capture program drop clusterbs program define clusterbs, eclass version 9.0 /* Ensures that the Stata version is 9.0 or above to run Mata and bootstrap */ gettoken modname 0 : 0 /* Strips the model name from the input (may not be needed) */ syntax varlist(ts) [, fe(string) cluster(name) reps(int 1000) seed(int 54321) festruc(string)] /* Gets the variable list, model name and cluster variable from the input */ gettoken depvar rhsvars : varlist /* Strips the variables into right and left hand sides (may not be needed) */ local cmdline `modname' `depvar' `rhsvars' /* Sets `cmdline' to be the model specification */ set matsize 800 /* Increases the matrix size for bigger models (max for Stata IC is 800) */ preserve if substr("`modname'", 1, 2) == "xt" { display "Program clusterbs will not work with models using the xt- prefix. To run fixed effects models, specify fe() as an option." display "See the help file for how to use fixed effects properly with this program." } else { quietly `cmdline', cluster(`cluster') /* Runs the initial model with robust clustered SEs */ } capture drop flag qui gen flag = e(sample) /* Marks the observations actually used in the model */ set more off /* Save sigma_u, sigma_e, rho */ display "Cluster variable is " "`cluster'" /* Sorting and counting the number of clusters */ quietly drop if flag==0 /* Drops all observations not used in the initial model */ capture drop neworder generate neworder = _n sort `cluster' neworder /* Sorts by cluster for dataset */ capture drop ucluster by `cluster': gen ucluster = _n == 1 /* Gives a 1 to the first observation in each cluster */ sort neworder /* Sorts the data back as it was */ capture drop cluster_num gen cluster_num = sum(ucluster) /* Gives a increasing number to each observation in each unique cluster */ capture drop ucluster capture drop neworder capture drop total_clusters egen total_clusters = max(cluster_num) /* Counts the total number of clusters */ local clustnum = total_clusters[1] /* Stores this variable as local clustnum */ capture drop total_clusters display "Number of clusters for model is " `clustnum' if ("`fe'" == "external" | "`fe'" == "inside") { capture drop new_fe if "`fe'" == "external" { quietly egen new_fe = group(`festruc') quietly xtset new_fe } if "`fe'" == "inside" { quietly egen new_fe = group(`festruc' cluster_num) quietly xtset new_fe } if "`modname'" == "regress" { quietly xtreg `depvar' `rhsvars', fe vce(cluster `cluster') local sigma_u = e(sigma_u) local sigma_e = e(sigma_e) local rho = e(rho) } if "`modname'" == "logit" { quietly xtlogit `depvar' `rhsvars', fe local sigma_u = e(sigma_u) local sigma_e = "NA" local rho = e(rho) } if "`modname'" == "poisson" { quietly xtpoisson `depvar' `rhsvars', fe local sigma_u = "NA" local sigma_e = "NA" local rho = "NA" } if "`modname'" == "nbreg" { quietly xtnbreg `depvar' `rhsvars', fe local sigma_u = "NA" local sigma_e = "NA" local rho = "NA" } if ("`modname'" != "regress" & "`modname'" != "logit" & "`modname'" != "poisson" & "`modname'" != "nbreg") { display "Error: Cluster fixed effects can only be used with the following models:" display "regress, logit, poisson, and nbreg" exit } } else { if "`fe'" == "cluster" { /* If the model uses fixed effects, then it runs */ /* the model as an xt- model and saves the estimates */ quietly xtset `cluster' if "`modname'" == "regress" { quietly xtreg `depvar' `rhsvars', fe vce(cluster `cluster') local sigma_u = e(sigma_u) local sigma_e = e(sigma_e) local rho = e(rho) } if "`modname'" == "logit" { quietly xtlogit `depvar' `rhsvars', fe local sigma_u = e(sigma_u) local sigma_e = "NA" local rho = e(rho) } if "`modname'" == "poisson" { quietly xtpoisson `depvar' `rhsvars', fe local sigma_u = "NA" local sigma_e = "NA" local rho = "NA" } if "`modname'" == "nbreg" { quietly xtnbreg `depvar' `rhsvars', fe local sigma_u = "NA" local sigma_e = "NA" local rho = "NA" } if ("`modname'" != "regress" & "`modname'" != "logit" & "`modname'" != "poisson" & "`modname'" != "nbreg") { display "Error: Cluster fixed effects can only be used with the following