*! polarbar/circlebar v1.5 (28 Apr 2024) *! Asjad Naqvi (asjadnaqvi@gmail.com) * v1.5 (28 Apr 2024): Better passthru options. Many bug fixes. Added half. Added sort. * v1.4 (03 Feb 2024): better legend options added. other code cleanup. * v1.31 (02 Feb 2024): labels need to be rotated by one. Added ability to sort by height * v1.3 (22 Jan 2024): rewrite of base routines, major code clean, support for unbalanced panels * v1.21 (25 Sep 2023): Fixed a bug where circtop was resulting in wrong legend keys. saving(), graphregion() added. * v1.2 (23 Mar 2023): fixed a bug where legend names were reversed. Improved other parts of the code. * v1.1 (26 Feb 2023): added: cfill(), labcolor(), rotate(). label angle fixed. Various bug fixes. * v1.01 (06 Dec 2022): Minor fixes * v1.0 (20 Nov 2022): First release ********************************** * A simpler version of the code description is available here: * https://medium.com/the-stata-guide/stata-graphs-circular-bar-graphs-ii-8ae960ec49d6 cap program drop circlebar program circlebar, sortpreserve version 15 syntax varlist(min=1 max=1 numeric) [if] [in], by(varname) /// [ stack(varname) radmin(real 4) radmax(real 10) gap(real 0) alpha(real 100) ] /// [ NOLABels ROTATELABel SHOWVALues LColor(string) LWidth(string) palette(string) NOLEGend ] /// [ NOCIRCles CIRCles(real 5) RAnge(numlist min=1 max=1) CIRCColor(string) CIRCWidth(string) CIRCTop ] /// [ NOCIRCLABels CIRCLABFormat(string) CIRCLABSize(string) CIRCLABColor(string) ] /// [ LABGap(real 5) LABSize(string) legend(passthru) ] /// [ LABColor(string) ROtate(real 0) ] /// // v1.1 options [ CFill(string) CLColor(string) CLWidth(string) points(real 500) ] /// // v1.3 options [ rows(real 3) LEGSize(string) LEGPOSition(string) half sort ] /// // v1.4 options. last two are currently undocumented [ * aspect(real 1) xsize(real 1) ysize(real 1) ] // v1.5 options // check dependencies capture findfile colorpalette.ado if _rc != 0 { display as error "The {bf:palettes} package is missing. Install the {stata ssc install palettes, replace:palettes} and {stata ssc install colrspace, replace:colrspace} packages." exit } if `radmin' >= `radmax' { di as error "{bf:radmin()} >= {bf:radmax()}. " exit } if "`radmin'" == "0" local radmin 0.01 // to avoid irregular outputs... cap findfile carryforward.ado if _rc != 0 { qui ssc install carryforward, replace } capture findfile labmask.ado if _rc != 0 { qui ssc install labutil, replace } marksample touse, strok qui { preserve keep if `touse' keep `varlist' `by' `stack' if "`stack'" != "" { fillin `by' `stack' // tiangularize recode `varlist' (.=0) } // local options local ovrclr = 0 if "`stack'" == "" { gen ov = 1 local stack ov local ovrclr = 1 } // finetune the stack variable cap confirm numeric var `stack' if _rc!=0 { // if string tempvar stack2 encode `stack', gen(stack2) local stack stack2 } else { tempvar tempst stack2 egen stack2 = group(`stack') if "`: value label `stack''" != "" { decode `stack', gen(`tempst') labmask stack2, val(`tempst') } local stack stack2 } cap confirm numeric var `by' if _rc!=0 { // if string tempvar by2 encode `by', gen(by2) local by by2 } else { tempvar tempov by2 egen by2 = group(`by') if "`: value label `by''" != "" { decode `by', gen(`tempov') labmask by2, val(`tempov') } local by by2 } if "`sort'" != "" { // optimize this part bysort `by': egen _count = sum(`varlist') gsort -_count `by' egen _tag = tag(_count `by') gen _rank = sum(_tag) decode by2, gen(_temp2) labmask _rank, val(_temp2) drop _count _tag _temp2 drop by2 local by _rank } // preserve the labels of the by variable levelsof `by', local(idlabels) // store the id levels foreach x of local idlabels { local idlab_`x' : label `by' `x' } collapse (sum) `varlist', by(`by' `stack') bysort `by' (`stack'): gen double stackvar = sum(`varlist') summ stackvar, meanonly local maxval = r(max) // the maximum value of the height levelsof `by' scalar obs = `r(r)' levelsof `stack' scalar lvls = `r(r)' if "`range'" != "" { local rhi `range' summ stackvar, meanonly if `r(max)' > `rhi' { noi di as err "The {bf:range} upper bound of `rhi' is lower than the maximum value `r(max)' in the data." exit } } else { summ stackvar, meanonly local rhi = r(max) } gen double radius = (stackvar / `rhi') local 2pi = 2 if "`half'"!