{smcl} {* 23dec2014}{...} {title:Title} {p2colset 5 19 21 2}{...} {p2col :{hi:artsurvdlg} {hline 2}}ART (Survival Outcomes) - Sample Size and Power dialog{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {title:General remarks} {p 4 4} This dialog acts as an easy-to-use "front end" to the Stata program {cmd:artsurv}. You should be aware, however, that {cmd:artsurv} can do more than the dialog offers. For example, there is a facility to save survival probabilities and hazard ratios to a new file for plotting, and there are some additional options that are not accessible from the dialog. All of these are described in the help file on {help artsurv}. It is easy to use the dialog to create the equivalent {cmd:artsurv} command and then edit the command and re-run it. This allows the creation of command files (through logging of output), and also gives access to the extra options just mentioned. {title:Panel 1: Basic set-up and options} {p 0 4} {cmd:Number of periods} (default 1) The number of notional time periods of equal length over which the trial is to be run, i.e. the duration of the trial in unspecified units. The default is 1. Typically the length of the trial may exceed the duration of recruitment. Patients may be followed up after recruitment is complete and before definitive analysis of the data. Then more than one period is needed, e.g. recuitment for one year and follow-up for two further years would require you to specify the number of periods to be at least 3. This option also allows specification of details such as hazard ratios which vary with time and other advanced features. The choice of how long in real time one period lasts is up to you and will be chosen in line with the anticipated characteristics of the study. {p 4 4} It may be wise to select a finer time-scale than the one that appears natural at first sight. For example, most cancer trials are planned on a scale of years, but a scale of quarters or even months may have advantages; for example, it allows greater detail on the projected survival curves in each group (given in the output from {cmd:artsurv}). It may be useful later in projections of patients, power and events in "what if?" calculations (see for example help on {help artpep}). See {cmd:Time unit} for further details of available time-scales. {p 4 4} Note that once you have selected a time-scale and number of periods, several items in the design depend on the choices, and changing the time-scale must be done with care since it is easy inadvertently to introduce errors. It is better to plan with a finer time-scale in the first place. {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:Number of groups} (default 2, max. 6) Number of arms in the clinical trial. {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:Time unit} (default 1) The unit of time representing one period. The options are given in the list box (default one year). The time unit selected does not alter the calculations but is used to label the output. {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:Alpha} (default 0.05, two-sided) The Type 1 error probability for the trial. One-sided alpha values may be imposed by checking the "One-sided alpha" box. With one-sided alpha the significance level used by the program is doubled, resulting in a larger power or smaller sample size. This option should be used with caution. {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:Median survival time} Checking this box allows you to enter the time for 50% of patients in group 1 to have experienced an event. Time is in the same units as the periods (see "Time unit" above). Non-integer times are allowed. Checking this box prevents data on cumulative survival or failure probabilities being entered. These probabilities are calculated from the supplied median survival time, assuming an exponential survival distribution in group 1.{break} {p 4 4} Note that if you know the median survival time in group 2 (or 3, or 4, ...), you can calculate the hazard ratio (HR) as HR = (median in group 1)/ (median in group 2) and enter this value in panel 2. The calculation assumes exponential survival distributions in each group and must be done manually. There is currently no facility for entering median survival times for groups other than group 1. {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:Power or N} (default power 0.8) The program can be used to calculate the sample size for a given power (the default), or the power for a given sample size (specified by checking the radio button "Specify sample size" in the "Options" area). {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:Baseline survival or failure probabilities} The baseline cumulative probability of survival or of failure at the end of each period, with "period" as just defined. Typically, this will be the distribution in the control arm of the trial. In the simplest case, you give just one value, which is taken as the cumulative survival or failure probability at the end of the trial. To specify values e.g. for periods 1 and 2, say of 0.8 and 0.5 respectively, enter as {cmd:1 2} in {cmd:At the end of period(s)}. Values for any subset of periods may be specified. The radio buttons in the "Options" area allow you to specify whether the values you have entered are survival probabilities (the default) or failure probabilities. {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:Non-inferiority design} In a non-inferiority design one wishes to test whether the effects of the experimental treatment is not inferior to the control treatment by more than a a prespecified amount. In the calculations the roles of the null and alternative (alternate) hypotheses are reversed. That is, the sample size is calculated with signficance level equal to 1-power and power equal to 1-alpha. By default, a two-sided alpha is used. In many cases the preferred approach is to set a one-sided alpha level, and then the {cmd:One-sided alpha} box should be ticked. A side-effect of the reversal of power and alpha is that the program is not able to compute the power of a non-inferiority design for a given sample size. However, the power can still be determined by trial and error, by repeatedly entering alpha and power until the desired sample size is achieved. {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:One-sided alpha} (default two-sided) See {cmd:Alpha} above. {p_end} {title:Panel 2:Hazard ratios and allocation ratios} {p 0 4} {cmd:Choose treatment group} This listbox selects the group for entry of Hazard ratios, Allocation ratios and (where the Trend option is selected) Doses. Defaults are provided for group 1 and for allocation ratios. Values of hazard ratios must be entered for all groups other than 1. {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:Hazard ratios} In the simplest case, you specify a single hazard ratio (HR) for failure for each group, with the default HR=1 for group 1 (the control group). If desired, you may specify as many hazard ratios as there are periods; this allows you to design a trial in which non-proportional hazards are expected. If for a given group you enter fewer HRs than the number of periods, the remaining HRs are taken as the last specified HR. If you do not specify an HR for a particular group, its value in a given period is taken to be the geometric mean of the HRs specified for the same