*! version 1.2.1 22may2024 Ben Jann * {smcl} * {title:lcolrspace.mlib source code} * * {help colrspace_source##class:Class and struct definitions} * {help colrspace_source##new:Constructor} * {help colrspace_source##util:Utilities and common functions} * {help colrspace_source##illuminants:Illuminants} * {help colrspace_source##rgbspaces:RGB working spaces} * {help colrspace_source##viewcond:CIECAM02 viewing conditions} * {help colrspace_source##chadapt:Chromatic adaption} * {help colrspace_source##string:String input/output} * {help colrspace_source##set:Set or retrieve colors} * {help colrspace_source##opacity:Set or retrieve opacity and intensity} * {help colrspace_source##modify:Color modification} * {help colrspace_source##order:- recycle, select, drop, order, shift} * {help colrspace_source##ipolate:- interpolate, mix} * {help colrspace_source##intens:- intensify, saturate, luminate} * {help colrspace_source##gray:- grayscale conversion} * {help colrspace_source##cvd:- color vision deficiency simulation} * {help colrspace_source##diff:Color differences and contrast ratios} * {help colrspace_source##convert:Translate colors between spaces} * {help colrspace_source##translate:Elementary translators} * {help colrspace_source##web:Named web colors} * {help colrspace_source##palettes:Palettes} * {help colrspace_source##gen:Color generators} * * {bf:Setup (Stata locals)} {hline} * {asis} version 14.2 mata mata set matastrict on // class & struct local MAIN ColrSpace local Main class `MAIN' scalar local DATA `MAIN'_DATA local Data struct `DATA' scalar local CAM02 `MAIN'_CAM02 local Cam02 struct `CAM02' scalar local DICT AssociativeArray local Dict class `DICT' scalar // real local RS real scalar local RR real rowvector local RC real colvector local RV real vector local RM real matrix // counters local Int real scalar local IntR real rowvector local IntC real colvector local IntV real vector local IntM real matrix // string local SS string scalar local SR string rowvector local SC string colvector local SV string vector local SM string matrix // transmorphic local T transmorphic local TS transmorphic scalar local TV transmorphic vector local TM transmorphic matrix // pointer local PV pointer vector local PS pointer scalar local PData pointer (`Data') scalar local PDict pointer (`Dict') scalar // boolean local Bool real scalar local BoolC real colvector local TRUE 1 local FALSE 0 * {smcl} * {marker class}{bf:Class and struct definitions} {hline} * {asis} mata: struct `DATA' { // meta data `SS' name // name of color collection `SS' pclass // class: qualitative/categorical, sequential, diverging `SS' note // description of color collection `SS' source // source of color collection // colors `Int' n // number of colors `RM' RGB // N x 3 matrix of RGB 0-1 codes `RC' alpha // N x 1 vectors of opacity values in [0,1] `RC' intensity // N x 1 vectors of intensity values in [0,1] `SC' names // N x 1 string vector of color names `SC' info // N x 1 string vector of color information `BoolC' stok // N x 1 vector: Stata compatible "name" `Bool' isip // 1 if colors were interpolated; 0 else } struct `CAM02' { // viewing conditions `RS' Yb // background luminance factor `RS' LA // adapting field luminance `RS' F, c, Nc // surround conditions `RV' KLc1c2 // default J'a'b' coefficients // various parameters/constants `Bool' set // already set? `RC' D `RS' FL, n, z, Ncb, Nbb, Aw `RM' CAT02, iCAT02, HPE, iHPE, HUE } class `MAIN' { // initialization public: void clear() // remove data, set n of colors to 0 void clearindex() // clear palettes and namedcolors index void clearsettings() // set default color space settings private: void new() // initialize class with default settings `SC' SPACES // main list of supported color metrics `SC' SPACES2 // additional color metrics `SM' EDGELIST // edge list for color conversions // Data containers private: `Data' data // main data container `Data' data1 // temporary data container `PData' S // pointer to relevant data container `Int' N1 // number of colors added last void replacedata() // replace data by data1 void updatedata() // replace last N1 colors in data by data1 void appenddata() // append data1 to data void removeadded() // remove last N1 colors from data void copydata() // copy data1 to data void copyadded() // copy last N1 colors from data to data1 // Utilities public: void describe() // describe contents void settings() // describe settings `RS' N() // number of colors `RS' N_added() // number of added colors `T' name() // set or return name of palette `T' pclass() // set or return type of palette `T' note() // set or return palette description `T' source() // set or return palette source `Bool' isipolate() // 1 if interpolated; 0 else `RM' colipolate() // interpolate columns `RM' colipolate_c() // interpolate columns (circular) `TM' colrecycle() // recycle columns `RM' lsmap() // create linear segmented colormap `RM' clip() // clip values private: `SS' gettok() // split first token from rest `Bool' smatch(), _smatch() // check abbreviated string `SS' findkey(), _findkey() // find key in list void assert_cols() // assert number of columns void assert_size() // assert number of columns and rows `RV' _colipolate_setrange() // parse interpolation range argument void _colipolate_fromto() // create from-to interpolation mapping `RM' _colipolate_pos() // handle unordered from positions void _colipolate_collapse() // collapse input in case of ties `RM' _colipolate() // apply interpolation `RC' _lsmap() // function used by lsmap() `RV' _clip() // clip vector `RS' __clip() // clip value `SR' _tokens() // modified version of tokens // XYZ reference white public: `T' xyzwhite() // set/retrieve XYZ whitepoint private: `Dict' illuminants void illuminants() `RR' white `RR' _white(), _white_set(), _white_get() // RGB working spaces public: void rgbspace() // set RGB working space `T' rgb_gamma() // set/retrieve gamma compression parameters `T' rgb_white() // set/retrieve RGB reference