*! Version 1.0 23Jan2025 *! This program is based on a modification of the user-written program 'dropbox'. All credits to their authors, Raymond Hicks and Dustin Tingley. program define box, rclass syntax [, NOCD] version 10 if "`c(os)'" == "Windows" { local _db "/Users/`c(username)'" } if "`c(os)'" ~= "Windows" { local _db "~" } capture local box: dir "`_db'" dir "*Box*", respectcase if _rc == 0 & `"`box'"' ~= "" { local box: subinstr local box `"""' "", all if "`nocd'" == "" { cd "`_db'/`box'/" } return local db "`_db'/`box'/" exit } if _rc ~= 0 & "`c(os)'" == "Windows" { capture cd c:/ if _rc ~= 0 { nois di in red "Cannot find Box folder" exit } capture local box: dir "`_db'" dir "*Box*", respectcase if _rc == 0 & `"`box'"' ~= "" { local box: subinstr local box `"""' "", all if "`nocd'" == "" { cd "`_db'/`box'/" } return local db "`_db'/`box'/" exit } capture local box: dir "/documents and settings/`c(username)'/my documents/" dir "*Box*", if _rc == 0 & `"`box'"' ~= ""{ local box: subinstr local box `"""' "", all if "`nocd'" == "" { cd "c:/documents and settings/`c(username)'/my documents/`box'" } return local db "c:/documents and settings/`c(username)'/my documents/`box'" exit } capture local box: dir "/documents and settings/`c(username)'/documents/" dir "*Box*", if _rc == 0 & `"`box'"' ~= ""{ local box: subinstr local box `"""' "", all if "`nocd'" == "" { cd "c:/documents and settings/`c(username)'/documents/`box'" } return local db "c:/documents and settings/`c(username)'/documents/`box'" exit } } if _rc ~= 0 & "`c(os)'" ~= "Windows" { nois di in red "Cannot find Box folder" exit } if _rc == 0 & `"`box'"' == "" { capture local box: dir "`_db'/Documents" dir "*Box*", respectcase if _rc == 0 { local doc "Documents" } if `"`box'"' == "" { capture local box: dir "`_db'/My Documents" dir "*Box*", respectcase if _rc == 0 { local doc "My Documents" } } if `"`box'"' ~= "" { local box: subinstr local box `"""' "", all if "`nocd'" == "" { cd "`_db'/`doc'/`box'/" } return local db "`_db'/`doc'/`box'/" exit } if `"`box'"' == "" & "`c(os)'" == "Windows" { local box: dir "C:/" dir "*Box*", respectcase local box: subinstr local box `"""' "", all if "`nocd'" == "" { cd "/`box'" } return local db "/`box'" exit } if `"`box'"' == "" & "`c(os)'" ~= "Windows" { nois di in red "Cannot find Box folder" exit } } end