*! version 0.3 20240606 - LSMS Team, World Bank - lsms@worldbank.org cap program drop ad_setup program define ad_setup qui { version 14.1 syntax, ADFolder(string) [ /// Name(string) /// Description(string) /// Author(string) /// Contact(string) /// Url(string) /// AUTOprompt /// GIThub /// debug /// ] **************************************************** * Test input - except package meta information local adfolderstd = subinstr(`"`adfolder'"',"\","/",.) mata : st_numscalar("r(dirExist)", direxists("`adfolderstd'")) if `r(dirExist)' == 0 { noi di as error `"{phang}The folder used in adfolder(`adfolder') does not exist.{p_end}"' error 99 exit } * Local to the src/ folder local srcfolderstd `"`adfolder'/src"' **************************************************** * Set up locals used accross the command * Meta information types local inputtypes name description author contact url * Locals pointing to all template files to be used in the src folder local src_tfs "" local src_tfs "`src_tfs' ad-reproot.yaml" local src_tfs "`src_tfs' ad-src-ado-README.md" local src_tfs "`src_tfs' ad-src-dev-description.txt" local src_tfs "`src_tfs' ad-src-dev-README.md" local src_tfs "`src_tfs' ad-src-mdhlp-README.md" local src_tfs "`src_tfs' ad-src-package.pkg" local src_tfs "`src_tfs' ad-src-stata.toc" local src_tfs "`src_tfs' ad-src-sthlp-README.md" local src_tfs "`src_tfs' ad-src-tests-README.md" local src_tfs "`src_tfs' ad-src-vignettes-README.md" * Extract from template names all folders needed local src_folders "" foreach template of local src_tfs { template_parser, template("`template'") local this_folder "`r(t_folder)'" local src_folders : list src_folders | this_folder } * Locals pointing to all template files for the github option local gh_tfs "" local gh_tfs "`gh_tfs' ad-gh.gitignore" local gh_tfs "`gh_tfs' ad-gh-workflows.yaml" * All tempfiles local all_tfs "`src_tfs'" ***************************************************** * Handle package meta information * Test inputs provided passed in syntax local allsyntaxinputok "TRUE" foreach inputtype of local inputtypes { if !missing("``inputtype''") { noi inputconfirm syntax `inputtype' "``inputtype''" if "`r(inputok)'" == "FALSE" { local allsyntaxinputok "FALSE" noi di as error "{pstd}Package meta data used in `inputtype'(``inputtype'') is not valid.{p_end}" } } } * Throw error if any syntax provided inputs cannot be verified if "`allsyntaxinputok'" == "FALSE" { error 99 exit } * Handle user inputs * Prepare params name("`name'") author("`author'") url("`url'") etc. foreach inputtype of local inputtypes { local useinp_params "`useinp_params' `inputtype'("``inputtype''")" } noi userinputs, inputtypes(`inputtypes') `debug' `autoprompt' `useinp_params' if "`r(inputbreak)'" == "TRUE" { noi di as txt "{pstd}Package template creation aborted - nothing was created.{p_end}" error 1 exit } foreach inputtype of local inputtypes { if missing("``inputtype''") local `inputtype' `r(`inputtype')' } ***************************************************** * Prompt user if GH files should be created if missing("`github'") & missing("`autoprompt'") { noi di "" noi di as text "{pstd}Are you setting up this package template folder in GitHub repository and want to add GitHub template files for the adodown workflow? This includes adding a .gitignore template and a Github Actions workflow template for automatic web documentation.{p_end}" noi di as text "" global ghinp_confirmation "" while (!inlist(upper("${ghinp_confirmation}"),"Y","N","BREAK")) { noi di as txt `"{pstd}Enter "Y" to to add the GitHub templates, or "N" to not add them. Enter "BREAK" to abort"', _request(ghinp_confirmation) } * Set local github as if the option was used if upper("${ghinp_confirmation}") =="Y" { local github "github" } else if upper("${ghinp_confirmation}") =="BREAK" { noi di as txt "{pstd}Package template creation aborted - nothing was created.{p_end}" error 1 exit } } * Add github templates to all tempfiles if !missing("`github'") local all_tfs "`all_tfs' `gh_tfs'" ***************************************************** * Test that package can be created * Test that folders to be created does not already exist local test_folders "`src_folders'" if !missing("`github'") local test_folders "`src_folders' .github/workflows" local folder_error 0 foreach folder of local test_folders { if !missing("`debug'") noi di as text "testfolder create: `adfolderstd'/`folder'" mata : st_numscalar("r(dirExist)", direxists("`adfolderstd'/`folder'")) if `r(dirExist)' == 1 { noi di as error `"{phang}A folder with the name ("`adfolderstd'/`folder'") already exists.