white `T' rgb_xy() // set/retrieve primaries of RGB working space `T' rgb_M() // set/retrieve RGB-XYZ transformation matrix `T' rgb_invM() // set/retrieve XYZ-RGB transformation matrix private: `RV' rgb_gamma `RR' rgb_white `RM' rgb_xy, rgb_M, rgb_invM // CIECAM02 viewing conditions and J'a'b' coefficients public: `T' viewcond() // set/retrieve CAM02 viewing conditions `T' ucscoefs() // parse coefficients for J'M'h and J'a'b' private: `Cam02' C02 `RS' viewcond_parsenum() void surround() `RR' surround_get() `RR' ucscoefs_get() // Chromatic adaption public: `RM' XYZ_to_XYZ() // chromatic adaption `T' chadapt() // set/retrieve chromatic adaption method `RM' tmatrix() // retrieve chromatic adaption matrix private: `SS' chadapt // chromatic adaption setting // String IO public: `SS' cvalid() // check whether color specification is valid `T' colors() // parse or return string colors (scalar) `Int' _colors() // like colors(), but with return code void add_colors() // append colors `Int' _add_colors() // like add_colors(), but with return code `SS' colors_added() // return added colors (scalar) `T' Colors() // parse or return string colors (vector) `Int' _Colors() // like Colors(), but with return code void add_Colors() // append colors `Int' _add_Colors() // like add_Colors(), but with return code `SC' Colors_added() // return added colors (vector) `T' names() // parse or return color names (scalar) `T' names_added() `T' Names() // parse or return color names (vector) `T' Names_added() `T' info() // parse or return color info (scalar) `T' info_added() `T' Info() // parse or return color info (vector) `T' Info_added() private: `SS' colors_get(), names_get(), info_get() `SC' Colors_get(), _Colors_get(), Names_get(), Info_get() void colors_set(), names_set(), info_set() void Colors_set(), Names_set(), _Names_set(), Info_set(), _Info_set() `Int' _colors_set(), _Colors_set() `Int' parse_split(), _parse_split(), parse_convert(), _parse_convert() `Bool' parse_named() `SS' parse_stcolorstyle() `SR' parse_namedcolor() // Set or retrieve colors public: void set(), add(), reset(), reset_added() `TM' get(), get_added() private: void _set(), _reset(), __set() `TM' _get() void rgb_set() // set RGB and reinitialize all other containers void rgb_reset() // reset RGB leaving other containers as is void info_reset() // reset info based on specified colors `SC' _info_reset() // Set or retrieve opacity and intensity public: `T' opacity(), alpha(), intensity() void add_opacity(), add_alpha(), add_intensity() `T' opacity_added(), alpha_added(), intensity_added() void add_opacity_added(), add_alpha_added(), add_intensity_added() private: `RC' opacity_get(), alpha_get(), intensity_get() void opacity_set(), alpha_set(), intensity_set() void _alpha(), _intensity() // Recycle, select, shift, order, drop public: void recycle(), add_recycle(), recycle_added(), add_recycle_added() void select(), add_select(), select_added(), add_select_added() void drop(), add_drop(), drop_added(), add_drop_added() void order(), add_order(), order_added(), add_order_added() void reverse(), add_reverse(), reverse_added(), add_reverse_added() void shift(), add_shift(), shift_added(), add_shift_added() private: void _recycle(), _select(), __select(), _drop(), _order(), _reverse(), _shift() // Color interpolation and mixing public: void ipolate(), add_ipolate(), ipolate_added(), add_ipolate_added() void mix(), add_mix(), mix_added(), add_mix_added() private: void _ipolate(), _mix() `RM' _ipolate_get(), _mix_get() `RC' _ipolate_halign() // Intensify, saturate, luminate public: void intensify(), add_intensify(), intensify_added(), add_intensify_added() void Intensify(), add_Intensify(), Intensify_added(), add_Intensify_added() void saturate(), add_saturate(), saturate_added(), add_saturate_added() void luminate(), add_luminate(), luminate_added(), add_luminate_added() private: void _intensify(), _Intensify(), _saturate(), _luminate() `RR' __intensify() // Grayscale conversion public: void gray(), add_gray(), gray_added(), add_gray_added() private: void _gray() `RM' GRAY() // Color vision deficiency public: void cvd(), add_cvd(), cvd_added(), add_cvd_added() `RM' cvd_M() // retrieve CVD transformation matrix private: void _cvd() `RM' CVD() `RM' _cvd_M(), cvd_M_d(), cvd_M_p(), cvd_M_t() // Color differences and contrast ratios public: `RC' contrast(), contrast_added(), delta(), delta_added() private: `RC' _contrast(), _delta() `RC' delta_jab(), delta_E94(), delta_E2000(), delta_euclid() // Translation between color spaces (without storing the colors) public: `TM' convert() private: `Bool' convert_parse() `SM' convert_getpath() `TM' convert_run() // Elementary translators private: // HEX `SC' RGB_to_HEX() `RM' HEX_to_RGB() `SS' _RGB_to_HEX() `RR' _HEX_to_RGB() // CMYK `RM' CMYK1_to_CMYK(), CMYK_to_CMYK1() `RM' RGB1_to_CMYK1(), CMYK1_to_RGB1() `RR' _RGB1_to_CMYK1(), _CMYK1_to_RGB1() // RGB `RM' RGB1_to_RGB(), RGB_to_RGB1() `RM' RGB1_to_lRGB(), lRGB_to_RGB1() // CIE XYZ / CIE xyY `RM' lRGB_to_XYZ(), XYZ_to_lRGB(), XYZ_to_XYZ1(), XYZ1_to_XYZ() `RM' XYZ_to_xyY(), xyY_to_XYZ(), xyY_to_xyY1(), xyY1_to_xyY() // CIE L*a*b* / CIE LCh `RM' XYZ_to_Lab(), Lab_to_XYZ(), Lab_to_LCh(), LCh_to_Lab() `RR' _XYZ_to_Lab(), _Lab_to_XYZ() `RS' _XYZ_to_Lab_f(), _Lab_to_XYZ_f() // CIE L*u*v* / HCL `RM' XYZ_to_Luv(), Luv_to_XYZ(), Luv_to_HCL(), HCL_to_Luv() `RR' _XYZ_to_Luv(), _Luv_to_XYZ() `RS' _XYZ_to_Luv_u(), _XYZ_to_Luv_v() // CIE CAM02 / J'a'b' `RM' XYZ_to_CAM02(), CAM02_to_XYZ() `RR' _XYZ_to_CAM02(), _CAM02_to_XYZ() `RM' CAM02_to_CAM02() void CAM02_to_CAM02_Q(), CAM02_setup() `RS' CAM02_H(), CAM02_invH() `RM' CAM02_to_Jab(), Jab_to_CAM02() `RM' CAM02_to_JMh(), JMh_to_CAM02() // HSV `RM' RGB1_to_HSV(), HSV_to_RGB1() `RR' _RGB1_to_HSV(), _HSV_to_RGB1() // HSL `RM' RGB1_to_HSL(), HSL_to_RGB1() `RR' _RGB1_to_HSL(), _HSL_to_RGB1() // Named colors public: `SM' namedcolors() private: `PDict' namedcolors void namedcolorindex() `Bool' _namedcolorindex() // Palettes public: `SS' pexists() `SM' palettes() void palette(), add_palette() private: `PDict' palettes `Int' parse_palette() void paletteindex(), _paletteindex(), _palette_tput() `TS' _palette_tget() `Bool' Palette() `SC' Palette_read(), _Palette_read() void Palette_palettes(), Palette_namedcolors(), Palette_lsmaps(), Palette_generators(), Palette_rgbmaps(), Palette_internal(), Palette_htmlcolors(), Palette_spmap() // Color generators private: void generate() void generate_HUE(), generate_qual(), generate_seq(), generate_div(), generate_HSV_heat0(), generate_HSV_terrain0() } end * {smcl} * {marker new}{bf:Constructor} {hline} * {asis} mata: void `MAIN'::new() { clear() clearsettings() SPACES = ("CMYK1", "RGB1", "lRGB", "HSV", "HSL", "XYZ", "xyY", "Lab", "LCh", "Luv", "HCL", "CAM02", "JMh", "Jab")' SPACES2 = ("HEX", "CMYK", "RGB", "XYZ1", "xyY1")' EDGELIST = ("RGB1", "RGB" ) \ ("RGB" , "HEX" ) \ ("RGB1", "CMYK1") \ ("CMYK1", "CMYK" ) \ ("RGB1", "HSV" ) \ ("RGB1" , "HSL" ) \ ("RGB1", "lRGB" ) \ ("lRGB" , "XYZ" ) \ ("XYZ" , "XYZ1" ) \ ("XYZ" , "xyY" ) \ ("xyY" , "xyY1" ) \ ("XYZ" , "Lab" ) \ ("Lab" , "LCh" ) \ ("XYZ" , "Luv" ) \ ("Luv" , "HCL" ) \ ("XYZ" , "CAM02") \ ("CAM02", "JMh" ) \ ("CAM02", "Jab" ) EDGELIST = EDGELIST \ EDGELIST[,(2,1)] \ ("RGB1", "GRAY") \ ("RGB1", "CVD") } void `MAIN'::clear() { data = data1 = `DATA'() S = &data rgb_set(J(0, 3, .)) N1 = 0 } void `MAIN'::clearindex() { palettes = NULL rmexternal("ColrSpace_paletteindex") namedcolors = NULL rmexternal("ColrSpace_namedcolorindex") } void `MAIN'::clearsettings() { rgbspace("") xyzwhite("") viewcond(.) ucscoefs("") chadapt("") } void `MAIN'::replacedata() { N1 = data1.n swap(data, data1) data1 = `DATA'() } void `MAIN'::updatedata() { removeadded() appenddata() } void `MAIN'::appenddata() { // append colors N1 = data1.n data.n = data.n + data1.n data.RGB = data.RGB \ data1.RGB data.alpha = data.alpha \ data1.alpha data.intensity = data.intensity \ data1.intensity data.names = data.names \ data1.names data.info = data.info \ data1.info data.stok = data.stok \ data1.stok // update metadata (if set in appended colors) if (data1.pclass!="") data.pclass = data1.pclass if (data1.name!="") data.name = data1.name if (data1.note!="") data.note = data1.note if (data1.source!="") data.source = data1.source if (data1.isip) data.isip = data1.isip // clear temporary container data1 = `DATA'() } void `MAIN'::removeadded() { `Int' n if (N1==0) return n = data.n - N1 if (n==0) { data.n = 0 data.RGB = J(0, 3, .) data.alpha = J(0, 1, .) data.intensity = J(0, 1, .) data.names = J(0, 1, "") data.info = J(0, 1, "") data.stok = J(0, 1, `FALSE') return } data.n = n data.RGB = data.RGB[|1,1 \ n,.|] data.alpha = data.alpha[|1 \ n|] data.intensity = data.intensity[|1 \ n|] data.names = data.names[|1 \ n|] data.info = data.info[|1 \ n|] data.stok = data.stok[|1 \ n|] } void `MAIN'::copydata() { data1 = data } void `MAIN'::copyadded() { `Int' r data1 = data if (data1.n==N1) return r = data1.n - N1 + 1 if (r<=1) { data1.n = 0 data1.RGB = J(0, 3, .) data1.alpha = J(0, 1, .) data1.intensity = J(0, 1, .) data1.names = J(0, 1, "") data1.info = J(0, 1, "") data1.stok = J(0, 1, `FALSE') return } data1.n = N1 data1.RGB = data1.RGB[|r,1 \ .,.|] data1.alpha = data1.alpha[|r \ .|] data1.intensity = data1.intensity[|r \ .|] data1.names = data1.names[|r \ .|] data1.info = data1.info[|r \ .|] data1.stok = data1.stok[|r \ .|] } end * {smcl} * {marker util}{bf:Some utilities} {hline} * {asis} mata: void `MAIN'::describe(| `Bool' shrt) { `Int' i, n, l `SS' ifmt `SM' M display("") printf(`"{txt} name() = {res}"%s"\n"', name()) printf(`"{txt} pclass() = {res}"%s"\n"', pclass()) printf(`"{txt} note() = {res}"%s"\n"', note()) printf(`"{txt} source() = {res}"%s"\n"', source()) printf(`"{txt} isipolate() = {res}%g\n"' , isipolate()) printf(`"{txt} N() = {res}%g\n"' , n = N()) printf(`"{txt} N_added() = {res}%g\n"' , N_added()) if (n==0) return if (args()==1 & shrt) return l = trunc(log10(n))+1 ifmt = "%"+strofreal(l)+"s" M = abbrev((Colors(1), Names(), Info()),23) display("") printf(" "*(2+l+2) + "{txt}%-24s%-24s%-24s\n","Colors()","Names()","Info()") printf("{txt} {hline " + strofreal(72+2+l) +"}\n") for (i=1;i<=n;i++) { printf("{txt} "+ifmt+" {res}%-24s%-24s%-24s\n"', strofreal(i),M[i,1], M[i,2], M[i,3]) } } void `MAIN'::settings() { `RM' M M = rgb_gamma() printf("\n{txt} rgb_gamma(): {it:gamma} = {res}%g\n",M[1]) if (length(M)>1) { printf("{txt} {it:offset} = {res}%g\n",M[2]) printf("{txt} {it:transition} = {res}%g\n",M[3]) printf("{txt} {it:slope} = {res}%g\n",M[4]) } M = rgb_white() printf("\n{txt} rgb_white(): {it:X} = {res}%g\n",M[1]) printf("{txt} {it:Y} = {res}%g\n",M[2]) printf("{txt} {it:Z} = {res}%g\n",M[3]) M = rgb_xy() if (length(M)) { printf("\n{txt} rgb_xy(): {it:red x} = {res}%g\n",M[1,1]) printf("{txt} {it:red y} = {res}%g\n",M[1,2]) printf("{txt} {it:green x} = {res}%g\n",M[2,1]) printf("{txt} {it:green y} = {res}%g\n",M[2,2]) printf("{txt} {it:blue x} = {res}%g\n",M[3,1]) printf("{txt} {it:blue y} = {res}%g\n",M[3,2]) } else { M = rgb_M() printf("\n{txt} rgb_M(): {it:red SX} = {res}%g\n",M[1,1]) printf("{txt} {it:red SY} = {res}%g\n",M[2,1]) printf("{txt} {it:red SZ} = {res}%g\n",M[3,1]) printf("{txt} {it:green SX} = {res}%g\n",M[1,2]) printf("{txt} {it:green SY} = {res}%g\n",M[2,2]) printf("{txt} {it:green SZ} = {res}%g\n",M[3,2]) printf("{txt} {it:blue SX} = {res}%g\n",M[1,3]) printf("{txt} {it:blue SY} = {res}%g\n",M[2,3]) printf("{txt} {it:blue SZ} = {res}%g\n",M[3,3]) } M = xyzwhite() printf("\n{txt} xyzwhite(): {it:X} = {res}%g\n",M[1]) printf("{txt} {it:Y} = {res}%g\n",M[2]) printf("{txt} {it:Z} = {res}%g\n",M[3]) M = viewcond() printf("\n{txt} viewcond(): {it:Y_b} = {res}%g\n",M[1]) printf("{txt} {it:L_A} = {res}%g\n",M[2]) printf("{txt} {it:F} = {res}%g\n",M[3]) printf("{txt} {it:c} = {res}%g\n",M[4]) printf("{txt} {it:N_c} = {res}%g\n",M[5]) M = ucscoefs() printf("\n{txt} ucscoefs(): {it:K_L} = {res}%g\n",M[1]) printf("{txt} {it:c_1} = {res}%g\n",M[2]) printf("{txt} {it:c_2} = {res}%g\n",M[3]) printf(`"\n{txt} chadapt(): {it:method} = {res}"%s"\n"',chadapt()) } `RS' `MAIN'::N() return(data.n) `RS' `MAIN'::N_added() return(N1) `T' `MAIN'::name(| `SS' s) { if (args()==0) return(data.name) data.name = s } `T' `MAIN'::pclass(| `SS' s) { if (args()==0) return(data.pclass) data.pclass = s } `T' `MAIN'::note(| `SS' s) { if (args()==0) return(data.note) data.note = s } `T' `MAIN'::source(| `SS' s) { if (args()==0) return(data.source) data.source = s } `Bool' `MAIN'::isipolate() return(data.isip) `SS' `MAIN'::gettok(`SS' s0, | `SS' rest) { // gets the first word and returns remainder in -rest-; removes // blanks around first word and around rest `SS' s `Int' p s = strtrim(s0) if (p = strpos(s, " ")) { rest = strtrim(substr(s, p+1, .)) return(substr(s, 1, p-1)) } rest = "" return(s) } `Bool' `MAIN'::smatch(`SS' s, `SS' s0) { // replaces s by s0 if _smatch(s, s0) is true if (_smatch(s, s0)) { s = s0 return(`TRUE') } return(`FALSE') } `Bool' `MAIN'::_smatch(`SS' s, `SS' s0) { // checks whether s matches s0, word by word, allowing abbreviation // assumes s to be lower case and checks against lowercase(s0) // abbreviation to "nothing" also counts as a match; i.e. empty s will // match anything `Int' i, c, c0 `SR' S, S0 `SS' si S = tokens(s); c = cols(S) if (c==0) return(`TRUE') // s is empty S0 = tokens(s0); c0 = cols(S0) if (c0==0) return(`FALSE') // no match if s0 is empty if (c>c0) return(`FALSE') // no match if s has more words than s0 if (c0==1) { if (S==substr(strlower(S0), 1, strlen(S))) return(`TRUE') return(`FALSE') } if (c0 & any(pos:<.) if (n>=.) return(C) // return unchanged C if (n==0) return(J(0, cols(C), missingof(C))) // return void r = rows(C) if (r==0) return(J(n, cols(C), missingof(C))) // return missing if (r==1) return(J(n, 1, C)) // duplicate range = _colipolate_setrange(range0) if (r==n) { if (range==(0,1) & haspos==`FALSE') return(C) // no interpolation needed if (range==(1,0) & haspos==`FALSE') return(C[r::1,]) // reverse order } _colipolate_fromto(r, n, range, power, (haspos ? pos : .), pad, from=., to=.) if (haspos) return(_colipolate_pos(C, from, to)) return(_colipolate(C, from, to)) } `RM' `MAIN'::colipolate_c(`RM' C, `Int' n0) { // circular (cyclic) interpolation `Int' r, n `RC' from, to n = (n0<0 ? 0 : trunc(n0)) if (n>=.) return(C) // return unchanged C if (n==0) return(J(0, cols(C), missingof(C))) // return void r = rows(C) if (r==0) return(J(n, cols(C), missingof(C))) // return missing if (r==1) return(J(n, 1, C)) // duplicate if (r==n) return(C) from = (0::r+1)/r :- 1/(2*r) to = (1::n)/n :- 1/(2*n) return(_colipolate(C[r,.]\C\C[1,.], from, to)) } `RV' `MAIN'::_colipolate_setrange(`RV' range0) { `RV' range if (length(range0)==0) range = (0,1) else if (length(range0)==1) range = (range0, 1) else range = (range0[1], range0[2]) if (range[1]>=.) range[1] = 0 if (range[2]>=.) range[1] = 1 return(range) } void `MAIN'::_colipolate_fromto(`Int' r, `Int' n, `RV' range, `RS' power, `RV' pos, `Bool' pad, `RC' from, `RC' to) { `RS' i // from from = rangen(0, 1, r) if (pos!=.) { // import values from pos for (i=length(pos); i; i--) { if (i>r) continue if (pos[i]<.) from[i] = pos[i] } } if (pad) from = from * ((r-1)/r) :+ (1/(2*r)) // to if (pad) range = range * ((n-1)/n) :+ (1/(2*n)) if (n==1) to = (range[1]+range[2])/2 else if (n==2) to = (range[1], range[2])' else { to = rangen(0, 1, n) if (power<.) to = to:^power to = to * (range[2]-range[1]) :+ range[1] } } `RM' `MAIN'::_colipolate_pos(`RM' C0, `RC' from0, `RC' to) { // note: function will only be called if length(from0)>=2 `RC' p, a, b, from `RM' C a = from0[|1 \ rows(from0)-1|]; b = from0[|2 \ rows(from0)|] if (all(a:b)) return(_colipolate(C0, from0, to)) // strictly descending p = ::order(from0, 1) from = from0[p,]; C = C0[p,] a = from[|1 \ rows(from)-1|]; b = from[|2 \ rows(from)|] if (any(a:==b)==0) return(_colipolate(C, from, to)) // no doubles _colipolate_collapse(C, from) if (rows(C)==1) return(J(rows(to), 1, C)) return(_colipolate(C, from, to)) } void `MAIN'::_colipolate_collapse(`RM' C, `RC' from) { `Int' i, j, a, b i = j = b = rows(from) for (--i; i; i--) { if (from[i]!=from[b]) { from[j] = from[b] a = i+1 if (a==b) C[j,] = C[b,] else C[j,] = mean(C[|a,1 \ b,.|]) j--; b = i } } from[j] = from[b] if (b==1) C[j,] = C[b,] else C[j,] = mean(C[|1,1 \ b,.|]) C = C[|j,1 \ .,.|]; from = from[|j \ .|] } `RM' `MAIN'::_colipolate(`RM' y0, `RC' x0, `RC' x1) { `Int' i, j, k, l, n0, n1, c, reverse `RM' y1 n0 = rows(y0); c = cols(y0); n1 = rows(x1); reverse = 0 if (x1[1]>x1[n1]) { reverse = 1 x1 = x1[n1::1] } y1 = J(n1, c, .) i = 1 for (j=1; j<=n1; j++) { while (x0[i]=n0) { i = n0 break } } l = (i==1 ? 2 : i) for (k=c; k; k--) y1[j,k] = y0[l-1,k] + (y0[l,k] - y0[l-1,k]) * (x1[j] - x0[l-1])/(x0[l] - x0[l-1]) } if (reverse) { x1 = x1[n1::1] return(y1[n1::1,]) } return(y1) } `TM' `MAIN'::colrecycle(`TM' M0, `Int' n0) { `Int' i, r, n `TM' M n = (n0<0 ? 0 : trunc(n0)) if (n>=.) return(M0) if (n==0) return(J(0, cols(M0), missingof(M0))) r = rows(M0) if (r==0 | n==r) return(M0) if (nto) { reverse = 1 x = rangen(to, from, n) } else x = rangen(from, to, n) y = J(n, 1, .) j = 1 for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { while (xy[j+1,1]=. ? c : b))) `SR' `MAIN'::_tokens(`SS' c, `SS' wchar) { // modified version of tokens; omits delimiters and inserts empty elements // between delimiters (as well as at the start if the string begins with a // delimiter); for example, _tokens(";a;;;b;c", ";") will result in // ("", "a", "", "", "b", "c") `Int' i, j `Bool' gap `SR' C if (strtrim(wchar)=="") return(tokens(c)) C = tokens(c, wchar) gap = `TRUE' j = 0 for (i=1; i<=length(C); i++) { if (strpos(wchar, C[i])) { if (gap) C[++j] = "" else gap = `TRUE' continue } gap = `FALSE' C[++j] = C[i] } if (j) C = C[|1 \ j|] return(C) } end * {smcl} * {marker illuminants}{bf:Illuminants (CIE 1931 2° and CIE 1964 10°)} {hline} * Sources: * {browse "http://www.babelcolor.com/index_htm_files/A%20review%20of%20RGB%20color%20spaces.pdf"} * {browse "http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Eqn_ChromAdapt.html"} (BL) * {browse "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_illuminant"} (Wiki) * {asis} mata: void `MAIN'::illuminants() { illuminants.notfound(J(1,0,.)) // Incandescent / Tungsten, 2856 K illuminants.put("A" , (109.85 , 100, 35.585)) illuminants.put("A 10 degree" , (111.144, 100, 35.2 )) // Direct Sunlight at Noon, 4874 K (obsolete) illuminants.put("B" , ( 99.09 , 100, 85.324)) // default variant illuminants.put("B BL" , ( 99.072, 100, 85.223)) // BL illuminants.put("B 10 degree" , (0.34980, 0.35270)) // Wiki // North Sky Daylight, 6774 K (obsolete) illuminants.put("C" , ( 98.074, 100, 118.232)) illuminants.put("C 10 degree" , ( 97.285, 100, 116.145)) // Daylight, used for Color Rendering, 5000 K (Wiki: Horizon Light, 5003 K) illuminants.put("D50" , ( 96.422, 100, 82.521)) illuminants.put("D50 10 degree" , ( 96.72 , 100, 81.427)) // Daylight, used for Photography, 5500 K (Wiki: Mid-morning / Mid-afternoon Daylight, 5503 K) illuminants.put("D55" , ( 95.682, 100, 92.149)) illuminants.put("D55 10 degree" , ( 95.799, 100, 90.926)) // New version of North Sky Daylight, 6504 K (Wiki: Noon Daylight) illuminants.put("D65" , ( 95.047, 100, 108.883)) illuminants.put("D65 10 degree" , ( 94.811, 100, 107.304)) // Daylight, 7500 K (Wiki: North sky Daylight, 7504 K) illuminants.put("D75" , ( 94.972, 100, 122.638)) illuminants.put("D75 10 degree" , ( 94.416, 100, 120.641)) // High eff. blue phosphor monitors, 9300 K illuminants.put("9300K" , ( 97.135, 100, 143.929)) // Uniform energy illuminant, 5400 K (Wiki: 5454 K) illuminants.put("E" , (100 , 100, 100)) // Wiki: Daylight Fluorescent, 6430 K illuminants.put("F1" , (0.31310, 0.33727)) illuminants.put("F1 10 degree" , (0.31811, 0.33559)) // Cool White Fluorescent (CWF), 4200 K (Wiki: 4230 K) illuminants.put("F2" , ( 99.186, 100, 67.393)) illuminants.put("F2 10 degree" , (103.279, 100, 69.027)) // Wiki: White Fluorescent, 3450 K illuminants.put("F3" , (0.40910, 0.39430)) illuminants.put("F3 10 degree" , (0.41761, 0.38324)) // Wiki: Warm White Fluorescent, 2940 K illuminants.put("F4" , (0.44018, 0.40329)) illuminants.put("F4 10 degree" , (0.44920, 0.39074)) // Wiki: Daylight Fluorescent, 6350 K illuminants.put("F5" , (0.31379, 0.34531)) illuminants.put("F5 10 degree" , (0.31975, 0.34246)) // Wiki: Lite White Fluorescent, 4150 K illuminants.put("F6" , (0.37790, 0.38835)) illuminants.put("F6 10 degree" , (0.38660, 0.37847)) // Broad-band Daylight Fluorescent, 6500 K (Wiki: D65 simulator, Daylight simulator) illuminants.put("F7" , ( 95.041, 100, 108.747)) illuminants.put("F7 10 degree" , ( 95.792, 100, 107.686)) // Wiki: D50 simulator, Sylvania F40 Design 50, 5000 K illuminants.put("F8" , (0.34588, 0.35875)) illuminants.put("F8 10 degree" , (0.34902, 0.35939)) // Wiki: Cool White Deluxe Fluorescent, 4150 K illuminants.put("F9" , (0.37417, 0.37281)) illuminants.put("F9 10 degree" , (0.37829, 0.37045)) // Wiki: Philips TL85, Ultralume 50, 5000 K illuminants.put("F10" , (0.34609, 0.35986)) illuminants.put("F10 10 degree" , (0.35090, 0.35444)) // Narrow-band White Fluorescent, 4000 K (Wiki: Philips TL84, Ultralume 40) illuminants.put("F11" , (100.962, 100, 64.35 )) illuminants.put("F11 10 degree" , (103.863, 100, 65.607)) // Wiki: Philips TL83, Ultralume 30, 3000 K illuminants.put("F12" , (0.43695, 0.40441)) illuminants.put("F12 10 degree" , (0.44256, 0.39717)) } `T' `MAIN'::xyzwhite(| `TV' X, `RS' Y, `RS' Z) { if (args()==0) return(white) if (args()==3) white = _white((X,Y,Z)) else if (args()==2) white = _white((X,Y)) else white = _white(X) C02.set = 0 // reset CIECAM02 containers } `RR' `MAIN'::_white(`TV' white) { if (length(white)==0) return(_white_set(_white_get(""))) if (white==.) return(_white_set(_white_get(""))) if (isstring(white)) return(_white_set(_white_get(white))) return(_white_set(white)) } `RR' `MAIN'::_white_set(`RV' white) { if (missing(white)) exit(error(127)) // missings not allowed if (length(white)==2) { // xy if (cols(white)==1) return(xyY_to_XYZ((white', 100))) return(xyY_to_XYZ((white, 100))) } if (length(white)==3) { // XYZ if (cols(white)==1) return(white') return(white) } exit(error(503)) // wrong size } `RR' `MAIN'::_white_get(`SS' illuminant0) { `SS' illuminant `RR' white if (illuminants.N()==0) illuminants() illuminant = strtrim(illuminant0) if (illuminant=="") illuminant = "D65" // default white = illuminants.get(illuminant) if (length(white)==0) { illuminant = findkey(illuminant, illuminants.keys()) if (illuminant!="") white = illuminants.get(illuminant) else { white = strtoreal(tokens(illuminant0)) if ((length(white)!=3 & length(white)!=2) | missing(white)) { display("{err}illuminant '" + illuminant0 + "' not allowed") exit(3498) } } } return(white) } end * {smcl} * {marker rgbspaces}{bf:RGB working spaces} {hline} * Sources: * {browse "http://www.babelcolor.com/index_htm_files/A%20review%20of%20RGB%20color%20spaces.pdf"} * {browse "http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?WorkingSpaceInfo.html"} (BL) * {asis} mata: void `MAIN'::rgbspace(| `SS' space0) { `SS' space space = strtrim(space0) if (space=="") space = "sRGB" // default space = strlower(space) if (smatch(space, "Adobe 1998")) { // Adobe RGB (1998) rgb_gamma(2.2) rgb_white("D65") rgb_xy((0.6400, 0.3300) \ (0.2100, 0.7100) \ (0.1500, 0.0600)) } else if (smatch(space, "Apple")) { // Apple RGB rgb_gamma(1.8) rgb_white("D65") rgb_xy((0.6250, 0.3400) \ (0.2800, 0.5950) \ (0.1550, 0.0700)) } else if (smatch(space, "Best")) { // Best RGB rgb_gamma(2.2) rgb_white("D50") rgb_xy((0.7347, 0.2653) \ (0.2150, 0.7750) \ (0.1300, 0.0350)) } else if (smatch(space, "Beta")) { // Beta RGB rgb_gamma(2.2) rgb_white("D50") rgb_xy((0.6888, 0.3112) \ (0.1986, 0.7551) \ (0.1265, 0.0352)) } else if (smatch(space, "Bruce")) { // Bruce RGB rgb_gamma(2.2) rgb_white("D65") rgb_xy((0.6400, 0.3300) \ (0.2800, 0.6500) \ (0.1500, 0.0600)) } else if (smatch(space, "CIE")) { // CIE RGB