/* ================================================== project: Stata client to cache results of other commands Author: R.Andres Castaneda & Damian Clarke E-email: acastanedaa@worldbank.org dclarke4@worldbank.org / dclarke@fen.uchile.cl url: Dependencies: The World Bank ---------------------------------------------------- Creation Date: 4 May 2023 - 09:35:43 Modification Date: 12 Dec 2024 - 02:06:41 Do-file version: ==================================================*/ /*================================================== 0: Program set up ==================================================*/ program define cache, rclass properties(prefix) version 16.1 //======================================================== // Parse for single command clean or list //======================================================== if regexm("`0'", "^clean") { // Unpack locations for cleaning syntax [anything(name=subcmd)], [dir(string) project(string) *] if ("`dir'" == "") { qui cache_setdir local dir = "`r(dir)'" } if ("`project'" != "") { local dir = "`dir'/`project'" } //clean cache cache_clean clean, dir("`dir'") exit } if regexm("`0'", "^list") { //"listing cache" // Unpack locations for list file syntax [anything(name=subcmd)], [dir(string) project(string) *] if ("`dir'" == "") { qui cache_setdir local dir = "`r(dir)'" } if ("`project'" != "") { local dir = "`dir'/`project'" } //clean cache cache_list print, dir("`dir'") exit } //======================================================== // SPLIT //======================================================== * Split the overall command, stored in `0' in a left and right part. //gettoken left right : 0, parse(":") quotes gettoken part 0 : 0, parse(" :") quotes while `"`part'"' != ":" & `"`part'"' != "" { local left `"`left' `part'"' gettoken part 0 : 0, parse(" :") quotes } local right `0' // syntax update below from p. 262 of https://www.stata.com/manuals/p.pdf renders this obsolete //if ("`left'" == "") { // dis "{err: make sure you follow this syntax}:" // dis _n "{cmd: cache {it:[subcmd] [, options]}: command}" // error 197 //} // Get command and properties if (ustrregexm("`right'", "^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)(.*)")) { local cmd = ustrregexs(1) } local cmd_properties : results `cmd' local cmd_results : results `cmd' local origframe = c(frame) //======================================================== // Syntax of left part //======================================================== * Regular syntax parsing for cache local 0 : copy local left syntax [anything(name=subcmd)] /// [, /// dir(string) /// project(string) /// prefix(string) /// noDATA /// datacheck(string) /// framecheck(string) /// pause /// KEEPall /// does not clear previous returns hidden /// keeps hidden returns hidden clear /// replace /// check if this does something else force /// force says to re-run even if the cache is there ] //======================================================== // Set up and defenses //======================================================== * pause if ("`pause'" == "pause") pause on else pause off set checksum off // Set dir if not selected by user if ("`dir'" == "") { qui cache_setdir local dir = "`r(dir)'" } else { mata : st_numscalar("direxists", direxists("`dir'")) if direxists==0 { dis "The cache directory does not exist." exit 693 } } if ("`project'" != "") { local dir = "`dir'/`project'" cap mata: if(!direxists("`dir'")) mkdir("`dir'");; if _rc!=0 { dis "Trying to generate directory `dir'." dis "The project directory does not exist and could not be created." dis "Ensure that this directory is located within the main cache directory." exit 693 } } //======================================================== // HASHING and SIGNATURE //======================================================== // hash command -------------------------- cache_hash get, cmd_call("`right'") local cmd_hash = "`r(chhash)'" return local cmd_hash = "`cmd_hash'" // Data signature -------------------------- qui datasignature local datasignature = "`r(datasignature)'" return local datasignature = "`datasignature'" // Incorporate