models:" display "regress, logit, poisson, and nbreg" exit } } else { quietly `cmdline', cluster(`cluster') /* Runs the initial model with robust clustered SEs */ local sigma_u = "NA" local sigma_e = "NA" local rho = "NA" } } matrix estimates = e(b) local beta_names : colfullnames(estimates) local num_betas = wordcount("`beta_names'") matrix main_est = J(`num_betas', 3, .) matrix rownames main_est = `beta_names' matrix colnames main_est = Coef StdErr t-value if ("`sigma_u'" == "NA" & "`sigma_e'" == "NA" & "`rho'" == "NA") { matrix final = J(`num_betas', 4, .) matrix rownames final = `beta_names' matrix colnames final = Coefficient Prob>|t| 95%_CI_low 95%_CI_high } else { if "`sigma_e'" == "NA" { matrix final = J((`num_betas' + 2), 4, .) local row_names = "`beta_names'" + " sigma_u rho" matrix rownames final = `row_names' matrix colnames final = Coefficient Prob>|t| 95%_CI_low 95%_CI_high matrix final[(`num_betas' + 1), 1] = `sigma_u' matrix final[(`num_betas' + 2), 1] = `rho' } else { matrix final = J((`num_betas' + 3), 4, .) local row_names = "`beta_names'" + " sigma_u sigma_e rho" matrix rownames final = `row_names' matrix colnames final = Coefficient Prob>|t| 95%_CI_low 95%_CI_high matrix final[(`num_betas' + 1), 1] = `sigma_u' matrix final[(`num_betas' + 2), 1] = `sigma_e' matrix final[(`num_betas' + 3), 1] = `rho' } } if _N < `reps' { qui set obs `reps' } local b = 1 while `b' < (`num_betas' + 1) { /* Runs a loop over the number of parameters */ if `b' < `num_betas' gettoken var`b' beta_names: beta_names /* Gets the variable name for each variable from betanames */ else gettoken var`b': beta_names matrix main_est[`b', 1] = _b[`var`b''] matrix main_est[`b', 2] = _se[`var`b''] matrix main_est[`b', 3] = abs(_b[`var`b''] / _se[`var`b'']) matrix final[`b', 1] = _b[`var`b''] if substr("`var`b''", 1, 2) == "o." { display "Error: Please remove variables that are collinear with the fixed effects " display "and re-run the model." exit } capture drop w_`var`b'' capture drop beta_`var`b'' quietly { gen w_`var`b'' = . /* Generates a new variable for each IV to store the w bootstrap estimates */ gen beta_`var`b'' = . /* Generates a new variable for each IV to store the beta bootstrap estimates */ } local ++b /* Iterates the loop */ } tempfile main quietly save `main', replace /* Saves the original data for use later */ capture drop new_clustnum di "Starting `reps' Bootstrap Replications" set seed `seed' forvalues k = 1/`reps' { di "." _continue quietly { bsample, cluster(`cluster') idcluster(new_clustnum) /* Creates a pairs cluster bootstrap sample with a new cluster variable name */ if ("`fe'" == "external" | "`fe'" == "inside") { capture drop new_fe if "`fe'" == "external" { quietly gen new_fe = `festruc' quietly xtset new_fe } if "`fe'" == "inside" { quietly egen new_fe = group(`festruc' new_clustnum) quietly xtset new_fe } if "`modname'" == "regress" { capture xtreg `depvar' `rhsvars', fe vce(cluster new_clustnum) } if "`modname'" == "logit" { capture xtlogit `depvar' `rhsvars', fe } if "`modname'" == "poisson" { capture xtpoisson `depvar' `rhsvars', fe } if "`modname'" == "nbreg" { capture xtnbreg `depvar' `rhsvars', fe } } else { if "`fe'" == "cluster" { /* This section resets the xtset using the new clustering indicator for each sample */ quietly xtset new_clustnum if "`modname'" == "regress" { capture xtreg `depvar' `rhsvars', fe vce(cluster new_clustnum) } if "`modname'" == "logit" { capture xtlogit `depvar' `rhsvars', fe } if "`modname'" == "poisson" { capture xtpoisson `depvar' `rhsvars', fe } if "`modname'" == "nbreg" { capture xtnbreg `depvar' `rhsvars', fe } } else { quietly `cmdline', cluster(new_clustnum) /* Runs the initial model with robust clustered SEs */ } } } local b = 1 while `b' < (`num_betas' + 1) { /* Runs a loop over the number of parameters */ if _rc != 0 { /* If the model didn't run, this should store null values so the itration isn't counted */ local beta_`var`b''_`k' = . local w_`var`b''_`k' = . } else { capture { local beta_`var`b''_`k' = _b[`var`b''] /* Quietly executes so that if a variable is excluded, it