rgb_gamma(2.2) rgb_white("E") rgb_xy((0.7350, 0.2650) \ (0.2740, 0.7170) \ (0.1670, 0.0090)) } else if (smatch(space, "ColorMatch")) { // ColorMatch RGB rgb_gamma(1.8) rgb_white("D50") rgb_xy((0.6300, 0.3400) \ (0.2950, 0.6050) \ (0.1500, 0.0750)) } else if (smatch(space, "Don 4")) { // Don RGB 4 rgb_gamma(2.2) rgb_white("D50") rgb_xy((0.6960, 0.3000) \ (0.2150, 0.7650) \ (0.1300, 0.0350)) } else if (smatch(space, "ECI v2")) { // ECI RGB v2 rgb_gamma(3, 0.16, 216/24389 /*=0.08/(24389/2700)*/, 24389/2700) rgb_white("D50") rgb_xy((0.6700, 0.3300) \ (0.2100, 0.7100) \ (0.1400, 0.0800)) } else if (smatch(space, "Ekta PS5")) { // Ekta Space PS5 rgb_gamma(2.2) rgb_white("D50") rgb_xy((0.6950, 0.3050) \ (0.2600, 0.7000) \ (0.1100, 0.0050)) } else if (smatch(space, "Generic")) { // Generic RGB (source?) rgb_gamma(1.8) rgb_white("D65") rgb_xy((0.6295, 0.3407) \ (0.2949, 0.6055) \ (0.1551, 0.0762)) } else if (smatch(space, "HDTV")) { // HDTV (HD-CIF) rgb_gamma(1/0.45, 0.099, 0.018, 4.5) rgb_white("D65") rgb_xy((0.6400, 0.3300) \ (0.3000, 0.6000) \ (0.1500, 0.0600)) } else if (smatch(space, "NTSC")) { // NTSC RGB rgb_gamma(1/0.45, 0.099, 0.018, 4.5) rgb_white("C") rgb_xy((0.6700, 0.3300) \ (0.2100, 0.7100) \ (0.1400, 0.0800)) } else if (smatch(space, "PAL/SECAM")) { // PAL/SECAM RGB rgb_gamma(1/0.45, 0.099, 0.018, 4.5) rgb_white("D65") rgb_xy((0.6400, 0.3300) \ (0.2900, 0.6000) \ (0.1500, 0.0600)) } else if (smatch(space, "ProPhoto")) { // ProPhoto RGB rgb_gamma(1.8) rgb_white("D50") rgb_xy((0.7347, 0.2653) \ (0.1596, 0.8404) \ (0.0366, 0.0001)) } else if (smatch(space, "SGI")) { // SGI rgb_gamma(1.47) rgb_white("D65") rgb_xy((0.6250, 0.3400) \ (0.2800, 0.5950) \ (0.1550, 0.0700)) } else if (smatch(space, "SMPTE-240M")) { // SMPTE-240M rgb_gamma(1/0.45, 0.112, 0.023, 4.0) rgb_white("D65") rgb_xy((0.6300, 0.3400) \ (0.3100, 0.5950) \ (0.1550, 0.0700)) } else if (smatch(space, "SMPTE-C")) { // SMPTE-C RGB rgb_gamma(1/0.45, 0.099, 0.018, 4.5) rgb_white("D65") rgb_xy((0.6300, 0.3400) \ (0.3100, 0.5950) \ (0.1550, 0.0700)) } else if (smatch(space, "sRGB")) { // sRGB (default variant) rgb_gamma(2.4, 0.055, 0.0031308, 12.92) rgb_white("D65") // using primaries from www.brucelindbloom.com rgb_xy((0.6400, 0.3300) \ (0.3000, 0.6000) \ (0.1500, 0.0600)) // with this method the correspondence between RGB white and the // white point is exact; this is not true for sRGB2 and sRGB3 } else if (smatch(space, "sRGB2")) { // sRGB (2nd variant) rgb_gamma(2.4, 0.055, 0.0031308, 12.92) rgb_white("D65") // using XYZ to RGB matrix given in IEC 61966-2-1 rgb_invM(( 3.2406, -1.5372, -0.4986) \ (-0.9689, 1.8758, 0.0415) \ ( 0.0557, -0.2040, 1.0570)) } else if (smatch(space, "sRGB3")) { // sRGB (3rd variant) rgb_gamma(2.4, 0.055, 0.0031308, 12.92) rgb_white("D65") // using RGB to XYZ matrix given in IEC 61966-2-1 rgb_M(( .4124, .3576, .1805) \ ( .2126, .7152, .0722) \ ( .0193, .1192, .9505)) } else if (smatch(space, "Wide Gamut")) { // Wide Gamut RGB rgb_gamma(2.2) rgb_white("D50") rgb_xy((0.7347, 0.2653) \ (0.1152, 0.8264) \ (0.1566, 0.0177)) } else if (smatch(space, "Wide Gamut BL")) { // Wide Gamut RGB (BL variant) rgb_gamma(2.2) rgb_white("D50") // using primaries from www.brucelindbloom.com rgb_xy((0.7350, 0.2650) \ (0.1150, 0.8260) \ (0.1570, 0.0180)) } else { display("{err}rgbspace '" + space0 + "' not found") exit(3499) } } `T' `MAIN'::rgb_gamma(| `TV' gamma0, `RS' offset, `RS' transition, `RS' slope) { `RV' gamma if (args()==0) return(rgb_gamma) if (args()==1) { if (isstring(gamma0)) gamma = strtoreal(tokens(gamma0)) else gamma = gamma0 } else if (args()==4) gamma = (gamma0, offset, transition, slope) else _error(3001) // wrong number of args if (missing(gamma)) exit(error(127)) // missings not allowed if (length(gamma)!=1 & length(gamma)!=4) exit(error(503)) // wrong size rgb_gamma = gamma data.stok = J(data.n, 1, `FALSE') // !!! } `T' `MAIN'::rgb_white(| `TV' X, `RS' Y, `RS' Z) { if (args()==0) return(rgb_white) if (args()==3) rgb_white = _white((X,Y,Z)) else if (args()==2) rgb_white = _white((X,Y)) else rgb_white = _white(X) if (length(rgb_xy)) rgb_xy(rgb_xy) // recompute transformation matrices data.stok = J(data.n, 1, `FALSE') // !!! } `T' `MAIN'::rgb_xy(| `RM' xy) { if (args()==0) return(rgb_xy) assert_size(xy, 3, 2) if (missing(xy)) exit(error(127)) // missings not allowed // see http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Eqn_RGB_XYZ_Matrix.html rgb_M = J(3,1,1) rgb_M = ((xy[,1]:/xy[,2]), rgb_M, (rgb_M:-xy[,1]:-xy[,2]):/xy[,2])' rgb_M = rgb_M :* (luinv(rgb_M) * rgb_white')' rgb_invM = luinv(rgb_M) rgb_xy = xy data.stok = J(data.n, 1, `FALSE') // !!! } `T' `MAIN'::rgb_M(| `RM' M) { if (args()==0) return(rgb_M / 100) assert_size(M, 3, 3) if (missing(M)) exit(error(127)) // missings not allowed rgb_M = M * 100 rgb_invM = luinv(rgb_M) rgb_xy = J(0,0,.) data.stok = J(data.n, 1, `FALSE') // !!! } `T' `MAIN'::rgb_invM(| `RM' invM) { if (args()==0) return(rgb_invM * 100) assert_size(invM, 3, 3) if (missing(invM)) exit(error(127)) // missings not allowed rgb_invM = invM / 100 rgb_M = luinv(rgb_invM) rgb_xy = J(0,0,.) data.stok = J(data.n, 1, `FALSE') // !!! } end * {smcl} * {marker viewcond}{bf:CIECAM02 viewing conditions} {hline} * Source: * Luo, M.R., C. Li (2013). CIECAM02 and its recent developments. P 19-58 in: * C. Fernandez-Maloigne (ed). Advanced color image processing and analysis. * New York: Springer. {browse "https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-6190-7_2"} * {asis} mata: `T' `MAIN'::viewcond(| `TV' opt1, `RS' LA, `TV' F, `RS' c, `RS' Nc) { `RS' Yb if (args()==0) return((C02.Yb, C02.LA, C02.F, C02.c, C02.Nc)) if (args()==1) { if (length(opt1)==0 | opt1==.) Yb = . else if (isstring(opt1)) { Yb = viewcond_parsenum(gettok(opt1, opt1)) LA = viewcond_parsenum(gettok(opt1, opt1)) F = opt1 } else { if (length(opt1)!=5) exit(error(503)) // wrong size Yb = opt1[1]; LA = opt1[2]; F = opt1[(3,4,5)]; } } else if (args()==5) {; Yb = opt1; F = (F, c, Nc); } else if (args()!