*! version 1.2 30May2024 ***Suppachai Lawanaskol, MD*** program define bta2score , rclass version 16.0 syntax [, Name(string) Decimal(numlist) TABulation KEEPcons REPLACE CSTAT DSTAT AIC BIC GOF RSQUARE] **Define variable name contain the derivation individual score** **Define the coefficient matrix** qui mat def coef=e(b) **Define the number of parameter, if not stcox decrease scalar number -1 for constant elimination** if "`e(cmd2)'"=="stcox"{ local k : colsof r(table) scalar num=`k' local endpoint fail if "`keepcons'"==""{ di _column(2) in green "Cox semi parametric regression did not report the constant" } } else{ if "`keepcons'"!=""{ local k: colsof r(table) scalar num=`k' local endpoint `e(depvar)' } else{ local k: colsof r(table) scalar num=`k'-1 local endpoint `e(depvar)' } } **Multiple cuts of ordered logistic regression** **Backward remove the cutoff point respect to the e(cut) matrix** **Determine the item with scalar=(k)** if "`e(cmd)'"=="ologit"{ local colcut: colsof e(cat) scalar colcut=`colcut' scalar num=`k'-`=scalar(colcut)'+1 if "`keepcons'"!=""{ scalar num=`k'-`=scalar(colcut)'+2 } } **Round decimal** if "`decimal'"==""{ local decimal "1" } **Name of score** if "`name'"==""{ local name "score" } **Define the absolute cofficient matrix** qui mat def abscoef=J(1,`=scalar(num)',.) qui mat li abscoef **Convert to absolute** qui forvalues x=1/`=scalar(num)'{ if coef[1,`x']<0{ mat def abscoef[1,`x']=-coef[1,`x'] } else{ mat def abscoef[1,`x']=coef[1,`x'] } } **Explore to check the absolute coefficient** qui mat li abscoef **Delete zero coefficient** forvalues x=1/`=scalar(num)'{ if abscoef[1,`x']==0{ mat def abscoef[1,`x']==. } } **Minimum values define intial values of min is infinity** qui scalar min=. forvalues x=1/`=scalar(num)'{ if abscoef[1,`x']<`=scalar(min)'{ scalar min=abscoef[1,`x'] } } **Define scalar min to be an divider** qui di `=scalar(min)' **Use coefficient / scalar min** qui mat def devcoef=coef/`=scalar(min)' qui mat li devcoef **Round up each coefficient** qui mat def roundcoef=J(1,`=scalar(num)',.) qui forvalues x=1/`=scalar(num)'{ mat def roundcoef[1,`x']=round(devcoef[1,`x'],`decimal') } **Tabulation the rounded score** if "`tabulation'"!=""{ di in green _column(2) "{hline 40}" _newline(1) _column(2) "Endpoint" _column(30) "`endpoint'"_newline(1) _column(2) "{hline 40}" _newline(1) /// _column(2) "Predictors" _column(30) "Score" _newline(1) /// _column(2) "{hline 40}" forvalues x=1/`=scalar(num)'{ if length("`: word `x' of `: colnames devcoef''")>20{ di in green _column(2) substr("`: word `x' of `: colnames devcoef''",1,10)+"~"+substr("`: word `x' of `: colnames devcoef''",length("`: word `x' of `: colnames devcoef''")-9,10) in yellow _column(35) roundcoef[1,`x'] } else{ di in green _column(2) "`: word `x' of `: colnames devcoef''" in yellow _column(34) roundcoef[1,`x'] } } di in green _column(2) "{hline 40}" } **Generate variable each predictors as _score** forvalues x=1/`=scalar(num)'{ capture confirm variable _`name'`x' if !_rc { drop _`name'`x' } generate _`name'`x'=roundcoef[1,`x']*`: word `x' of `: colnames devcoef'' } **Detect the variable score name** if "`replace'"!=""{ capture confirm variable `name' if !_rc { di in green _column(2)"`name' was replaced" drop `name' } } else{ capture confirm variable `name' if !_rc { di in green _column(2)"`name' already exists" drop _`name'* } } **Generate the total sum score** egen `name'=rowtotal(_`name'*),missing **Define the misssing predictors** capture drop _rowmiss egen _rowmiss=rowmiss(_`name'*) replace `name'=. if _rowmiss>0 display in green _column(2)"Score variable, `name', was created" drop _rowmiss drop _`name'* **Reporting score part** **C-statistic** if "`cstat'"!