{p_end}"' local folder_error 1 } } if (`folder_error' == 1) { error 99 exit } * Get all templates and store in temporary files foreach template of local all_tfs { * Get tempfile name from template name template_parser, template("`template'") local tempfile = "`r(t_tempfile)'" tempfile `tempfile' * Get template file and store in temporary file cap findfile `template' if (_rc == 0) { if !missing("`debug'") noi di as text `"Get template file: `template' and store in `tempfile' (``tempfile'') "' * Copy file found in findfile to tempfile copy "`r(fn)'" ``tempfile'', replace } *handle findfile errors else if (_rc == 601) { noi di as error "{pstd}The template file {inp:`template'} cannot be found. Make sure that {inp:adodown} is installed correctly.{p_end}" findfile `template' } else { noi di as error "{pstd}Unhandled adodown error in findfile.{p_end}" findfile `template' } } ***************************************************** * Confirm meta data if missing("`autoprompt'") { * Prepare Github output if !missing("`github'") local gh_conf "GitHub templates file will be created." else local gh_conf "No GitHub templates file will be created." noi di as text "" noi di as text "{pstd}Before any files are created on your disk, please confirm the following information:{p_end}" noi di as text "" noi di as text "{pmore}Stata package name: {inp:`name'}{p_end}" noi di as text "{pmore}Package location: {inp:`adfolder'}{p_end}" noi di as text "{pmore}Package description: {inp:`description'}{p_end}" noi di as text "{pmore}Package author name(s): {inp:`author'}{p_end}" noi di as text "{pmore}Contact information: {inp:`contact'}{p_end}" noi di as text "{pmore}Package URL (for example repo): {inp:`url'}{p_end}" noi di as text "" noi di as text "{pmore}`gh_conf'{p_end}" noi di as text "" global adinp_confirmation "" while (!inlist(upper("${adinp_confirmation}"),"Y", "BREAK")) { noi di as txt `"{pstd}Enter "Y" to confirm and create the package template or enter "BREAK" to abort."', _request(adinp_confirmation) } if upper("${adinp_confirmation}") == "BREAK" { noi di as txt "{pstd}Package template creation aborted - nothing was created.{p_end}" error 1 exit } } ***************************************************** * Populate templates * Populate the pkg tempfile populate_pkg, pkg_template(`src_package_pkg') name("`name'") description("`description'") author("`author'") contact("`contact'") url("`url'") title("`title'") * Populate the toc tempfile populate_toc, toc_template(`src_stata_toc') name("`name'") * Populate the reproot root file populate_reproot_yaml, yaml_template(`reproot_yaml') name("`name'") ***************************************************** * Everything is ready - create template on disk * Create all folders needed foreach folder of local src_folders { recursive_mkdir, folder(`"`adfolderstd'/`folder'"') } * Copy all templates files to their folders foreach template of local src_tfs { * Get file/folder name from template name and write file template_parser, template("`template'") name("`name'") copy ``r(t_tempfile)'' `"`adfolderstd'/`r(t_folder)'/`r(t_file)'"' if !missing("`debug'") noi di as text `"File created:/`r(t_folder)'/`r(t_file)'"' } * Copy the github template to the folders if !missing("`github'") { foreach template of local gh_tfs { * Get tempfile name from template name template_parser, template("`template'") local tempfile = "`r(t_tempfile)'" * Get special folder location if "`template'" == "ad-gh.gitignore" { local filename ".gitignore" local folder "" } else if "`template'" == "ad-gh-workflows.yaml" { local filename "build_adodown_site.yaml" local folder "/.github/workflows" } if !missing("`debug'") noi di as text `"File will be created: `folder'/`filename'"' * Create folders if needed recursive_mkdir, folder(`"`adfolderstd'`folder'"') * Copy file to location copy ``tempfile'' `"`adfolderstd'`folder'/`filename'"' } } * Add a command with the same name as the package to the package template qui ad_command create `name', adfolder("`adfolder'") pkgname("`name'") pkgcommand noi di as res `"{pstd}Package template for package {inp:`name'} successfully created in: `adfolder'{p_end}"' // Remove when command is no longer in beta noi adodown "beta ad_setup" } end * Handler for all inputs cap program drop userinputs program define userinputs, rclass qui { syntax, [inputtypes(string) name(string) description(string) author(string) contact(string) url(string) autoprompt