help for cnormp                                       Austin Nichols (Oct 2009)

Program to calculate parameters for creating a censored normal random variable > with specified mean and variance

cnormp mean sd [, censpoint(real) ]


cnormp calculates the mean and standard deviation of the underlying uncensored normal distribution that when left censored at censpoint will have the specified mean and sd. The default value for censpoint when unspecified is zero.


drawnorm x, mean(20) sd(20) n(1000) clear cnormp 20 20 forv i=1/9 { g y`i'=max(0,rnormal(r(m),r(s))) } su drawnorm x, mean(20) sd(20) n(1000) clear cnormp 20 20, c(10) forv i=1/9 { g y`i'=max(10,rnormal(r(m),r(s))) } su


Austin Nichols <austinnichols@gmail.com> Urban Institute

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