continues */ local w_`var`b''_`k' = (_b[`var`b''] - main_est[`b', 1]) / _se[`var`b''] } if _rc != 0 { /* Stores a null for the all the coefficients if any one variable is excluded from the model... */ local q = 1 /* this should act to simply exclude any "bad" iterations of the bootstrapping */ while `q' < (`num_betas' + 1) { local beta_`var`q''_`k' = . local w_`var`q''_`k' = . local ++q } continue, break /* Breaks the loop over the variables (b) and continues to the constant and next iteration of k */ } } local ++b /* Iterates the loop */ } quietly use `main', replace /* Restores the initial dataset */ } di "" di "Bootstrap iterations completed. Now storing model results..." forvalues k = 1/`reps' { local b = 1 while `b' < (`num_betas' + 1) { quietly { replace beta_`var`b'' = `beta_`var`b''_`k'' in `k' /* Stores the beta for each iteration and variable */ replace w_`var`b'' = abs(`w_`var`b''_`k'') in `k' /* Takes the absolute value of the w (t) statistic for each iteration and variable and stores it */ } local ++b } } qui count if (w__cons != .) local iter = r(N) local fail = `reps' - `iter' di "The model ran succesfully and stored results in `iter' bootstrap iterations." if `fail' != 0 { di "`fail' bootstrap iterations failed to store results." di "If more than 10% of iterations failed, consider using a different model or method." } local b = 1 while `b' < (`num_betas' + 1) { qui count if (w_`var`b'' > main_est[`b', 3] & w_`var`b''!=.) local percent = r(N) local pval_`var`b'' = `percent' / `iter' /* Generates the p-value comparing the initial model's w to the bootstrapped distribution of w */ matrix final[`b', 2] = `pval_`var`b''' quietly { _pctile w_`var`b'', p(95) /* Generates percentiles for the bootstrapped w__cons variable to obtain 95% CI */ local par_`var`b'' = main_est[`b', 1] local low_`var`b'' = `par_`var`b''' - (r(r1) * main_est[`b', 2]) /* Calculates 95% CIs using the bootstrap-t method given in (pp. 315-16) */ local high_`var`b'' = `par_`var`b''' + (r(r1) * main_est[`b', 2]) /* and in (pp. 5-7) */ } matrix final[`b', 3] = `low_`var`b''' matrix final[`b', 4] = `high_`var`b''' local ++b } capture estout matrix(final, fmt(%10.0g %12.1f %10.0g %10.0g)) if _rc != 0 { display "******************************* ERROR ********************************" display "Program estout.ado not found. This program is needed to display results." display "To download estout, type in command line: SSC install estout" } if `iter' <= 500 estout matrix(final, fmt(%10.0g %12.1f %10.0g %10.0g)), style(smcl) title("Model Results") mlabels("", none) modelwidth(12 8 12 12) else { if `iter' <= 1000 estout matrix(final, fmt(%10.0g %12.2f %10.0g %10.0g)), style(smcl) title("Model Results") mlabels("", none) modelwidth(12 8 12 12) else { if `iter' <= 5000 estout matrix(final, fmt(%10.0g %12.3f %10.0g %10.0g)), style(smcl) title("Model Results") mlabels("", none) modelwidth(12 8 12 12) else estout matrix(final, fmt(%10.0g %12.4f %10.0g %10.0g)), style(smcl) title("Model Results") mlabels("", none) modelwidth(12 8 12 12) } } if "`fe'" == "cluster" di "NOTE: Model estimated with fixed effects for the clusters (not shown)." if "`fe'" == "external" di "NOTE: Model estimated with fixed effects for variable `festruc' (not shown)." if "`fe'" == "inside" { di "NOTE: Model estimated with fixed effects for the interaction of the " di "cluster variable with `festruc' (not shown)." } di "The t-statistics and 95% confidence intervals are generated from the pairs " di "cluster bootstrap-t procedure and are robust to clustering with a small number " di "of sampling units. Please note that the accuracy of the t-statistics and CIs " di "is conditional on the number of bootstrap replications that were used to " di "calculate the distribution of t. For p < .05 significance tests, specify reps(500)" di " or more. For p < .01 level, specify reps(1000) or more. For p < .001 level, specify " di "reps(5000) or more. More iterations will also yield more accurate confidence " di "intervals. Post-estimation procedures should not be run on this model." restore end