*! version 1.1.3 26jun2024 Ben Jann program _geoplot_pie version 16.1 gettoken layer 0 : 0 gettoken p 0 : 0 gettoken frame 0 : 0 *** frame `frame' { // syntax qui syntax varlist(numeric) [if] [in] [iw/] [,/* */ polar EXPLode(str) asis REVerse mid ANGle(real 90)/* */ SIze(str) n(numlist int max=1 >0) OFFset(numlist max=2)/* */ noLABel OUTline OUTline2(str) wmax WMAX2(numlist max=1 >0)/* */ COLORVar(str) LEVels(str) cuts(str) DISCRete/* (will be ignored) */ COORdinates(varlist numeric min=1 max=2) /* */ CENTRoids(str) area(str)/* (will be ignored) */ * ] local options `wmax' `wmax2' `options' if "`n'"=="" local n 100 _parse_explode `: list sizeof varlist' `explode' if `"`outline'`outline2'"'!="" _parse_sym, `outline2' else local sym 0 // parse offset gettoken offset oangle : offset gettoken oangle: oangle if "`offset'"=="" local offset 0 if "`oangle'"=="" local oangle 0 // sample and weights marksample touse if "`coordinates'"!="" geoframe flip `coordinates', local(coord) else { geoframe get coordinates, strict flip local(coord) if `:list sizeof coord'!=2 { di as err "wrong number of coordinate variables" exit 498 } } markout `touse' `coord' // include nonmissing coordinates only tempname wvar if "`weight'"!="" { qui gen double `wvar' = abs(`exp') if `touse' markout `touse' `wvar' if `"`wmax2'"'=="" { su `wvar' if `touse', meanonly if "`wmax'"!="" local wmax2 = r(max) else local wmax2 = max(1, r(max)) } qui replace `wvar' = `wvar' / `wmax2' if `touse' local wgt [iw=W] local wmaxopt wmax(1) } else { qui gen byte `wvar' = 1 if "`polar'"!="" { local wgt [iw=W] local wmaxopt wmax(1) } } // size local scale 0 if `"`size'"'=="" { local size 1 local scale 1 } else if substr(`"`size'"',1,1)=="*" { local size = substr(`"`size'"',2,.) local scale 1 } tempvar SIZE qui gen double `SIZE' = (`size') if `touse' markout `touse' `SIZE' // collect labels local lbls local i 0 foreach v of local varlist { local ++i if "`label'"!="" local lbl else local lbl: var lab `v' if `"`lbl'"'=="" local lbl `v' local lbls `lbls' `i' `"`lbl'"' } } if `scale' { // get reference size of existing map su Y, meanonly local refsize = r(max) - r(min) su X, meanonly local refsize = min(`refsize', r(max) - r(min)) } frame `frame' { // compute slices of pies and post coordinates into temporary frame tempname frame1 frame create `frame1' mata: _compute_pies("`frame1'", "`touse'", "`polar'"!="",/* */ `scale', `angle', `n', `offset', `oangle',/* */ "`asis'"!="", "`reverse'"!="", "`mid'"!="") // => makes frame1 the current frame // add labels lab def Z `lbls' lab val Z Z } *** if `sym'==1 local ++p __geoplot_layer area `layer' `p' `frame1' `wgt',/* */ colorvar(Z) lock discrete `wmaxopt' `options' *** if `sym' { local PLOT: copy local plot // pass weights, size, coordinates, etc. through to outline if "`coordinates'"!="" local sym_coord coordinates(`coordinates') if `sym_wgt' & "`weight'"!="" { local sym_wgt [`weight'=`exp'] if `"`sym_wmax'"'=="" { if "`wmax2'"!="" local sym_wmax wmax(`wmax2') else local sym_wmax `wmax' } } else local sym_wgt if `offset' { if `"`sym_offset'"'=="" local sym_offset offset(`offset' `oangle') } if substr(`"`sym_size'"',1,1)=="*" local sym_size `"`SIZE' `sym_size'"' else if `"`sym_size'"'=="" local sym_size `SIZE' local sym_size size(`sym_size') if !`sym_hascol' { // use first color from main plot local sym_lcolor: char LAYER[z_colors_`layer'] gettoken sym_lcolor : sym_lcolor, quotes local sym_lcolor lcolor(`sym_lcolor') } // generate plot local n0 = _N + 1 _geoplot_symbol . `p' `frame' `if' `in' `sym_wgt', `sym_coord'/* */ shape(circle) `sym_offset' `sym_size' `sym_lcolor' `sym_wmax'/* */ `sym_opts' qui replace LAYER = `layer' in `n0'/l if `sym'==1 { local --p local plot `plot' `PLOT' } else { local plot `PLOT' `plot' } } *** c_local plot `plot' c_local p `p' end program _parse_explode gettoken c 0 : 0 capt numlist `"`0'"', min(1) max(1) if _rc==1 exit 1 if _rc==0 { // single number local def `r(numlist)' } else { // id = # [ id = # ...] while (`"`0'"'!