{smcl} {* 2018-10-05 Trenton D Mize}{...} {title:Title} {p2colset 5 16 16 1}{...} {p2col:{cmd:cleanplots} {hline 2}}Graphics scheme that implements best data visualization practices. Default color choices are effective in both color and when printed in grayscale. {p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {title:Overview} {pstd} {cmd:cleanplots} changes the default look and feel of Stata graphics. The choices of colors, markers, gridlines, and other aspects of the figure follow best data visualization practices. {pstd} The choices for colors and markers allow for graphics that are effective when used in color but that can also be easily distinguished when printed in grayscale. {pstd} For more information and to see examples, see the {browse "https://www.trentonmize.com/software/cleanplots": cleanplots website here}. {pstd} Many of the features of cleanplots are adapted from the excellent black and white colorscheme plotplain {browse "https://www.dropbox.com/s/m5viis9oybgkept/FigureScheme.pdf?dl=0": which you can read about here}. {title:Using cleanplots} {pstd} To change your graphics scheme to {cmd:cleanplots} use the command: {phang2} {stata set scheme cleanplots, perm: set scheme cleanplots, perm} {pstd} Stata's default graphic scheme is {cmd:s2color}. To change back to the default: {phang2} {stata set scheme s2color, perm: set scheme s2color, perm} {title:Authorship} {pstd} {cmd:cleanplots} is written by Trenton D Mize (Department of Sociology, Purdue University). Questions can be sent to tmize@purdue.edu {p_end}