{smcl} {cmd:help cns} {hline} {title:Title} {cmd:cns} -- Calculate the Consensus Measure (Cns) for Ordinal Scales {title:Syntax} {cmd:cns} {varname} {ifin} , {opt min()} {opt max()} {title:Description} {p}{cmd:cns} computes the consensus measure (Cns) presented in Tastle {it:et al}. (2005, 98) for ordinal survey scales (Likert scales). To use the command, specify the variable of interest and the required options for the (theoretical) minimum and maximum values of the scale (min < max). Currently, the program supports only one variable at a time. {title:Examples} . {cmd:cns} var1 , min(1) max(5) . {cmd:cns} var2 , min(0) max(4) {title:References} {phang}Tastle, William J., Mark J. Wierman, and U. Rex Dumdum (2005) "Ranking ordinal scales using the consensus measure," {it:Issues in Information Systems} vol. VI no. 2, 96-102. {title:Author} Matthew S. Openshaw, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA openshaw@utdallas.edu {p}Please send comments, suggestions or constructive criticism to the above email address. cns v1.0 Update 21 Feb 2010