="") { gettoken id 0 : 0, parse("= ") gettoken eq : 0, parse("= ") if `"`eq'"'=="=" gettoken eq 0 : 0, parse("= ") // remove "=" gettoken e 0 : 0 capt numlist `"`id'"', min(1) max(1) int range(>0) if _rc continue local id `r(numlist)' capt numlist `"`e'"', min(1) max(1) if _rc continue local e `r(numlist)' local e_`id' `e' } local def 0 } local explode forv i=1/`c' { local e "`e_`i''" if "`e'"=="" local e `def' local explode `explode' `e' } c_local explode `explode' end program _parse_sym syntax [, below noWeight SIze(str) OFFset(passthru)/* */ wmax WMAX2(passthru) /* */ COLor(passthru) LColor(passthru)/* */ COLORVar(passthru)/* will be ignored */ * ] if "`below'"!="" c_local sym 1 else c_local sym 2 c_local sym_wgt = "`weight'"=="" c_local sym_size `"`size'"' c_local sym_offset `offset' c_local sym_wmax `wmax' `wmax2' c_local sym_hascol = `"`color'`lcolor'"'!="" c_local sym_opts `color' `lcolor' `options' end version 16.1 mata: mata set matastrict on void _compute_pies(string scalar frame, string scalar touse, real scalar polar, real scalar scale, real scalar a, real scalar n, real scalar off, real scalar oang, real scalar asis, real scalar rev, real scalar mid) { real scalar i, r, s real rowvector v, e real colvector w, S real matrix YX, Z // get data e = strtoreal(tokens(st_local("explode"))) YX = st_data(., st_local("coord"), touse) Z = abs(st_data(., st_local("varlist"), touse)) // |Z| w = st_data(., st_local("wvar"), touse) r = rows(YX) // determine size st_view(S=., ., st_local("SIZE"), touse) if (scale) { s = min(mm_coldiff(colminmax(YX))) s = max((s,strtoreal(st_local("refsize")))) s = max((1, s * 0.03)) // 3% of min(yrange, xrange) of map S[.] = S * s // (write back to data for use by outline()) } // apply offset if (off) YX = YX :+ S :* J(rows(S), 1, (off/100)*(sin(oang*pi()/180), cos(oang*pi()/180))) // prepare frame st_framecurrent(frame) v = st_addvar("double", ("_Y","_X","_CY","_CX", "Z", "W")) // generate coordinates of pies for (i=1;i<=r;i++) _compute_pie(polar, S[i], a, n, asis, rev, mid, e, v, Z[i,], YX[i,], w[i]) } void _compute_pie(real scalar polar, real scalar s, real scalar a, real scalar n, real scalar asis, real scalar rev, real scalar mid, real rowvector e, real rowvector v, real rowvector z, real rowvector yx, real scalar w) { real scalar j, c real scalar z0 if (asis) z = z / 100 else z = z / sum(z) if (mid & rev) z0 = -(a/360 - z[1]/2) else if (mid) z0 = -(a/360 + z[1]/2) else z0 = -(a/360) c = cols(z) for (j=1;j<=c;j++) { if (polar) _compute_slice(s, n, rev, e[j], v, j, 1/c, yx, c*z[j]*w, z0) else _compute_slice(s, n, rev, e[j], v, j, z[j], yx, w, z0) } } void _compute_slice(real scalar s, real scalar n, real scalar rev, real scalar e, real rowvector v, real scalar j, real scalar z, real rowvector yx, real scalar w, real scalar z0) // z0 will be updated { real scalar r, a, dz real rowvector mid real matrix YX if (rev) dz = -z else dz = z if (e) { // explode mid = -(2*z0+dz) * pi() mid = yx + (s * e/100) * (sin(mid), cos(mid)) } else mid = yx r = max((2, round(z * n))) // number of points on arc (at least 2) YX = rangen(z0, z0 + dz, r) * (-2 * pi()) YX = mid :+ s * (sin(YX), cos(YX)) YX = (., .) \ mid \ YX \ mid YX = YX, J(r + 3, 1, (yx, j, w)) a = st_nobs() + 1 st_addobs(r + 3) st_store((a,a+r+2), v, YX) z0 = z0 + dz } end