*! version 0.3 20240606 - LSMS Team, World Bank - lsms@worldbank.org cap program drop ad_pkg_meta program define ad_pkg_meta, rclass qui { version 14.1 syntax , [ADFolder(string) pkgfile(string) pkgname(string) newtitle(string) newpkgversion(string) newstataversion(string) newauthor(string) newcontact(string) newurl(string) newdate(string)] if missing("`adfolder'`pkgfile'") { noi di as error `"{phang}Either {opt:adfolder()} or {opt:pkgfile()} must be used.{p_end}"' error 99 exit } if !missing("`pkgfile'") { assert !missing("`pkgname'") } else { * Test and standardize folder local local adfolderstd = subinstr(`"`adfolder'"',"\","/",.) mata : st_numscalar("r(dirExist)", direxists("`adfolderstd'")) if `r(dirExist)' == 0 { noi di as error `"{phang}The folder used in adfolder(`adfolder') does not exist.{p_end}"' error 99 exit } * Local to the src/ folder local srcfolderstd `"`adfolder'/src/"' * List .pkg files in src folder and then make sure there is only one local pkgfile : dir `"`srcfolderstd'"' files "*.pkg" , respectcase local count_pkg : list sizeof pkgfile if (`count_pkg' != 1) { * Erros message for missing pkg file if (`count_pkg' == 0) local pkgerr "No" * Error message for multiple files if (`count_pkg' > 1 ) local pkgerr "Multiple" noi di as error `"{phang}`pkgerr' package files on format {res:.pkg} was found in {res:"`srcfolderstd'}. Exactly one is required.{p_end}"' error 99 exit } * Remove "" that was needed if multiple files found local pkgfile `pkgfile' local pkgname = subinstr("`pkgfile'",".pkg","",.) } * Test if file should be updated local update "" if !missing( "`newtitle'`newpkgversion'`newstataversion'`newauthor'`newcontact'`newurl'" ) { local update "update" } * Tests and handling of new date if !missing("`newdate'") & !missing("`newpkgversion'") { noi di as error `"{phang}{opt:newdate()} may only be used if {opt:newpkgversion()} is also used.{p_end}"' error 99 exit } if missing("`newdate'") & !missing("`newpkgversion'") { qui adodown formatteddate local newdate = `"`r(formatteddate)'"' } * Add Stata's weird description requirement that when listing multiple emails, @@ must be used. if !missing("`newcontact'") { local newcontact = subinstr("`newcontact'","@","@@",.) } * Open template to read from and new tempfile to write to tempname fh newpkg_write tempfile pkg_out file open `fh' using `"`srcfolderstd'`pkgfile'"', read file open `newpkg_write' using `pkg_out', write * Initiate section local local section "" local adofiles "" local hlpfiles "" local ancfiles "" * Read first line file read `fh' line while r(eof)==0 { * Trim spaces leading and trailing line local line = trim("`line'") * Skip empty lines if !missing("`line'") { * Test if line is beginning of next section if (substr("`line'",1,3) == "***") { local section = trim(substr("`line'",4,.)) file write `newpkg_write' "`line'" _n } * Test if empty line else if (trim("`line'") == "d") { * Empty lines are ok apart from in these sections. if inlist("`section'","version", "title") { noi di as error `"{phang}Empty {res:d} line is not allowed in section version or title.{p_end}"' } file write `newpkg_write' "`line'" _n } * If neither section head or empty line, process content of section else { if ("`section'" == "version") { verify_package_version, line(`"`line'"') newpkgversion("`newpkgversion'") file write `newpkg_write' "`r(newline)'" _n local pkg_v `r(pkg_v)' } else if ("`section'" == "title") { verify_title, line(`"`line'"') pkgname(`pkgname') newtitle("`newtitle'") file write `newpkg_write' "`r(newline)'" _n local pkgname "`pkgname'" } else if ("`section'" == "description") { //do nothing for now file write `newpkg_write' "`line'" _n } else if ("`section'" == "stata") { verify_stata_version, line(`"`line'"') newstataversion("`newstataversion'") file write `newpkg_write' "`r(newline)'" _n local sta_v `r(sta_v)' } else if ("`section'" == "author") { extract_value, line("`line'") line_lead("d Author: ") /// format_error("{res:d Author: } where {res:} is any string.") newvalue("`newauthor'") file write `newpkg_write' "`r(newline)'" _n local author "`r(value)'" } else if ("`section'" == "contact") { extract_value, line("`line'") line_lead("d Contact:") /// format_error("{res:d Contact: } where {res:} is any string.") emptyok newvalue("`newcontact'") file write `newpkg_write' "`r(newline)'" _n local contact =subinstr("`r(value)'","@@","@",.) } else if ("`section'" == "url") { extract_value, line("`line'") line_lead("d URL:") /// format_error("{res:d URL: } where {res:} is any string.") emptyok newvalue("`newurl'") file write `newpkg_write' "`r(newline)'" _n local url "`r(value)'" } else if ("`section'" == "date") { extract_value, line("`line'") line_lead("d Distribution-Date: ") /// format_error("{res:d Distribution-Date: } where {res:} is a date on format {res:YYYYMMDD}.") newvalue("`newdate'") file write `newpkg_write' "`r(newline)'" _n local date "`r(value)'" } else if ("`section'" == "adofiles") { extract_value, line("`line'") line_lead("f ") /// format_error("{res:f ado/.ado} where {res:} is the name of a command.") local adofiles `"`adofiles' "`r(value)'""' file write `newpkg_write' "`line'" _n } else if ("`section'" == "helpfiles") { extract_value, line("`line'") line_lead("f ") /// format_error("{res:f stlhp/.sthlp} where {res:} is the name of a command.") local hlpfiles `"`hlpfiles' "`r(value)'""' file write `newpkg_write' "`line'" _n } else if ("`section'" == "ancillaryfiles") { noi extract_value, line("`line'") line_lead("f ") line_lead2("F ") /// format_error("{res:f } or {res:F } where {res:} is the relative path from {res:src/} and the file name of the ancillary files.") local ancfiles `"`ancfiles' "`r(value)'""' file write `newpkg_write' "`line'" _n } else { //noi di "`section'" //noi di "`line'" file write `newpkg_write' "`line'" _n } } } else { file write `newpkg_write' "`line'" _n } * Read next line file read `fh' line } file close `fh' file close `newpkg_write' * Return locals return local pkgname "`pkgname'" return local stata_version `sta_v' return local package_version `pkg_v' return local date `date' return local author = trim("`author'") return local contact = trim("`contact'") return local url = trim("`url'") return local adofiles = trim(`"`adofiles'"') return local hlpfiles = trim(`"`hlpfiles'"') return local ancfiles = trim(`"`ancfiles'"') if ("`update'" != "update") { noi di as result "{pstd}Package file {it:`pkgfile'} verified.{p_end}" } else { * Run the new file again in the command to make sure the output is valid ad_pkg_meta, pkgfile(`"`pkg_out'"') pkgname("`pkgname'") * Output is valid, overwrite file copy "`pkg_out'" `"`srcfolderstd'`pkgfile'"', replace noi di as result `"{pstd}Package file {it:`srcfolderstd'`pkgfile'} updated.{p_end}"' } } end cap program drop verify_package_version program define verify_package_version, rclass syntax, line(string) [newpkgversion(string)] if (substr("`line'",1,2) == "v ") { // Get current version local pkg_v = substr("`line'",3,.) //Update to new verison if applicable if !missing("`newpkgversion'") local pkg_v "`newpkgversion'" //Return values return local pkg_v "`pkg_v'" local line = ustrtrim(stritrim("v `pkg_v'")) return local newline "`line'" } else { noi di as error `"{phang}.pkg file error in line {res:`line'}. Only rows on format {res:v x.y} where {res:x} and {res:y} are integers are allowed.{p_end}"' error 99 exit } end cap program drop verify_title program define verify_title, rclass syntax, line(string) pkgname(string) [newtitle(string)] local pkgname_upper = strupper("`pkgname'") * Test that line is "d ". * This verifies that the pkg file name matches the title in the file local ll_len = strlen("d '`pkgname_upper''") if (substr("`line'",1,`ll_len') == "d '`pkgname_upper''") { //Update to new verison if applicatble if !missing("`newtitle'") { local line "d '`pkgname_upper'': `newtitle'" } //Return values local line = ustrtrim(stritrim(`"`line'"')) return local newline "`line'" } else { noi di as error `"{phang}.pkg file error in title line {res:`line'}. Only rows on format {res:d '`pkgname_upper'' } are allowed. Package name must be upper case only and {res:<title>} is the together with the package name the title that shows up when using {res:net}/{res:ssc} {res:describe}.{p_end}"' error 99 exit } end cap program drop verify_stata_version program define verify_stata_version, rclass syntax, line(string) [newstataversion(string)] if (substr("`line'",1,25) == "d Requires: Stata version") { local sta_v = trim(substr("`line'",26,.)) //Update to new verison if applicatble if !missing("`newstataversion'") local sta_v "`newstataversion'" //Return values return local sta_v "`sta_v'" local line = ustrtrim(stritrim("d Requires: Stata version `sta_v'")) return local newline "`line'" } else { noi di as error `"{phang}.pkg file error in line {res:`line'}. Only rows on format {res:d Requires: Stata version x.y} where {res:x} and {res:y} are integers are allowed.{p_end}"' error 99 exit } end * Generic function to get a single line value cap program drop extract_value program define extract_value, rclass syntax, line(string) line_lead(string) [line_lead2(string)] format_error(string) [emptyok newvalue(string)] local ll_len = strlen("`line_lead'") local ll_len2 = strlen("`line_lead2'") if (substr("`line'",1,`ll_len') == "`line_lead'") { return local value = trim(substr("`line'",`ll_len'+1,.)) if !missing("`newvalue'") { local line "`line_lead' `newvalue'" } } else if !missing("`line_lead2'") & (substr("`line'",1,`ll_len2') == "`line_lead2'") { return local value = trim(substr("`line'",`ll_len2'+1,.)) if !missing("`newvalue'") { local line "`line_lead2' `newvalue'" } } else { noi di as error `"{phang}.pkg file error in line {res:`line'}. Valid formats for this row is only `format_error' {p_end}"' error 99 exit } local line = ustrtrim(stritrim("`line'")) return local newline "`line'" end