*! cmp 8.6.2 1 June 2021 *! Copyright (C) 2007-21 David Roodman * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . cap program drop cmp_p program define cmp_p version 11.0 syntax anything [if] [in], [EQuation(string) Outcome(string) /*FIXEDonly RELevel(string)*/ xb NOOFFset e pr REsiduals lnl SCores Ystar(string) REDucedform CONDition(string) *] marksample touse, novarlist local _pr `pr' local _e `e' local 0, `options' syntax, [pr(string) e(string) *] if "`pr'"!="" & `"`outcome'"'!="" { di as error "{cmd:pr(`pr')} incompatible with {cmd:outcome(`outcome')}." exit 198 } if `: word count `xb' `_pr' `_e' `residuals' `scores' `lnl'' + (`"`pr'"'!="") + (`"`ystar'"'!="") + (`"`e'"'!="") > 1 { di as err "Only one statistic allowed per {cmd:predict} call." exit 198 } tempname b mat `b' = e(b) if "`scores'"=="" mat `b' = `b'[1,1..`=e(k)-e(k_aux)'] _score_spec `anything', equation(`equation') b(`b') if "`s(eqspec)'"=="#1" & `"`equation'`lnl'"'=="" & e(k_dv)>1 di as txt "(equation #1 assumed)" local vartype: word 1 of `s(typlist)' local _varlist `s(varlist)' local _eqspec = subinstr("`s(eqspec)'", "#", "", .) quietly if "`scores'`lnl'" != "" { if e(L) > 1 { di as error "Observation-level likelihoods and scores not defined for random effects/coefficient models." exit 111 } if "`lnl'"!="" local _varlist: word 1 of `_varlist' foreach var of newlist `_varlist' { gen `vartype' `var' = . in 1 } `=cond("`e(command)'"=="", "`e(cmdline)'", "`e(command)'")' predict(if `touse', `scores'`lnl'(`_varlist') eq(`_eqspec')) exit } tempname num_cuts cat if "`pr'`e'" != "" mat `num_cuts' = J(e(k_dv), 1, 0) // for oprobit, pr() or e() with range overrides usage of outcomes' ranges else { mat `cat' = e(cat) mat `num_cuts' = e(num_cuts) } if ("`pr'"=="" & "`_pr'"!="") | `"`outcome'"'!="" local pr 0 . if "`e'" =="" & "`_e'" !="" local e . . tempvar xb local _options `options' if `"`pr'`e'`ystar'"'!="" { if `: word count `pr'`e'`ystar'' != 2 { di as err "{cmd:pr}, {cmd:e}, and {cmd:ystar} require two arguments, without commas." exit 198 } tempname Sigma sig rho mat `Sigma' = e(Sigma) local ll: word 1 of `pr'`e'`ystar' local ul: word 2 of `pr'`e'`ystar' cap confirm var `ll' local lmissing = _rc & (`ll')>=. cap confirm var `ul' local umissing = _rc & (`ul')>=. if `lmissing' & `umissing' & `"`ystar'"'!="" { local e `ystar' local ystar } } else if `"`condition'"'!="" { di as err "{cmdab:cond:ition} option only compatible with {cmd:pr} and {cmdab:y:star} statistic options." exit 198 } if `"`condition'"'!="" { tempvar condxb tempname condsig local 0 `condition' syntax anything, EQuation(string) local condll: word 1 of `anything' local condul: word 2 of `anything' if "`condll'`condul'"==".." local condition else { local condeq `equation' _score_spec `condxb', equation(`condeq') b(`b') local condeq = substr("`s(eqspec)'", 2, .) Predict double `condxb' if `touse', eq(`s(eqspec)') `reducedform' scalar `condsig' = sqrt(`Sigma'[`condeq',`condeq']) } } if `"`_options'`pr'`residuals'`ystar'`e'"' == "" di as txt "(option xb assumed; fitted values)" qui if "`e(MprobitGroupEqs)'`e(ROprobitGroupEqs)'"!="" & "`_eqspec'"!="" & "`pr'" !="" { tempname t1 t2 d M E ghk2DrawSet pr mata `t1' = st_matrix("e(MprobitGroupEqs)"); `t2' = st_matrix("e(ROprobitGroupEqs)") mata `t1' = rows(`t1')? (rows(`t2')? `t1' \ `t2' : `t1') : `t2' mata `t1' = select(`t1', (`_eqspec' :>= `t1'[,1]) :& (`_eqspec' :<= `t1'[,2])) mata st_local("inds", rows(`t1')? invtokens(strofreal(`t1')) : "") if "`inds'"!