debug] local prompt_intro `"Please enter the package meta information needed to set up this package template. Type "BREAK" to cancel."' local name_prompt "Enter name of Stata package {it:(required)}:" local description_prompt "Enter package description {it:(optional)}:" local author_prompt "Enter name of author(s) {it:(required)}:" local contact_prompt "Enter contact information {it:(optional)}:" local url_prompt "Enter package URL. For example GitHub repo {it:(optional)}:" * Test if autoprompt was not used if missing("`autoprompt'") { * Autoprompt not used, prompt for any information not provided if (missing("`name'") | missing("`description'") | missing("`author'") | missing("`contact'") | missing("`url'")) { noi di "" noi di as txt `"{pstd}`prompt_intro' Press ENTER with no input to leave an optional input blank.{p_end}"' local inputbreak "FALSE" foreach inputtype of local inputtypes { * Ask for input if missin if missing("``inputtype''") & "`inputbreak'" == "FALSE" { noi di "" noi inputprompter, `debug' /// inputtype("`inputtype'") /// inputprompt("``inputtype'_prompt'") local inputbreak "`r(inputbreak)'" return local `inputtype' "`r(verifiedinput)'" } } return local inputbreak "`inputbreak'" } } else { * Autoprompt was used, prompt anyway if name is missing as it is required if missing("`name'") { noi di "" noi di as txt `"{pstd}`prompt_intro'{p_end}"' local inputbreak "FALSE" * Ask for package name if missing("`name'") & "`inputbreak'" == "FALSE" { noi di "" noi inputprompter, inputtype("name") inputprompt("`name_prompt'") `debug' local inputbreak "`r(inputbreak)'" return local name "`r(verifiedinput)'" } return local inputbreak "`inputbreak'" } } } end * Prompting for each input cap program drop inputprompter program define inputprompter, rclass qui { syntax, inputtype(string) inputprompt(string) [required debug] if!missing("`debug'") noi di "inputprompter inputtype: `inputtype'" if!missing("`debug'") noi di "inputprompter inputprompt: `inputprompt'" local inputbreak "FALSE" local inputok "FALSE" global adinp_userinput "" while ("`inputok'" == "FALSE" & "`inputbreak'" == "FALSE") { noi di as txt "{pstd}`inputprompt'", _request(adinp_userinput) noi inputconfirm prompt `inputtype' "${adinp_userinput}" local inputbreak "`r(inputbreak)'" local inputok "`r(inputok)'" } return local inputbreak "`inputbreak'" return local verifiedinput "`r(verifiedinput)'" } end * Test input provided either through syntax or prompt cap program drop inputconfirm program define inputconfirm, rclass qui { args case inputtype userinput local error 0 * Test for BREAK in all inputs for users to exit command if upper("`userinput'") == "BREAK" return local inputbreak "TRUE" * Test the different user inputs else { return local inputbreak "FALSE" * Test package name if "`inputtype'" == "name" { * Test one word if `: word count `userinput'' > 1 { noi di as error "{pstd}The package name may only include one word.{p_end}" local error 1 } * Test only lower case if "`userinput'" != lower("`userinput'") { noi di as error "{pstd}The package name must only be lower case.{p_end}" local error 1 } if "`userinput'" == "" { noi di as error "{pstd}The package name may not be blank.{p_end}" local error 1 } } * Inputs with no tests else if inlist("`inputtype'","description","author","contact","url") { //No tests for these inputs } else { noi di as error "{pmore}Internal error in inputconfirm. Incorrect input type in: [`inputtype']{p_end}" error 99 exit } if `error' == 0 { return local inputok "TRUE" return local verifiedinput "`userinput'" } else { return local inputok "FALSE" if ("`case'" == "prompt") noi di "{pstd}Invalid input. You entered: [`userinput']. Try again.{p_end}" } } } end * Prompting for each input cap program drop template_parser program define template_parser, rclass syntax, template(string) [name(string)] local template = subinstr("`template'","ad-","",1) * Create the tempfile name local t_tempfile = "`template'" local t_tempfile = subinstr("`t_tempfile'","-","_",.) local t_tempfile = subinstr("`t_tempfile'",".","_",.) * Return tempfile name return local t_tempfile "`t_tempfile'" return local t_tempfile_len = strlen("`t_tempfile'") // Needed to check that name is len<32 * Get file name and folder path local dash_index = strpos(strreverse("`template'"),"-") // Get pos of last hyphen from end local t_file = substr("`template'",1-`dash_index',.) // Get string after pos of last hyphen local t_len = strlen("`t_tempfile'") * If the template name has