additional data ------------------------- if (`"`datacheck'"' != "") { tokenize `"`datacheck'"' //dsignatures will hold data signatures of all added datasets local dsignatures preserve while `"`1'"' != "" { qui use `"`1'"' qui datasignature local dsig = "`r(datasignature)'" local dsignatures = "`dsignatures'_`dsig'" macro shift } restore local datasignature = "`datasignature'`dsignatures'" return local datasignature = "`datasignature'`dsignatures'" } // Incorporate additional frames ----------------------- if ("`framecheck'" != "") { tokenize `"`framecheck'"' //fsignatures will hold data signatures of all added frames local fsignatures qui pwf local cframe = r(currentframe) while `"`1'"' != "" { cwf `1' qui datasignature local fsig = "`r(datasignature)'" local fsignatures = "`fsignatures'_`fsig'" macro shift } cwf `cframe' local datasignature = "`datasignature'`fsignatures'" return local datasignature = "`datasignature'`fsignatures'" } // combine both parts -------------------------- cache_hash get, cmd_call("`cmd_hash'`datasignature'") prefix("`prefix'") local call_hash = "`r(chhash)'" return local call_hash = "`call_hash'" //======================================================== // Find cache files and load //======================================================== // Find log -------------------------- cap findfile `call_hash'.smcl, path(`dir') if _rc==0 { local logfound = 1 local log = r(fn) } else local logfound = 0 // Find files -------------------------- local files: dir "`dir'" files "`call_hash'*.dta*", respectcase local loadfiles = 0 local loadframes = 0 // Find graphs -------------------------- local gfiles: dir "`dir'" files "`call_hash'*.gph", respectcase // If hide is specified, re-run first time even if run previously local newhide = 0 if "`hidden'"!="" { cap findfile `call_hash'_elements.dta, path(`dir') if _rc!=0 { local force force local newhide = 1 } } if (length(`"`files'"') != 0 | length(`"`gfiles'"') != 0) & "`force'"=="" { //dis "Cache found" // Test for hash collision tempname hashcheck frame create `hashcheck' cwf `hashcheck' qui use "`dir'/`call_hash'_r_macros.dta", clear qui count local rnmax=r(N) local matchedCommand = contents[`rnmax'] if "`matchedCommand'" != "`right'" { dis "{err: Hash collision detected.}" dis "{err: This is a very rare occurrence in which an identical hash has coincidentally been generated for two distinct strings.}" dis "{err: You typed `matchedCommand'.}" dis "{err: This matched with `right'.}" dis "{err: Please slightly change your syntax of the typed command, which will result in a different hash.}" exit 693 } // Open all elements of visible returns local elfn if "`hidden'"!="" { tempname elements frame create `elements' frame `elements' { use "`dir'/`call_hash'_elements.dta", clear } local elfn elframe(`elements') } // Generate frames to load returns foreach n in scalars macros matrices { tempname `n'_results frame create ``n'_results' } local ematrix local rmatrix // use files foreach file of local files { local rfile_name = subinstr("`file'", "`call_hash'", "", 1) if "`rfile_name'"==".dta" { local loadfiles = 1 } else if "`rfile_name'"==".dtas" { local loadframes = 1 } else { cache_parsefile `rfile_name' * Save first letter (e, r, s), type (macro, matrix, scalar) and extra details local first_letter = r(first_letter) local type = r(type) local extra = r(extra) if "`first_letter'"=="r" local treturn = "return" else local treturn = "`first_letter'return" //======================================================== // load and export to lists //======================================================== if "`type'"=="matrix" { cwf `matrices_results' qui use "`dir'/`call_hash'`rfile_name'", clear qui ds _rownames, not local savvars = r(varlist) mkmat `savvars', matrix("`extra'") rownames(_rownames) // Now grab colnames from labels local colnames foreach var of varlist `savvars' { local colname: variable label `var' local colnames = "`colnames' `colname'" } matname `extra' `colnames', columns(.) explicit //Save matrix in list for later processing local `first_letter'matrix ``first_letter'matrix' `extra' cwf `origframe' //Sets extra as empty to avoid passing forward matrix local extra = "" } else if "`type'"=="scalars"|"`type'"=="macros" { //We could consider using this to just generate a list // of unsaved types and names to avoid re-searching below // when moving onto scalars and macros. // Otherwise, remove this else if condition } } } //======================================================== // Export matrices and ereturn post //======================================================== if length("`ematrix'`rmatrix'")!