*! NJC 2.0.0 1 February 2004 * NJC 1.5.0 16 December 1998 * NJC 1.4.0 15 May 1997 * NJC 1.3.0 13 May 1997 * NJC 1.2.1 29 October 1996 * histogram for circular data program circhistogram version 8.0 syntax varname [if] [in] [fweight] /// [, Pad(real 180) XMIN(real 0) XMAX(real 360) oneway * ] marksample touse qui count if `touse' if r(N) == 0 error 2000 preserve qui keep if `touse' local np1 = _N + 1 qui expand 1 + (`varlist' <= `xmin' + `pad' | `varlist' > `xmax' - `pad') qui if _N >= `np1' { /* need to check that expansion took place */ replace `varlist' = /// cond(`varlist' <= `xmin' + `pad', /// `varlist' + `xmax' - `xmin', `varlist' - `xmax' + `xmin') in `np1'/l } local xli "xli(`xmin' `xmax')" if `xmin' == 0 & `xmax' == 360 { local xla `"xla(0 "0" 90 "90" 180 "180" 270 "270" 360 "360")"' } if "`oneway'" != "" { onewayplot `varlist' [`weight' `exp'], `xli' `xla' `options' } else histogram `varlist' [`weight' `exp'], freq `xli' `xla' `options' end