program def avplot3, sort *! avplot3 1.0.0 cfb 2315 *! from regplot 1.2.0 NJC 19 Sept 2001 version 7.0 * use notion that SEP(varname) will be e.g. cat, with dummies labelled cat1,... * and interactions with VARLIST(varname) being cat1xVAR; assume constant in * regression syntax varlist(max=1 numeric default=none ts), SEParate(varname) /* */ [ Connect(str) L1title(str) Symbol(str) XLAbel XLAbel(str) /* */ YLAbel YLabel(str) TItle(str) * /* */ ] * initial checking and picking up what -regress- type command * leaves behind if "`e(cmd)'" == "anova" { di as err "avplot3 not allowed after anova" exit 498 } if "`e(depvar)'" == "" { di as err "estimates not found" exit 301 } local ndepvar : word count `e(depvar)' if `ndepvar' > 1 { di as err "avplot3 not allowed after `e(cmd)'" exit 498 } * place interaction variable into xxx local xxx `varlist' * get regressor list tempname b mat `b' = e(b) local x : colnames `b' * find all that start with SEPname local lsep = length("`separate'") foreach v of local x { local imatch = match(substr("`v'",1,`lsep'),"`separate'") if `imatch' { * determine whether they are interactions local jmatch = index("`v'","`xxx'") if `jmatch' { local xlist "`xlist' `v'" } if `imatch'+`jmatch'==1 { local seplist "`seplist' `v'" } } } * create partial predictions: first for interaction terms local i 0 foreach v of local xlist { local i = `i'+1 tempvar yhat`i' * get pre-interaction component for conditional generate local base = subinstr("`v'","x`xxx'","",1) qui g `yhat`i'' = _b[_cons] + _b[`v']*`v' if (`base') label var `yhat`i'' "`v'" local graphlist "`graphlist' `yhat`i''" local ell "`ell'l" local dot "`dot'." * look for associated element in seplist to pick up constant foreach c of local seplist { local cmatch = index("`v'","`c'") if `cmatch' { qui replace `yhat`i'' = `yhat`i'' + _b[`c'] if (`base') } } } * turn off dashing, rely on keyplot symbols local connect `ell' local ny `i' * logic swiped from tsgraph if "`connect'" == "" { if `ny' == 1 { local connect "L" } else if `ny' == 2 { local connect "LL[_]" } else if `ny' == 3 { local connect "LL[_]L[-]" } else if `ny' == 4 { local connect "LL[_]L[-]L[.]" } else local connect : di _dup(`ny') "L" } * graph the yhats versus the interaction variable local y "`e(depvar)'" keyplot `graphlist' `xxx', c(`connect') varlbl ti("Predictions of `y' for categories of `xxx'") `options' exit end