=0 { if length("`ematrix'")!=0 { local estpost = 0 foreach matrix of local ematrix { if inlist("`matrix'", "b", "V", "Cns") { local estpost = 1 } } // Post estimation command if `estpost' == 1 { if `loadfiles' == 1 { cwf `origframe' qui use "`dir'/`call_hash'", clear ereturn post b V, esample(_funcvar) local loadfiles = 0 } else { ereturn post b V } } } // Return other ematrices foreach matrix of local ematrix { cwf `matrices_results' if !inlist("`matrix'", "b", "V", "Cns") { cache_ereturn `matrix', name(`matrix') type("matrix") `hidden' `elfn' } } // Return rmatrices foreach matrix of local rmatrix { cwf `matrices_results' if "`hidden'"!="" { frame `elements' { qui count if regexm(element, "r\(`matrix'\)")==1 if r(N)==1 local hh "visible" if r(N)==0 local hh "hidden" } return `hh' matrix `matrix'=`matrix' } else return matrix `matrix'=`matrix' } cwf `origframe' } //======================================================== // Export scalars and macros //======================================================== foreach file of local files { local rfile_name = subinstr("`file'", "`call_hash'", "", 1) if "`rfile_name'"==".dta" continue // extract key file details cache_parsefile `rfile_name' * Save first letter (e, r, s), type (macro, matrix, scalar) and extra details local first_letter = r(first_letter) local type = r(type) local extra = r(extra) if "`first_letter'"=="r" local treturn = "return" else local treturn = "`first_letter'return" if "`type'"=="scalars"|"`type'"=="macros" { cwf ``type'_results' clear //Import scalar or macro file use "`dir'/`call_hash'`rfile_name'", clear qui count if r(N)==0 continue foreach num of numlist 1(1)`r(N)' { local item = item[`num'] local contents = contents[`num'] // Return this element if "`type'"=="macros" { if "`first_letter'"=="r" { if "`hidden'"!="" { frame `elements' { qui count if regexm(element, "r\(`item'\)")==1 if r(N)==1 local hh "visible" if r(N)==0 local hh "hidden" } return `hh' local `item' `"`contents'"' } else return local `item' `"`contents'"' } else cache_`treturn' "`contents'", name(`item') type("local") `hidden' `elfn' } else if "`type'"=="scalars" { if "`first_letter'"=="r" { if "`hidden'"!="" { frame `elements' { qui count if regexm(element, "r\(`item'\)")==1 if r(N)==1 local hh "visible" if r(N)==0 local hh "hidden" } return `hh' scalar `item' = `contents' } else return scalar `item' = `contents' } else cache_`treturn' `contents', name(`item') type("scalar") `hidden' `elfn' } } } } cwf `origframe' if `loadfiles' == 1 qui use "`dir'/`call_hash'", clear if `loadframes'==1 qui frames use "`dir'/`call_hash'.dtas", `clear' replace //======================================================== // Export graphs and store in memory //======================================================== foreach gfile of local gfiles { local gfile_name = subinstr("`gfile'", "`call_hash'", "", 1) local sname = substr(subinstr("`gfile_name'", ".gph", "", 1), 2,.) // Load and save graph with original name graph use "`dir'/`call_hash'`gfile_name'", name(`sname', replace) } //======================================================== // Print command output //======================================================== if `logfound'==1 { dis "{res}Command was cached. Recovering previous output." type "`log'" } if "`hidden'"!="" frame drop `elements' exit } //======================================================== // If cache is not found //======================================================== // Save baseline frames before running command & datasignature of each dis "{result: Note:}{text: Command is not cached. Implementing cache for future.