{smcl} {* *! version 0.3 20240606}{...} {hline} {pstd}help file for {hi:ad_sthlp}{p_end} {hline} {title:Title} {phang}{bf:ad_sthlp} - Converts mdhlp-files to sthlp-files in the {inp:adodown} workflow. {p_end} {title:Syntax} {phang}{bf:ad_sthlp} , {bf:{ul:adf}older}({it:string}) [{bf:commands}({it:string}) {bf:nopkgmeta}] {p_end} {synoptset 16}{...} {p2coldent:{it:options}}Description{p_end} {synoptline} {synopt: {bf:{ul:adf}older}({it:string})}Location of the adodown-styled package{p_end} {synopt: {bf:commands}({it:string})}List specific command to convert. Default is all in package{p_end} {synopt: {bf:nopkgmeta}}Do not look for a {inp:.pkg} file for package metadata{p_end} {synoptline} {phang}Read the {inp:adodown} package{c 39}s {browse "https://lsms-worldbank.github.io/adodown/":web-documentation} where you find all helpfiles for the commands in this package, as well as articles with guides and best-practices related to the commands in this package. {p_end} {title:Description} {pstd}This command renders Stata helpfiles in the {inp:.sthlp} format written in the {inp:mdhlp}-files written in markdown. The {inp:sthlp}-files are then intended to be included instead of the {inp:mdhlp}-files when distributing the command using either {inp:ssc install} or {inp:net install}. {p_end} {pstd}In the {inp:adodown} workflow the {inp:mdhlp}-files are expected to be stored in a folder {inp:mdhlp} in the folder that {bf:{ul:adf}older}({it:string}) points to, and the {inp:sthlp}-files are expected to be written to a folder {inp:sthlp} in the same location. If the package folder was set up using {inp:ad_setup} and the commands were added to the package folder using {inp:ad_command}, then this is already the case. {p_end} {pstd}See {browse "https://lsms-worldbank.github.io/adodown/articles/mdhlp-syntax.html":this article} about valid syntax in the {inp:mdhlp} files. {p_end} {title:Options} {pstd}{bf:{ul:adf}older}({it:string}) is used to indicate the location of where the adodown-styled package folder already exist. {p_end} {pstd}{bf:commands}({it:string}) is used to list individual commands to convert from {inp:mdhlp} to {inp:sthlp}. One or several commands can be listed. The default when this option is not used is to convert all {inp:mdhlp} files in the mdhlp folder to sthlp-files. {p_end} {pstd}{bf:nopkgmeta} tells the command to not look for a {inp:.pkg} file for version number and version date. The default is that the header of the {inp:.sthlp} file is populated from the meta information in the {inp:.pkg} file. This option allows this command to be used for {inp:.mdhlp} files not part of an {inp:adodown} styled package. If this option is used, the string {it:NOPKGMETA} is used as both version number and version date in the header. {p_end} {title:Examples} {dlgtab:Example 1} {pstd}This example assumes that there is already a adodown-styled package folder at the location the local {inp:myfolder} is pointing to, and that some commands have already been created. Any mdhlp-files in the {inp:mdhlp} folder in the folder {inp:myfolder} is pointing to will be rendered to Stata helpfile format and saved in the {inp:sthlp} folder. {p_end} {input}{space 8}* point a local to the folder where the package is located {space 8}local myfolder "path/to/folder" {space 8} {space 8}* Render the Stata helpfiles {space 8}ad_sthlp, adf("`myfolder'") {text} {dlgtab:Example 2} {pstd}This example includes the steps for how to create the adodown-styled package folder in the location the local {inp:myfolder} is pointing to, creating some commands and then render the template mdhlp-files to Stata helpfiles. {p_end} {input}{space 8}* point a local to the folder where the package is located {space 8}local myfolder "path/to/folder" {space 8} {space 8}* Package meta info {space 8}local pkg "my_package" {space 8}local aut "John Doe" {space 8}local des "This packages does amazing thing A, B and C." {space 8}local url "https://github.com/lsms-worldbank/adodown" {space 8}local con "jdoe@worldbank.org" {space 8} {space 8}* Set up adodown-styled package folder {space 8}ad_setup, adfolder("`myfolder'") autoconfirm /// {space 8} name("`pkg'") author("`aut'") desc("`des'") /// {space 8} url("`url'") contact("`con'") {space 8} {space 8}* Add command mycmd to the package folder {space 8}ad_command create mycmd1, adf("`myfolder'") pkg("`pkg'") {space 8}ad_command create mycmd2, adf("`myfolder'") pkg("`pkg'") {space 8} {space 8}* Render the Stata helpfiles {space 8}ad_sthlp, adf("`myfolder'") {text} {title:Feedback, bug reports and contributions} {pstd}Read more about the commands in this package on the {browse "https://github.com/lsms-worldbank/adodown":GitHub repository} for the {inp:adodown} package. {p_end} {pstd}Please use the {browse "https://github.com/lsms-worldbank/adodown/issues":issues feature} e to communicate any feedback, report bugs, or to make feature requests. {p_end} {pstd}PRs with suggestions for improvements are also greatly appreciated. {p_end} {title:Authors} {pstd}LSMS Team, The World Bank lsms@worldbank.org {p_end}