{smcl} {* *! version 0.3 20240606}{...} {hline} {pstd}help file for {hi:ad_command}{p_end} {hline} {title:Title} {phang}{bf:ad_command} - Creates or removes commands in the {inp:adodown} workflow. {p_end} {title:Syntax} {phang}{bf:ad_command} {it:subcommand} {it:commandname} , {bf:{ul:adf}older}({it:string}) {bf:{ul:pkg}name}({it:string}) [{bf:{ul:undoc}umented}] {p_end} {phang}where {it:subcommand} is either {inp:create} or {inp:remove} and {it:commandname} is the name of the new command to create or the existing command to remove. {p_end} {synoptset 16}{...} {p2coldent:{it:options}}Description{p_end} {synoptline} {synopt: {bf:{ul:adf}older}({it:string})}Location of the adodown-styled package{p_end} {synopt: {bf:{ul:pkg}name}({it:string})}Name of package that exists in the location {inp:adfolder()} points to.{p_end} {synopt: {bf:{ul:undoc}umented}}used to create an undocumented command.{p_end} {synoptline} {phang}Read the {inp:adodown} package{c 39}s {browse "https://lsms-worldbank.github.io/adodown/":web-documentation} where you find all helpfiles for the commands in this package, as well as articles with guides and best-practices related to the commands in this package. {p_end} {title:Description} {pstd}This command is only intended to be used in package folders set up in the {inp:adodown} workflow using the command {inp:ad_setup}. {p_end} {pstd}This command creates new commands in the package or removes existing commands from it. When creating a command, a template for the {inp:ado}-file is created in the {inp:ado}-folder, a template for the {inp:mdhlp}-file is created in the {inp:mdhlp} folder, and the {inp:ado}-file and the {inp:sthlp} file is appended to the {inp:pkg}-file in that package folder. {p_end} {pstd}See {browse "https://lsms-worldbank.github.io/adodown/articles/mdhlp-syntax.html":this article} about valid syntax in the {inp:mdhlp} files. {p_end} {title:Options} {pstd}{it:subcommand} as specified in {inp:ad_command } can either be {inp:create} or {inp:remove}. {inp:create} is used when creating a new command and {inp:remove} when removing and existing command. {p_end} {pstd}{it:commandname} as specified in {inp:ad_command } is the name of the command to be created or removed. An error is thrown if a command with this name already exists when using sub-command {inp:create}, and an error will be thrown when removing a command if no command with name already exists. {p_end} {pstd}{bf:{ul:adf}older}({it:string}) is used to indicate the location of where the adodown-styled package folder already exist. {p_end} {pstd}{bf:{ul:pkg}name}({it:string}) is the name of the package expected to be found in the {inp:adfolder()}. {p_end} {pstd}{bf:{ul:undoc}umented} is used to create an undocumented command. An undocumented command is a command that not intended to be used by the user, and only be used by other commands in the same package. In practice, this only means that no helpfile is created for this command. {p_end} {title:Examples} {dlgtab:Example 1} {pstd}This example assumes that there is already a adodown-styled package folder at the location the local {inp:myfolder} is pointing to. {p_end} {input}{space 8}* point a local to the folder with the package where a new command will be created {space 8}local myfolder "path/to/folder" {space 8} {space 8}* Package meta info {space 8}local pkg "my_package" {space 8} {space 8}* Add command mycmd to the package folder {space 8}ad_command create mycmd, adf("`myfolder'") pkg("`pkg'") {text} {dlgtab:Example 2} {pstd}This example includes the steps for how to create the adodown-styled package folder in the location the local {inp:myfolder} is pointing to. {p_end} {input}{space 8}* point a local to the folder where the package will be created {space 8}local myfolder "path/to/folder" {space 8} {space 8}* Package meta info {space 8}local pkg "my_package" {space 8}local aut "John Doe" {space 8}local des "This packages does amazing thing A, B and C." {space 8}local url "https://github.com/lsms-worldbank/adodown" {space 8}local con "jdoe@worldbank.org" {space 8} {space 8}* Set up adodown-styled package folder {space 8}ad_setup, adfolder("`myfolder'") autoconfirm /// {space 8} name("`pkg'") author("`aut'") desc("`des'") /// {space 8} url("`url'") contact("`con'") {space 8} {space 8}* Add command mycmd to the package folder {space 8}ad_command create mycmd, adf("`myfolder'") pkg("`pkg'") {text} {title:Feedback, bug reports and contributions} {pstd}Read more about the commands in this package on the {browse "https://github.com/lsms-worldbank/adodown":GitHub repository} for the {inp:adodown} package. {p_end} {pstd}Please use the {browse "https://github.com/lsms-worldbank/adodown/issues":issues feature} e to communicate any feedback, report bugs, or to make feature requests. {p_end} {pstd}PRs with suggestions for improvements are also greatly appreciated. {p_end} {title:Authors} {pstd}LSMS Team, The World Bank lsms@worldbank.org {p_end}