=""{ **Concordant statistic from binary regession, from glm, logit, logistic etc** if "`e(cmd)'"=="glm" | "`e(cmd)'"=="regress" | "`e(cmd)'"=="logit" | "`e(cmd)'"=="logistic"{ qui logistic `e(depvar)' `name' qui lroc,nograph scalar cstat=round(r(area),0.0001) display in green _col(2)"Score Harrell's C-statistic" in yellow _column(30) %9.4f `=scalar(cstat)' } else if "`e(cmd2)'"=="stcox"{ qui stcox `name' qui estat con scalar cstat=round(r(C),0.0001) display in green _col(2)"Score Harrell's C-statistic" in yellow _column(30) %9.4f `=scalar(cstat)' } else{ display in green _col(2)"The Final model is not binary regression" } return scalar cstat=cstat } **D-statistic** if "`dstat'"!=""{ if "`e(cmd2)'"=="stcox"{ qui stcox `name' qui estat con scalar dstat=round(r(D),0.0001) display in green _col(2)"Score Somer's D-statistic" %9.4f in yellow _column(30)`=scalar(dstat)' return scalar dstat=dstat } else{ display in green _col(2)"The Final model is not support D-statistic" } } **AIC** if "`aic'"!=""{ if "`e(cmd)'"=="glm" | "`e(cmd)'"=="regress" | "`e(cmd)'"=="logit" | "`e(cmd)'"=="logistic" | "`e(cmd)'"=="ologit" { qui `e(cmd)' `e(depvar)' `name' qui estat ic scalar aic=round(r(S)[1,5],0.01) display in green _column(2)"Score AIC" in yellow %9.2f _column(30) `=scalar(aic)' return scalar aic=aic } else if "`e(cmd2)'"=="stcox"{ qui `e(cmd2)' `name' qui estat ic scalar aic=round(r(S)[1,5],0.01) display in green _column(2)"Score AIC" in yellow %9.2f _column(30) `=scalar(aic)' return scalar aic=aic } } **BIC** if "`bic'"!=""{ if "`e(cmd)'"=="glm" | "`e(cmd)'"=="regress" | "`e(cmd)'"=="logit" | "`e(cmd)'"=="logistic" | "`e(cmd)'"=="ologit" { qui `e(cmd)' `e(depvar)' `name' qui estat ic scalar bic=round(r(S)[1,6],0.01) } else if "`e(cmd2)'"=="stcox"{ qui `e(cmd2)' `name' qui estat ic scalar bic=round(r(S)[1,6],0.01) } display in green _column(2)"Score BIC" in yellow %9.2f _column(30) `=scalar(bic)' return scalar bic=bic } **GOF** if "`gof'"!=""{ if "`e(cmd)'"=="glm" | "`e(cmd)'"=="regress" | "`e(cmd)'"=="logit" | "`e(cmd)'"=="logistic"{ qui logistic `e(depvar)' `name' qui estat gof scalar gof=round(r(p),0.001) display in green _col(2)"Score Hosmer-Lemeshow GOF" in yellow %9.2f _column(30)`=scalar(gof)' } else if "`e(cmd)'"=="ologit"{ if "`e(stepwise)'"=="stepwise"{ display in green _column(2)"The Final model is under stepwise command prefix" } else{ qui xi: ologitgof `e(depvar)' `name' scalar gof=round(r(P_HL),0.001) display in green _col(2)"Score Hosmer-Lemeshow GOF" in yellow %9.2f _column(30)`=scalar(gof)' } } else { display in green _col(2)"The Final model is not support GOF" } return scalar gof=gof } **R-sqaure** if "`rsquare'"!=""{ if "`e(cmd)'"=="glm"{ qui regress `e(depvar)' `name' scalar rsquare=e(r2) } else if "`e(cmd)'"=="logit" | "`e(cmd)'"=="logistic"{ qui logit `e(depvar)' `name' scalar rsquare=round((1 - e(ll)/e(ll_0)),0.01) } else if "`e(cmd2)'"=="stcox" & "`e(stepwise)'"=="stepwise"{ display in green _column(2)"The Final model is under stepwise command prefix" } else if "`e(cmd2)'"=="stcox" & "`e(stepwise)'"!="stepwise"{ qui str2d: `e(cmd2)' `name' scalar rsquare=r(r2) } else{ scalar rsquare=round((1 - e(ll)/e(ll_0)),0.01) } display in green _col(2)"Score R-square" in yellow %9.4f _column(30)`=scalar(rsquare)' return scalar rsquare=rsquare } **Returning the rclass for generalized the result to others** return mat coef coef return local name `name' return local endpoint `endpoint' end