, and providing counseling and educative services. Currently not enough funds are being allocated to manpower development. In 1973 only 3% of federal funds for family planning services were earmarked for this endeavor. There also is an unwillingness of a large percentage of medical and health professionals to accept the potential roles of the new professionals as well as to come to grips with the concept of "consumer participation". This consumer involvement is necessary in developing a system that is responsive to the patient's needs. Training periods vary for the new professionals from a few weeks to 3 years to prepare Physicians' Assistants. In a 20 week course individuals have been trained to recognize and differentiate normal and abnormal breast and pelvic findings and to provide family planning and cancer screening services including full pelvic exams and insertion of the IUD. Over 100 new professionals who function as in-hospital family planning counselors and community education technicians in a New York City program were trained through the laboratory method approach. The key to the performance of the new professionals in the clinic is proper supervision and good communication between them and the traditionally trained professionals. Some of the dead-end restrictions which characterize so many of the new positions can be removed if efforts are made within each program to provide in-service training or released time for employees to attend seminars, workshops, of courses at suitable institutions to foster growth and mobility. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:10:831-832_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: APHA and the affiliates. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kerr, L.E. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 10 Pages: 838-840 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:10:838-840_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Public health nursing section report of the 1972 APHA smoking survey. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Eyres, S.J. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 10 Pages: 846-852 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:10:846-852_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Social service casefinding in the hospital--its influence on the utilization of social services. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rehr, H. Author-Name: Berkman, B.G. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 10 Pages: 857-862 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:10:857-862_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The political and economic scene in the future of nursing. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Schaefer, M.J. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 10 Pages: 887-889 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:10:887-889_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter: Environmental noise. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Falk, S.A. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 10 Pages: 833-836 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:10:833-836_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Podiatry and public health: a 7-year experience in the District of Columbia. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Shapiro, J. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 10 Pages: 853-856 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:10:853-856_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Planning and politics in the allocation of health resources. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Seder, R.H. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 9 Pages: 774-777 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:9:774-777_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A study of risks, medical care, and infant mortality. 4. Methodological considerations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Chase, H.C. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: S1 Pages: 41-56 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:S1:41-56_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Factors associated with rapid subsequent pregnancies among school-age mothers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jekel, J.F. Author-Name: Klerman, L.V. Author-Name: Bancroft, R.E. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 9 Pages: 769-773 Abstract: The reproductive performance of school-age girls in 2 family planning programs is analyzed. The performance is related, after analysis, to 1) the characteristics of the programs, 2) certain preexisting characteristics of the participants, 3) the degree of their participation in 1 of the programs, and 4) other findings at 15 months postpartum. Of the 2 programs studied, the New Haven Young Mothers Program(YMP) provided medical services while the Hartford Interagency Service (IAS) did not. Family planning received vigorous attention in both the medical and social services aspects of the YMP program. The hospital clinics and private physicians seen by the IAS participants varied. Contraceptives were prescribed for 69 percent and 73 percent of those returning postpartum at the 2 non-Catholic hospitals and for only 3 percent in the Catholic Hospital, which served about half the program participants. 180 YMC girls and 160 IAC girls were included in the study initially. The samples were modified for comparison. After modification, at 15 months postpartum 18% of the girls in each group was pregnant for a second time. For the YMP group, 15 months portpartum, the only preesixting characteristic which correlated significantly with subsequent pregnancy was registration in and attendance at school: 30% of bad attenders became pregnant wheras none with good attendence did. Moving since delivery also was associated with a higher risk of rapid subsequent pregnancy. It was concluded that rapid subsequent pregnancies among schoolage mothers are associated with school status and with program participation. Effective use of oral contraceptives requires motivation. It is suggested that in some cases and IUCD should be inserted if it is acceptable to the girl. It is concluded that family planning services cannot be provided in a vacuum, especially for teen age girls, and that prescribing physicians must consider the motivation and life goals of each patient. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:9:769-773_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Desegregating health statistics. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Koplin, A.N. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 9 Pages: 766-767 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:9:766-767_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A study of risks, medical care, and infant mortality. 1. Selected substantive results. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Chase, H.C. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: S1 Pages: 3-16 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:S1:3-16_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: One hundred pregnant adolescents, treatment approaches in a university hospital. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Dickens, H.O. Author-Name: Mudd, E.H. Author-Name: Garcia, C.R. Author-Name: Tomar, K. Author-Name: Wright, D. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 9 Pages: 794-800 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:9:794-800_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Illegitimacy: the prospect for change. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cutright, P. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 9 Pages: 765-766 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:9:765-766_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The drug abuse numbers game. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lavenhar, M.A. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 9 Pages: 807-809 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:9:807-809_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Communicating dental hygiene practices to chronically, emotionally ill, hospitalized patients. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bell, C.E. Author-Name: Lasater, T.M. Author-Name: Sawyer, J.F. Author-Name: Ramirez, A. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 9 Pages: 778-781 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:9:778-781_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A study of risks, medical care, and infant mortality. 2. Ethnic group, education of mother, and birth weight. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Erhardt, C.L. Author-Name: Chase, H.C. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: S1 Pages: 17-26 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:S1:17-26_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Non-addictive drug antagonist program in a community setting. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: LeCompte, G. Author-Name: Friedman, J.J. Author-Name: Sinacore, R. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 9 Pages: 804-806 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:9:804-806_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A study of risks, medical care, and infant mortality. 3. Education of mother, medical care, and condition of infant. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Chase, H.C. Author-Name: Nelson, F.G. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: S1 Pages: 27-40 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:S1:27-40_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health educators. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Haag, J.H. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 9 Pages: 767 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:9:767_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Development of tolerance to street heroin in addicted and nonaddicted primates. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Reichman, L.B. Author-Name: Shim, C.S. Author-Name: Baden, M. Author-Name: Richter, R. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 9 Pages: 801-803 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:9:801-803_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health and legal services in a disadvantaged community. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Challenor, B. Author-Name: Onyeani, L. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 9 Pages: 810-815 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:9:810-815_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health effects of community noise. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Goldsmith, J.R. Author-Name: Jonsson, E. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 9 Pages: 782-793 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:9:782-793_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Milk programs. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wen, C.P. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 8 Pages: 669-671 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:8:669-671_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: "Planning" articles. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mason, H.R. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 8 Pages: 668-669 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:8:668-669_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health services research and R & D in perspective. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Flook, E. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 8 Pages: 681-686 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:8:681-686_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Urbanization and health planning: challenge and opportunity for the American Indian community. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Brodt, E.W. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 8 Pages: 694-701 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:8:694-701_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Observation of selected dental services under two prepayment mechanisms. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Schoen, M.H. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 8 Pages: 727-731 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:8:727-731_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Governance and administration of human services in urban low-income communities. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Daniels, R.S. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 8 Pages: 715-720 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:8:715-720_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Population research and training in U.S. schools of public health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Oakley, D. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 8 Pages: 687-693 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:8:687-693_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Non-physician family health teams for health maintenance organizations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Golden, A.S. Author-Name: Carlson, D.G. Author-Name: Harris Jr., B. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 8 Pages: 732-736 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:8:732-736_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A community organization approach to implementation of comprehensive health planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Schwebel, A.I. Author-Name: Kershaw, R. Author-Name: Reeve, S. Author-Name: Hartung, J.G. Author-Name: Reeve, W. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 8 Pages: 675-680 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:8:675-680_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The first section: laboratory: American Public Health Association. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bodily, H.L. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 8 Pages: 667-668 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:8:667-668_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Prevention of pica, the major cause of lead poisoning in children. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: De la Burdé, B. Author-Name: Reames, B. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 8 Pages: 737-743 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:8:737-743_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Suicide among Chinese in San Francisco. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bourne, P.G. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 8 Pages: 744-750 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:8:744-750_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A built-in evaluation system in a new community mental health program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Goltz, B. Author-Name: Rusk, T.N. Author-Name: Sternbach, R.A. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 8 Pages: 702-709 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:8:702-709_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Case classification of ambulatory care demand. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jacobs, A.R. Author-Name: Gavett, J.W. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 8 Pages: 721-726 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:8:721-726_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health care consortiums-new roles for local health departments. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: De Hoff, J.B. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 8 Pages: 672-674 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:8:672-674_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Exposure to mental health training in schools of public health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Padilla, E. Author-Name: Goldston, S.E. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 8 Pages: 710-714 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:8:710-714_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Planning for social change: dilemmas for health planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bruhn, J.G. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 7 Pages: 602-606 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:7:602-606_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A commentary on the utilization of peer personnel in health care delivery. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Libert, P. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 7 Pages: 575 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:7:575_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Voluntary sterilization. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Noyes, R.W. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 7 Pages: 576 Abstract: The APHA recommended program guide for voluntary sterilization fails to recommend that vasectomy services establish policies for handling the pregnancies of patients' wives or consorts. stoperative absence of spermatozoa might or might not imply a successful operation, but in terms of use-effectiveness the vasectomy is a failure if pregnancy occurs. The 1st step of a policy might be to counsel abortion and tubal division n analysis; me. An alternate step might require both partners to consent to postpregnancy semen analysis and both be informed of the results. In repeated negative specimens, genetic studies on the ceptus would be required to demonstrate responsibility. licy formulated should be told to patients before the operation and informed consent obtained. An insurance policy, at small cost, might be offered to indemnify couples against costs of abortion, tubal division, or maternity care the operation had failed or not. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:7:576_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Program evaluation and system control. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Zemach, R. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 7 Pages: 607-609 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:7:607-609_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Prognosis of women with newly diagnosed coronary heart disease--a comparison with course of disease among men. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Weinblatt, E. Author-Name: Shapiro, S. Author-Name: Frank, C.W. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 7 Pages: 577-593 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:7:577-593_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The etiology of a new careers program in public health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Roberts, P.R. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 7 Pages: 635-638 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:7:635-638_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An automated system for the regulation and medical review of long-term care facilities and patients. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: St John, D.B. Author-Name: Dobin, D.R. Author-Name: Flashner, B.A. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 7 Pages: 619-630 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:7:619-630_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Rural emergency care--problems and prospects. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Waller, J.A. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 7 Pages: 631-634 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:7:631-634_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Political party platform health planks: a mechanism for participation and prediction? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Goldsmith, S.B. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 7 Pages: 594-601 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:7:594-601_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Voluntary sterilization. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Tyler Jr., C.W. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 7 Pages: 573-575 Abstract: Voluntary sterilization is discussed in the light of new legal and medical developments and the guidelines of the American Public Health Association. Voluntary sterilization is legal in all 50 states, and a Presidential commission has recommended elimination of all barriers preventing access to sterilization. The Association of Voluntary Sterilization estimates that 550,000 vasectomies were performed in the United States in 1970, and new techniques of female sterilization are making the procedure increasingly safe. The position of the APHA is that sterilization is safe and effective, does not interfere with sexual pleasure, is generally irreversible, and should always be voluntary. The viability of frozen sperm later thawed for artificial insemination has been challenged by several researchers, with one study finding a successful fertilization rate of 42.6% in artificial insemination cases using frozen semen, compared with 69% for fresh semen. Various methods are being investigated to achieve a reversible vasectomy by plugging and unplugging the vas deferens. Laparoscopic tubal division for female sterilization is a new development that appears to be relatively simple and quite safe. The hospital stay is significantly decreased with this procedure. The pregnancy failure rate is about 1%, and the complication rate is about 4-5%. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:7:573-575_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Medical care and public health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kandle, R.P. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 7 Pages: 576 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:7:576_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A non-automated multiphasic health testing program in a student health service. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Clark, E.M. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 7 Pages: 610-618 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:7:610-618_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Two years experience in New York City with the liberalized abortion law--progress and problems. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Pakter, J. Author-Name: O'Hare, D. Author-Name: Nelson, F. Author-Name: Svigir, M. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 6 Pages: 524-535 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:6:524-535_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The public health stake in family planning health role challenged. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Allen, J.E. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 6 Pages: 517-518 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:6:517-518_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: State boards of health, their members and commitments. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gossert, D.J. Author-Name: Miller, C.A. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 6 Pages: 486-493 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:6:486-493_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Issues in the provision of health care for all. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wagner, D.L. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 6 Pages: 481-485 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:6:481-485_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Communicable disease control. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Poland, J.D. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 6 Pages: 476 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:6:476_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Childhood lead poisoning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Strotkamp, J.J. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 6 Pages: 475 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:6:475_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Occupational orientation and overt behavior--the pharmacist as drug adviser to patients. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Linn, L.S. Author-Name: Davis, M.S. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 6 Pages: 502-508 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:6:502-508_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Fertility control and the quality of human life. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Muller, C. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 6 Pages: 519-523 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:6:519-523_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Numerator analysis of fertility and family planning in Maryland. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kruegel, D.L. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 6 Pages: 509-516 Abstract: The use of numerator analysis is proposed and used as a means of evaluating fertility and family planning in Maryland. The study concludes that the significant decrease in Maryland fertility since 1965 cannot be attributed only to the increase of women in organized family planning programs. No relationship is seen between family planning programs and fertility decrease. This finding may be due to methological limitations. The 3 implications that can be derived are: 1) numerator analysis alone is insufficient to evaluate family planning programs, 2) national and small area surveys of desired and expected family size and family planning continue to be needed; and 3) continued concern should be given to documenting in detail the sociocultural processes which determine fertility levels. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:6:509-516_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Non-medical birth control--a neglected and promising field. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Harvey, P.D. Author-Name: Altman, D.L. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 6 Pages: 473-475 Abstract: The need for and methods of nonmedical family planning techniques are discussed in view of the continuing popularity of nonmedical channels of supply (5-7 million out of the 10-13 million who use contraception obtain supplies through nonmedical channels) and still unmet contraceptive needs in the United States. Lack of homogeneity in the population necessitates a choice of delivery mechanisms, and the passive system of medical service in family planning suggests the potential for the marketing approach to more effectively motivate potential family planning acceptors. Direct mail as contact and mail order as supply mechanisms are 2 especially promising aspects. Suggestions for research on how donor funds might be invested to explore the potential of these channels of information and delivery include market research on attitudes regarding contraceptive methods and delivery systems, experimentation with different delivery channels, ways of providing information at crucial points in the reproductive lives of individuals, and ways of preventing unwed teenage pregnancies. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:6:473-475_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Desegregating health statistics. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Terris, M. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 6 Pages: 477-480 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:6:477-480_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The AAFP-UNC study of the organization, utilization, and assessment of primary medical care. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hulka, B.S. Author-Name: Cassel, J.C. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 6 Pages: 494-501 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:6:494-501_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Food regulations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Podell, R.N. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 5 Pages: 380 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:5:380_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Legal abortion 1970-1971--the New York City experience. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Harris, D. Author-Name: O'Hare, D. Author-Name: Pakter, J. Author-Name: Nelson, F.G. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 5 Pages: 409-418 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:5:409-418_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health policy and population policy--a relationship redefined. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jaffe, F.S. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 5 Pages: 401-404 Abstract: The final report of The Commission on Population Growth and the American Future presents a significant redefinition of the relationship between health and population policy, by highlighting the points of common interest between those seeking a more rational health system, those seeking rapid reduction in population growth, and the contribution each group can make to the realization of common objectives. Slower population growth can provide the opportunity to devote resources to improving the quality of life rather than merely coping with its quantity. The Commission proposes a large number of social, economic, educational and health policies and programs for action by federal, state and local governments, and the private sector. The Commission recommends a national policy and voluntary program to reduce unwanted fertility, to improve the outcome of pregnancy, and to improve the health of children. Such a policy would consist of: 1) expansion of the federal family planning project grant programs; 2) elimination of legal restrictions on access to contraceptive information; 3) liberalization of abortion laws; 4) payment by public and private health financing mechanisms of the full cost of health services related to fertility; 5) increased federal investment in fertility related research; 6) elimination of administrative restrictions on availability of voluntary sterilization; 7) development of educational programs on family planning, family life, sexuality, and population dynamics; 8) development of programs to train the required medical and paramedical personnel. The Commission has added a potent demographic justification to the health and welfare rationales upon which proposals to improve the control of fertility and the provision of fertility-related health services have been based. Health workers and health institutions will continue to bear a central responsibility for action programs to reduce unwanted fertility and slow down population growth. The added demographic justification for expansion of fertility control and fertility related health programs provides an opportunity secure support for efforts to bring about a more rational health system from those whose primary concern is population growth. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:5:401-404_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Research utilization, a problem in goal setting: what is the question? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Halpert, H.P. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 5 Pages: 377-378 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:5:377-378_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The child and the law--contemporary situations in juvenile justice. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Polier, W. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 5 Pages: 386-389 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:5:386-389_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An intervention program for infants from high risk homes. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Pavenstedt, E. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 5 Pages: 393-395 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:5:393-395_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A selected public health bibliography with annotations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wylie, C.M. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 5 Pages: 428-431 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:5:428-431_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Should medical radiation exposure be recorded. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Karzmark, C.J. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 5 Pages: 380 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:5:380_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Kids on ice--children in confinement. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosentheim, M.K. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 5 Pages: 390-392 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:5:390-392_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Occupational health--a discipline in search of a mission. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kerr, L.E. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 5 Pages: 381-385 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:5:381-385_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Safe drinking water. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Farkas, C.S. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 5 Pages: 379 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:5:379_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Child care and child development in Thailand, Sweden, and Israel--their relevance for the United States. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Siegel, E. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 5 Pages: 396-400 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:5:396-400_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The development of health services for mothers and children in the United States. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Schmidt, W.M. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 5 Pages: 419-427 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:5:419-427_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Liberalized abortion and birth rates changes in Baltimore. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Oppel, W. Author-Name: Wolf, S. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 5 Pages: 405-408 Abstract: To investigate the effect of liberalized abortion laws, all recorded abortions and births in Baltimore City from July 1, 1970 to December 31, 1970, were compared with births from July 1, 1968 to December 31, 1968. Both black and white in-wedlock observed births were lower than expected 1970 births, but the out-of-wedlock births were higher. Both black and white in-wedlock abortion rates showed similar patterns. Out-of-wedlock abortions, which had been rising steadily for the past few decades continued to rise. The differences observed could not be attributed only to a liberalized abortion policy. There is no record of the number of illegal abortions performed in 1968, and the study did not measure changes in birthrate which might have been attributable to differences in family planning practices caused by adverse publicity about the pill. Although abortions have increased since liberalization of the law, there may still be limited access to abortion. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:5:405-408_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: APHA in its first century. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wolman, A. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 4 Pages: 319-321 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:4:319-321_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Some estimates of the potential reduction in the U.S. infant mortality rate by family planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Buttery, C.M. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 4 Pages: 289-290 Abstract: An objection is made to the use of 12-year-old National U.S. infant mortality data to relate the possible effects of local family planning programs occurring 10 years after the data events took place. Family planning techniques and practice as well as the methods of child care, the application of public health techniques for prevention of infant deaths, the causes of infant mortality, and the availability of prenatal care have changed extensively over the last 12 years. In addition, local infant mortality data should be refined because national infant mortality data lacks homogeneity. Graphs are presented which illustrate the data differences when progressing to smaller and smaller geographic areas. Thus, extrapolations based on old infant mortality rates are useful only if significant local variations of data within state areas are taken into account. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:4:289-290_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Studies of behavior change to enhance public health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Graham, S. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 4 Pages: 327-334 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:4:327-334_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A bookshelf on veterinary public health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Steele, J.H. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 4 Pages: 291-311 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:4:291-311_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Environmental quality and the local health agency--a re-examination. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Walker Jr., B. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 4 Pages: 352-357 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:4:352-357_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Crisis and change in America's health system. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Terris, M. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 4 Pages: 313-318 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:4:313-318_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Medical services for sexually active teenagers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: House, E. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 4 Pages: 285-287 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:4:285-287_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Actions of residents in response to environmental hazards in the inner city. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Drummond, D.W. Author-Name: Mood, E.W. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 4 Pages: 335-340 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:4:335-340_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Survival of Salmonella Typhimurium in animal manure disposal in a model oxidation ditch. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Will, L.A. Author-Name: Diesch, S.L. Author-Name: Pomeroy, B.S. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 4 Pages: 322-326 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:4:322-326_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Shortcomings and remedies for the water quality improvement programs of the United States--a brief summary. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hunter 3rd., J.S. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 4 Pages: 345-351 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:4:345-351_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The necessity for environmental health planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Chanlett, E.T. Author-Name: Rogers, D.W. Author-Name: Hurst, G. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 4 Pages: 341-344 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:4:341-344_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The systems approach yields solution choices for environmental quality control. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Stockton, E.L. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 4 Pages: 361-365 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:4:361-365_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Methodological issues in measuring ambulatory care. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Drui, A.B. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 4 Pages: 358-360 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:4:358-360_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Heroin addiction in the suburbs--an epidemiologic study. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Levengood, R. Author-Name: Lowinger, P. Author-Name: Schooff, K. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 209-214 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:3:209-214_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Microwave oven survey results in Arkansas during 1970. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Oates Jr., W.H. Author-Name: Snellings Jr., D.D. Author-Name: Wilson, E.F. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 193-198 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:3:193-198_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Drug overdoses in a Canadian city. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sims, M. Author-Name: Purdy, M. Author-Name: Devenyi, P. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 215-226 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:3:215-226_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health professionals in Pennsylvania. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Witlin, B. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 191-192 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:3:191-192_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Community injury control--a management approach. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Schaplowsky, A.F. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 252-254 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:3:252-254_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The current status of the use of prostaglandins in induced abortion. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cushner, I.M. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 189-190 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:3:189-190_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Hospital and related characteristics associated with perinatal mortality. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Tokuhata, G.K. Author-Name: Colflesh, V.G. Author-Name: Ramaswamy, K. Author-Name: Mann, L.A. Author-Name: Digon, E. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 227-237 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:3:227-237_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Screening for utilization review: on the use of explicit criteria and non-physicians in case selection. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: McClain, J.O. Author-Name: Riedel, D.C. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 247-251 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:3:247-251_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Increased iron allowances. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Swedlow, B.L. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 191 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:3:191_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Animal-man relationships in today's environment. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Parrish, H.M. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 199-200 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:3:199-200_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Consumers of Washington Heights Family Planning Center, New York City and community comparison women. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Haberman, P.W. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 191 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:3:191_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The incidence of Brucella canis antibodies in sera of military recruits. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lewis Jr., G.E. Author-Name: Anderson, J.K. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 204-205 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:3:204-205_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An examination of some directions in health care policy. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Donabedian, A. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 243-246 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:3:243-246_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Wildlife as monitors of disease. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Trainer, D.O. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 201-203 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:3:201-203_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Family planning--changes in attitudes and practices among low income women between 1967 and 1970-71. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Siegel, E. Author-Name: Thomas, D. Author-Name: Coulter, E. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 255-261 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:3:255-261_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health planning--a method for generating program objectives. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Dolfman, M.L. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 238-242 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:3:238-242_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: New federal legislation on alcoholism--opportunities and problems. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Chafetz, M.E. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 206-208 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:3:206-208_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Factors associated with dropping out of family planning clinics in Jamaica. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bracken, M.B. Author-Name: Kasl, S.V. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 262-271 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:3:262-271_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Some factors influencing the distribution of premature death from coronary heart disease in Nova Scotia. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Deutscher, S. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 150-157 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:2:150-157_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Survey of infant feeding practices. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cowell, C. Author-Name: Maslansky, E. Author-Name: Grossi, M. Author-Name: Dash, R. Author-Name: Kayman, S. Author-Name: Archer, M. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 138-141 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:2:138-141_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A tribute to Margaret G. Arnstein (1904-1972). Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wegman, M.E. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 97 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:2:97_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health status and health knowledge of the student in the changing community college. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Carey, J. Author-Name: Rogers, E.L. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 126-133 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:2:126-133_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Chinese health care: determinants of the system. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Liang, M.H. Author-Name: Eichling, P.S. Author-Name: Fine, L.J. Author-Name: Annas, G.J. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 102-110 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:2:102-110_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The distribution of lead paint in New York City tenement buildings. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Laurer, G.R. Author-Name: Albert, R.E. Author-Name: Kneip, T.J. Author-Name: Pasternack, B. Author-Name: Strehlow, C. Author-Name: Nelson, N. Author-Name: Kent, F.S. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 163-168 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:2:163-168_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A derivation of clinic capacity. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hostler, S.L. Author-Name: Casey, M.C. Author-Name: Wang, W. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 134-137 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:2:134-137_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Promoting the adoption of social work services by hospitals and health departments. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gentry, J.T. Author-Name: Veney, J.E. Author-Name: Kaluzny, A.D. Author-Name: Sprague, J.B. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 117-125 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:2:117-125_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Serum parameters in hard and soft water communities. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bierenbaum, M.L. Author-Name: Fleischman, A.I. Author-Name: Dunn, J.P. Author-Name: Hayton, T. Author-Name: Pattison, D.C. Author-Name: Watson, P.B. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 169-173 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:2:169-173_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Centennial presidential address: policy, priority, and the power to act. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wegman, M.E. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 98-101 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:2:98-101_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Two experiences of an American public health nurse in China a quarter of a century apart. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Stanley, M. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 111-116 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:2:111-116_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Public health and family planning--a study of inter-relationship in India. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Dutta, R. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 158-162 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:2:158-162_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: New York State physicians and the social context of abortion. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wassertheil-Smoller, S. Author-Name: Lerner, R.C. Author-Name: Arnold, C.B. Author-Name: Heimrath, S.L. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 144-149 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:2:144-149_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A study of microflora on tiled and carpeted surfaces in a hospital nursery. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lanese, R.R. Author-Name: Keller, M.D. Author-Name: Macpherson, C.R. Author-Name: Covey, R.C. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 174-178 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:2:174-178_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Planning for family planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Tamblyn, P.B. Author-Name: Richardson, R.H. Author-Name: Ruyle, E.S. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 142-143 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:2:142-143_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Population education not crisis education. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Viederman, S. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 95-96 Abstract: Population education should be taught in the schools, not in response to a crisis, but as a means of providing knowledge and concepts to children. This may obviate future population crises. By treating population education as a crisis reaction, the effect of education is overrepresented; teachers and students are frustrated in not achieving the goal. The National Education Association publication of 1943 called for the introduction of population education into the schools. If it had been done then, we would have less of a gap between the concern of today's students and their knowledge. The level of understanding of leaders might be higher. Policy makers would not expect immediate results from population programs. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:2:95-96_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Prevalence of serogroups and sulfonamide resistance of meningococci from the civilian population in the United States, 1964-1970. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wiggins, G.L. Author-Name: Hollis, D.G. Author-Name: Weaver, R. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 59-65 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:1:59-65_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Low birth weight infants. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Goldstein, K.M. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 3-4 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:1:3-4_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Latin American experience related to the solution of rural health problems in the United States. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Drobny, A. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 66-70 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:1:66-70_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Priorities in health care: the consumer's viewpoint in an Appalachian community. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Richardson, J.D. Author-Name: Scutchfield, F.D. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 79-82 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:1:79-82_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A retrospective analysis of the Haight-Ashbury free dental clinic. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Silverstein, S.J. Author-Name: Handlesman, I.S. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 75-78 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:1:75-78_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The response of the dental profession to change in the organization of health care--a commentary. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Waldman, H.B. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 17-20 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:1:17-20_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: International food festival--a community action program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mirenda, R. Author-Name: Brooks, A.B. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 40-42 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:1:40-42_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Changing state laws regulating health manpower. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mosow, S. Author-Name: Fifer, E.Z. Author-Name: Guthman, J. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 37-39 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:1:37-39_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Communication between the public and the dental profession. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rayner, J.F. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 21-32 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:1:21-32_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The application of a model for health care services in a rural setting. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Penn Jr., R.L. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 33-36 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:1:33-36_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A study of services and needs of teenage pregnant girls in the large cities of the United States. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wallace, H.M. Author-Name: Gold, E.M. Author-Name: Goldstein, H. Author-Name: Oglesby, A.C. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 5-16 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:1:5-16_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The family health worker revisited: a five-year follow-up. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Torrey, E.F. Author-Name: Smith, D. Author-Name: Wise, H. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 71-74 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:1:71-74_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The role of impaired cardiac function in atherothrombotic brain infarction: the Framingham study. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wolf, P.A. Author-Name: Kannel, W.B. Author-Name: McNamara, P.M. Author-Name: Gordon, T. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 52-58 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:1:52-58_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health educators. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Brasfield, M.E. Author-Name: Salapatek, S.S. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 3 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:1:3_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Tuberculosis outbreak in a circus: report of a cooperative investigation. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Darney, P.D. Author-Name: Greene, J.E. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 43-45 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:1:43-45_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Agencies in cities in crisis: a descriptive study of selected characteristics. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mulligan, J.E. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 46-51 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:1:46-51_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The physician's assistant and the provision of health care. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosen, G. Year: 1973 Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-2 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1973:63:1:1-2_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Tuberculosis in suburbia--new indices for an old disease. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Tizes, R. Author-Name: Zuckerman, S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: 1586-1589 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:12:1586-1589_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A three-year longitudinal evaluation of the costs of a family planning program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Correa, H. Author-Name: Parrish Jr., V.W. Author-Name: Beasley, J.D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: 1647-1657 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:12:1647-1657_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Subsequent pregnancies among teenage mothers enrolled in a special program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Currie, J.B. Author-Name: Jekel, J.F. Author-Name: Klerman, L.V. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: 1606-1611 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:12:1606-1611_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Consultation, education, and training perspectives from an urban community mental health center: the context of dilemma. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Diamond, H. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: 1602-1605 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:12:1602-1605_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Some Navaho attitudes toward available medical care. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bozof, R.P. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: 1620-1624 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:12:1620-1624_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Smallpox vaccinations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Piszczek, E.A. Author-Name: Stebbins, E.L. Author-Name: Adriani, J. Author-Name: Lull, G.F. Author-Name: Niess, O.K. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: 1565-1566 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:12:1565-1566_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A comparative study of public health nurse teaching in groups and in home visits. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: McNeil, H.J. Author-Name: Holland, S.S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: 1629-1637 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:12:1629-1637_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Toward a family planning program in psychiatric hospitals. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Abernethy, V.D. Author-Name: Grunebaum, H. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: 1638-1646 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:12:1638-1646_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Group health work in a hostile environment: the U.S. Public Health Service. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hertzman, M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: 1566-1567 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:12:1566-1567_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Benefits and risks in nuclear medicine. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Johnson, P.C. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: 1568-1572 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:12:1568-1572_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The small hospital and the areawide planning agency: a basis for constructive dialogue. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Robinette, T.K. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: 1590-1595 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:12:1590-1595_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Radiation exposure from industrial microwave applications. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Eure, J.A. Author-Name: Nicolls, J.W. Author-Name: Elder, R.L. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: 1573-1577 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:12:1573-1577_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A computer system for treatment evaluation at the Community mental health center. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Harman, C.E. Author-Name: Meinhardt, K. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: 1596-1601 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:12:1596-1601_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An epidemiological study of timing failure type pregnancies. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Arnold, C.B. Author-Name: Slagle, S.J. Author-Name: Omran, A.R. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: 1658-1663 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:12:1658-1663_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Communicable disease control and public policy in the 1970s--hot war, cold war, or peaceful coexistence? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jekel, J.F. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: 1578-1585 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:12:1578-1585_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Broadening the focus of suicide prevention activities utilizing the public health model. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Welu, T.C. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: 1625-1628 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:12:1625-1628_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Pregnancy and special education: who stays in school? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Foltz, A.M. Author-Name: Klerman, L.V. Author-Name: Jekel, J.F. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: 1612-1619 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:12:1612-1619_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: MEDEX--an operational and replicated manpower program: increasing the delivery of health services. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Smith, R.A. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: 1563-1565 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:12:1563-1565_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A controlled home interview study of factors associated with early rheumatoid arthritis. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jacob, D.L. Author-Name: Robinson, H. Author-Name: Masai, A.T. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1532-1537 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1532-1537_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The epidemiologic revolution. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Terris, M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1439-1441 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1439-1441_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Canine histoplasmosis. I. Clinical histoplasmosis. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rhoades, J.D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1512-1514 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1512-1514_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Public health aspects of cancer in pet dogs and cats. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Dorn, C.R. Author-Name: Schneider, R. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1460-1462 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1460-1462_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Screening drivers for alcohol--an application of Bayes' formula. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: O'Neill, B. Author-Name: Eiswirth, R.S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1468-1472 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1468-1472_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An epidemiologic justification for genetic counseling in family planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sultz, H.A. Author-Name: Schlesinger, E.R. Author-Name: Feldman, J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1489-1492 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1489-1492_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Abortions among women on public assistance in Hawaii: implications for practice. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kumabe, K.T. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1538-1543 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1538-1543_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Services for males in a family planning program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Middleman, R.R. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1451-1453 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1451-1453_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The nurse-midwife as a family planner. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kohl, S.G. Author-Name: Maljzlin, G. Author-Name: Burnhill, M. Author-Name: Jones, J. Author-Name: Solish, G. Author-Name: Okrent, S. Author-Name: Pendleton, E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1448-1450 Abstract: Personnel other than physicians are necessary to supply adequate family planning services. At the Downstate Medical Center in New York, nurse-midwifery training was employed to solve the problem. The nurse-midwife role in family planning is described, and details are provided for the program, nurse-midwife training, and the program's expansion to foreign countries with Agency for International Development assistance. Nurse-midwives are taught all phases of family planning; accepted contraceptive methods, proper methodology, accurate record keeping and follow-up of patients, demographic and economic aspects of family planning, orientation into social service problems, and clinical planning and management. They are also taught to understand basic anatomical and physiological concepts of the reproductive systems andhow to do the following gynecological procedures: determining the position, size, and shape of the uterus and adnexa, determining the cervical canal direction, sounding the uterus, recognizing gross pelvic pathology, taking vaginal and cervical smears for neoplasia and trichomonas, and performing a Papanicolaou smear, pregnancy test, or hemocrit determination. It is the responsibility of medical and nursing schools to provide these programs for training of domestic as well as foreign personnel. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1448-1450_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Lessons to be learned from new child health programs: where do we go from here? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Stoeffler, V.R. Author-Name: Meyer, R. Author-Name: Smith, D.C. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1444-1447 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1444-1447_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Using a model as a practical management tool for family planning programs. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: O'Connor, R.W. Author-Name: Urban, G.L. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1493-1500 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1493-1500_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Lung function as a risk factor for coronary heart disease. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Keys, A. Author-Name: Aravanis, C. Author-Name: Blackburn, H. Author-Name: Djordjevic, B.S. Author-Name: Dontas, A.S. Author-Name: Fidanza, F. Author-Name: Karvonen, M.J. Author-Name: Menotti, A. Author-Name: Taylor, H.L. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1506-1511 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1506-1511_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Use of conception control methods before pregnancies terminating in birth or a requested abortion in New York City municipal hospitals. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Daily, E. Author-Name: Nicholas, N. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1544-1545 Abstract: Approximately 70,000 general service patients receive postpartum and preabortal counseling on contraceptive methods each year in 30 voluntary and municipal hospitals in New York City. A survey in 1971 showed that the younger the patient, the less likely she has used contraception in the 2 years prior to pregnancy. Also, patients terminating their 1st pregnancy by birth or abortion are the least likely to have used any contraception in the last 2 years. 41% of all abortion patients said they had not used any contraceptive method in the past 2 years. 91% of those under age 15 and 66% of those ages 15-19 had not used any contraception in the last 2 years. Over 90% of all patients receiving the counseling asked to be put on a contraceptive method. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1544-1545_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health planning with "clout": certificate of need legislation. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1549 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1549_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Mercury content of human tissues. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Archer, V.E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1442-1443 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1442-1443_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Can occupational health concepts help us deal with childhood lead poisoning? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Meigs, J.W. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1483-1485 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1483-1485_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Toward quantitative evaluation of core functions in a health planning organization. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lifson, A. Author-Name: Koleski, R. Author-Name: Service, A.L. Author-Name: Chansky, L. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1546-1548 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1546-1548_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Pets and adult leukemia. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bross, I.D. Author-Name: Bertell, R. Author-Name: Gibson, R. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1520-1531 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1520-1531_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Family planning, race consciousness and the fear of race genocide. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Darity, W.A. Author-Name: Turner, C.B. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1454-1459 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1454-1459_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Fatal unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning in motor vehicles. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Baker, S.P. Author-Name: Fisher, R.S. Author-Name: Masemore, W.C. Author-Name: Sopher, I.M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1463-1467 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1463-1467_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Canine histoplasmosis. 2. Laboratory aspects of canine histoplasmosis. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sprouse, R.F. Author-Name: Rhoades, J.D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1514-1519 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1514-1519_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Relationship of a clinical examination to mortality rates. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Braren, M. Author-Name: Elinson, J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1501-1505 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1501-1505_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Milk programs: helpful or harmful to Negro children? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Paige, D.M. Author-Name: Bayless, T.M. Author-Name: Graham, G.G. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1486-1488 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1486-1488_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Problem drinking among American men aged 21-59. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cahalan, D. Author-Name: Room, R. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1473-1482 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1473-1482_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Controlling drug costs. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jacobson, S.B. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 11 Pages: 1441-1442 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:11:1441-1442_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The hoax of national health insurance. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bodenheimer, T.S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1324-1327 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1324-1327_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Fluoridation in local politics: study of the failure of a proposed ordinance in one American city. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Scism, T.E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1340-1345 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1340-1345_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Nurse practitioners. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wright, R.D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1314-1315 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1314-1315_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Free health centers: a new concept? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Turner, I.R. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1348-1353 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1348-1353_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The economics of heroin treatment. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Maidlow, S.T. Author-Name: Berman, H. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1397-1406 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1397-1406_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Systems approach to planning alcoholism programs in North Carolina. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Holder, H.D. Author-Name: Hallan, J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1415-1421 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1415-1421_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Community health planning or who will control the health care system. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Brown, D.R. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1336-1339 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1336-1339_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Intermediate benefit analysis. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Meagher, M.W. Author-Name: Ryan, E.M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1315-1316 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1315-1316_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: True to life: a relevant approach to patient education. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Crow, M.M. Author-Name: Bradshaw, B.R. Author-Name: Guest, F. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1328-1330 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1328-1330_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Benefits-to-risks ratio in physician drug selection. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Knapp, D.E. Author-Name: Oeltjen, P.D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1346-1347 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1346-1347_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The social effects of legal abortion. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Schwartz, R.A. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1331-1335 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1331-1335_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health care for the poor: when oh when? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wolfe, S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1313-1314 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1313-1314_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Absentee health workers and community participation. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Westermeyer, J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1364-1369 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1364-1369_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A coding system for the epidemiological study of military dog diseases in Vietnam. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jennings, P.B. Author-Name: Elwell, P.A. Author-Name: Moe, J.B. Author-Name: Sands, L.D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1317-1323 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1317-1323_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Confirmation of the presence of 11-hydroxy- 9-tetrahydrocannabinol in the urine of marijuana smokers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Woodhouse, E.J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1394-1396 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1394-1396_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: National network of physicians investigates claims of radiation injury in the non-occupationally exposed population. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Holder, L.E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1387-1390 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1387-1390_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Free clinic patient characteristics. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Schatz, B.E. Author-Name: Ebrahimi, F. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1354-1363 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1354-1363_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A utility sponsored environmental surveillance and radioecological research program for a coastal nuclear power plant. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Roessler, C.E. Author-Name: Bolch, W.E. Author-Name: Gamble, J.F. Author-Name: Johnson Jr., W.B. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1379-1386 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1379-1386_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Experience with positive beam limiting systems on diagnostic radiographic equipment. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kerrigan, G.M. Author-Name: Peyser, L.F. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1391-1393 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1391-1393_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Adolescent health in Harlem. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Brunswick, A.F. Author-Name: Josephson, E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: S2 Pages: 1-62 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:S2:1-62_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Phase one of consumer participation in policies of 22 voluntary hospitals in New York City. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bellin, L.E. Author-Name: Kavaler, F. Author-Name: Schwarz, A. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1370-1378 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1370-1378_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An ecosystems approach to the study of dangerous drug use and abuse with special reference to the marijuana issue. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Fisher, G. Author-Name: Strantz, I. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 1407-1414 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:10:1407-1414_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health education--a bridge to the community. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Conant Jr., R.K. Author-Name: DeLuca, A.J. Author-Name: Levin, L.S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 9 Pages: 1239-1244 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:9:1239-1244_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Lessons learned from the experience of health facilities planning councils. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Palmiere, D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 9 Pages: 1235-1238 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:9:1235-1238_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A family planning clinic on campus: first year experience at the University of Hawaii. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Nordyke, E.C. Author-Name: Odom, C.B. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 9 Pages: 1249-1251 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:9:1249-1251_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Asthma and air pollution from a coal-fueled power plant. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cohen, A.A. Author-Name: Bromberg, S. Author-Name: Buechley, R.W. Author-Name: Heiderscheit, L.T. Author-Name: Shy, C.M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 9 Pages: 1181-1188 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:9:1181-1188_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The voice of the community. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lindaman, F.C. Author-Name: Costa, M.A. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 9 Pages: 1245-1248 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:9:1245-1248_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Contrasts in payment and provision of health care: Canada and the United States. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wolfe, S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 9 Pages: 1171-1172 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:9:1171-1172_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: National health insurance and the poor. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Stuart, B.C. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 9 Pages: 1252-1259 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:9:1252-1259_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Nutrition in action for young transients in Hawaii. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jane, D.E. Author-Name: Hankin, J.H. Author-Name: Furuno, S. Author-Name: Winn, N.E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 9 Pages: 1202-1206 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:9:1202-1206_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Food quality and the consumer: a decalog. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Benarde, M.A. Author-Name: Jerome, N.W. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 9 Pages: 1199-1201 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:9:1199-1201_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The role of the Food and Drug Administration in the nutritional quality of foods. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Forbes, A.L. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 9 Pages: 1207-1209 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:9:1207-1209_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Should medical radiation exposure be recorded? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Eason, C.F. Author-Name: Brooks, B.G. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 9 Pages: 1189-1193 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:9:1189-1193_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Psychiatric utilization review as patient care evaluation. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Riedel, D. Author-Name: Brenner, M.H. Author-Name: Brauer, L. Author-Name: Goldblatt, P. Author-Name: Klerman, G. Author-Name: Myers, J. Author-Name: Schwartz, C. Author-Name: Tischler, G. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 9 Pages: 1222-1228 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:9:1222-1228_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Nutritional problems growing out of new patterns of food consumption. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Henderson, L.M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 9 Pages: 1194-1198 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:9:1194-1198_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Dietary intakes of mental patients. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Payne, I.R. Author-Name: Hudson, M.M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 9 Pages: 1210-1215 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:9:1210-1215_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Epidemiologic aspects of salmonellosis in Hawaii. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gould, K.L. Author-Name: Gooch, J.M. Author-Name: Ching, G.Q. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 9 Pages: 1216-1221 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:9:1216-1221_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Methemoglobin levels in infants in an area with high nitrate water supply. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Shearer, L.A. Author-Name: Goldsmith, J.R. Author-Name: Young, C. Author-Name: Kearns, O.A. Author-Name: Tamplin, B.R. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 9 Pages: 1174-1180 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:9:1174-1180_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The Columbia Point Health Association: evolution of a community health board. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Stokes, A. Author-Name: Banta, D. Author-Name: Putnam, S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 9 Pages: 1229-1234 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:9:1229-1234_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A new mental health services model for the comprehensive neighborhood health center. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Morrill, R.G. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1108-1111 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1108-1111_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Older persons after hospitalization: a controlled study of home aide service. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Nielsen, M. Author-Name: Blenkner, M. Author-Name: Bloom, M. Author-Name: Downs, T. Author-Name: Beggs, H. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1094-1101 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1094-1101_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Organization and operation of a military preventive dentistry program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cassidy, J.E. Author-Name: Barnes, G.P. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1072-1076 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1072-1076_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Evaluation of the use of programmed instruction for patients maintained on Warfarin therapy. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Clark, C.M. Author-Name: Bayley, E.W. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1135-1139 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1135-1139_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Decriminalization, demythologizing, desymbolizing and deemphasizing marijuana. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1151-1152 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1151-1152_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Federal water pollution legislation and its impact on the environment. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Metzler, D.F. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1041-1042 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1041-1042_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Home health services in Massachusetts, 1971: their role in care of the long-term sick. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Morris, R. Author-Name: Harris, E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1088-1093 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1088-1093_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Epidemiological and toxicological aspects of nitrates and nitrites in the environment. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Shuval, H.I. Author-Name: Gruener, N. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1045-1052 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1045-1052_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A comparison between two diagnostic tests for lead poisoning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Blumenthal, S. Author-Name: Davidow, B. Author-Name: Harris, D. Author-Name: Oliver-Smith, F. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1060-1064 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1060-1064_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Recycling and reclamation. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kupchik, G.J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1143-1147 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1143-1147_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A perspective on the root causes of illness. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Reverby, S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1140-1142 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1140-1142_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Types of planning in the health care system. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Palmiere, D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1112-1115 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1112-1115_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Occupational health and child lead poisoning: mutual interests and special problems. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: King, B.G. Author-Name: Schaplowsky, A.F. Author-Name: McCabe, E.B. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1056-1059 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1056-1059_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Nuclear power and public health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wolff, A.H. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1042-1043 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1042-1043_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Some estimates of the potential reduction in the United States infant mortality rate by family planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wright, N.H. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1130-1134 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1130-1134_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Implementation of the delivery of dental services by auxiliaries--the Philadelphia experience. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Soricelli, D.A. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1077-1087 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1077-1087_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A study of Title 19 coverage of abortion. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wallace, H.M. Author-Name: Goldstein, H. Author-Name: Gold, E.M. Author-Name: Oglesby, A.C. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1116-1122 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1116-1122_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Expanding role of the social worker in the health field. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Randar, M.A. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1102-1104 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1102-1104_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The role of areawide comprehensive health planning in the environment. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gorfain, D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1148-1150 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1148-1150_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A comprehensive surveillance system of infections and antimicrobials use at Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Edwards, L.D. Author-Name: Levin, S. Author-Name: Lepper, M.H. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1053-1055 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1053-1055_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Symbiosis in planning and operation of a comprehensive health center and community mental health program in Philadelphia. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gonzalez, R.B. Author-Name: Thomas, J.K. Author-Name: Alden, J.C. Author-Name: Herrenkohl, K.J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1105-1107 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1105-1107_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Crisis oriented health education. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wenner, G. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1043-1044 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1043-1044_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Family planning practices of low income women in two communities. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Pomeroy, R. Author-Name: Torres, A. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1123-1129 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1123-1129_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: How hazardous are low concentrations of inhaled particles? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sterling, T.D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1043 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1043_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Analysis of trends in age-adjusted incidence rates for 10 major sites of cancer. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sullivan, P.D. Author-Name: Christine, B. Author-Name: Connelly, R. Author-Name: Barrett, H. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 8 Pages: 1065-1071 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:8:1065-1071_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Field experiences in comprehensive health planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gordon, C. Author-Name: Chabot, A. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 973-976 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:973-976_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The natural history of a heroin epidemic. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hughes, P.H. Author-Name: Barker, N.W. Author-Name: Crawford, G.A. Author-Name: Jaffe, J.H. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 995-1001 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:995-1001_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: On making systems analysis results operational in comprehensive health planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Murray, G.R. Author-Name: Klainer, L.M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 980-984 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:980-984_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The utilization of dental services by families at the Hill Health Center. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Schonfeld, H.K. Author-Name: Milone, C.L. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 942-952 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:942-952_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The fiftieth anniversary of the maternal and child health section: some remarks on its background and origin. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Eliot, M.M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 1018-1019 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:1018-1019_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Change in health sponsorship. II. Cohesiveness, compactness and family constellation of medical care patterns. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Schumaker Jr., C.J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 931-935 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:931-935_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Safe drinking water. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Okun, D.A. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 903-904 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:903-904_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Use of work injury rate tables in estimating disabling work injuries. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Akman, A. Author-Name: Brooks, M. Author-Name: Gordon, J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 917-923 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:917-923_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A new method of teamwork in family medicine in Israel with the participation of nurses as physician's assistants. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Yodfat, Y. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 953-956 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:953-956_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Working with 4-year-olds in the classroom. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Modarressi, T. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 985-987 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:985-987_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A survey of public health nurses' knowledge and attitudes about family planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Howard, J. Author-Name: Lawrence, J. Author-Name: Rasile, K. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 962-968 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:962-968_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Nursing in a health maintenance organization. Report on the Harvard Community Health Plan. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bates, B. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 991-994 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:991-994_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Current reference works in public health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Ash, J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 1014-1017 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:1014-1017_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Entry into methadone maintenance programs: a follow-up study of New York City heroin users detoxified in 1961-1963. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Richman, A. Author-Name: Perkins, M.E. Author-Name: Bihari, B. Author-Name: Fishman, J.J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 1002-1007 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:1002-1007_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The efficacy of a comprehensive health care project: an empirical analysis. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kaplan, R.S. Author-Name: Lave, L.B. Author-Name: Leinhardt, S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 924-930 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:924-930_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Ethnic differences in the outpatient use of a public-charity hospital. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Fabrega Jr., H. Author-Name: Roberts, R.E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 936-941 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:936-941_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Cost-benefit estimates for the major sources of radiation exposure. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Terrill Jr., J.G. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 1008-1013 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:1008-1013_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: What needs to be done to eradicate tuberculosis. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosenblatt, W.F. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 905-906 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:905-906_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Remarks of Senator Walter F. Mondale. American Public Health Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 12, 1971. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mondale, W.F. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 988-990 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:988-990_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Three phases of the abortion process and its influence on women's mental health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kapor-Stanulovic, N. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 906-907 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:906-907_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The house reunited: it must not fall. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lysaught, J.P. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 957-961 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:957-961_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: In memoriam. Dr. George James. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: McLaughlin, M.C. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 907-908 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:907-908_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Use of groups, councils, and committees in comprehensive health planning--Birmingham, Alabama style. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rice, G.E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 977-979 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:977-979_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Consumer participation in a family planning program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bradshaw, B.R. Author-Name: Mapp, C.B. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 969-972 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:969-972_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Oh where, oh where should health educators be? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Haag, J.H. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 904-905 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:904-905_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Air pollution, climate, and home heating: their effects on U.S. mortality rates. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lave, L.B. Author-Name: Seskin, E.P. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 909-916 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:909-916_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Report on Federal Statistical Needs. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Marvin, O.M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 7 Pages: 906 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:7:906_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Controlling drug costs. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Muller, C. Author-Name: Stolley, P.D. Author-Name: Becker, M.H. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 755-756 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:755-756_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Social class variables related to health instruction. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Dennison, D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 814-820 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:814-820_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The primary care nurse--the generalist in a structured health care team. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Brunetto, E. Author-Name: Birk, P. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 785-794 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:785-794_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Licensure--effects on career mobility. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosenberg, S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 757-758 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:757-758_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: U.S. Army heroin abuse identification program in Vietnam: implications for a methadone program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Baker Jr., S.L. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 857-860 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:857-860_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: What is and what must be done. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Freedman, B. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 759-764 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:759-764_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: APHA and Vietnam war. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jonas, S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 756-757 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:756-757_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Recruitment in the present economic climate. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Greenfield, H.I. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 765-766 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:765-766_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The Richmond meeting of the American Public Health Association, 1978. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosen, G. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 880-882 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:880-882_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An environmental mode for swimming pool bacteriology. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Paul, R.A. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 770-772 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:770-772_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Malnutrition, learning, and intelligence. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Birch, H.G. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 773-784 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:773-784_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Effects of Medicare on the provision of community health resources. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Coe, R.M. Author-Name: Andrews, K.R. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 854-856 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:854-856_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Regional planning for effective services in extended care facilities. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Deabler, L. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 877-879 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:877-879_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Data for health planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Reeves, P.N. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 874-876 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:874-876_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The effect of partial defluoridation of a water supply on dental fluorosis--final results in Bartlett, Texas, after 17 years. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Horowitz, H.S. Author-Name: Heifetz, S.B. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 767-769 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:767-769_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Smoking behavior in a teenage population: a multivariate conceptual approach. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lanese, R.R. Author-Name: Banks, F.R. Author-Name: Keller, M.D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 807-813 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:807-813_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Measuring stress levels in school children as a program-monitoring device. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Leighton, D.C. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 799-806 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:799-806_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Contraceptive antecedents to early and late therapeutic abortions. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Oppel, W. Author-Name: Athanasiou, R. Author-Name: Cushner, I. Author-Name: Sasaki, T. Author-Name: Unger, T. Author-Name: Wolf, S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 824-827 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:824-827_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Determinants of medical care utilization: physicians' use of laboratory services. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Freeborn, D.K. Author-Name: Baer, D. Author-Name: Greenlick, M.R. Author-Name: Bailey, J.W. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 846-853 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:846-853_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Narcotics and the community: a system stimulation. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Levin, G. Author-Name: Hirsch, G. Author-Name: Roberts, E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 861-873 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:861-873_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The "M"-IUD: an international clinical trial. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bernard, R.P. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 828-845 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:828-845_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Vision screening of young children. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Box, R.A. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 757 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:757_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Preschool multiphasic screening programs in rural Kansas. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Belleville, M. Author-Name: Green, P.B. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 795-798 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:795-798_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A selected public health bibliography with annotations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wylie, C.M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 883-886 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:883-886_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Pregnancy: a crisis in health education. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Veerhusen, P. Author-Name: Cooksey, P. Author-Name: Fredlund, D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 821-823 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:6:821-823_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Polychlorinated biphenyl residues in human plasma expose a major urban pollution problem. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Finklea, J. Author-Name: Priester, L.E. Author-Name: Creason, J.P. Author-Name: Hauser, T. Author-Name: Hinners, T. Author-Name: Hammer, D.I. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 645-651 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:645-651_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Joint symptoms following an area-wide rubella immunization campaign--report of a survey. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wallace, R.B. Author-Name: Libert, P. Author-Name: Ibrahim, M. Author-Name: Isacson, P. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 658-661 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:658-661_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A selected public health bibliography with annotations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wylie, C.M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 735-737 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:735-737_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Abortion counseling. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Asher, J.D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 686-688 Abstract: Abortion counseling has 3 purposes: 1) to aid the applicant in making a decision about the unwanted pregnancy, 2) to help her implement the decision, and 3) to assist her in controlling her future fertility. To accomplish the 1st objective, the compulsory use of psychiatrists to prove emotional disorders has been unsatisfactory. Counseling needs to be supportive and nonjudgmental regardless of circumstances. Hostile feelings of the counselor must be suppressed. The applicant should be informed regarding the physical and emotional aspects of the abortion procedure. Also, good counseling should aim at future prevention by determining the reasons for failure that caused the unwanted pregnancy. Of importance in selecting abortion counselors are qualities described as personality traits. These include empathy, nonpossessive warmth, and genuineness. Also, maturity and flexibility are needed in allowing the woman to make the decision, particularly in cases of ambivalence and uncertainty. A program in New York City has used women counselors who themselves have had abortions. This experience alone is not sufficient, but may be significant. The counselor needs basic knowledge of sexual physiology, psychology, and contraceptive technology. Also, the counselor should be able to recognize prodromal psychiatric signs of an imminent crisis, and be able to initiate steps of prevention. Training programs vary widely. Flexibility is needed. Experience in counseling couples is important. Assistance by an experienced counselor is helpful on a continuing basis, particularly for the new counselor. Group sessions and didactic presentations are needed. To obtain acceptance of postabortal contraception may pose special problems. A history of previous psychiatric disturbance may require referral to a trained consultant. Strong religious or ethical feelings modify attitudes. The woman must not feel coerced. She should be able to integrate the experience in such a way as to prevent a recurrence. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:686-688_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Gonorrhea epidemiology--is it worthwhile? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Marino, A.F. Author-Name: Pariser, H. Author-Name: Wise, H. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 713-714 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:713-714_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Sex and obscenity in churches. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 734 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:734_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Report on a national death index--pros and cons. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Chase, H.C. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 719-723 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:719-723_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A stimulation program for low birth weight infants. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Scarr-Salapatek, S. Author-Name: Williams, M.L. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 662-667 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:662-667_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Male sexual behavior and use of contraceptives in Santiago, Chile. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hall, M.F. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 700-709 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:700-709_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Self-prescribed contraceptive education by the unwillingly pregnant. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Thiebaux, H.J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 689-694 Abstract: Pregnant young women seeking abortions were asked to evaluate their own personal situations in regard to use and knowledge of contraceptives and learning experiences that would have been helpful and appropriate for them. The study group included 115 women who received counseling at a pregnancy counseling service in the Boston metropolitan area. In addition to the routine background information obtained in the counseling session, a 3-page multiple choice questionnaire was completed by each patient as she waited for her appointment. The findings reported here are of the 80 single women, 70% of the 115. 55% of these patients were between 18 and 21 years old, and the group was predominantly middle-class. 38% had at least some higher education. 50% described their relationship with the conception partner as a continuing one in which marriage was not a consideration. 55% had never discussed contraception with a doctor. The reasons most frequently given for not using contraception were infrequency of sexual relations and dependence on the rhythm method. Regarding the preferred learning method, 48% selected as their 1st or 2nd choice a comprehensive health course with a frank presentation of sexuality and contraceptive information. Personal discussion was the next most frequently chosen method; group discussion with other young people was also on the preferred lists. 35% selected the school at all levels as their choice for the place of learning, with 30% preferring the home. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:689-694_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The validity study of the Leighton Instrument. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Appels, A. Author-Name: Moses, L.E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 627 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:627_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A new approach for gonorrhea epidemiology. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Blount, J.H. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 710-712 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:710-712_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Dental health program of the University of Alabama in Birmingham. IX. A summary of seven years experience. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Pelton, W.J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 671-675 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:671-675_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Proposal for a world data bank. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cargille, C.M. Author-Name: Sager, M.C. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 626 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:626_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Specialization in public health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosen, G. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 624-625 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:624-625_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Availability of military-trained environmental health technicians to civilian health agencies. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Magnuson, L.W. Author-Name: Barnes Jr., W.C. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 652-654 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:652-654_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Physician associates and assistants. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Maeck, J.V. Author-Name: Gray, M.J. Author-Name: Morgan, J.A. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 626-627 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:626-627_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The United States' position on environment. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Blowers, J.H. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 634-638 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:634-638_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Environmental protection--a local administrative dilemma. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Harrison, J.T. Author-Name: DeJan, E.P. Author-Name: Hackett, L.E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 642-644 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:642-644_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The American Journal of Public Health: antecedents, origin and evolution. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosen, G. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 724-733 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:724-733_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Food fortification in low income countries--a new approach to an old standby. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Levinson, F.J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 715-718 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:715-718_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A study of premarital pregnancy. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Tillack, W.S. Author-Name: Tyler Jr., C.W. Author-Name: Paquette, R. Author-Name: Jones, P.H. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 676-679 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:676-679_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The environment, the citizen, and the environmental health professional. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Swan, J.A. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 639-641 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:639-641_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Man-environment--problems for public health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sargent 2nd., F. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 628-633 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:628-633_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Family day care--potential child development service. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sale, J.S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 668-670 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:668-670_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Oral contraceptive use in patients with thromboembolism following surgery, trauma, or infection. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Greene, G.R. Author-Name: Sartwell, P.E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 680-685 Abstract: 113 hospitalized women aged 15-44 who developed venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism after surgery, trauma, infection or immobilization were compared to 184 controls matched by race, age, marital status, date of discharge, and degree of predisposition to thromboembolism. The groups were similar in religion, education, family income and number of children, but the married cases weighed an average of 143 lb, compared to 128 for married controls. 21 cases (35%), and 16 controls (16%), had taken oral contraceptives in the month prior to hospitalization. When computed by matched pairs, the relative risk for pill users was 6.5. When computed by groups, the relative risk was 2.7. These results agreed with a previous British study of high-risk cases. The authors concur with the suggestion that the pill be discontinued 1 month prior to surgery. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:680-685_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: What new professional health workers want. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lynch Jr., W. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 623-624 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:623-624_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Trends in therapeutic abortion in San Francisco. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Goldstein, P. Author-Name: Stewart, G. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 695-699 Abstract: Positive and negative aspects of therapeutic abortion are discussed upon review of trends found in the 6201 abortions performed in San Francisco between 1968 and 1970 (since Abortion was legalized in California in 1967). On the positive side, legalized abortion appears to have reduced the septic abortion rate (68 per 1000 live births in 1967 to 22 per 1000 in 1969) indicating a decline in criminal abortion. Maternal mortality has also declined from 8 per 100,000 to just over 3 per 100,000 from 1967 to 1969. Patients requesting abortion have averaged in age from 20-24 (26% were less than 19) and approximately half have been nulliparous. 37% of teenagers had saline abortions. Negative aspects have included the increasing morbidity rate associated with saline abortion, a second-trimester method. Compared to abortions performed at 12 weeks' gestation or less (usually done by vacuum aspiration), saline abortions required 5.7% second admissions (only 1.2% of the early abortions required readmission) and necessitated transfusion 3 times as often (in 2.3% of the cases). Regardless of the procedure used, later abortion involved a greater risk of hermorrhage and infection (2.7% incidence at 5-6 weeks' gestation compared to 12.9% at 11-12 weeks). Morbidity accompanying saline abortion was similar at 15 and 20 weeks however. Fortunately a trend toward earlier abortion is indicated. (74% of abortions were by suction and 22% by saline in 1970). Hysterotomy plus tubal ligation and hysterectomy accounted for only 4% of abortions but were accompanied by hemorrhage rates of 31% and 27% respectively and had respective infection rates of 13% and 22%. Private patients received abortions 3 times more often than ward patients although ward patients were subjected to more traumatic procedures: hysterectomies for ward patients were 2.0% vs .9% for private patients; sterilization by tubal ligation following suction abortion was 3.5% vs 1.7%. Additionally, black women had later abortions more often than white patients (33% of the black women were seen after 14 weeks gestation compared to 20% of the white women). Obstructions to early abortion must be eliminated to avoid such discrepancies in opportunity. Psychiatric examinations are unnecessary and causes for administrative delays must be remedied. Cost still presents a barrier for some women. The long-term effects of abortion now suggested by data from countries such as Czechoslovakia indicate that abortion is best viewed as a back-up measure to contraception making increased sex education, counseling and contraceptive practice essential. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:695-699_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Breaking the childhood lead poisoning cycle--a program for community casefinding and self-help. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Challop, R. Author-Name: McCabe, E. Author-Name: Reece, R. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 655-657 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:5:655-657_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Tenements and typhus in New York City, 1840-1875. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosen, G. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 590-593 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:590-593_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Epidemiologic analysis in school populations as a basis for change in school-nursing practice--report of the second phase of a longitudinal study. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Basco, D. Author-Name: Eyres, S. Author-Name: Glasser, J.H. Author-Name: Roberts, D.E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 491-497 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:491-497_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The metropolitan council CHP experience--a search for balance between control and delegation. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Ardell, D.B. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 516-521 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:516-521_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Nutrition for children. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosen, G. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 462 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:462_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health aspects of water quality. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Farkas, C.S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 467-468 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:467-468_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Use of physician associates. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosenberg, S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 465-466 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:465-466_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The care component score--a new system for evaluating quality of inpatient care. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Helbig, D.W. Author-Name: O'Hare, D. Author-Name: Smith, N.W. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 540-546 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:540-546_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Community action in stroke management. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Drake Jr., W.E. Author-Name: Dietrich, B.J. Author-Name: Hunt, G. Author-Name: Moga, D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 522-529 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:522-529_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Perfective medicine. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Levinson, R.W. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 467 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:467_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The Comprehensive Child Development Bill and its veto. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Stine, O.C. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 463-464 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:463-464_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Psychopathology in the pediatric hospital--implications for community health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Stocking, M. Author-Name: Rothney, W. Author-Name: Grosser, G. Author-Name: Goodwin, R. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 551-556 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:551-556_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Pennsylvania laser regulatory program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Baier, E.J. Author-Name: Chrostek, W.J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 514-515 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:514-515_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The influence of obvious anonymity on the response of school children to a questionnaire about smoking. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Harlin, V.K. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 566-574 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:566-574_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The position of the United States in international comparisons of health status. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Chase, H.C. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 581-589 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:581-589_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: "No fault" insurance, health care, and discrimination. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 594 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:594_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Bibliography of recent A.J.P.H. articles of particular interest to nurses. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Carroll, H.D. Author-Name: Bloch, D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 595-598 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:595-598_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Intermediate benefit analysis--Spencer's dilemma and school health services. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hazell, J.W. Author-Name: Hodges, F.B. Author-Name: Cunningham, G.C. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 560-565 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:560-565_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Smoking habits of the medical profession in the Republic of Ireland. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bourke, G.J. Author-Name: Wilson-Davis, K. Author-Name: Thornes, D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 575-580 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:575-580_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health care for the Chinese community in Boston. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Li, F.P. Author-Name: Schlief, N.Y. Author-Name: Chang, C.J. Author-Name: Gaw, A.C. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 536-539 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:536-539_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The changing role of the nurse. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Roberts, D.E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 462-463 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:462-463_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: From the roofer to the research chemist--can we protect and promote the health of the American worker? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Discher, D.P. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 464-465 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:464-465_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Evaluation of the components of a dental public health program through the screening of lower first permanent molars. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Murphy, R.F. Author-Name: Young, R.A. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 547-550 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:547-550_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Evaluation of effectiveness of team and non-team public health nurses in health outcomes of patients with strokes or fractures. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Christensen, K. Author-Name: Lingle, J.A. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 483-490 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:483-490_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A selected public health bibliography with annotations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wylie, C.M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 599-603 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:599-603_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Advocacy in community mental health programs. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Ozarin, L.D. Author-Name: Thomas, C.S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 557-559 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:557-559_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The social and economic impact of hemophilia--a survey of 70 cases in Vermont and New Hampshire. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Meyers, R.D. Author-Name: Adams, W. Author-Name: Dardick, K. Author-Name: Reinisch, J. Author-Name: Von Reyn, F. Author-Name: Renna, T. Author-Name: McIntyre, O.R. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 530-535 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:530-535_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A bookshelf of nutrition programs for pre-school children--a recent selected bibliography. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jelliffe, D.B. Author-Name: Jelliffe, E.F. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 469-475 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:469-475_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Drug efficacy and a journal's responsibility. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kimmey, J.R. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 461-462 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:461-462_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Planning a health component. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Johnson, K.G. Author-Name: Zukin, P. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 466 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:466_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Maternal and infant health and their associated factors in an inner city population. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Smiley, J. Author-Name: Eyres, S. Author-Name: Roberts, D.E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 476-482 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:476-482_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Resurgence of measles in New York. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hinman, A.R. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 498-503 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:498-503_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Mercury content of human tissues during the twentieth century. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kevorkian, J. Author-Name: Cento, D.P. Author-Name: Hyland, J.R. Author-Name: Bagozzi, W.M. Author-Name: Van Hollebeke, E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 504-513 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:4:504-513_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Seagle, E.F. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 411-413 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:411-413_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The drug package insert: useful information or the practice of medicine. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 435 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:435_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The nominal group as a research instrument for exploratory health studies. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Van de Ven, A.H. Author-Name: Delbecq, A.L. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 337-342 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:337-342_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Michael M. Davis (November 19, 1879-August 19, 1971): pioneer in medical care. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosen, G. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 321-323 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:321-323_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Selective detection of enterococci in marine waters. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Buck, J.D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 419-421 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:419-421_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Child-proof packaging for drugs: any action? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosen, G. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 323 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:323_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Impact of efforts to increase participation in repetitive screenings for early breast cancer detection. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Fink, R. Author-Name: Shapiro, S. Author-Name: Roester, R. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 328-336 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:328-336_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Meeting dental health needs of the aged. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gordon, R.H. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 385-388 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:385-388_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A selected public health bibliography with annotations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wylie, C.M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 436-440 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:436-440_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Public perceptions of the physicians' assistant--a survey of the attitudes and opinions of rural Iowa and Minnesota residents. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Litman, T.J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 343-346 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:343-346_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Physical and mental health effects of involuntary relocation and institutionalization on the elderly--a review. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kasl, S.V. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 377-384 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:377-384_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The poor, health, and the law. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Froh, R.B. Author-Name: Galanter, R. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 427-430 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:427-430_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Some recollections of Wilson G. Smillie, M.D. (1886-1971). Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosen, G. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 431-434 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:431-434_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Dr. Mann: obesity, the nutritional spook. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kantrowitz, L. Author-Name: Mann, G.V. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 324-325 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:324-325_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The milk and food program of the Food and Drug Administration. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Fritz, J.H. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 414-418 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:414-418_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Non-auditory effects of environmental noise. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kryter, K.D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 389-398 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:389-398_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: "Pornography" as a public health problem. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Calderone, M.S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 374-376 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:374-376_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Smallpox vaccination. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Blaney, L. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 326 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:326_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Enhancing the effectiveness of allied health workers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Paige, D.M. Author-Name: Leonardo, E. Author-Name: Roberts, E. Author-Name: Graham, G.G. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 370-373 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:370-373_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: How hazardous are low concentrations of inhaled particles? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosen, G. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 323-324 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:323-324_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Improvement of patient care in a solo OB-GYN practice by using an R.N. physician's assistant. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Fairweather, J.L. Author-Name: Kifolo, A. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 361-363 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:361-363_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Automobile head restraints--frequency of neck injury claims in relation to the presence of head restraints. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: O'Neill, B. Author-Name: Haddon Jr., W. Author-Name: Kelley, A.B. Author-Name: Sorenson, W.W. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 399-406 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:399-406_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A delivery system for local mental health services. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Maholick, L.T. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 364-369 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:364-369_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Vision screening of young children. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Keller, J.T. Author-Name: Lippmann, O. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 325 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:325_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Animal bites in a large city--a report on Baltimore, Maryland. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Berzon, D.R. Author-Name: Farber, R.E. Author-Name: Gordon, J. Author-Name: Kelley, E.B. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 422-426 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:422-426_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The introduction of midwifery in a prepaid group practice. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Record, J.C. Author-Name: Cohen, H.R. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 354-360 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:354-360_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Developing total service capabilities in Poison Information Centers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Luckens, M.M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 407-410 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:407-410_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Concern for nursing homes. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Fink, G.J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 326 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:326_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The outcomes and service impact of a pediatric nurse practitioner training program--nurse practitioner training outcomes. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Yankauer, A. Author-Name: Tripp, S. Author-Name: Andrews, P. Author-Name: Connelly, J.P. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 347-353 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:3:347-353_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The incidence of lung cancer in the U.S. since 1955 in relation to the etiology of the disease. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sterling, T.D. Author-Name: Pollack, S.V. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 152-158 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:152-158_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Social reform and the comprehensive community mental health center--the model cities experiment. II. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Whitaker, L. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 216-222 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:216-222_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Sociology and public health: perspectives for application. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mechanic, D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 147-151 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:147-151_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: History of the American Board of Health Physics. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Moeller, D.W. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 247-251 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:247-251_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Classification of states regarding expanding duties for dental auxiliaries and selected aspects of dental licensure--1970. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Johnson, D.W. Author-Name: Bernstein, S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 208-215 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:208-215_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Survey of adolescent drug use. II. Social and environmental factors. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Johnson, K.G. Author-Name: Abbey, H. Author-Name: Scheble, R. Author-Name: Weitman, M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 164-166 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:164-166_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Rubella serology: applications, limitations and interpretations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Millian, S.J. Author-Name: Wegman, D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 170-176 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:170-176_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A family health care center--an ongoing student endeavor. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Pozen, M.W. Author-Name: Sacks, E.I. Author-Name: Stammer, J.L. Author-Name: Fish, F.H. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 199-204 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:199-204_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Vital statistics reporting. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Todd, M.C. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 133-135 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:133-135_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Preventing future shock: health developments in the 1960's and imperatives for the 1970's. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hilleboe, H.E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 136-145 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:136-145_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health and educational screening of school-age children--definition and objectives. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lessler, K. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 191-198 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:191-198_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health education horizons and patient satisfactions. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Shapiro, I.S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 229-232 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:229-232_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: What needs to be done to eradicate tuberculosis. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kimmey, J.R. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 127-129 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:127-129_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Survey of adolescent drug use. 3. Correlations among use of drugs. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Weitman, M. Author-Name: Scheble, R. Author-Name: Johnson, K.G. Author-Name: Abbey, H. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 166-170 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:166-170_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A screening procedure for stroke. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Shekelle, R.B. Author-Name: Klawans, H.L. Author-Name: Ostfeld, A.M. Author-Name: Tufo, H.M. Author-Name: Kimble, S.W. Author-Name: Waxman, J. Author-Name: MacLean, J.M. Author-Name: Erlich, M.A. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 177-180 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:177-180_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The importance of heart disease, cancer and stroke in the community practice of medicine. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Brody, B.L. Author-Name: Stokes 3rd., J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 181-185 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:181-185_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An educational program for allied health personnel. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Challenor, B.D. Author-Name: Schermerhorn, J. Author-Name: Collins, J.A. Author-Name: Hill, B. Author-Name: Wornum, B. Author-Name: Perlman, N. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 223-228 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:223-228_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A standard recording and reporting system for smoking withdrawal research. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Corsini, R.J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 159-163 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:159-163_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Sources of prenatal care of mothers having births in Maryland. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosenwaike, I. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 186-190 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:186-190_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Utility environmental surveillance programs. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rhode, G.K. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 244-246 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:244-246_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Contributions of George T. Palmer. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Derryberry, M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 130-131 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:130-131_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Training the sex educator: guidelines for teacher training institutions. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Carrera, M.A. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 233-243 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:233-243_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Report on federal statistical needs. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Chase, H.C. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 252-260 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:252-260_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Medical students' knowledge of medical care organization and delivery: an exploratory study. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Graham 2nd., F.E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 205-208 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:2:205-208_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Industrial Clinic services to small industries. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rieke, F.E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 69-72 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:69-72_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Expanded duties of auxiliaries: a hygienist's viewpoint. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Schmidt, P. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 54-56 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:54-56_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Limitations of morbidity and mortality data obtained from family histories--a report from the Tecumseh community health study. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Napier, J.A. Author-Name: Metzner, H. Author-Name: Johnson, B.C. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 30-35 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:30-35_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The impact of decategorizing federal programs: before and after 314 (d). Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Robins, L. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 24-29 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:24-29_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Social breakdown syndrome: environmental and host factors associated with chronicity. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gruenberg, E.M. Author-Name: Turns, D.M. Author-Name: Segal, S.P. Author-Name: Solomon, M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 91-94 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:91-94_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: State and local agency participation in federal air quality control regions. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rihm Jr., A. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 86-90 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:86-90_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Epidemiological aspects of gallbladder and biliary tract neoplasm. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hart, J. Author-Name: Shani, M. Author-Name: Modan, B. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 36-39 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:36-39_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Group day care for children under three. I. Experience with a program under the auspices of local health and welfare agencies. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mayer, S.A. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 43-45 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:43-45_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Licensure--effects on career mobility. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Egelston, E.M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 50-53 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:50-53_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Group Day Care for Children Under Three. II. Experience With Training Staff of Infant Care Programs. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Huntington, D.S. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 46-49 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:46-49_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The shape of a national health program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Purdom, P.W. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 12-15 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:12-15_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Draft treaty on elimination of bacteriological warfare. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 112-113 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:112-113_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Problems and prospects for comprehensive health planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Roseman, C. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 16-19 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:16-19_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Three key dilemmas in international health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Howard, L.M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 73-78 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:73-78_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Deflation in an inflationary period: some current social health need provisions. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Paneth, J. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 60-63 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:60-63_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: On the role of the Black mental health professional. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lawrence, L.E. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 57-59 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:57-59_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Evaluating a school health program focused on high absence pupils: a research design. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Tuthill, R.W. Author-Name: Williams, C. Author-Name: Long, G. Author-Name: Whitman, C. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 40-42 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:40-42_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Local health services in the United States: the story of the CAP. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Vaughan, H.F. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 95-111 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:95-111_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The identification of value orientations of sixth graders, with specific reference to health concepts in the school health education study curriculum. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hurster, M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 82-85 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:82-85_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Beyond rhetoric--the NENA health center after one year. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: de Diaz, S.D. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 64-68 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:64-68_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Implications of recent health legislation. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Ellwood Jr., P.M. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 20-23 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:20-23_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Oh where, oh where should health educators be? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cady, R. Year: 1972 Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 79-81 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1972:62:1:79-81_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Referrals to, within, and from the comprehensive health services program for children and youth. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: De Geyndt, W. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2387-2399 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2387-2399_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health and the urban environment. IX. The concept of the multiplex independent variable. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cassell, E.J. Author-Name: Lebowitz, M.D. Author-Name: Wolter, D.W. Author-Name: McCarroll, J.R. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2348-2353 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2348-2353_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The local health department's role. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Zavon, M.R. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2477-2479 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2477-2479_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Rural employment. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Berry, C. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2474-2476 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2474-2476_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Patient council. 2. Advocates for change in TB treatment and control. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gray, N.K. Author-Name: Reagan, W.P. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2384-2386 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2384-2386_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Radiologic practice since the atomic bombs Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sawada, S. Author-Name: Wakabayashi, T. Author-Name: Takeshita, K. Author-Name: Yoshinaga, H. Author-Name: Russell, W.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2455-2468 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2455-2468_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Patient council. I. Purpose and history--the Alumni-Patient Council. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rouse, L.L. Author-Name: Hood, W. Author-Name: Allen, L.T. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2382 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2382_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Head injuries in children: predisposing factors accident conditions, accident proneness and sequelae. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Klonoff, H. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2405-2417 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2405-2417_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A non-hospital in a hospital. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Schwartz, D. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2376-2382 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2376-2382_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Estimating health program outcomes using a Markov equilibrium analysis of disease development. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bush, J.W. Author-Name: Zaremba, J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2362-2375 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2362-2375_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Reduce your broken appointment rate: how one children and youth project reduced its broken appointment rate. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Shmarak, K.L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2400-2404 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2400-2404_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Occupational health information systems--their concepts and functions. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Morrill Jr., E.E. Author-Name: Oser, J.L. Author-Name: Kusnetz, H.L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2469-2473 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2469-2473_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Social change and health law: the court as can-opener; the legislature as soup. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2518-2519 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2518-2519_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Resolving the health manpower crisis--a systems approach to utilizing personnel. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hoff, W. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2491-2504 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2491-2504_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Survey of adolescent drug use. I. Sex and grade distribution. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Johnson, K.G. Author-Name: Donnelly, J.H. Author-Name: Scheble, R. Author-Name: Wine, R.L. Author-Name: Weitman, M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2418-2432 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2418-2432_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Defining and measuring the national housing needs. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Senn, C.L. Author-Name: Yentis, D. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2341-2347 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2341-2347_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Epidemiology. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wallach, G. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2338-2339 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2338-2339_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Visual acuity as related to causes of blindness, age and sex in urban and rural Egyptians. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Said, M.E. Author-Name: Goldstein, H. Author-Name: Korra, A. Author-Name: el-Kashlan, K. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2433-2448 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2433-2448_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Establishment of community stroke programs. Development of the North Carolina Comprehensive Stroke Program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Truscott, B.L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2449-2454 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2449-2454_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Diagnosis for curriculum planning and evaluation in a continuing education program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Terris, L.D. Author-Name: Siefer, E. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2480-2490 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2480-2490_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Neighborhood health centers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lemkau, P.V. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2337-2338 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2337-2338_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The Sociological Section of the American Public Health Association, 1910-1922. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosen, G. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2515-2517 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2515-2517_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A selected public health bibliography with annotations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wylie, C.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2559-2561 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2559-2561_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Principal component analysis of the distribution of physicians, dentists and osteopaths in a Midwestern state. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Denslow, J.S. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2339-2340 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2339-2340_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Schools of public health in the USA and Canada. (Year ending June 1971). Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Troupin, J.L. Author-Name: Finn, F. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2510-2514 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2510-2514_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Mortality and population. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Taeuber, I.B. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2335-2336 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2335-2336_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Water resources management: a critique. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Walker Jr., B. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 2354-2361 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:12:2354-2361_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: New dental care concepts: perceptions of dentists and dental students. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Martens, L.V. Author-Name: Meskin, L.H. Author-Name: Proshek, J.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2188-2194 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2188-2194_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An analysis of the demand for emergency ambulance service in an urban area. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gibson, G. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2158-2161 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2158-2161_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Public health: then and now: social and health problems are inseparable. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosen, G. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2311-2312 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2311-2312_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The epidemiologic rationale for the failure to eradicate measles in the United States. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Conrad, J.L. Author-Name: Wallace, R. Author-Name: Witte, J.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2304-2310 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2304-2310_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The pharmacist as a member of the health team. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cain, R.M. Author-Name: Kahn, J.S. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2223-2228 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2223-2228_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: New look at basic radiation standards. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Snow, D.L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2294-2299 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2294-2299_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The place of nutrition in the health education curriculum. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sinacore, J.S. Author-Name: Harrison, G. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2282-2289 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2282-2289_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health aspects of water quality. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Krishnaswami, S.K. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2259-2268 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2259-2268_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Public health and the law: a National Commission on Medical Malpractice. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2313-2314 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2313-2314_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Neighborhood health centers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Abrams, H.K. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2236-2239 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2236-2239_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Attitudes of rural physicians toward the medical care of migrant farm workers, crippled children and the elderly. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Dean, T. Author-Name: Borkan, E. Author-Name: Pless, I.B. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2195-2200 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2195-2200_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health insurance: not if, or when, but what kind? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Burns, E.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2164-2175 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2164-2175_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Poverty area residents look at pharmacy services. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Galloway, S.P. Author-Name: Eby, C.E. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2211-2222 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2211-2222_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Medicaid practitioner abuses and excuses vs. counterstrategy of the New York City Health Department. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bellin, L.E. Author-Name: Kavaler, F. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2201-2210 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2201-2210_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Employee protest and social change in the health care organization. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bohr, R.H. Author-Name: Kaplan, H.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2229-2235 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2229-2235_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Councils of governments as the areawide comprehensive health planning agency. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jamison, R.E. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2240-2245 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2240-2245_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Trends in laser applications: public health implications. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lutz, A.M. Author-Name: Stewart, H. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2277-2281 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2277-2281_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Seasonal patterns of conception in New York City. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Erhardt, C.L. Author-Name: Nelson, F.G. Author-Name: Pakter, J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2246-2258 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2246-2258_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: "Preventive medicine"? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Herman, B. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2161-2162 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2161-2162_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health aspects of toxic materials in drinking water. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: McDermott, J.H. Author-Name: Kabler, P.W. Author-Name: Wolf, H.W. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2269-2276 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2269-2276_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Training of comprehensive health planners. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gan, M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2300-2303 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2300-2303_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A preliminary evaluation of a School of Public Health through its physician graduates. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rifka, G. Author-Name: Khoury, Y. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2290-2293 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2290-2293_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A comparative study of four dental payment mechanisms in a Head Start program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Ross, B.E. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 11 Pages: 2176-2187 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:11:2176-2187_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The basic neighborhood health center data system. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Nitzberg, D.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 2065-2084 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:2065-2084_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Question of "community control". Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lewis, D.A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 1934-1936 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:1934-1936_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Sex education for parents. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Marriner, A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 2031-2037 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:2031-2037_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An evaluation of a mental health program by use of selected operating statistics. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Levy, L. Author-Name: Hygiene, S.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 2038-2045 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:2038-2045_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Transmutation into protector of consumer health services. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: McLaughlin, M.C. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 1996-2004 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:1996-2004_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An approach to role expansion--the elaborate network. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Shetland, M.L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 1959-1964 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:1959-1964_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Meeting radiological health manpower needs. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Moeller, D.W. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 1938-1946 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:1938-1946_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Professional status of radiation protection personnel. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Little, M.S. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 1947-1958 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:1947-1958_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A new design for recruitment of blacks into health careers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Applewhite, H.L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 1965-1971 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:1965-1971_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Community health--a local government responsibility. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cowen, D.L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 2005-2009 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:2005-2009_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The role of the local health department in solid waste management. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mafrici, D. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 2010-2014 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:2010-2014_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A selected public health bibliography with annotations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wylie, C.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 2146-2150 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:2146-2150_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The development of a family planning program for private patients in a community hospital. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Fischman, S.H. Author-Name: Katz, S.H. Author-Name: Sprague, S.G. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 2023-2030 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:2023-2030_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Comprehensive health planning in relation to environmental problems. I. Environment: conflict and compromise. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Banks, H.O. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 1972-1979 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:1972-1979_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Never let facts interfere. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Erhardt, C.L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 1933-1934 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:1933-1934_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Flammable fabrics and the burn problem: a status report. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: White, W.V. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 2057-2064 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:2057-2064_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Abortion techniques and services: a review and critique. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Harting, D. Author-Name: Hunter, H.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 2085-2105 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:2085-2105_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Comprehensive community health centers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Willie, C.V. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 1931-1933 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:1931-1933_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Practical experience in peer review controlling quality in the delivery of dental care. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Soricelli, D.A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 2046-2056 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:2046-2056_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The operation of the data system in the methadone maintenance treatment program for heroin addiction. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Warner, A. Author-Name: Dole, V.P. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 2106-2114 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:2106-2114_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Community services to the aged in Great Britain. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Nisbet, G. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 2018-2022 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:2018-2022_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Comprehensive health planning in relation to environmental problems. 3. Health department participation in planning for action. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kurz Jr., A.T. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 1982-1987 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:1982-1987_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Public health: then and now. Compulsory health insurance in California, 1934-1935. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Viseltear, A.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 2115-2126 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:2115-2126_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Community health nursing for people who work. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lindquist, P.A. Author-Name: Hurley, M.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 2015-2017 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:2015-2017_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Market structure approach to health-manpower "planning". Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Stevens, C.M. Author-Name: Brown, G.D. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 1988-1995 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:1988-1995_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Comprehensive health planning in relation to environmental problems. II. Catalytic comprehensive health planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Peloquin, E.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 1979-1982 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:1979-1982_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Public health and the law. Smallpox vaccination and organized religion. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 10 Pages: 2127-2128 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:10:2127-2128_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A selected public health bibliography with annotations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wylie, C.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1923-1927 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1923-1927_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Pregnancy, the teenager and sex education. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Connell, E.B. Author-Name: Jacobson, L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1840-1845 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1840-1845_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Implications for health service delivery: the community mental health centers amendments of 1970. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Ozarin, L.D. Author-Name: Feldman, S. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1780-1784 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1780-1784_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Attitude clusters in birth control counseling by social workers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Young, R.C. Author-Name: Castor, J. Author-Name: Hudson, P. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1832-1839 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1832-1839_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Evaluation of national health programs. 3. A political perspective. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Goldman, L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1809-1811 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1809-1811_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Evaluation of national health programs. V. A disparity between desire and practice in local health departments. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Ellis, E.F. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1826-1831 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1826-1831_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Critical issues in the use of physician associates and assistants. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Adamson, T.E. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1765-1779 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1765-1779_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Political resolutions? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: MacLeod, K.I. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1748-1749 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1748-1749_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Environmental sampling of selected public health nursing bag contents. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Geissinger, A.D. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1853-1860 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1853-1860_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Evaluatiion of national health programs. II. On the federal level. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Yordy, K.D. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1803-1808 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1803-1808_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Evaluation of national health programs. IV. Louisiana family planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Beasley, J.D. Author-Name: Frankowski, R.F. Author-Name: Hawkins, C.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1812-1825 Abstract: In 1966 the Orleans Parish Family Planning Program was developed with the objectives of developing a family planning delivery system that identified, contacted, educated, and provided all indigent families of the metropolitan area with family planning information and services; creating this program between July 1, 1967 and June 30, 1970; and evaluating the program by measuring its impact on fertility among the target population along with its effect on the various obstacles to family health associated with no family planning. The Orleans Parish component of Family Planning, Inc., a private non-profit corporation, is the largest single component of the statewide program that began in June 1967. The Orleans Parish Family Planning Clinic System consists of 1 central clinic and 3 satellite clinics. It offers prenatal care, postpartum care, prescription and medical supervision of contraceptive methods, screening for chronic diseases, and social and medical counseling. Evaluation of this program during the 1st 2 years of its operation revealed the following: 1) 17,459 families had become active users of the program; 2) about 74% of all patients who began contraceptive use during the 1st 6 months were still using contraception after 18 months; 3) over 95% of the families are black; 4) black women between the ages of 20 and 24 have been the biggest users of the services; and 5) the probability of a black patient using the program has been 6 times greater than for a white patient of the lower socioeconomic group. The people want and are motivated to receive these services when offered in an acceptable way. Such programs can be accepted throughout the country. A system that provides information about family planning along with the means to deliver health care and family planning services is what is needed. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1812-1825_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Continuation of contraception by low income women: a one year follow-up. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Siegel, E. Author-Name: Thomas, D. Author-Name: Coulter, E. Author-Name: Tuthill, R. Author-Name: Chipman, S. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1886-1898 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1886-1898_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Concerning HEPA filtering. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Coriell, L.L. Author-Name: McGarrity, G.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1749-1750 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1749-1750_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A validity study using the Leighton instrument. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Moses, L.E. Author-Name: Goldfarb, A. Author-Name: Glock, C.Y. Author-Name: Stark, R.W. Author-Name: Eaton, M.L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1785-1793 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1785-1793_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Child-resistant medicine containers: experience in the home. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lane, M.F. Author-Name: Barbarite, R.V. Author-Name: Bergner, L. Author-Name: Harris, D. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1861-1868 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1861-1868_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Planning a health component for an economic development program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Zukin, P. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1751-1759 Abstract: Noneconomic factors can be critical to the outcome of an economic development program. Anyone with development experience will have no difficulty recalling instances where, despite good economic planning, failure to account for social, cultural, and/or health factors has resulted in program accomplishments which fell short of anticipation. Economists are usually ill equipped to properly evaluate and integrate noneconomic factors in development programs, and specialists are therefore required to perform these functions and coordinate with economists so that possible pitfalls are avoided and program outcomes are enhanced. Economic development is interrelated with and interdependent upon health both directly and indirectly. A carefully planned health program can help optimize a regional or national economic development effort. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1751-1759_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Clostridium perfringens related to roast beef cooking, storage, and contamination in a fast food service restaurant. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bryan, F.L. Author-Name: Kilpatrick, E.G. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1869-1885 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1869-1885_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Public health and the law. Due process, jury trials and juvenile justice. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1901-1902 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1901-1902_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Services to the aged by the Canadian public health nurse in the official health agency. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Schwenger, C.W. Author-Name: Sayers, L.A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1846-1852 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1846-1852_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An epidemiology of drug use-abuse. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lipscomb, W.R. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1794-1800 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1794-1800_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Environmental negligence: the mercury problem. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Joselow, M.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1745-1747 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1745-1747_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Training health students in comprehensive health planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Chabot, A. Author-Name: Gordon, C. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1760-1764 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1760-1764_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Primary prevention of adult heart disease. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Schweitzer, M.D. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1747-1748 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1747-1748_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Evaluation of national health programs. I. A departmental view. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Weikel, K. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 1801-1803 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:9:1801-1803_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Developing principles of cost finding for community mental health centers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Menn, H.L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 1531-1535 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:8:1531-1535_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health-information systems: a crisis or just more of the usual? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Glasser, J.H. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 1524-1530 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:8:1524-1530_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Public health: then and now. The first neighborhood health center movement--its rise and fall. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosen, G. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 1620-1637 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:8:1620-1637_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Salmonella-contaminated carmine dye. Another example of in-plant contamination during processing. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lang, D.J. Author-Name: Schroeder, S.A. Author-Name: Kunz, L.J. Author-Name: Thomson, L.A. Author-Name: Hobbs, B.C. Author-Name: Butler, N.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 1615-1619 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:8:1615-1619_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Prevention of dissipation of health services resources. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Garfield, S.R. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 1499-1506 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:8:1499-1506_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Role and training of health education aides. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Knittel, R.E. Author-Name: Child, R.C. Author-Name: Hobgood, J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 1571-1580 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:8:1571-1580_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A balance sheet of preventive medicine in an industrial society. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sturgis, K.B. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 1473-1476 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:8:1473-1476_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Selected social indicators in the health field. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Austin, C.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 1507-1513 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:8:1507-1513_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Preventing occupational health and safety hazards in small employee groups. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Howe, H.F. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 1581-1582 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:8:1581-1582_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Citizen influence in health service programs. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Anderson, D.M. Author-Name: Kerr, M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 1518-1523 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:8:1518-1523_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Obesity, the nutritional spook. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mann, G.V. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 1491-1498 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:8:1491-1498_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Performance and delegation of patient services by physicians in obstetrics-gynecology. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Yankauer, A. Author-Name: Jones, S.H. Author-Name: Schneider, J. Author-Name: Hellman, L.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 1545-1555 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:8:1545-1555_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Principal components analysis of the distribution of physicians, dentists and osteopaths in a Midwestern state. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Marshall, C.L. Author-Name: Hassanein, K.M. Author-Name: Hassanein, R.S. Author-Name: Marshall, C.L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 1556-1564 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:8:1556-1564_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Occupational health programs at the federal level for the next ten years. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Key, M.M. Author-Name: Reno, S.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 1583-1585 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:8:1583-1585_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Vision screening of young children. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lippmann, O. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 1586-1601 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:8:1586-1601_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Change of health center sponsorship. I, Impact on patterns of obtaining medical care. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Schumaker Jr., C.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 1536-1544 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:8:1536-1544_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The epidemiology of measles in the U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gould, K.L. Author-Name: Herrman, K.L. Author-Name: Witte, J.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 1602-1614 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:8:1602-1614_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Disability equivalencies: a logic system for comparison of alternate health programs. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Meyer, D.R. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 1514-1517 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:8:1514-1517_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Dental manpower and the responsibilities of the dental schools. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jensen, J.R. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 1565-1570 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:8:1565-1570_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Where are we in the race against starvation? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Goldsmith, G.A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 1478-1490 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:8:1478-1490_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Some political characteristics of pollution control. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Davies 3rd., J.C. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1425-1428 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1425-1428_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: National nutrition survey: follow-up activities in Louisiana. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hedmeg, A. Author-Name: Langham, R.A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1325-1329 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1325-1329_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Group care of infants in migrant day care centers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: McConnell, B. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1330-1334 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1330-1334_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Nurses and midwives. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Yankauer, A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1286 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1286_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Cystic fibrosis: economic impact upon the family. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: McCollum, A.T. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1335-1340 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1335-1340_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: To define epidemiology. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lebrun, A.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1285 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1285_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Impact of energy consumption on the air environment. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lagarias, J.S. Author-Name: Herrick, R.A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1416-1424 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1416-1424_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A sex counseling service for college students. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sarrel, P.M. Author-Name: Sarrel, L.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1341-1347 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1341-1347_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Attenuated rubella vaccine (HPV-77): evaluation in a large controlled trial. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lipman, R.P. Author-Name: Bethel, M.B. Author-Name: Wooten, J.H. Author-Name: Levine, R.H. Author-Name: Pagano, J.S. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1392-1402 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1392-1402_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Mathematical models for decision-making in population and family planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Reinke, W.A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1281-1284 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1281-1284_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Public health and the law. Dangerous drug abuse: three stories on a June day. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1445-1446 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1445-1446_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Concerning the journal's abortion issue. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Freda, V.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1284-1285 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1284-1285_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The plans and purposes of the American Public Health Association. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Frankel, L.K. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1443-1444 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1443-1444_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Planning for the modernization of Hawaii's leprosy program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Quisenberry, W.B. Author-Name: Levy, S.L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1403-1405 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1403-1405_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Medical care. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Vayda, E. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1280-1281 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1280-1281_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Factors associated with delay in the initiation of physicians' care among late adulthood persons. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Battistella, R.W. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1348-1361 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1348-1361_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Characteristics of longshoremen related fatal coronary heart disease and stroke. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Paffenbarger, R.S. Author-Name: Gima, A.S. Author-Name: Laughlin, E. Author-Name: Black, R.A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1362-1370 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1362-1370_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The 1968 outbreak of dengue in Vellore, Southern India. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Myers, R.M. Author-Name: Varkey, M.J. Author-Name: Reuben, R. Author-Name: Jesudass, E.S. Author-Name: Benjamin, B. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1379-1391 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1379-1391_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The effects of malnutrition on intellectual development and learning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Latham, M.C. Author-Name: Cobos, F. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1307-1324 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1307-1324_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: What happened to "ghetto medicine" in New York State? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bernstein, B.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1287-1293 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1287-1293_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Innovation in education: prerequisites of leadership training for the health system. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gentry, J.T. Author-Name: Mayes, W.F. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1429-1433 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1429-1433_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Hypertension and drinking water constituents in Colorado. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Morton, W.E. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1371-1378 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1371-1378_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Power needs and power problems--past, present and future. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Thompson, T.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1406-1415 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1406-1415_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Some popular delusions about health and medical care. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Frelick, R.W. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1280 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1280_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The organization and delivery of medical care during the Mass Anti-War Demonstration at the Ellipse in Washington, D.C. on May 9, 1970. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Schneider, E.L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1434-1442 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1434-1442_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Comparisons between OEO neighborhood health centers and other health care providers of ratings of the quality of health care. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Morehead, M.A. Author-Name: Donaldson, R.S. Author-Name: Seravalli, M.R. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 7 Pages: 1294-1306 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:7:1294-1306_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Cooperative efforts of comprehensive health planning council and local medical society developing Model Cities health component. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Darcy, P.A. Author-Name: Landis, R.H. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1140-1145 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1140-1145_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A Canadian survey by public health nurses of the health and living conditions of the aged. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Schwenger, C.W. Author-Name: Sayers, L.A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1189-1195 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1189-1195_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Comparison of the physical assessment of children by pediatric nurse practitioners and pediatricians. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Duncan, B. Author-Name: Smith, A.N. Author-Name: Silver, H.K. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1170-1176 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1170-1176_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Heart screening in the Newark Model Cities area: a feasibility study. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Florin, A.A. Author-Name: Harkness, J.P. Author-Name: Collins, J.G. Author-Name: Burton, M.H. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1130-1139 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1130-1139_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The implications of the differing perceptions of urban and suburban citizens for environmental comprehensive health planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Fishman, R.U. Author-Name: Everson, R.W. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1126-1129 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1126-1129_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The medical school and the health of the community: programs developing at the University of Florida. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Reynolds, R.C. Author-Name: Cluff, L.E. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1196-1207 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1196-1207_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An areawide examination of nursing home use, misuse and nonuse. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Davis, J.W. Author-Name: Gibbin, M.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1146-1155 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1146-1155_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Socioieconomic outcomes of restricted access to abortion. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Muller, C. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1110-1118 Abstract: Such questions as the extent to which greater accessibility to abortion services affects poverty and its problems are analyzed, and proposals for identifying the socioeconomic impact of liberalized abortion laws and accessible services are developed. The number of unwanted children born is directly affected by the barriers to legal abortion. In countries that have improved access to legal abortion, the demand for the service has risen among all socioeconomic groups. Long-time family earning potential is severely effected by the defects in the timing and spacing of the birth of children, which often leads to young men and pregnant teen-agers leaving school because of the burdens of pregnancy and child support. Large family size was found in 35% of families in 1965 where the head of the household was a fully employed worker. Children born and living as psychologically rejected or unwanted children risk impaired learning and development which in turn limits future economic achievments. Research into the access of and financing of abortion services should deal with the financial needs of patient groups. The effects of nonhospital service programs, manpower needs, and the surveillance of gaps and coverage of the service needs should be prime research targets. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1110-1118_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A regional approach to the management of radiation accidents. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Linnemann, R.E. Author-Name: Thiessen, J.W. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1229-1235 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1229-1235_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Public health and the law. Informed consent and blanket consent forms. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1245-1246 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1245-1246_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: National health insurance. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Fein, R. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1072-1074 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1072-1074_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Patterns and purposes of oral contraceptive use by economic status. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Feldman, J.G. Author-Name: Ogra, S. Author-Name: Lippes, J. Author-Name: Sultz, H.A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1089-1095 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1089-1095_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The health of the public--decisions for the '70's. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Pond, M.A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1071-1072 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1071-1072_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Season of birth and neonatal mortality. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Janerich, D.T. Author-Name: Porter, I.H. Author-Name: Logrillo, V. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1119-1125 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1119-1125_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Estimation of fertility change in Pakistan by retrospective quasi-cohort analysis of group specific fertility patterns. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wishik, S.M. Author-Name: Johnson, J.T. Author-Name: Pasquariella, B.G. Author-Name: Helbig, D.W. Author-Name: Ramaprasad, R. Author-Name: Chen, K.H. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1080-1088 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1080-1088_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An analysis of the demand for emergency ambulance service in an urban area. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Aldrich, C.A. Author-Name: Hisserich, J.C. Author-Name: Lave, L.B. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1156-1169 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1156-1169_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health, safety and economics in the junk car cycle. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wilkie, W.G. Author-Name: Metzler, D.F. Author-Name: Archibald, D.L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1236-1244 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1236-1244_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The use of various kinds of milk during infancy in different socioeconomic groups. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hughes, J.R. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1074-1075 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1074-1075_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Legalized compulsory treatment for psychiatric illness. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Dunham, H.W. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1076-1079 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1076-1079_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Drug culture in the seventies. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Charalampous, K.D. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1225-1228 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1225-1228_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A selected public health bibliography with annotations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wylie, C.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1272-1274 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1272-1274_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Demand versus need for medical services. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Longhurst Jr., P. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1075-1076 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1075-1076_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Fear appeals and persuasion: the differentiation of a motivational construct. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Leventhal, H. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1208-1224 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1208-1224_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Toward a framework for evaluating health education activities of a family planning program. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Klein, S.F. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1096-1109 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1096-1109_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An analysis of contact-service in the Migrant Health Service Referral System (MHSRS). Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Browning, R.H. Author-Name: Schulman, S. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 1177-1188 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:6:1177-1188_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Schools of Public Health--how relevant to the 1970's? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kimmey, J.R. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 895-897 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:895-897_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The Public Health Association as an effective lobby for the promotion of health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hershey, N. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 900-901 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:900-901_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Evaluation of OEO neighborhood health centers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sparer, G. Author-Name: Johnson, J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 931-942 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:931-942_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The organizational structure of a comprehensive medical care program in a university medical center. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wilson, G. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 957-961 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:957-961_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Mood-modifying drugs prescribed in a Canadian city: hidden problems. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cooperstock, R. Author-Name: Sims, M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 1007-1016 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:1007-1016_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Economic effects of personal health services. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gerber, A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 901-903 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:901-903_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Student evaluation of a public health curriculum. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Caffrey, B. Author-Name: Kost, G.E. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 1022-1029 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:1022-1029_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A theoretical approach to the question of "community control" of health services facilities. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jonas, S. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 916-921 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:916-921_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A course in human sexuality for the college student. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sarrel, P.M. Author-Name: Coplin, H.R. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 1030-1037 Abstract: Since 1967, 5000 students at Albertus Magnus, Amherst, Brown, Dartmouth, Mt. Holyoke, Smith, and the University of Massachusetts have participated in a sex education course, "Topics in Human Sexuality." The course format is shaped by critiques of past students. A series of 6-8 lectures, delivered by the authors, covers basic areas such as psychosexual development, interpersonal relationships, sexual response, pregnancy and birth, contraception, and abortion. The students have declared a desire to focus on issues of personal sexuality rather than on topics such as demography, abnormal sexual behavior, and morals. Discussion groups, meeting after the lectures, are coeducational and led by students who have taken the course in the past or have expressed special interest in leading a group. The rather neutral ground of college allows for relatively dispassionate examination of traditional moral teaching and peer group values. Student response has been enthusiastic. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:1030-1037_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Modern concepts of prevention in community health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hilleboe, H.E. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 1000-1006 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:1000-1006_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Public health and the law. Presidential morality, abortion, and federal-state law. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 1042-1043 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:1042-1043_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A conceptual framework for consideration in the utilization of health aides. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Callan, L.B. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 979-987 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:979-987_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Protean education in public health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Slaby, A.E. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 890-892 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:890-892_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Can we cut the red tape? Or must we strangle? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sloane, H.I. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 887-890 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:887-890_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: United States government policy on abortion. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Contis, G. Author-Name: Hern, W.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 1038-1041 Abstract: Federal government policy in the United States lacks uniformity, as is indicated by the fact that the Dept. of Defense permits the performance of abortion for medical and mental health reasons, the Office of Economic Opportunity states that no project funds may be used for any surgical procedure intended to result in abortion, and the Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare has no policy concerning abortion in its programs but that abortion is a reimbursable expense under Title XIX Medicaid payments in enrolled states. This ambiguity of the federal government is considered a reflection of the complexity of the issue and the lack of clear consensus concerning abortion among the American public. Factors that federal family planning officials must consider are: 1) the ethical and moral considerations that confront the individual citizen making a private decusion about abortion; 2) legal and constitutional issues, such as that of discrimination in the availability of abortion services on economic grounds; and 3) the relationship of abortion to public service needs and public health considerations, given that 1/4-1/5 of pregnancies in the United States end in legal or illegal abortion. Clandestine abortion constitutes a significant health problem, accounting for a significant proportion of maternal mortality, especially among the poor (the 1967 rate of reported mortality due to abortion with sepsis being 7 times greater for nonwhites than whites). The Office of Economic Opportunity in reassessing its current policy needs to ascertain the standards of medical care, cost projections, and logistics of providing abortion services. It is recommended that abortion services be combined with serious efforts to provide effective subsequent contraception, as abortion as an exclusive method of birth control would cost up to $2000 per year while the provision of high quality family planning services is $60-$80 per woman per year. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:1038-1041_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The impact of national health insurance on delivery of health care. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gorman, M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 962-971 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:962-971_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: National health insurance and health services delivery reform--a question of priorities? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Robins, L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 897-900 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:897-900_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The political columnist and the public health agency: notes on a new confrontation. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bellin, L.E. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 910-915 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:910-915_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Schools of Public Health--how relevant to the 1970's? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Tebbens, B.D. Author-Name: Tabershaw, I.R. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 893-894 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:893-894_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Politics of social change: abortion reform. The role of health professionals in the legislative process. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Pond, M.A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 904-909 Abstract: The role of health professionals in the legislative process of abortion reform is reviewed by examining the effect of their work as government experts, members of professional societies, individual citizen-experts, and professional advisors to consumer groups. Government experts provide a wealth of technical assistance to legislators beyond the requirements of their positions and are invaluable to the legislative process. Professional societies could also be very helpful, but are plagued by the strong conflicting opinions of their members on the controversial issues that concern the legislators. Individual volunteer citizen-experts tend to be strong proponents of a new public health cause, and emotionalism does not help the legislators in the careful weighing of alternatives. Professional advisors to consumer lobbying organizations can also profitably affect legislators to the extent of the group's organizational and popular strength. On the abortion issue, health professionals should realize the political imperatives of the issue that may seem irrelevant to them. As yet, Congress has clearly not shown an interest in federal legislation on abortion because the need for such action has not been established. The health professional's role is to competently create that need. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:904-909_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Schools of Public Health--how relevant to the 1970's? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mason, H.R. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 894 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:894_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The United Mine Workers of America look at occupational health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kerr, L.E. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 972-978 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:972-978_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Schools of Public Health--how relevant to the 1970's? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: McGavran, E.G. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 894-895 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:894-895_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Developing dental programs within Model Cities. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Leverett, D.H. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 943-948 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:943-948_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Quality assurance. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: De Figueiredo, M.P. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 1017-1021 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:1017-1021_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A selected public health bibliography with annotations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wylie, C.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 1066-1068 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:1066-1068_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The role of hostility and militancy in indigenous community health advisory groups. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Moore, M.L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 922-930 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:922-930_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Comparative treatment technologies and health care patterns in institutions for mentally retarded. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Herberg, E.N. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 989-999 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:989-999_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Encouraging group practice: with gun and net through the health establishment. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Levin, P.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 949-956 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:5:949-956_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter to the editor: "Direct Pattern" approach to medical care. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Settle Jr., J.A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 654 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:654_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Public health and the law. Childhood, maturity, and the legal barriers to health care. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 855-856 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:855-856_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: From a minority to a majority. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Richmond, J.B. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 680-686 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:680-686_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The County of Los Angeles Health Department youth clinics. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Minkowski, W.L. Author-Name: Weiss, R.C. Author-Name: Heidbreder, G.A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 757-762 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:757-762_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Adolescent health, sex, and fertility. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Brunswick, A.F. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 711-729 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:711-729_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: On the epidemiology of tuberculosis in some selected countries. Highlights and prospects for control and eradication. II. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Zaki, M.H. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 843-854 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:843-854_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Changes in personal characteristics of men, over five years, following first diagnosis of coronary heart disease. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Weinblatt, E. Author-Name: Shapiro, S. Author-Name: Frank, C.W. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 831-842 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:831-842_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A selected public health bibliography with annotations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wylie, C.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 882-885 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:882-885_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A bookshelf on community planning for health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Strauss, M.D. Author-Name: De Groot, I. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 656-679 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:656-679_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Adolescent attitudes toward abortion: effects on contraceptive practice. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gabrielson, I.W. Author-Name: Goldsmith, S. Author-Name: Potts, L. Author-Name: Mathews, V. Author-Name: Gabrielson, M.O. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 730-738 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:730-738_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The neighborhood health center. Where does the hospital fit? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Creditor, M.C. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 807-813 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:807-813_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Successful and unsuccessful approaches to mental health services for an urban Hispano American population. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Philippus, M.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 820-830 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:820-830_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health and race in California. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Breslow, L. Author-Name: Klein, B. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 763-775 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:763-775_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Teen-age births: some social, psychological, and physical sequelae. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Oppel, W.C. Author-Name: Royston, A.B. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 751-756 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:751-756_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Bacteria in laundered fabrics. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Farkas, C.S. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 654-655 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:654-655_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Vitamin C for colds. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Diehl, H.S. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 649-651 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:649-651_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: What are we heading for in medical care? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Davis, M.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 651-653 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:651-653_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Udry, J.R. Author-Name: Morris, N.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 776-785 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:776-785_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Letter to the editor: Mexican-American Syndrome. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Milligan, R.C. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 653-654 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:653-654_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Problems in promoting the growth of multi-disciplinary diagnostic and counseling clinics for mentally retarded children in nonmetropolitan areas. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Grass, C. Author-Name: Umansky, R. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 698-710 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:698-710_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Problems of neighborhood health center employees in Watts. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Caton, M.U. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 814-819 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:814-819_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Medical care of urban infants: health supervision. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Mindlin, R.L. Author-Name: Densen, P.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 687-697 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:687-697_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Data needs for planning neighborhood health centers. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Sparer, G. Author-Name: Alderman, A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 796-806 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:796-806_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Organizational dimensions of large-scale group medical practice. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Freidson, E. Author-Name: Mann, J.H. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 786-795 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:786-795_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A condom distribution program for adolescents: the findings of a feasibility study. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Arnold, C.B. Author-Name: Cogswell, B.E. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 739-750 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:4:739-750_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Abortion law reform and repeal: legislative and judicial developments. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Roemer, R. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 500-509 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:3:500-509_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Economic changes and heart disease mortality. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Brenner, M.H. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 606-611 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:3:606-611_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Teacher readiness for roles in family life education: an exploratory study. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kent, R.M. Author-Name: Abernathy, J.R. Author-Name: Middour, R.C. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 586-599 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:3:586-599_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Abortion: physician and hospital attitudes. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hall, R.E. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 517-519 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:3:517-519_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Education about abortion. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gendel, E.S. Author-Name: Gleason, J.A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 520-529 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:3:520-529_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Abortion in Hawaii: the first 124 days. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Smith, R.G. Author-Name: Steinhoff, P.G. Author-Name: Diamond, M. Author-Name: Brown, N. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 530-542 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:3:530-542_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Contraceptive methods: selective factors in a study of dysplasia of the cervix. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Stern, E. Author-Name: Clark, V.A. Author-Name: Coffelt, C.F. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 553-558 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:3:553-558_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: An epidemiological analysis of abortion in Georgia. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rochat, R.W. Author-Name: Tyler Jr., C.W. Author-Name: Schoenbucher, A.K. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 543-552 Abstract: Examination of abortion experience in Georgia following the passage of an abortion law based on the American Law Institute's Model Penal Code, intended to increase the availability of abortion, suggests that nonhospital abortions are still a black health problem, especially for unmarried blacks. Abortion mortality has declined for unmarried whites, married whites, and married black women. The abortion rate is highest for women under the age of 15 (falling into the rape catagory of the abortion law) and over 34 years (due to maternal physical health conditions). Maternal mental health indications are more restrictively defined in the medical community in Georgia. A comparison with several states liberalizing abortion laws demonstrates that in proportion to live births, markedly fewer hospital abortions have been performed in Georgia than in other states. Only 20 abortions were performed in Georgia each month until 1970 when the number increased to 47 due to publicity over a proposed abortion law. To reduce nonhospital abortion mortality, hospital abortions must be provided equitably to all women in need. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:3:543-552_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Abortion--1970. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Gold, E.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 487-488 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:3:487-488_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Communications between community health researchers and practitioners. Evaluation of an attempt at improvement. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Hayman, C.R. Author-Name: Hochbaum, G. Author-Name: Hoffman, H.I. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 600-605 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:3:600-605_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Some popular delusions about health and medical care. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Baehr, G. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 582-585 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:3:582-585_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Obstacles to the delivery of medical care to children of neglecting parents. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cherry, B.J. Author-Name: Kuby, A.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 568-573 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:3:568-573_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Abortion: public health concerns and needed psychosocial research. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: David, H.P. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 510-516 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:3:510-516_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Logistic problems of legal abortion. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Overstreet, E.W. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 496-499 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:3:496-499_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Factors governing IUD performance. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bernard, R.P. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 559-567 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:3:559-567_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Prescription drug insurance for the elderly under Medicare. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Stolley, P.D. Author-Name: Goddard, J.L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 574-581 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:3:574-581_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The logistics of abortion services in the absence of restrictive criminal legislation in the United States. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Tyler Jr., C.W. Author-Name: Schneider, J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 489-495 Abstract: In anticipation of the expected rise in demand for induced abortion (estimated to reach 500 abortions per 1000 live births within 5 to 10 years) planning should be for provision of public education, patient counseling, safe surgical care, and contraceptive counseling and services. Planning should include the establishment of health department standards with investigation of abortion complications, guidelines for individual selection of abortion procedures for each woman, and supervision of personnel. The possibility of technical training of non-professional personnel to assist in abortion, research in abortion technology, funds for the care of indigent women, and examination of the attitudes of health professionals are other topics discussed. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:3:489-495_0 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Pregnancy testing as a fertility measurement technique: a preliminary report on field results. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Udry, J.R. Author-Name: Keovichit, S. Author-Name: Burnright, R. Author-Name: Cowgill, D.O. Author-Name: Morris, N.M. Author-Name: Yamarat, C. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 344-352 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:344-352_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Comprehensive health centers in large U.S. cities. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Renthal, A.G. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 324-336 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:324-336_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Health care reforms--the myths and realities. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: McNerney, W.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 222-232 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:222-232_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The achievement of a scientific activist. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wegman, M.E. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 217-218 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:217-218_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Community advisory boards and maximum feasible participation. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Brieland, D. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 292-296 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:292-296_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: International approach to nutritional anemias. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Chopra, J.G. Author-Name: Kevany, J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 250-258 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:250-258_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Standards for changing practice in abortion. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Breslow, L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 215-217 Abstract: The American Public Health Association (APHA) adopted a set of standards for abortion services at their Executive Board meeting in October 1970 which they now recommend. These recommendations cover referral and counseling, public education, surgical care, and reporting. The APHA was one of the first health organizations to recommend "that access to abortion be accepted as an important means of securing the right to space and choose the number of wanted children. To this end, restrictive laws should be repealed..." Since a number of states have now liberalized their laws abortions have increased, but the influence of economic status and race are still evident. It was estimated that approximately 8000 abortions were perfomred in the U.S. during the period 1963-1965. In the first 6 months of 1970 California alone reported 23,000 abortions in hospitals. In 1968 New York reported 5 abortions per 1000 live births in voluntary-ward hospitals and 9 abortions per 1000 live births in private hospitals. In 1970 they reported 198 and 766, respectively, per 1000 live births. This increase in abortions increases the pressure to: 1) lose regard for medical standards and increase income by decreasing quality, and 2) maintain old and outdated standards. The APHA recommends their new set of standards to help resolve these problems for those practitioners using either approach. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:215-217_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Solid waste management: the metropolitan view. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kupchik, G.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 359-365 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:359-365_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Lessons for the federal effort against hunger and malnutrition--from a case study. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Lukaczer, M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 259-276 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:259-276_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Urban salmonellosis. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Aaron, E. Author-Name: Gross, P.A. Author-Name: Wehrle, P.F. Author-Name: Kogan, B.A. Author-Name: Heidbreder, G.A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 337-343 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:337-343_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A selected public health bibliography with annotations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wylie, C.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 472-476 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:472-476_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Allergies and odors arising from indoor environments. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Engebretson, G.R. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 366-375 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:366-375_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The frequency of use of various kinds of milk during infancy in middle and lower-income families. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rivera, J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 277-280 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:277-280_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Public health and the law. The medical malpractice problem: patterns of risk and methods of prevention. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 394-395 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:394-395_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The plan and the reality: training and utilization of paraprofessionals for service to the retarded. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Budner, S. Author-Name: Arnold, I. Author-Name: Goodman, L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 297-307 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:297-307_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Equipment capital in ten New York City hospitals. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Muller, C. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 308-323 Abstract: The sudden rise in demand for abortion services caused by recent legislation im many states requires the establishment of service standards for the medical profession to insure that safe, accessible abortions are available at reasonable fees for all who need them. All abortion services, as a rule, should be provided in conjuction with contraceptive counseling. It is recommended by the American Public Health Association that rapid abortion referral services be provided through public health departments and voluntary agencies. Counseling is a key part of such referrals and should serve to expedite and not delay the obtaining of such services. Psychiatric consultation should not be mandatory. It is pointed out that a wide range of workers from volunteers to specialized physicians can serve as abortion counselors. Public health agencies have a responsibility to actively educate the public about abortion. Key factors in reducing the surgical risk of abortion include the skill of the physician, the proper surgical environment, and the optimum gestational period. Second trimester abortions are recommended as inpatient procedures only. Adequate surgical, pharmaceutical, laboratory, diagnostic and therapeutic facilities including emergency capabilities are minimum standards for abortion procedures. Adequately trained physicians without negative personal attitudes toward abortion should perform these procedures at resonable cost. An essential part of insuring proper abortion services is the careful and complete reporting of all abortions and the constant assimilation and evaluation of these records. Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:308-323_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The future of an illusion. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Terry, L.L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 233-240 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:233-240_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The relationship of socioeconomic status to health. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Pratt, L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 281-291 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:281-291_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Critical analysis of the microflora of toweling. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wetzler, T.F. Author-Name: Quan, T.J. Author-Name: Schatzle, K. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 376-393 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:376-393_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Rubella antibody levels in commercial gamma globulin preparations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Millian, S.J. Author-Name: Kogon, A. Author-Name: Klein, S. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 353-358 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:353-358_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Thyroid nodularity in Southwestern Utah school children exposed to fallout radiation. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Weiss, E.S. Author-Name: Rallison, M.L. Author-Name: London, W.T. Author-Name: Thompson, G.D. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 241-249 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:2:241-249_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The hidden enemies of health and the American Public Health Association. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Cornely, P.B. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 7-18 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:7-18_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: New dairy and related products. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: McIntire, J.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 157-161 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:157-161_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The Mexican American syndrome. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Aranda, R.G. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 104-109 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:104-109_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: On the demand versus need for medical services and the concept of "shortage". Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Jeffers, J.R. Author-Name: Bognanno, M.F. Author-Name: Bartlett, J.C. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 46-63 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:46-63_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A selected public health bibliography with annotations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wylie, C.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 209-211 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:209-211_8 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Departments of food and water hygiene--how near are we? Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Wade, R.L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 2-4 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:2-4_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease in an elderly poor urban population. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Ostfeld, A.M. Author-Name: Shekelle, R.B. Author-Name: Tufo, H.M. Author-Name: Wieland, A.M. Author-Name: Kilbridge, J.A. Author-Name: Drori, J. Author-Name: Klawans, H. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 19-29 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:19-29_5 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Economic effects of personal health services: work loss in a public school teacher population. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Robertson, R.L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 30-45 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:30-45_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The Action Board. Report of the Chairman to the Governing Council, 1970. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Breslow, L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 176 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:176_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Compulsory hospitalization of the mentally ill. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Rosenzweig, S. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 121-126 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:121-126_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The conceptual model for reporting in children and youth projects. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Weckwerth, V.E. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 78-89 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:78-89_3 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Use of community surveys in mental health planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Berger, D.G. Author-Name: Gardner, E.A. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 110-118 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:110-118_7 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The need for public health laws for psychiatric illness. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bellak, L. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 119-121 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:119-121_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Mathematical models for decision-making in population and family planning. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Correa, H. Author-Name: Beasley, J.D. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 138-151 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:138-151_9 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Nurse-midwifery in New York City. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Harris, D. Author-Name: Daily, E.F. Author-Name: Lang, D.M. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 64-77 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:64-77_2 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The legal status of American hospitals: point and counterpoint. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Curran, W.J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 177-178 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:177-178_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Falls from heights: a childhood epidemic in an urban area. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Bergner, L. Author-Name: Mayer, S. Author-Name: Harris, D. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 90-96 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:90-96_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: AMA policy and Medicaid. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Fleming, J.H. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 5-6 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:5-6_1 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A comparative field evaluation of three live, attenuated rubella virus vaccines. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Kehrer, A.F. Author-Name: Isacson, P. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 152-156 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:152-156_6 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Working relationships between providers and consumers in a neighborhood health center. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Campbell, J. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 97-103 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:97-103_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Cost-efficiency of mental health care. 3. Treatment method as a parameter of cost in the treatment of schizophrenia. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: May, P.R. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 127-129 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:127-129_4 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Intersystems relations and coordination of human service organizations. Journal: American Journal of Public Health Author-Name: Baker, F. Author-Name: O'Brien, G. Year: 1971 Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 130-137 Handle: RePEc:aph:ajpbhl:1971:61:1:130-137_9