= "" local 2pi = -1 *** rescale radius to (a,b) = ((b - a)(x - xmin)/(xmax - xmin)) + a replace radius = ((`radmax' - `radmin') * (radius - 0) / (1 - 0)) + `radmin' gen double theta = (1 / (_N / lvls)) * `2pi' * -_pi // equally divide the pies. full angle = angle * 180 / _pi bysort `stack' (`by'): gen double angle = sum(theta) // - theta + (0.5 * _pi) + (-`rotate' * _pi / 180) gen double x = radius * cos(angle) gen double y = radius * sin(angle) drop theta local items = _N sum `by', meanonly local maxval = r(max) + 1 expand 2 if `by'==1 replace `by' = `maxval' if _n > `items' sort `stack' `by' gen dummy = `varlist' == 0 drop `varlist' stackvar gen id = 1 reshape wide x y radius angle dummy, i(id `stack') j(`by') expand 3 sort `stack' bysort `stack' : gen serial = _n order `stack' serial forval i = 1/`=scalar(obs)' { // add the intercept dummy for the pie replace x`i' = 0 if serial==1 replace y`i' = 0 if serial==1 // pick the ending point from the next arc local j = `i' + 1 replace x`i' = x`j' * radius`i' / radius`j' if serial==3 replace y`i' = y`j' * radius`i' / radius`j' if serial==3 recode x`i' (.=0) if serial==3 // for division with zero recode y`i' (.=0) if serial==3 } ****** get the arc right gen marker0 = 0 in 1 // identify the origin. important for sorting later local lastobs = _N // expand the rows = 100 * categories levelsof `stack' local obsnew = _N + 97 * lvls set obs `obsnew' // points for the arc. more points = smoother arc but slower forval i = 1 / `=scalar(lvls)' { local start = `lastobs' + 1 local end = `start' + 96 replace `stack' = `i' in `start'/`end' local lastobs = `end' } // extend the idenfiers order `stack' serial sort `stack' serial carryforward radius* dummy*, replace // generate the counters cap drop counter gen counter = mod(_n, 100) recode counter (0 = 100) levelsof stack2, local(lvls) local ro = (`gap' / 2) * _pi / 180 local start = 0 - `ro' forval i = 1/`=scalar(obs)' { // gen double angle`i'_new = . gen double x`i'_new = . gen double y`i'_new = . // arc start and end angles summ angle`i', meanonly local end = r(max) + `ro' local cuts = (`end' - `start') / 99 replace angle`i'_new = `start' + `cuts' * (counter - 2) if x1!=0 replace x`i'_new = radius`i' * cos(angle`i'_new) replace y`i'_new = radius`i' * sin(angle`i'_new) local start = `end' - 2 * `ro' } // replace and rotate forval i = 1/`=scalar(obs)' { // replace x`i' = x`i'_new * cos(`rotate' * _pi / 180) - y`i'_new * sin(`rotate' * _pi / 180) if !missing(x`i'_new) replace y`i' = x`i'_new * sin(`rotate' * _pi / 180) + y`i'_new * cos(`rotate' * _pi / 180) if !missing(y`i'_new) } drop *new ********************** // add pie labels // ********************** cap drop xlab* ylab* gen angle0 = 0 in 1 local astart = 0 forval x = 1/`=scalar(obs)' { local labmax = `radmax' * (1 + `labgap' / 100) // push out the labels local aend = `x' gen double xlab`x' = `labmax' * cos((angle`astart' + angle`aend') /2) in 1 gen double ylab`x' = `labmax' * sin((angle`astart' + angle`aend') /2) in 1 gen double ang`x' = . replace ang`x' = (angle`astart' + angle`aend') / 2 * (180 / _pi) + 180 in 1 if xlab`x' <= 0 replace ang`x' = (angle`astart' + angle`aend') / 2 * (180 / _pi) in 1 if xlab`x' > 0 *replace ang`x' = ang`x' - 360 if ang`x' > 360 local astart = `aend' } drop angle0 cap drop lab* forval i = 1/`=scalar(obs)' { if "`idlab_`i''" != "" { gen lab`i' = "`idlab_`i''" in 1 } else { gen lab`i' = `i' in 1 } } /////////////////////// // circle labels // /////////////////////// local gap = (`radmax' - `radmin') / (`circles' - 1) if "`circlabformat'" == "" local circlabformat %5.0f if "`circlabsize'" == "" local circlabsize = 1.6 if "`circlabcolor'" == "" local circlabcolor gs8 if "`labcolor'" == "" local labcolor black local gap2 = (`rhi' - 0) / (`circles' - 1) gen xvar = . gen yvar = . gen xlab = "" local i = 1 forval x = `radmin'(`gap')`radmax' { replace xlab = string(0 + ((`i' - 