}" qui frames dir local allframes = r(frames) // save signatures of each foreach f of local allframes { frame `f': qui datasignature // Work with edge case: frames of 31 or 32 characters if length("`f'")>30 { mata: st_local("fname", strofreal(hash1("`f'", ., 2), "%12.0gc")) } else local fname = "`f'" local s`fname' = "`r(datasignature)'" } // Save baseline graphs before running command qui graph dir, memory local allgraphs = strtrim(r(list)) //If there is a graph called Graph, we will temporarily move this // We can recover it later if no new graph is generated // This is because otherwise it is not clear if the default graph is old or new local dgexists = 0 tempname defaultgraph cap graph copy Graph `defaultgraph' if _rc==0 { graph drop Graph local dgexists = 1 } // clear ereturn and sreturn lists that may come from previous commands if "`keepall'"=="" ereturn clear if "`keepall'"=="" sreturn clear //Log output and then this can be printed when cached command called tempname logfile qui log using "`dir'/`call_hash'", name(`logfile') replace //Write current command to cache log for future reference if consulted file open cachedcommands using "`dir'/cached_commands.txt", write append file write cachedcommands _n `". {cmd:`right'}"' _n file close cachedcommands // Will log for return list, ereturn list and sreturn list to check for hidden returns if "`hidden'"!="" qui log using "`dir'/rlist.txt", name(rlog) text replace * Now, run the command on the right capture noisily `right' if "`hidden'"!="" { dis "" dis "The following elements will be returned as visible" return list } // If requires clear, add if clear argument is provided if _rc==4 & ("`clear'"=="clear") { // At present, a small bug. // The above command will still show the clear error // Perhaps using describe and r(changed) offers solution // ie - add clear option, and if error occurs run without clear `right' `clear' } else if _rc!=0 { qui log close `logfile' exit } local dtasave = 0 // ret list -------------- local classes = "r e s" local macro_namres = "scalars macros matrices functions" // get all the names of macros with info and save results foreach l of local classes { foreach n of local macro_namres { local `l'`n': `l'(`n') //disp "{res:`l'`n'}: ``l'`n''" if ("``l'`n''" != "") { local ret_names = "`ret_names' `l'`n'" } } } foreach n in scalars macros matrices { tempname `n'_results frame create ``n'_results' } // Save results in cache directory (type-specific) foreach element of local ret_names { // Get class (e, s or r) local class = substr("`element'", 1, 1) local element = substr("`element'", 2, .) // Save matrices as dta file for each matrix if regexm("`element'", "matrices")==1 { // generate clean frame to use svmat for saving to _cache cwf `matrices_results' // Now, iterate through all matrices, saving data and exporting // Potentially can set up a savematrix function and a loadmatrix function local matrices: `class'(`element') foreach mat of local matrices { //Name matrix as __ to avoid problems, eg trying to store column names like _cons mat __ = `class'(`mat') qui svmat __ //Save matrix rownames as an extra variable local rnames: rownames __ qui gen _rownames = "" local j=1 foreach name of local rnames { qui replace _rownames = "`name'" in `j' local ++j } //Save matrix colnames as a variable label local cnames: colnames __ local j=1 foreach name of local cnames { lab var __`j' "`name'" local ++j } qui save "`dir'/`call_hash'_`class'_matrix_`mat'.dta", replace clear } cwf `origframe' } // Now, deal with scalars and macros else if regexm("`element'", "scalar|macro")==1 { local names: `class'(`element') local n_items: word count `names' // change to clean frame to import contents of list cwf ``element'_results' qui set obs `n_items' qui gen item = "" if regexm("`element'", "scalar")==1 { qui gen contents = . } else { qui gen contents = "" } local j=1 foreach name of local names { qui replace item = "`name'" in `j' qui replace contents = `class'(`name') in `j' local ++j } //Save all scalars or macros qui save "`dir'/`call_hash'_`class'_`element'.dta", replace clear cwf `origframe' } // Deal with functions (esample probably saved as variable) // From documentation (https://www.stata.com/manuals/rstoredresults.pdf): // Functions are stored by e-class commands only, and the only function existing is e(sample) else if regexm("`element'", "functions")==1 & "`data'"=="" { // Based on above comment, this must be e(sample) qui gen _funcvar = e(sample) qui save "`dir'/`call_hash'.dta", replace local dtasave = 1 } } return add // add results of cmd if `dtasave'==1 cap drop _funcvar // Add cached command as r macro. This allows for check of hash collision cwf `scalars_results' clear cap use "`dir'/`call_hash'_r_macros.dta", clear if _rc==0 { qui count local rn1 = r(N)+1 qui set obs `rn1' qui replace item = "cached_command" in `rn1' qui replace contents = "`right'" in `rn1' } else { qui set obs 1 qui gen item = "cached_command" qui gen contents = "`right'" } qui save "`dir'/`call_hash'_r_macros.dta", replace cwf `origframe' foreach n in scalars macros matrices { frame drop ``n'_results' } qui log close `logfile' if `newhide'==1 { cache_cleanlog, folder("`dir'") fname("`call_hash'") } //======================================================== // Store results (data) //======================================================== if "`data'"=="" { qui datasignature local datasignature2 = "`r(datasignature)'" if ("`datasignature'" != "`datasignature2'") & `dtasave'==0 { //dis "Data has changed, saving data" qui save "`dir'/`call_hash'.dta", replace } //======================================================== // Store results (frames) //======================================================== // data frame ---------- // if the the cmd returns or changes a data frame, save it qui frames dir local finalframes = r(frames) local saveframes foreach f of local finalframes { if `"`f'"'=="default" continue local framescheck = 0 foreach oframe of local allframes { if "`f'"=="`oframe'" { // dis "Frame `f' existed previously" (check if changed) frame `f': qui datasignature // Work with edge case: frames of 31 or 32 characters if length("`f'")>30 { mata: st_local("fname", strofreal(hash1("`f'", ., 2), "%12.0gc")) } else local fname = "`f'" local t`fname' = "`r(datasignature)'" // test if signature has changed, and if so add to save list if "`t`fname''" != "`s`fname''" { frame `f': qui describe if r(k) > 0 local saveframes = "`saveframes' `f'" } local framescheck = 1 continue, break } } if `framescheck'==0 { frame `f': qui describe if r(k) > 0 local saveframes = "`saveframes' `f'" } } if "`saveframes'" != "" { //dis "Saving frames: `saveframes'" qui frames save "`dir'/`call_hash'.dtas", frames(`saveframes') replace } } //======================================================== // Store results (graphs) //======================================================== qui graph dir, memory local finalgraphs = strtrim(r(list)) local newgraph = 0 local ngraphs: word count `allgraphs' // Make list of original graphs for comparison local graphlist foreach og of local allgraphs { local graphlist `"`graphlist', "`og'""' } foreach g of local finalgraphs { if `"`g'"'=="`defaultgraph'" continue // if Graph is generated, this must be new if `"`g'"'=="Graph" { qui graph save `g' "`dir'/`call_hash'_`g'.gph", replace local newgraph = 1 // Now, if old Graph existed, we can remove this, as it would have been saved over if `dgexists'==1 { graph drop `defaultgraph' } } else if `ngraphs'==0 qui graph save `g' "`dir'/`call_hash'_`g'.gph", replace else { // Otherwise, save other graphs if they weren't in previous list if !inlist("`g'" `graphlist') qui graph save `g' "`dir'/`call_hash'_`g'.gph", replace } } // Finally, if old default "Graph" existed and no new graph was made, put it back if `dgexists'==1 & `newgraph'==0 { graph copy `defaultgraph' Graph graph drop `defaultgraph' } if "`hidden'"!