clear * set more off // Collett dataset with "outliers removed" as presented in brochure by Cytel, Inc. input byte obs float fibrinogen byte globulin byte response 1 2.52 38 0 2 2.56 31 0 3 2.19 33 0 4 2.18 31 0 5 3.41 37 0 6 2.46 36 0 7 3.22 38 0 8 2.21 37 0 9 3.15 39 0 10 2.60 41 0 11 2.29 36 0 12 2.35 29 0 13 5.06 37 1 14 3.34 32 1 15 3.15 36 0 16 3.53 46 1 17 2.68 34 0 18 2.60 38 0 19 2.23 37 0 20 2.88 30 0 21 2.65 46 0 22 2.28 36 0 23 2.67 39 0 24 2.29 31 0 25 2.15 31 0 26 2.54 28 0 27 3.93 32 1 28 3.34 30 0 29 2.99 36 0 30 3.32 35 0 end quietly summarize fibrinogen, detail scalar define iqr = r(p75) - r(p25) generate double fibrinogen_iqr = fibrinogen / scalar(iqr) firthlogit response fibrinogen_iqr globulin, or /* Agreement with Heinze, G. 2006. A comparative investigation of methods for logistic regression with separated or nearly separated data. _Statistics in Medicine_ 25:4216--26. (Page 10 of electronic preprint.) */ exit