help for alphawgt

Cronbach's alpha for weighted data

alphawgt varlist [weight] [if exp] [in range] [, asis casewise detail generate(newvar) item label min(#) reverse(varlist) std ]

by ... : may be used with alphawgt; see help by.

fweights and aweights may be used with alphawgt; see help weights


alphawgt does the same than the official alpha (version 4.5.2, 09apr2002) except that fweights and aweights may be used. If fweights are used, the sum of weights is displayed in place of the number of observations (if options detail and/or item are specified). If aweights are used, the sum of weights is displayed in addition to the number of observations (if option detail is specified).

See help alpha for details on options.


. alpha q1-q10 [fweight=pop]

. alpha bg2cost1-bg2cost6 dotest1-dotest6 [aweigth=cellpop], std

Methods and Formulas

See http://fmwww.bc.edu/RePEc/bocode/a/alphawgt.pdf.


Ben Jann, ETH Zurich, jann@soz.gess.ethz.ch

Note: alphawgt is essentially a copy of alpha (version 4.5.2, 09apr2002) developed by Stata Corporation. I only added some minor modifications. If alphawgt produces erroneous results due to these modifications, I am to blame for it.

Also see

Manual: [R] alpha On-line: help for alpha