help for ^civplot^

Vertical plots showing confidence intervals -------------------------------------------

^civplot^ varlist [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] [weight] [ ^, lev^el^(^#^) p^oisson^ bin^omial ^e^xposure^(^varname^)^ graph_options ] ^civplot^ varname [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] [weight] [ ^, by(^byvar^)^ ^lev^el^(^#^) p^oisson^ bin^omial ^e^xposure^(^varname^)^ ^t^otal graph_options ]

Description -----------

^civplot^ produces a display of means and confidence intervals for different variables, or for different groups of a single variable defined by the ^by^ option.

^ci^ is used for the calculations. ^graph^ is used for the graphical display. Each confidence interval is by default shown as a vertical line.

The groups on the horizontal axis are tacitly plotted at 1, ... , number of intervals with value labels from the actual values or variable names.

Options -------

^by(^byvar^)^ defines a grouping variable. It is only allowed when a single variable is specified. ^by( )^ is treated as categorical, not measured.

^level(^#^)^, ^poisson^, ^binomial^ and ^exposure(^varname^)^ are all options of ^ci^. See help on @ci@.

^total^ adds a final line showing the mean and confidence interval for all groups specified. It is only allowed in conjunction with ^by( )^.

graph_options are options of ^graph^. See help on @graph@. Note that

^xlabel(1/^number of intervals^)^ is wired in.

^symbol^ defaults to ^"oii"^ (a circle for the mean and invisible symbols for the the mean). ^connect^ defaults to ^".II"^.

Titles filled in by default may be blanked out or, more generally, overwritten by options such as ^b2(" ") or t1(" ")^.

Examples --------

. ^civplot length, by(grade) yla(0(200)1200)^ . ^civplot length, by(grade) yla(0(200)1200) sy(Sii) c(.||)^ . ^civplot length width, yla(0(200)1200) xsc(0.5,2.5) b2(" ")^

Author ------

Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K. n.j.cox@@durham.ac.uk

Also see --------

On-line: help for @ci@, @serrbar@, @cihplot@ (if installed)