period across all the groups for which you have entered a value. {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:Allocation ratios} By default, all groups are assumed of equal size, so the allocation ratios (more precisely, weights) are all equal to 1. You can vary this, e.g. assigning allocation ratio 1 to group 1 and 2 to group 2 would specify that group 2 should have twice as many patients allocated as group 1. {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:Trend} Implements a design assuming a linear trend test across the groups, with scores 1, 2, 3,... attached to the groups. A trend test may be more powerful than a general comparison between the groups. See also {cmd:Dose}, which allows you to change the scores or doses. {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:Dose} Dose is a quantity assigned to each group which represents the dose of some medication or other intervention received by the subjects in that group. If you specify a dose level for any group, you must specify a level for every group. If you ask for a trend design (see {cmd:Trend}) and do not specify dose levels, the latter are taken to be the numbers 1, 2, 3, ... and represent the doses for groups 1, 2, 3, ... respectively. The assigned doses depend on the specific design and need to be chosen carefully. {p_end} {title:Panel 3:Patient recruitment and Model options} {p 0 4} {cmd:Duration} (default 0 periods) specifies the duration of recruitment. The maximum duration of recruitment is the number of periods specified in {cmd:Number of periods} (panel 1). The minimum duration is 0, in which case recruitment is assumed to be complete at the start of the trial. When the duration>0 is specified, recruitment is assumed to occur at a uniform rate for the number of periods specified, and then stop. {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:Proportion recruited at start} (default 0) Sometimes you may have patients already available for randomization at the start of the trial. The proportion of the total sample size represented by this group of patients may be specified here. The default of 0 assumes that all patients are recruited in a "staggered entry" pattern - the usual situation. {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:Unequal weights} (default Equal weights over periods) If you check this radio button, you may then enter values which represent the relative numbers of patients recruited in each period (the so-called "period weights"). This is a powerful option important for prospective and retrospective calculations. For example, you may expect to recruit say half as many patients in the first year (period) than in subsequent years; you would specify {cmd:Unequal weights} as {cmd:0.5 1} (or equivalently, as {cmd:1 2}, and so on). Or, you may want to enter the actual number of patients recruited so far, to perform "what if?" calculations. If you put fewer values than there are periods, the remainder are assumed equal to the last value you entered. {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:Exponential accrual} (default uniform accrual) The shape of the recruitment distribution can be altered to negative exponential by checking this button. You then enter the rate in each period. {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:Local and distant alternatives} (default local). This is a rarely used setting which determines the way the program calculates under the alternative hypothesis. It usually affects the resulting power or sample size very little. You are only likely to wish to specify distant alternatives if the target hazard ratio(s) are very far from 1, e.g. < 0.4. {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:Method of sample size calculation} (default unweighted logrank test) This refers to the statistical model used in the computations. It is unusual that you would depart from the default logrank test. There are four additional options. Alternatives to the standard logrank test are the Tarone-Ware test, which is logrank with weights proportional to the square root of the total number at risk at event times, Harrington-Fleming, which is logrank with weights proportional to S^I, where S is the estimated pooled survival function at event times and I is the index for Harrington-Fleming weights (see option index()), a binomial test conditional on the proportion of failures at the end of the study, using Peto's approximation to the log odds ratio, and an unconditional binomial test. Note that values other than 1 of the index I for the Harrington-Fleming test are available only through the {cmd:index()} option of {help artsurv} and must be invoked by issuing a {cmd:artsurv} command. {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:Additional details in output} provides event-rate and other information calculated by the program. {p 0 4} {cmd:Save using filename} allows certain results to be saved to a Stata file for plotting etc. Details are given under {it:Remarks} in {help artsurv}. {p_end} {title:Advanced options} {p 0 4} {cmd:Loss to follow-up} The cumulative distribution function of time to loss to follow-up. You may enter the cumulative proportion of patients lost to to follow-up by the end of each period. In the simplest case, you give just one value, which is taken as the cumulative probability of loss to follow-up at the end of the last period. To specify values e.g. for periods 1 and 2, say of 0.05 and 0.1 respectively, enter as {cmd:1 2} in {cmd:At the end of period(s)}. Values for any subset of periods may be specified. {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:Withdrawal from allocated treatment} The cumulative distribution function of time to withdrawal from allocated treatment (cross-over). You enter values in the same way as for loss to follow-up. The failure time distribution after cross-over is specified by either the post-withdrawal hazard ratio function or the target group upon cross-over. The radio buttons allow you to choose which you wish to enter. {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:Hazard ratios post-withdrawal} For each arm subject to cross-over, you enter the post-withdrawal hazard ratio function (relative to the hazard of the baseline (control) failure time distribution). You may enter as many values as there are periods. If the number of values entered is less than the number of periods, then the last HR value applies to the remaining periods. {p_end} {p 0 4} {cmd:Target group on cross-over} For each arm subject to cross-over, enter the target group number. By default, group 1 crosses over to group 2 and all other groups cross over to group 1. {p_end} {title:Authors} {pstd}Abdel Babiker, MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL{break} {browse "mailto:a.babiker@ucl.ac.uk":Ab Babiker} {pstd}Friederike Maria-Sophie Barthel, formerly MRC Clinical Trials Unit{break} {browse "mailto:sophie@fm-sbarthel.de":Sophie Barthel} {pstd}Babak Choodari-Oskooei, MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL{break} {browse "mailto:b.choodari-oskooei@ucl.ac.uk":Babak Oskooei} {pstd}Patrick Royston, MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL{break} {browse "mailto:j.royston@ucl.ac.uk":Patrick Royston} {title:Also see} Manual: {hi:[R] sampsi}, {hi:[R] stpower} {p 4 13 2} Online: help for {help artbin}, {help artsurv}, {help artmenu}, {help artpep}