*! version 0.3 20240606 - LSMS Team, World Bank - lsms@worldbank.org cap program drop ad_publish program define ad_publish qui { version 14.1 * Update the syntax. This is only a placeholder to make the command run syntax, ADFolder(string) [UNDocumented(string) nogen_sthlp ssczip debug] **** ** Test folder input input * Standardize folder local folderstd = subinstr(`"`adfolder'"',"\","/",.) local srcfolder = `"`adfolder'/src"' local adofolder = `"`srcfolder'/ado"' local sthfolder = `"`srcfolder'/sthlp"' local sscfolder = `"`srcfolder'/dev/ssc"' * Test for adodown folders expected in the folder foreach ad_fld in folderstd srcfolder adofolder sthfolder { mata : st_numscalar("r(dirExist)", direxists("``ad_fld''")) if `r(dirExist)' == 0 { local folder_error "TRUE" local missing_flds `"`missing_flds' "``ad_fld''" "' } } * Output errors and list missing folders if ("`folder_error'" == "TRUE") { noi di as error "{pstd}The folder in option {inp:adfolder()} is not valid adodown folder. The following folders were expected but not found:{p_end}" foreach miss_fold of local missing_flds { noi di as text `"{pstd}- `miss_fold'/{p_end}"' } error 99 exit } ******************************************************** ** Get Meta data * Get meta data from package file ad_pkg_meta, adfolder(`"`folderstd'"') local pkgname "`r(pkgname)'" local stata_vnum "`r(stata_version)'" local pkg_vnum "`r(package_version)'" local vdate "`r(date)'" local author "`r(author)'" local contact "`r(contact)'" local pkg_ados `"`r(adofiles)'"' local pkg_hlps `"`r(hlpfiles)'"' local pkg_ancs `"`r(ancfiles)'"' local ado_v_header "*! version `pkg_vnum' `vdate' - `author' - `contact'" ******************************************************** ** Generate the sthlp files if ("`gen_sthlp'" != "nogen_sthlp") { cap ad_sthlp, adfolder(`"`folderstd'"') if _rc { noi di as error "{pstd}Error when rendering the .sthlp files from .mdhlp files. Run command {cmd:ad_sthlp()} and fix the error or use option {opt:nogen_sthlp} to not render the files and see if package can be published anyway.{p_end}" * Run it again without cap to return the error noi ad_sthlp, adfolder(`"`folderstd'"') vnum("`pkg_vnum'") vdate("`vdate'") } } ******************************************************** ** List all ado-files and helpfiles to make sure required files exists * List ado-files local adofiles : dir `"`adofolder'"' files "*.ado" , respectcase foreach adofile of local adofiles { local cmds = "`cmds' " + subinstr("`adofile'",".ado","",1) } * List sthlp files local sthfiles : dir `"`sthfolder'"' files "*.sthlp" , respectcase foreach sthfile of local sthfiles { local hlps = "`hlps' " + subinstr("`sthfile'",".sthlp","",1) } local ado_sthlp_error 0 * Test if cmd in undocumented is not a command local invalid_undocumented : list undocumented - cmds if !missing("`invalid_undocumented'") { noi di as error "{pstd}The command(s) {inp:`invalid_undocumented'} used in {res:undocumented(`undocumented')} is not a command in the ado-folder.{p_end}" local ado_sthlp_error 1 } * Test for helpfiles without ado-files local sthlp_without_ado : list hlps - cmds if !missing("`sthlp_without_ado'") { noi di as error "{pstd}The help-files(s) {inp:`sthlp_without_ado'} in the {inp:`sthfolder'} folder does not have any command(s) in the {inp:`adofolder'} folder.{p_end}" local ado_sthlp_error 1 } * Test if any commands listed as undocummented commmands are not found local ado_without_sthlp : list cmds - hlps local ado_without_sthlp : list ado_without_sthlp - undocumented if !missing("`ado_without_sthlp'") { noi di as error "{pstd}The command(s) {inp:`ado_without_sthlp'} in the {inp:`adofolder'} folder does not have any help-file(s) in the {inp:`sthfolder'} folder.