{smcl} {* *! version 0.3.0 25sep2019}{...} {vieweralsosee "gziputil overview" "help gziputil"}{...} {cmd:check7z} {hline 2} Check if {cmd:gziputil} finds 7-Zip {title:Syntax} {phang} {cmd:check7z} {phang} {cmd:display r(sevenz_available)} {phang} {cmd:display $gziputil_path_7z} {title:Description} {pstd} {cmd:check7z} checks if 7-Zip is installed and can be found in the standard PeaZip directory or the system's PATH environment variable. It returns {cmd:r(sevenz_available)} which equals 1 if 7-Zip is ready to go and 0 if it is not available or cannot be found. {pstd} {cmd:check7z} also sets the global macro {cmd:gziputil_path_7z}. If you did not install PeaZip in the standard directory and do not want to change the PATH environment variable, you may want to set {cmd:gziputil_path_7z} to a 7-Zip path which can be understood by Windows PowerShell. {title:Author} {pstd} Matthias Gomolka, Deutsche Bundesbank, Research Data and Service Centre{break} {browse "mailto:matthias.gomolka@bundesbank.de":matthias.gomolka@bundesbank.de} {p_end}