folders, parse and prep that part if (`dash_index' > 0) { local t_folder = substr("`template'",1,`t_len'-`dash_index') // Get string up to last hyphen local t_folder = subinstr("`t_folder'","-","/",.) // Convert remaining hyphen to slashes } else local t_folder "" * Update the if (!missing("`name'") & "`t_file'" == "package.pkg") { local t_file "`name'.pkg" } * Return template file name and its folder path return local t_file "`t_file'" return local t_folder "`t_folder'" end * Populating package name in tempfile cap program drop populate_pkg program define populate_pkg, rclass syntax, pkg_template(string) name(string) [description(string) author(string) contact(string) url(string) title(string)] local upper_name = strupper("`name'") * Initiate the tempfile handlers and tempfiles needed tempname pkg_read pkg_write tempfile pkg_output * Open template to read from and new tempfile to write to file open `pkg_read' using `pkg_template', read file open `pkg_write' using `pkg_output' , write qui adodown formatteddate local date = `"`r(formatteddate)'"' * Read first line file read `pkg_read' line * Write lines as-is until section while r(eof)==0 { * Replace placeholders local line = subinstr(`"`line'"',"","`name'",.) local line = subinstr(`"`line'"',"","`upper_name'",.) local line = subinstr(`"`line'"',"","`title'",.) local line = subinstr(`"`line'"',"<DESC>","`description'",.) local line = subinstr(`"`line'"',"<AUTHOR>","`author'",.) local line = subinstr(`"`line'"',"<CONTACT>","`contact'",.) local line = subinstr(`"`line'"',"<URL>","`url'",.) local line = subinstr(`"`line'"',"<DATE>","`date'",.) * Write the populated line file write `pkg_write' "`line'" _n * Read next line file read `pkg_read' line } file close `pkg_read' file close `pkg_write' * Overwrite the template tempfile with the populated file copy `pkg_output' `pkg_template', replace end cap program drop populate_toc program define populate_toc, rclass syntax, toc_template(string) name(string) * Initiate the tempfile handlers and tempfiles needed tempname toc_read toc_write tempfile toc_output * Open template to read from and new tempfile to write to file open `toc_read' using `toc_template', read file open `toc_write' using `toc_output' , write * Read first line file read `toc_read' line * Write lines as-is until section local section "write_asis" while r(eof)==0 { if "`line'" == "*** version" local section "write_asis" if "`line'" == "*** packages" { local section "write_custom" file write `toc_write' "`macval(line)'" _n "p `name'" _n _n } * Write as-is sections if "`section'" == "write_asis" file write `toc_write' "`macval(line)'" _n * Read next line file read `toc_read' line } file close `toc_read' file close `toc_write' * Overwrite the template tempfiel with the populated file copy `toc_output' `toc_template', replace end * Populate package name in the reproot yaml file cap program drop populate_reproot_yaml program define populate_reproot_yaml, rclass syntax, yaml_template(string) name(string) * Initiate the tempfile handlers and tempfiles needed tempname yaml_read yaml_write tempfile yaml_output * Open template to read from and new tempfile to write to file open `yaml_read' using `yaml_template', read file open `yaml_write' using `yaml_output' , write * Read first line file read `yaml_read' line * Write lines as-is until section local section "write_asis" while r(eof)==0 { if "`line'" == "project_name : ADPKGNAME" { file write `yaml_write' "project_name : `name'" _n } else { file write `yaml_write' "`line'" _n } * Read next line file read `yaml_read' line } file close `yaml_read' file close `yaml_write' * Overwrite the template tempfiel with the populated file copy `yaml_output' `yaml_template', replace end * Recursively create folders, such that folder(abc/def) first create a folder * "abc" and then in it a folder "def" cap program drop recursive_mkdir program define recursive_mkdir syntax, folder(string) *Test if this folder exists mata : st_numscalar("r(dirExist)", direxists(`"`folder'"')) *Folder does not exist, find parent folder and make recursive call if (`r(dirExist)' == 0) { *Get the parent folder of folder local lastSlash = strpos(strreverse(`"`folder'"'),"/") local parentFolder = substr(`"`folder'"',1,strlen("`folder'")-`lastSlash') local thisFolder = substr(`"`folder'"', (-1 * `lastSlash')+1 ,.) *Recursively create parent folders noi recursive_mkdir , folder(`"`parentFolder'"') *Create this folder as the parent folder is certain to exist now noi mkdir "`folder'" } end