{smcl} {* 10sep2001}{...} {hline} help for {hi:anovaplot7} {hline} {title:Plots of ANOVA fit, including interaction plots} {p 8 16}{cmd:anovaplot7} [{cmd:,} {it:graph_options} ] {p 8 16}{cmd:anovaplot7} {it:varlist} [{cmd:,} {it:graph_options} ] {title:Description} {p}{cmd:anovaplot7} plots fitted or predicted values from an immediately previous one-, two- or three-way {cmd:anova}. By default the data for the response are also plotted. In particular, {cmd:anovaplot7} can show interaction plots. {p}{cmd:anovaplot7} is for Stata 7 only and has been superseded for later versions by {cmd:anovaplot}. {title:Remarks} {p}With the first syntax, no varlist is specified. {cmd:anovaplot7} shows the response and predicted values on the y axis; the covariate named first in the {cmd:anova} command on the x axis; any covariate named second in the {cmd:anova} command by separate groups within a two-way or scatter plot; and any covariate named third in the {cmd:anova} command by separate images using {cmd:graph, by()}. Thus with this syntax the appearance of the plot, although not the values shown, is sensitive to the order in which covariates are specified in the {cmd:anova} command. {p}With the second syntax, a varlist is supplied, which must be a permutation of the covariates previously used. The order of the covariates in the varlist is used to determine the form of the graph, as above. This permits changing graphs without reissuing the {cmd:anova} command. {p}Note especially that the graph format produced by {cmd:anovaplot7} is appropriate for models with at most one continuous covariate, which should always be the covariate named first. With that caveat, {cmd:anovaplot7} offers a way of showing parallel and diverging regression lines for models with one continuous covariate. {title:Options} {p 0 4} {it:graph_options} are options of {cmd:graph, twoway}. {p 4 4} To suppress plotting of response data, specify {cmd:i} as the first {cmd:symbol} to be shown. {p 4 4} To suppress connection of groups of the second covariate, specify {cmd:c(.)} {p 4 4} To separate tied values of response, specify {cmd:j(1)}. {title:Examples} {p 4 8}{inp:. use systolic} {p} One-way anova: {cmd:systolic} as response on y axis, {cmd:drug} as factor on x axis: {p 4 8}{inp:. anova systolic drug} {p 4 8}{inp:. anovaplot7} {p} Two-way anova, no interaction term: {cmd:systolic} as response on y axis, {cmd:disease} and {cmd:drug} as factors, with {cmd:disease} on x axis, and levels of {cmd:drug} defining separate profiles: {p 4 8}{inp:. anova systolic disease drug} {p 4 8}{inp:. anovaplot7} {p}Better to reverse order of covariates: {p 4 8}{inp:. anovaplot7 drug disease} {p} Example of interaction term: {p 4 8}{inp:. anova systolic drug disease drug * disease} {p 4 8}{inp:. anovaplot7} {p} As above, but no plotting of data. {p 4 8}{inp:. anovaplot7, sy(iOdp)} {p}Examples with one continuous covariate: {p 4 8}{inp:. use auto} {p}The continuous covariate is named just after the response: {p 4 8}{inp:. anova price weight foreign, cont(weight)} {p}(N.B. parallel regression lines) {p 4 8}{inp:. anovaplot7, tr(1)} {p 4 8}{inp:. anova price weight foreign weight*foreign, cont(weight)} {p}(N.B. diverging regression lines) {p 4 8}{inp:. anovaplot7, tr(1)} {title:Author} Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K. n.j.cox@durham.ac.uk {title:Acknowledgements} Ken Higbee provided very helpful comments. {title:Also see} {p 0 19}On-line: help for {help anova}, {help graph}, {help dotplot}, {help regdiag}, {help cmeans} (if installed), {help sparl} (if installed) {p_end}