="" { // specified equation in an mprobit group? local lo: word 1 of `inds' local hi: word 2 of `inds' local k = `_eqspec' - `lo' + 1 // chosen alternative forvalues eq=`lo'/`hi' { tempvar xb`eq' Predict double `xb`eq'' if `touse', eq(#`eq') // opposite sign sense from the error terms } forvalues eq=`lo'/`hi' { if `eq' != `_eqspec' { replace `xb`eq'' = `xb`k'' - `xb`eq'' if `touse' // utility of each alternative relative to chosen one local xbs `xbs' `xb`eq'' } } mata `Sigma' = st_matrix("`Sigma'")[|`lo',`lo' \ `hi',`hi'|] mata `d' = cols(`Sigma') mata `M' = cmp_insert(I(`d'-1), `k', J(1, `d'-1, -1)) mata `Sigma' = `M' ' `Sigma' * `M' // eq (12) in cmp article mata st_view(`E'=., ., "`xbs'", "`touse'") if colsof(`Sigma') > 3 { mata `t1' = select(0..3, ("", "sqrt", "negsqrt", "fl"):=="`e(ghkscramble)'") mata `ghk2DrawSet' = ghk2setup(rows(`E'), 0`e(ghkdraws)', `d', "`e(ghktype)'", 1, (NULL, &ghk2SqrtScrambler(), &ghk2NegSqrtScrambler(), &ghk2FLScrambler())[1+`t1']) } else mata `ghk2DrawSet' = . gen `vartype' `_varlist' = . in 1 mata st_view(`pr'=., ., "`_varlist'", "`touse'") mata `pr'[,] = vecmultinormal(`E', J(0,0,0), `Sigma', cols(`Sigma'), J(1,0,0), ., 0, `t1', `t1', `t1', `ghk2DrawSet', 0`e(ghkanti)', ., .) mata mata drop `t1' `d' `M' `E' `ghk2DrawSet' `pr' exit } mata mata drop `t1' `t2' } tempvar L U phiL phiU PhiL PhiU condU condL xbinormalL_condL xbinormalL_condU xbinormalU_condL xbinormalU_condU binormalL_condL binormalL_condU binormalU_condL binormalU_condU denom tokenize `_varlist' for`=cond("`_eqspec'"=="", "values eq=1/`e(k_dv)'", "each eq in `_eqspec'")' { local depvar: word `eq' of `e(depvar)' if `"`pr'`residuals'`ystar'`e'"' == "" { Predict `vartype' `1' if `touse', `_options' eq(#`eq') `offset' `reducedform' } else { Predict double `xb' if `touse', `_options' eq(#`eq') `offset' `reducedform' if "`residuals'" != "" { gen `vartype' `1' = `depvar' - `xb' if `touse' label var `1' Residuals } else { scalar `sig' = sqrt(`Sigma'[`eq',`eq']) if `"`condition'"'!="" { scalar `rho' = `Sigma'[`eq',`condeq'] / `condsig' / `sig' if `rho'==0 & !inlist("`condeq'", "", "`eq'") { di _n as res "Warning: conditioning equation #`condeq' for {cmd:e(`e')} option uncorrelated without outcome equation #`eq'." di "Conditioning information ignored." } } else scalar `rho' = 1 if `"`ystar'`e'"' != "" { if `"`condition'"'=="" | `"`ll'`ul'"'==".." { // use simpler formula if conditioning or dependent var unbounded or the two are uncorrelated, or conditioning variable undeclared local cond = cond(`"`condition'"'!="", "cond", "") qui gen double `L' = ((``cond'll')-``cond'xb')/``cond'sig' if `touse' qui gen double `U' = ((``cond'ul')-``cond'xb')/``cond'sig' if `touse' qui gen double `phiL' = cond(`L'>=., 0, normalden(`L')) if `touse' qui gen double `phiU' = cond(`U'>=., 0, normalden(`U')) if `touse' qui gen double `PhiL' = cond(`L'>=., 0, normal( `L')) if `touse' qui gen double `PhiU' = cond(`U'>=., 1, normal( `U')) if `touse' if `"`e'"'!