help for changemean                                          Joao Pedro Azevedo
                                                                  Samuel Franco

Income and Inequalily Contribution on Poverty Variation

changemean varlist [weight] [if exp] [in range] [ , by(groupvar) base(refcat) varpl(varname) pline(number) h h2 pgr igr w fgt1 fgt2 fgt3 fgt4 fgt5 fgt6 fgt7 fgt8 fgt9 chu1 chu2 chu3 chu4 chu5 s thon tak ]

fweights, are allowed; see help weights.


changemean decompose the poverty gap among two or more subgroups by income and inequality. Several measures of poverty can be used. If no specific measures is requested the default value is the head count ratio [FGT(0)]. This version of the program does not support the computation of multiple poverty measures.

varlist Income variable


by(groupvar) provide the variable name that defided the groups of comparison. The default comparation group is computed as half the median of varlist.

base(refcat) sets the value of the comparation categoric group that defided the base group. If the base category was not defined changemean will use the first category.

varpl(varname) provide the variable name containing the values poverty line.

pline(#) sets the value of the poverty line. The default poverty line is computed as half the median of varname.

The following options specify the poverty measure to be computed.

h : headcount ratio [FGT(0)] (default value) h2 : extremem poverty headcount ratio pgr : poverty gap ratio [FGT(1)] igr : income gap ratio w : Watts index s : Sen index tak : Takayama index thon : Thon index fgt1 : Foster, Greer and Thorbecke - FGT(0.5) fgt2 : Foster, Greer and Thorbecke - FGT(1.5) fgt3 : Foster, Greer and Thorbecke - FGT(2) fgt4 : Foster, Greer and Thorbecke - FGT(2.5) fgt5 : Foster, Greer and Thorbecke - FGT(3) fgt6 : Foster, Greer and Thorbecke - FGT(3.5) fgt7 : Foster, Greer and Thorbecke - FGT(4) fgt8 : Foster, Greer and Thorbecke - FGT(4.5) fgt9 : Foster, Greer and Thorbecke - FGT(5) chu1 : Clark, Ulph and Hemming index with beta of 0.10 chu2 : Clark, Ulph and Hemming index with beta of 0.25 chu3 : Clark, Ulph and Hemming index with beta of 0.50 chu4 : Clark, Ulph and Hemming index with beta of 0.75 chu5 : Clark, Ulph and Hemming index with beta of 0.90


The output table of change mean describe the following indicators:

Index Presents the comparision categories.

Baseli Shows the poverty rate (head count ratio) of the individuals on the base line category.

Origin Shows the poverty rate (head count ratio) of the individuals on each one of the comparison categories.

Income Poverty rate of the baseline group with the average income of the comparsion group.

Inequa Poverty rate of the baseline group with the inequality of the comparsion group.

Gap Poverty gap (head count ratio of base line category - head count ratio of comparsin category).

RawInc Raw contribution of the income differential on the poverty gap.

RawIne Raw contribution of the inequality differential on the poverty gap.

RelInc Relative contribution of the income differential on the poverty gap.

RelIne Relative contribution of the inequality differential on the poverty gap.


. changemean rdpc

. changemean rdpc [fw=peso]

. changemean rdpc [fw=peso], by(educa)

. changemean rdpc [fw=peso], by(educa) varpl(lp)

. changemean rdpc [fw=peso], by(educa) line(240)

. changemean rdpc [fw=peso], by(educa) base(1)

. changemean rdpc [fw=peso], by(educa) base(1) varpl(lp)

. changemean rdpc [fw=peso], by(educa) base(3) line(240)


Joao Pedro Azevedo jazevedo@worldbank.org

Samuel Franco sam@ipea.gov.br