1) * `gap2'), "`circlabformat'") in `i' replace xvar = `x' in `i' replace yvar = 0 in `i' local i = `i' + 1 } ***************** *** draw *** ***************** ///////////////// // pie labels // ///////////////// local labs if "`labsize'" == "" local labsize 2 if "`nolabel'" == "" { forval i = 1/`=scalar(obs)' { local j = `i' + 1 if "`rotatelabel'" != "" { summ ang`i', meanonly local angle = r(mean) } local labs `labs' (scatter ylab`i' xlab`i', mc(none) mlabel(lab`i') mlabpos(0) mlabcolor(`labcolor') mlabangle(`angle') mlabsize(`labsize')) /// // } } ///////////////// // circles // ///////////////// local rings if "`nocircle'" == "" { if "`circcolor'" == "" local circcolor gs10 if "`circwidth'" == "" local circwidth 0.1 } local gap = (`radmax' - `radmin') / (`circles' - 1) if `gap' > _N { local newobs = `gap' + 1 set obs `newobs' } forval x = `radmin'(`gap')`radmax' { local rings `rings' (function sqrt(`x'^2 - x^2), lc(`circcolor') lw(`circwidth') lp(solid) range(-`x' `x') n(`points')) if "`half'" == "" { local rings `rings' (function -sqrt(`x'^2 - x^2), lc(`circcolor') lw(`circwidth') lp(solid) range(-`x' `x') n(`points')) } } if "`circtop'" != "" { local rings2 `rings' local rings } /////////////////////// // circle labels // /////////////////////// if "`nocirclabels'" == "" { local circlabs (scatter yvar xvar, mc(none) mlab(xlab) mlabpos(0) mlabcolor(`circlabcolor') mlabsize(`circlabsize')) } ///////////////// // legend // ///////////////// if "`legsize'" == "" local legsize 2.2 if "`legposition'" == "" local legposition 6 if "`nolegend'" == "" & `ovrclr' == 0 { local j = 0 forval i = 1/`=scalar(lvls)' { local rev = `=scalar(lvls)' - `i' + 1 local t : label `stack' `rev' local shift = 0 // legend shift if "`circtop'" == "" local shift = (`circles' * 2) local k = `i' + ((`=scalar(obs)' - 1) * `j' ) + `shift' local entries `" `entries' `k' "`t'" "' local ++j } local legend legend(order("`entries'") pos(`legposition') size(`legsize') rows(`rows')) } else { local legend legend(off) } ///////////////// // main layer // ///////////////// if "`lwidth'" =="" local lwidth 0.1 if "`lcolor'" =="" local lcolor white if "`palette'" == "" { local palette tableau } else { tokenize "`palette'", p(",") local palette `1' local poptions `3' } local areagraph local k = 1 forval j = 1/`=scalar(lvls)' { local rev = `=scalar(lvls)' - `j' + 1 // reverse the sorting. draw last show first rule. forval i = 1/`=scalar(obs)' { if `ovrclr' == 0 { local items = lvls local clr `rev' } else { local items = obs local clr `i' } colorpalette `palette', nograph n(`items') `poptions' local areagraph`j' `areagraph`j'' (area y`i' x`i' if `stack'==`rev', nodropbase fi(100) fc("`r(p`clr')'%`alpha'") lc(`lcolor') lw(`lwidth')) || local k = `k' + 1 // use k for purely random assignments. } local areagraph `areagraph' `areagraph`j'' // collect in one local } // circle fill if "`cfill'" == "" local cfill white if "`clcolor'" == "" local clcolor white if "`clwidth'" == "" local clwidth 0.2 local fill (function sqrt(`radmin'^2 - (x)^2), recast(area) fc(`cfill') fi(100) lw(0.3) lc(`cfill') range(-`radmin' `radmin')) // fill top if "`half'"=="" local fill `fill' (function -sqrt(`radmin'^2 - (x)^2), recast(area) fc(`cfill') fi(100) lw(0.3) lc(`cfill') range(-`radmin' `radmin')) // fill bot local fill `fill' (function sqrt(`radmin'^2 - (x)^2), lw(`clwidth') lc(`clcolor') range(-`radmin' `radmin')) // lc top if "`half'"=="" local fill `fill' (function -sqrt(`radmin'^2 - (x)^2), lw(`clwidth') lc(`clcolor') range(-`radmin' `radmin')) // lc bot local ymin = -`radmax' if "`half'"!="" { local aspect 0.5 local xsize 2 local ymin = 0 } local ysize 1 local xsize 1 if "`half'"!="" { local xsize 2 } **** final graph twoway /// `rings' /// `areagraph' /// `rings2' /// `fill' /// `circlabs' /// `labs' /// , /// xsize(`xsize') ysize(`ysize') aspect(`aspect') /// xscale(off) yscale(off) /// xlabel(-`radmax' `radmax', nogrid) /// ylabel( `ymin' `radmax', nogrid) /// `legend' `options' */ restore } end ********************************* ******** END OF PROGRAM ********* *********************************