="" gen `vartype' `1' = `xb' - cond(`"`condition'"'=="", `sig', `rho'*`sig') * (`phiU'-`phiL')/(`PhiU'-`PhiL') if `touse' else gen `vartype' `1' = (`PhiU'-`PhiL')*`xb'-`sig'*(`phiU'-`phiL')+cond((`ll')>=.,0,`PhiL'*(`ll'))+cond((`ul')>=.,0,(1-`PhiU')*(`ul')) if `touse' drop `L' `U' `phiL' `phiU' `PhiL' `PhiU' } else { qui gen double `L' = ((`ll')-`xb')/`sig' if `touse' qui gen double `U' = ((`ul')-`xb')/`sig' if `touse' qui gen double `condU' = ((`condul')-`condxb')/`condsig' if `touse' qui gen double `condL' = ((`condll')-`condxb')/`condsig' if `touse' xbinormal `U' `condU' + + `rho' `xbinormalU_condU' if `touse' xbinormal `U' `condL' + - `rho' `xbinormalU_condL' if `touse' xbinormal `L' `condU' - + `rho' `xbinormalL_condU' if `touse' xbinormal `L' `condL' - - `rho' `xbinormalL_condL' if `touse' binormal `U' `condU' + + `rho' `binormalU_condU' if `touse' binormal `U' `condL' + - `rho' `binormalU_condL' if `touse' binormal `L' `condU' - + `rho' `binormalL_condU' if `touse' binormal `L' `condL' - - `rho' `binormalL_condL' if `touse' if `"`e'"'!="" { gen `vartype' `1' = `xb' - `sig'*(`xbinormalU_condU' - `xbinormalU_condL' - `xbinormalL_condU' + `xbinormalL_condL') /// / ( `binormalU_condU' - `binormalU_condL' - `binormalL_condU' + `binormalL_condL') if `touse' } else { qui gen double `denom' = cond(`condU'>=., 1, normal(`condU')) - cond(`condL'>=., 0, normal(`condL')) if `touse' gen `vartype' `1' = `xb' + `sig'*(`xbinormalU_condL' + `xbinormalL_condU' -`xbinormalU_condU' - `xbinormalL_condL' /// + `L' * (`binormalL_condU' - `binormalL_condL') /// + `U' * (`denom' - `binormalU_condU' + `binormalU_condL')) /// / `denom' if `touse' drop `denom' } drop `L' `U' `condU' `condL' `xbinormalL_condL' `xbinormalL_condU' `xbinormalU_condL' `xbinormalU_condU' `binormalL_condL' `binormalL_condU' `binormalU_condL' `binormalU_condU' } label var `1' "E(`depvar'`=cond(`"`e'"'=="","*","")'`=cond(`lmissing' & `umissing', "", "|`=cond(`lmissing', "", "`ll'<")'`depvar'`=cond(`umissing', "", "<`ul'")'")')" } else if "`pr'" != "" { local num_cats = `num_cuts'[`eq',1] + 1 if `num_cats' > 1 { if `"`outcome'"' == "" { _stubstar2names `1'_*, nvars(`num_cats') outcome forvalues outno=1/`num_cats' { condpr `xb' `rho' `vartype' `1'_`outno' if `touse', sig(1) condll(`condll') condul(`condul') condxb(`condxb') condsig(`condsig') /// ll(`=cond(`outno'>1, "[cut_`eq'_`=`outno'-1']_cons", ".")') /// ul(`=cond(`outno'<=`num_cuts'[`eq',1], "[cut_`eq'_`outno']_cons", ".")') label var `1'_`outno' "Pr(`depvar'=`=`cat'[`eq', `outno']')" } } else { if substr(`"`outcome'"', 1, 1) == "#" { local outcome = substr(`"`outcome'"', 2, .) if `outcome' > `num_cats' { di as err `"There is no outcome #`outcome'. There are only `num_cats' outcomes for equation #`eq'."' exit 111 } } else { local i 1 while `i' <= `num_cats' & `cat'[`eq', `i']!=`outcome' { local ++i } if `i' > `num_cats' { di as error `"Outcome `outcome' not found in equation `eq'. outcome() must either be a value of `depvar' or #1, #2, ..."' exit 111 } local outcome `i' } condpr `xb' `rho' `vartype' `1' if `touse', sig(1) condll(`condll') condul(`condul') condxb(`condxb') condsig(`condsig') /// ll(`=cond(`outcome'>1, "[cut_`eq'_`=`outcome'-1']_cons", ".")') /// ul(`=cond(`outcome'<=`num_cuts'[`eq',1], "[cut_`eq'_`outcome']_cons", ".")') label var `1' "Pr(`depvar'=`=`cat'[`eq', `outcome']')" } } else if `"`outcome'"' == "" { if `"`condition'"'=="" & `"`pr'"'=="0 ." { gen `vartype' `1' = normal(cond(`Sigma'[`eq',`eq']==1, `xb', `xb' / sqrt(`Sigma'[`eq',`eq']))) label var `1' "Pr(`depvar')" } else condpr `xb' `rho' `vartype' `1' if `touse', ll(`ll') ul(`ul') sig(`sig') condll(`condll') condul(`condul') condxb(`condxb') condsig(`condsig') } else { di as err "Equation #`eq' is not ordered probit. outcome() is not allowed." exit 197 } } } drop `xb' } macro shift } set trace off end cap program drop Predict program Predict, eclass version 11.0 syntax anything [if], [eq(string) reducedform *] local hasGamma = e(k_gamma) & "`options'"!