*! bumpline v1.21 (11 Jun 2024) *! Asjad Naqvi (asjadnaqvi@gmail.com, @AsjadNaqvi) * v1.21 (11 Jun 2024): added wrap() for label wrapping. Code clean up * v1.2 (10 Feb 2024): minor cleanups, fixes to how colors are assigned. * v1.1 (28 May 2023): ifin fixed. removed graph grid. isid added. added mlabsize for smaller labels. * v1.0 (10 May 2023): First release cap prog drop bumpline prog def bumpline, sortpreserve version 15 syntax varlist(min=2 max=2) [if] [in], by(varname) /// [ top(real 50) smooth(real 4) SELect(string) palette(string) offset(real 15) ] /// [ LABSize(string) MLABSize(string) MSize(string) MSYMbol(string) MLWIDth(string) MLColor(string) MColor(string) LWidth(string) ] /// [ XLABSize(string) YLABSize(string) XLABAngle(string) points(real 50) wrap(numlist >=0 max=1) * ] // check dependencies capture findfile colorpalette.ado if _rc != 0 { display as error "The {bf:palettes} package is missing. Install the {stata ssc install palettes, replace:palettes} and {stata ssc install colrspace, replace:colrspace} packages." exit } capture findfile labmask.ado if _rc != 0 { qui ssc install labutil, replace } marksample touse, strok qui { preserve keep if `touse' keep `varlist' `by' isid `varlist' `by' gettoken yvar xvar : varlist drop if `yvar' == . egen _x = group(`xvar') gsort `xvar' -`yvar' by `xvar': gen _rank = _n bysort `by' : egen _minrank = min(_rank) sort `xvar' _rank summ _x, meanonly local last = r(max) gen _mark = 1 if _rank <= `top' & _x==`last' bysort `by': egen _maxlast = max(_mark) if "`select'"=="any" | "`select'"=="" { drop if _rank > `top' // hard ranks } if "`select'"=="last" { keep if _maxlast==1 // (top X in last year only) } egen _group = group(`by') // reverse the ranks summ _rank, meanonly gen _rankrev = r(max) + 1 - _rank // get a generic sigmoid in place sort `by' `xvar' gen _id = _n order _id local newobs = `points' + 1 expand `newobs' bysort _id: gen _seq = _n *** for the sigmoid box sort `by' `xvar' _seq bysort _id: gen double _xnorm = ((_n - 1) / (`newobs' - 2)) replace _xnorm = . if _seq == `newobs' gen double _ynorm = (1 / (1 + (_xnorm / (1 - _xnorm))^-`smooth')) replace _ynorm = 0 if _seq==1 replace _ynorm = 1 if _seq== `points' // tag the countries by `by' (`xvar'), sort: gen _tagctry = 1 if (_n==_N) gen _taglast = _x==`last' & _tagctry==1 // also mark structural breaks by `by': replace _tagctry = 1 if (_x[_n+1] - _x) > 1 gen _ranklast = _rank if _x==`last' replace _ranklast = _rank if _taglast==0 & _tagctry==1 // we interporate upto x-1 items gen double _xval = . gen double _yval = . levelsof _x, local(lvls) local items = r(r) - 1 levelsof _group, local(grp) forval i = 1/`items' { local j = `i' + 1 foreach y of local grp { // x summ `xvar' if _group==`y' & _x==`i', meanonly local xmin = r(min) summ `xvar' if _group==`y' & _x==`j', meanonly local xmax = r(max) replace _xval = (`xmax' - `xmin') * (_xnorm - 0) / (1 - 0) + `xmin' if _x==`i' & _group==`y' // y summ _rankrev if _group==`y' & _x==`i', meanonly local ymin = r(min) summ _rankrev if _group==`y' & _x==`j', meanonly local ymax = r(max) replace _yval = (`ymax' - `ymin') * (_ynorm - 0) / (1 - 0) + `ymin' if _x==`i' & _group==`y' summ _ranklast if _group==`y' & _mark==1, meanonly replace _ranklast = r(max) if _group==`y' & _ranklast==. } } // prepare to draw summ _rank local ymin = r(min) local ymax = r(max) labmask _rankrev, val(_rank) if "`lwidth'" == "" local lwidth 0.8 if "`msize'" == "" local msize 2 if "`msymbol'" == "" local msymbol circle if "`mlwidth'" == "" local mlwidth medium if "`palette'" == "" { local palette tableau } else { tokenize "`palette'", p(",") local palette `1' local poptions `3' } egen _tagxy = tag(_group `xvar') levelsof _group, local(lvl) foreach x of local lvl { summ _taglast if _group==`x', meanonly if r(max) == 1 { summ _ranklast if _group==`x' & _taglast==1, meanonly local clr = r(min) } if r(max) == 0 { summ _ranklast if _group==`x', meanonly local clr = r(max) } colorpalette `palette', nograph n(`top') `poptions' local lines `lines' (line _yval _xval if _group==`x', lw(`lwidth') lc("`r(p`clr')'") cmissing(n) ) if "`mcolor'" == "" { local mclr `r(p`clr')' } else { local mclr `mcolor' } if "`mlcolor'" == "" { local mlclr `r(p`clr')' } else { local mlclr `mlcolor' } local marks `marks' (scatter _rankrev `xvar' if _group==`x' & _tagxy==1, msym(`msymbol') mlwidth(`mlwidth') msize(`msize') mc("`mclr'") mlc("`mlclr'") ) } // control the x axis summ `xvar', meanonly local xrmin = `r(min)' summ `xvar', meanonly local xrmax = r(max) + ((r(max) - r(min)) * (`offset' / 100)) if "`wrap'" != "" { gen _lab2 = `by' if _taglast!=. gen _length = length(_lab2) if _lab2!= "" summ _length, meanonly local _wraprounds = floor(`r(max)' / `wrap') forval i = 1 / `_wraprounds' { local wraptag = `wrap' * `i' replace _lab2 = substr(_lab2, 1, `wraptag') + "`=char(10)'" + substr(_lab2, `=`wraptag' + 1', .) if _length > `wraptag' & _lab2!= "" } drop _length local by _lab2 } levelsof `xvar' local xlist = "`r(levels)'" levelsof _rankrev local ylist = "`r(levels)'" if "`labsize'" == "" local labsize 2.2 if "`mlabsize'" == "" local mlabsize 1.6 if "`xlabsize'" == "" local xlabsize 2.5 if "`ylabsize'" == "" local ylabsize 2.5 if "`xlabangle'" == "" local xlabangle 0 // draw twoway /// (scatter _rankrev `xvar' if _taglast==1 , mlabel(`by') mlabpos( 3) mlabsize(`labsize') mc(none) mlabgap(1.4)) /// `lines' /// `marks' /// (scatter _rankrev `xvar' if _taglast==0 & _tagctry==1, mlabel(`by') mlabpos(12) mlabsize(`mlabsize') mc(none) mlabgap(0.15)) /// , /// xtitle("") ytitle("") /// ylabel(`ylist', valuelabels labsize(`ylabsize') nogrid ) /// xlabel(`xlist', labsize(`xlabsize') angle(`xlabangle') nogrid) /// yscale(noline) /// xscale(noline range(`xrmin' `xrmax')) /// legend(off) `options' */ restore } end ************************ ***** END OF FILE ****** ************************