="" { //======================================================== // Store results (lists) //======================================================== qui log close rlog qui log using "`dir'/elist.txt", name(elog) text replace ereturn list qui log close elog qui log using "`dir'/slist.txt", name(slog) text replace sreturn list qui log close slog //======================================================== // Generate list of observed elements //======================================================== tempname observed_elements frame create `observed_elements' cwf `observed_elements' gen element = "" qui save "`dir'/`call_hash'_elements.dta", replace foreach etype in r e s { qui { import delimited using "`dir'/`etype'list.txt", clear cap gen v1 = "" gen element = regexs(0) if regexm(v1,"`etype'\([^)]+\)") drop if missing(element) keep element append using "`dir'/`call_hash'_elements.dta" qui save "`dir'/`call_hash'_elements.dta", replace } } cwf `origframe' frame drop `observed_elements' } end //======================================================== // Aux programs //======================================================== // set directory cap program drop cache_setdir program define cache_setdir, rclass mata { // Check if global macro exiss. If it does, // use it as cachedir. Otherwise, use pwd() if (st_global("cache_dir") != "") { cachedir = st_global("cache_dir") + "/_cache" } else { cachedir = pwd() + "_cache" } if (!direxists(cachedir)) { mkdir(cachedir) fh = fopen(cachedir+"/cached_commands.txt", "w") fwrite(fh, "{bf:{res: Cached commands}}: ") fclose(fh) } st_local("dir", cachedir) } return local dir = "`dir'" end // Clean log cap program drop cache_cleanlog program define cache_cleanlog, rclass syntax [anything], folder(string) fname(string) file open writelog using "`folder'/mostrecentcache.smcl", write text replace file open readlog using "`folder'/`fname'.smcl", read text file read readlog line while regexm("`line'", "The following elements will be returned")!=1 { file write writelog "`line'" _newline file read readlog line } file close readlog file close writelog copy "`folder'/mostrecentcache.smcl" "`folder'/`fname'.smcl", replace end // Unpack saved file name like e_scalars, or r_matrix_PT cap program drop cache_parsefile program define cache_parsefile, rclass syntax anything(name=fn) * Extract the first letter (e, r, s) if ustrregexm("`fn'", "^_([ers])_")==1 local first_letter = ustrregexs(1) return local first_letter = "`first_letter'" * Extract the type (macros, matrix, scalars) if ustrregexm("`fn'", "^[^_]*_[^_]*_([a-z]+)") local type = ustrregexs(1) return local type = "`type'" * Extract any extra details after matrix (if present) if ustrregexm("`fn'", "_matrix_([A-Za-z0-9_]+)") local extra = ustrregexs(1) return local extra = "`extra'" end // ereturn program cap program drop cache_ereturn program define cache_ereturn, eclass syntax anything(name=element), name(string) type(string) [hidden elframe(string)] if "`hidden'"!="" { frame `elframe' { qui count if regexm(element, "e\(`name'\)")==1 if r(N)==1 local hh "visible" if r(N)==0 local hh "hidden" } } else local hh "visible" ereturn `hh' `type' `name' = `element' end // sreturn program cap program drop cache_sreturn program define cache_sreturn, sclass syntax anything(name=element), name(string) type(string) [hidden elframe(string)] sreturn `type' `name'=`element' end // return program cap program drop cache_return program define cache_return, rclass syntax anything(name=element), name(string) type(string) frame elements { qui count if regexm(element, "r\(`name'\)")==1 if r(N)==1 local hh "visible" if r(N)==0 local hh "hidden" } return `hh' `type' `name'=`element' end exit /* End of do-file */ ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< Notes: 1. Update log to remove the return if hidden specified Version Control: *##s // mata { // cachedir = pwd() + "_cache" // if (!direxists(cachedir)) { // mkdir(cachedir) // } // st_local("dir", cachedir) // } *##e *! version <2024dec11> *! -- First working version *! version <2025jan13> *! -- incorporate subcommands for clean and list *! -- add global cache_dir for users who want to set it up in their profile.do . Also, display commands as smcl *! version <2025feb26> *! -- implement data and frame check *! -- Implement hash collision check *! -- manage hidden elements *! version 0.0.1 <2025mar09> *! -- prepare for SSC submission