="scores" if `hasGamma' { tempname b V N hold hold2 _p if "`reducedform'"!="" | strpos("`:coleq e(b)'", "gamma"+substr("`eq'",2,.)) { di "(using reduced-form results for predictions)" mat `b' = e(br) mat `V' = e(Vr) local colnamesr: colnames e(br) forvalues i=1/`e(k)' { // if margins has hacked e(b) colnames to point to temporary vars, copy substitutions to e(br) local colnamesr: subinstr local colnamesr "`:word `i' of `:colnames e(bs)''" "`:word `i' of `:colnames e(b)''", all word } scalar `N' = e(N) _estimates hold `hold', restore ereturn post `b' `V', obs(`=`N'') esample(`hold') // pass around sample marker without duplicating it mat `b' = e(b) mat colnames `b' = `colnamesr' ereturn repost b=`b', rename } else { _estimates hold `hold', copy restore mat `b' = e(b) mat `V' = e(V) mata `_p' = st_matrix("e(_p)"); st_matrix("`b'", st_matrix("`b'")[`_p']); st_matrix("`V'", st_matrix("`V'")[`_p',`_p']) mata mata drop `_p' ereturn repost b=`b' V=`V' mat `b' = e(b) mat colnames `b' = `e(params)' ereturn repost b=`b', rename } } /*qui*/ ml_p `anything' `if', `options' equation(`eq') `=cond("`options'"=="scores", "missing", "")' if `hasGamma' { _estimates hold `hold2' _estimates unhold `hold' ereturn repost, esample(`hold2') } end // Call binormal, dealing with missing coordinates // Arguments: x y xsign ysign rho newvarname [if] // xsign, ysign = +/-, indicating whether to interpret . as +/-infinity cap program drop binormal program define binormal version 11 args x y xsign ysign rho newvarname syntax anything [if] qui gen double `newvarname' = cond(`x'>=., /// cond("`xsign'"=="-", /// 0, /// cond(`y'>=., /// "`ysign'"=="+", /// normal(`y') /// ) /// ), /// cond(`y'>=., /// cond("`ysign'"=="-", /// 0, /// normal(`x') /// ), /// binormal(`x',`y',`rho') /// ) /// ) `if' end // Integral of xPr[x,y] over quarter plane, corresponding to binormal()'s integral of Pr[x,y] over quarter plane // For efficiency, returns the negative of the integral // Arguments: x y xsign ysign rho newvarname [if] // xsign, ysign = +/-, indicating whether to interpret . as +/-infinity // Equation can be found in Rosenbaum (1961), JRSS B, eq 1. cap program drop xbinormal program define xbinormal version 11 args x y xsign ysign rho newvarname syntax anything [if] tempname c scalar `c' = 1/sqrt(1-`rho'*`rho') qui gen double `newvarname' = cond(`x'>=., /// cond(-("`xsign'"=="-"), /// 0, /// cond(`y'>=., /// 0, /// `rho'*normalden(`y') /// ) /// ), /// cond(`y'>=., /// cond(-("`ysign'"=="-"), /// 0, /// normalden(`x') /// ), /// normalden(`x')*normal((`y'-`rho'*`x')*`c') + `rho'*normalden(`y')*normal((`x'-`rho'*`y')*`c') /// ) /// ) `if' end // compute Pr[a=., 1, normal(`U')) - cond(`L'>=., 0, normal(`L')) `if' } else { qui gen double `condL' = ((`condll')-`condxb')/`condsig' `if' qui gen double `condU' = ((`condul')-`condxb')/`condsig' `if' binormal `U' `condU' + + `rho' `binormalU_condU' `if' binormal `U' `condL' + - `rho' `binormalU_condL' `if' binormal `L' `condU' - + `rho' `binormalL_condU' `if' binormal `L' `condL' - - `rho' `binormalL_condL' `if' gen `newvartype' `newvarname' = (`binormalU_condU' - `binormalU_condL' - `binormalL_condU' + `binormalL_condL') / /// cond(`condU'>=., cond(`condL'>=., 1, normal(-`condL')), cond(`condL'>=., normal(`condU'), cond(`condL'+`condU'<0, normal(`condU')-normal(`condL'), normal(-`condL')-normal(-`condU')))) `if' } end