{smcl} {* *! version 1.1.1 5oct2020}{...} {cmd:help care} {hline} {title:Title} {hi:care} {c -} this code is your little helper when you need it and randomly generates helpful tips to keep you on top of your mental wellbeing. {title:Syntax} {p 2 4}{cmd:care} {marker overview} {title:Overview} {text}{p 2 4} We can all be a little overwhelmed sometimes. Everyone could do with a reminder to check-in with themselves, a fun fact or an idea to unwind through the {cmdab: care} command. {browse "https://checkpointorg.com/global":Here}, {browse "https://projectsemicolon.com/":here}, and {browse "https://www.madeofmillions.com":here} are some other resouces you might find helpful. {marker example} {title:Examples} {phang}{inp} {stata care} {text}{p 2 6} Watch some funny cat videos. Head over to YouTube (we'll wait here) and search for funny cat videos and watch the first one that comes up. {p_end} {marker acknowledgements} {title:Acknowledgements} {text}{p 2 4}This command has been inspired from CareCards, which can be found {browse "https://carecards.io/cards":here}. {p_end} {title:Author} {phang} Prashansa Srivastava{p_end} {phang} prashansa.srivastava98@gmail.com {p_end}