{p_end}" local ado_sthlp_error 1 } * Throw error for missing files if (`ado_sthlp_error' == 1) { error 99 exit } ******************************************************** ** pdate versioning meta data in adofiles foreach ado of local cmds { local pkgcommand "" if ("`ado'" == "`pkgname'") local pkgcommand "pkgcommand" noi update_ado_version, /// vhead("`ado_v_header'") /// pkg_vnum("`pkg_vnum'") /// stata_vnum("`stata_vnum'") /// file(`"`adofolder'/`ado'.ado"') /// vdate("`vdate'") /// `pkgcommand' } ******************************************************** ** generate the zip-file for ssc if !missing("`ssczip'") { local old_pwd `c(pwd)' * Create the ssc-version folder cap mkdir "`sscfolder'" local vfldr "`sscfolder'/v`pkg_vnum'" cap mkdir "`vfldr'" * Copy all files in the pkg file to the ssc-version folder foreach ado of local pkg_ados { split_file_extentsion, file("`ado'") copy `"`adofolder'/`r(file_name)'"' `"`vfldr'/`r(file_name)'"', replace } foreach hlp of local pkg_hlps { split_file_extentsion, file("`hlp'") copy `"`sthfolder'/`r(file_name)'"' `"`vfldr'/`r(file_name)'"', replace } foreach anc of local pkg_ancs { split_file_extentsion, file("`anc'") copy `"`srcfolder'/`anc'"' `"`vfldr'/`r(file_name)'"', replace } local zipfile "`vfldr'/`pkgname'.zip" cap rm "`zipfile'" * Change pwd to ssc-version folder cd "`vfldr'" * Compress the package the way ssc wants it zipfile * , saving("`zipfile'", replace) noi di as text "{pstd}Zip-archive ready to send to SSC was saved at {res:`zipfile'}.{p_end}" * Restore the pwd cd "`old_pwd'" } // Remove when command is no longer in beta noi adodown "beta ad_publish" } end cap program drop update_ado_version program define update_ado_version syntax, vhead(string) pkg_vnum(string) stata_vnum(string) file(string) vdate(string) [pkgcommand] * Open template to read from and new tempfile to write to tempname ado_old ado_new tempfile new_adofile file open `ado_old' using `"`file'"', read file open `ado_new' using `new_adofile' , write local syntax_over = 0 local version_header_used = 0 local version_setting_used = 0 * Write remaining file file read `ado_old' line while r(eof)==0 { * Escape all characters that will mess with str end or start local line : subinstr local line `"""' `"" _char(34) ""', all local line : subinstr local line "'" `"" _char(39) ""', all local line : subinstr local line "`" `"" _char(96) ""', all local line : subinstr local line "$" `"" _char(36) ""', all * This command only make changes to items before the first "syntax" * So do not perform any replacements after the initial syntax if (`syntax_over' != 1) { * Test if this line is the syntax line if (substr(ustrtrim("`line'"),1,6) == "syntax") { * If it is, set local to 1 and just write the line local syntax_over 1 file write `ado_new' "`line'" _n } * Test if line is version header else if (substr(ustrtrim("`line'"),1,10) == "*! version") { * Update the version header file write `ado_new' "`vhead'" _n * Indicate that version header is used local version_header_used = 1 } * Test if line is stata version seting else if (substr(ustrtrim("`line'"),1,7) == "version") { file write `ado_new' " version `stata_vnum'" _n * Indicate that version header is used local version_setting_used = 1 } * Test if line is stata version seting else if (!missing("`pkgcommand'") & substr(ustrtrim("`line'"),1,14) == "local version") { file write `ado_new' `" local version "`pkg_vnum'" "' _n * Indicate that version header is used local version_setting_used = 1 } * Test if line is stata version seting else if (!missing("`pkgcommand'") & substr(ustrtrim("`line'"),1,17) == "local versionDate") { file write `ado_new' `" local versionDate "`vdate'" "' _n * Indicate that version header is used local version_setting_used = 1 } * Before syntax but wite line as is else file write `ado_new' "`line'" _n } * Before syntax but wite line as is else file write `ado_new' "`line'" _n * REad next line file read `ado_old' line } file close `ado_old' file close `ado_new' ************************ * Test that required items were found if (`version_header_used' == 0) { noi di as error `"{pstd}The ado-file {inp:`file'} does not have a version header.{p_end}"' error 99 exit } if (`version_setting_used' == 0) { noi di as error `"{pstd}The ado-file {inp:`file'} does not set Stata version before syntax.{p_end}"' error 99 exit } ************************ * Overwrite org fine with tempfile copy "`new_adofile'" `"`file'"', replace end * Splits a file name into its name and its extension cap program drop split_file_extentsion program define split_file_extentsion, rclass syntax, file(string) local file = subinstr(`"`file'"',"\","/",.) **Find the last / in the file path local slash_index = strpos(strreverse("`file'"),"/") ** Find file name and extension based on the last / in the file return local file_name = substr("`file'",1-`slash_index',.) end