=3) _error(3001) // wrong number of args else Yb = opt1 C02.Yb = (Yb<. ? Yb : 20) C02.LA = (LA<. ? LA : (64/pi())/5) surround(F) C02.set = 0 // reset CIECAM02 containers } `RS' `MAIN'::viewcond_parsenum(`SS' s) { `RS' r if (s=="" | s==".") return(.) r = strtoreal(s) if (missing(r)) { display("{err}'" + s + "' not allowed") exit(3498) } return(r) } void `MAIN'::surround(`TV' S0) { `RV' S if (length(S0)==0) S = surround_get("") else if (S0==.) S = surround_get("") else if (isstring(S0)) S = surround_get(S0) else S = S0 if (missing(S)) exit(error(127)) // missings not allowed if (length(S)!=3) exit(error(503)) // wrong size C02.F = S[1]; C02.c = S[2]; C02.Nc = S[3] } `RR' `MAIN'::surround_get(`SS' S0) { `SS' S `RR' FcNc // presets S = strlower(S0) /* F c Nc */ if (smatch(S, "average")) return(( 1, .69 , 1)) if (smatch(S, "dim")) return((.9, .59 , .9)) if (smatch(S, "dark")) return((.8, .525, .8)) // custom values FcNc = strtoreal(tokens(S0)) if (length(FcNc)!=3 | missing(FcNc)) { display("{err}surround '" + S0 + "' not allowed") exit(3498) } return(FcNc) } `T' `MAIN'::ucscoefs(| `TV' S0, `RS' c1, `RS' c2) { `RV' S if (args()==0) return(C02.KLc1c2) if (args()==3) S = (S0, c1, c2) else if (args()==2) _error(3001) // wrong number of args else if (length(S0)==0) S = ucscoefs_get("") else if (S0==.) S = ucscoefs_get("") else if (isstring(S0)) S = ucscoefs_get(S0) else S = S0 if (missing(S)) exit(error(127)) // missings not allowed if (length(S)!=3) exit(error(503)) // wrong size C02.KLc1c2 = S } `RR' `MAIN'::ucscoefs_get(`SS' S0) { `SS' S `RR' KLc1c2 // presets S = strlower(S0) /* KL c1 c2 */ if (smatch(S ,"ucs")) return(1 , 0.007, 0.0228) if (smatch(S ,"lcd")) return(0.77, 0.007, 0.0053) if (smatch(S ,"scd")) return(1.24, 0.007, 0.0363) // custom values KLc1c2 = strtoreal(tokens(S0)) if (length(KLc1c2)!=3 | missing(KLc1c2)) { display("{err}ucscoefs '" + S0 + "' not allowed") exit(3498) } return(KLc1c2) } end * {smcl} * {marker chadapt}{bf:Chromatic adaption} {hline} * Source: {browse "http://www.brucelindbloom.com/Eqn_ChromAdapt.html"} * {asis} mata: `RM' `MAIN'::XYZ_to_XYZ(`RM' xyz, `TV' from, `TV' to) { `Int' i `RS' d `RC' S, D `RM' XYZ, M assert_cols(xyz, 3) S = _white(from)'; D = _white(to)' XYZ = xyz M = tmatrix(chadapt) if (chadapt=="CAT02") { d = __clip(C02.F * (1 - (1/3.6) * exp((-C02.LA - 42)/92)), 0, 1) M = luinv(M) * ((d * (S[2]:/D[2]) :* (M * D) :/ (M * S) :+ 1 :- d) :* M) } else M = luinv(M) * (((M * D) :/ (M * S)) :* M) // equivalent to: luinv(M) * diag((M * D) :/ (M * S)) * M _transpose(M) for (i=rows(XYZ); i; i--) XYZ[i,] = XYZ[i,] * M return(XYZ) } `T' `MAIN'::chadapt(| `SS' S0) { `SS' S if (args()==0) return(chadapt) S = strlower(S0) if (smatch(S, "Bfd")) chadapt = S else if (smatch(S, "identity")) chadapt = S else if (smatch(S, "vKries")) chadapt = S else if (smatch(S, "CAT02")) chadapt = S else { display("{err}method '" + S0 + "' not allowed") exit(3498) } } `RM' `MAIN'::tmatrix(| `SS' mname0) { `SS' mname mname = strlower(mname0) if (smatch(mname, "Bfd")) { // Bradford return(( 0.8951 , 0.2664 , -0.1614 ) \ (-0.7502 , 1.7135 , 0.0367 ) \ ( 0.0389 , -0.0685 , 1.0296 )) } if (smatch(mname, "identity")) { // XYZ Scaling return(I(3)) } if (smatch(mname, "vKries")) { // Von Kries return(( 0.40024, 0.70760, -0.08081) \ (-0.22630, 1.16532, 0.04570) \ ( 0 , 0 , 0.91822)) } if (smatch(mname, "CAT02")) { // CAT02 return(( 0.7328 , 0.4296 , -0.1624 ) \ (-0.7036 , 1.6975 , 0.0061 ) \ ( 0.0030 , 0.0136 , 0.9834 )) } if (smatch(mname, "HPE")) { // Hunt-Pointer-Estevez return(( 0.38971, 0.68898, -0.07868) \ (-0.22981, 1.18340, 0.04641) \ ( 0 , 0 , 1 )) } display("{err}tmatrix '"+ mname0 + "' not found") exit(3499) } end * {smcl} * {marker string}{bf:String input/output (Stata interface)} {hline} * {asis} mata: `SS' `MAIN'::cvalid(| `SS' c0) { `SS' c S = &data1 // (use temporary data object) if (parse_split(c0)) return("") if (parse_convert()) return("") c = Names_get() if (c=="") c = Colors_get(0) return(c) } `T' `MAIN'::colors(| `TS' o1, `SS' o2) { // get if (args()==0 | (args()==1 & isstring(o1)==0)) { S = &data if (args()==0) return(colors_get(`FALSE')) return(colors_get(o1)) } // set S = &data1 colors_set(o1, o2) replacedata() } void `MAIN'::add_colors(`SS' c, | `SS' wchar) { S = &data1 colors_set(c, wchar) appenddata() } `SS' `MAIN'::colors_added(| `Bool' rgbforce) { S = &data1 copyadded() if (args()==0) return(colors_get(`FALSE')) return(colors_get(rgbforce)) } `Int' `MAIN'::_colors(`SS' c, | `SS' wchar) { `Int' i S = &data1 i = _colors_set(c, wchar) if (i==0) replacedata() return(i) } `Int' `MAIN'::_add_colors(`SS' c, | `SS' wchar) { `Int' i S = &data1 i = _colors_set(c, wchar) if (i==0) appenddata() return(i) } `T' `MAIN'::Colors(| `TV' o1) { // get if (args()==0 | isstring(o1)==0) { S = &data if (args()==0) return(Colors_get(`FALSE')) return(Colors_get(o1)) } // set S = &data1 Colors_set(o1) replacedata() } void `MAIN'::add_Colors(`SV' C) { S = &data1 Colors_set(C) appenddata() } `SC' `MAIN'::Colors_added(| `Bool' rgbforce) { S = &data1 copyadded() if (args()==0) return(Colors_get(`FALSE')) return(Colors_get(rgbforce)) } `Int' `MAIN'::_Colors(`SV' C) { `Int' i S = &data1 i = _Colors_set(C) if (i==0) replacedata() return(i) } `Int' `MAIN'::_add_Colors(`SV' C) { `Int' i S = &data1 i = _Colors_set(C) if (i==0) appenddata() return(i) } `SS' `MAIN'::colors_get(`Bool' rgbforce) { `Int' i `SC' C C = Colors_get(rgbforce) for (i = S->n; i; i--) { if (strpos(C[i], " ")) C[i] = `"""' + C[i] + `"""' } return(invtokens(C')) } `SC' `MAIN'::Colors_get(`Bool' rgbforce) { return(_Colors_get(rgbforce, _get("RGB"), S->alpha, S->intensity, S->names, S->stok)) } `SC' `MAIN'::_Colors_get(`Bool' rgbforce, `RM' RGB, `RC' alpha, `RC' intensity, `SC' names, `RC' stok) { `Int' i `SC' C i = rows(RGB) C = J(i, 1, "") for (; i; i--) { if (rgbforce) C[i] = invtokens(strofreal(RGB[i,])) else if (stok[i]==`TRUE') C[i] = names[i] else C[i] = invtokens(strofreal(RGB[i,])) if (alpha[i]<.) C[i] = C[i] + "%" + strofreal(alpha[i]*100) if (intensity[i]<.) C[i] = C[i] + "*" + strofreal(intensity[i]) } return(C) } void `MAIN'::colors_set(`SS' c, `SS' wchar) Colors_set(_tokens(c, wchar)) void `MAIN'::Colors_set(`SV' C) { `Int' i i = parse_split(C) if (i==0) i = parse_convert() if (i) { display("{err}color specification '" + C[i] + "' is invalid") exit(3498) } } `Int' `MAIN'::_colors_set(`SS' c, `SS' wchar) return(_Colors_set(_tokens(c, wchar))) `Int' `MAIN'::_Colors_set(`SV' C) { `Int' i i = parse_split(C) if (i==0) i = parse_convert() return(i) } `Int' `MAIN'::parse_split(`SV' C) { rgb_set(J(length(C), 3, .)) return(_parse_split(C, S->alpha, S->intensity, S->info)) } `Int' `MAIN'::_parse_split(`SV' C, `RC' alpha, `RC' intensity, `SC' info) { `Int' n, i `SS' tok `SR' pchars `T' t pchars = ("%","*") n = length(C) t = tokeninit("", pchars, "") for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { tokenset(t, C[i]) tok = strtrim(tokenget(t)) if (anyof(pchars, tok)) { info[i] = "_NULL_" // %... or *... without color } else { if (tok=="_NULL_") return(i) if (substr(tok,1,2)=="..") { if (i1) return(i) if ((tok = tokenget(t))=="") continue if (tok=="*") { intensity[i] = strtoreal(tokenget(t)) if (intensity[i]<0 | intensity[i]>255) return(i) } } else if (tok=="*") { intensity[i] = strtoreal(tokenget(t)) if (intensity[i]<0 | intensity[i]>255) return(i) if ((tok = tokenget(t))=="") continue if (tok=="%") { alpha[i] = strtoreal(tokenget(t))/100 if (alpha[i]<0 | alpha[i]>1) return(i) } } else return(i) if (tokenrest(t)=="") continue return(i) } // done return(0) } `Int' `MAIN'::parse_convert() { return(_parse_convert(S->n, S->RGB, S->alpha, S->names, S->info, S->stok)) } `Int' `MAIN'::_parse_convert(`Int' r, `RM' RGB, `RC' alpha, `SC' names, `SC' info, `RC' stok) { `Int' i, l `RR' TMP `SR' tok `SS' t `SC' type `IntC' p type = J(r, 1, "") for (i=1; i<=r; i++) { tok = info[i] if (tok=="_NULL_") { // %... or *... without color info[i] = "" stok[i] = `TRUE' RGB[i,] = J(1,3,0) continue } if (substr(tok,1,1)=="#") { // HEX color RGB[i,] = _HEX_to_RGB(tok)/255 if (missing(RGB[i,])) return(i) continue } tok = tokens(tok) l = length(tok) if (l==0) return(i) if (l==2) return(i) if (l==1) { // named color if (parse_named(tok, i, RGB, info, stok)) return(i) names[i] = tok continue } if (l==3) { // RGB [0-255] TMP = strtoreal(tok) if (_clip(round(TMP),0,255)!=TMP) return(i) RGB[i,] = TMP/255 if (missing(RGB[i,])) return(i) info[i] = "" continue } if (l==4) { // check whether CMYK if (strtoreal(tok[1])<.) { TMP = strtoreal(tok) if (all(TMP:<=1)) { // CMYK [0-1] if (any(TMP:<0)) return(i) RGB[i,] = _CMYK1_to_RGB1(TMP) } else { // CMYK [0-255] if (_clip(round(TMP),0,255)!=TMP) return(i) RGB[i,] = _CMYK1_to_RGB1(TMP/255) } if (missing(RGB[i,])) return(i) continue } } t = strlower(tok[1]) // check whether CMYK if (t==substr("cmyk1", 1, max((2, strlen(t))))) { if (l!=5) return(i) TMP = strtoreal(tok[|2 \ .|]) if (t=="cmyk1") RGB[i,] = _CMYK1_to_RGB1(TMP) // CMYK [0-1] else RGB[i,] = _CMYK1_to_RGB1(TMP/255) // CMYK [0-255] if (missing(RGB[i,])) return(i) continue } if (l==5) { // check whether RGBA/RGBA1 if (t=="rgba" | t=="rgba1") { TMP = strtoreal(tok[5]) if (TMP<0 | TMP>1) return(i) if (alpha[i]<.) { display("{err}opacity not allowed with RGBA") exit(3498) } alpha[i] = TMP if (t=="rgba") RGB[i,] = strtoreal(tok[|2 \ 4|])/255 else RGB[i,] = strtoreal(tok[|2 \ 4|]) continue } } type[i] = invtokens(tok[|1 \ l-3|]) // get color space info if (type[i]=="") return(i) RGB[i,] = strtoreal(tok[|l-3+1 \ .|]) // get value (last 3 elements) if (missing(RGB[i,])) return(i) } // convert remaining colors for (i=r; i; i--) { t = type[i] if (t=="") continue if (convert_parse(tok, t, 0)) return(i) p = ::select(1::r, type:==t) RGB[p,] = convert(RGB[p,], t, "RGB1") type[p,] = J(length(p), 1, "") } // done return(0) } `Bool' `MAIN'::parse_named(`SS' s, `Int' i, `RM' RGB, `SC' info, `RC' stok) { `SR' c `RR' rgb // get color from dictionary c = parse_namedcolor(s) // returns "" if not found if (c[1]!="") { // skip system colors that have not yet been imported rgb = _HEX_to_RGB(c[1]) if (missing(rgb)) return(1) // invalid HEX code if (c[2]!="") { info[i] = "" stok[i] = `TRUE' } else info[i] = c[1] RGB[i,] = rgb/255 return(0) } // get color from color-.style; this includes Stata's system colors c = parse_stcolorstyle(s) // returns "" if not found if (c!="") { rgb = strtoreal(tokens(c)) if (length(rgb)!=3) return(1) // invalid RGB code info[i] = "" stok[i] = `TRUE' RGB[i,] = rgb/255 namedcolors->put(s, (_RGB_to_HEX(rgb),"1")) // "1" => system color return(0) } // color not found return(1) } `SR' `MAIN'::parse_namedcolor(`SS' s0) { `SS' s `SR' c if (namedcolors==NULL) namedcolorindex() c = namedcolors->get(s0) // only finds exact match, including case if (c=="") { s = findkey(s0, namedcolors->keys()) if (s!="") { s0 = s c = namedcolors->get(s0) } } return(c) } `SS' `MAIN'::parse_stcolorstyle(`SS' s) // read RGB from color-.style { `SS' fn, dir, basename, line `RS' fh `SM' EOF pragma unset dir pragma unset basename // look for color-.style along adopath fn = findfile("color-"+s+".style") if (fn=="") return("") // findfile() is not case sensitive, but -graph- is; must check case pathsplit(fn, dir, basename) if (length(dir(dir, "files", basename))==0) return("") // no match // read RGB from file fh = fopen(fn, "r") EOF = J(0, 0, "") while ((line=fget(fh))!=EOF) { line = strtrim(stritrim(line)) if (substr(line, 1, 8)=="set rgb ") { line = tokens(substr(line, 9, .)) if (length(line)!=1) continue // invalid fclose(fh) return(line) } } fclose(fh) return("") // no valid color definition found } `T' `MAIN'::names(| `SS' o1, `SS' o2) { // get if (args()==0) { S = &data return(names_get()) } // set S = &data1 copydata() names_set(o1, o2) replacedata() } `T' `MAIN'::names_added(| `SS' o1, `SS' o2) { // get if (args()==0) { S = &data1 copyadded() return(names_get()) } // set S = &data1 copyadded() names_set(o1, o2) updatedata() } `T' `MAIN'::Names(| `SV' o1) { // get if (args()==0) { S = &data return(Names_get()) } // set S = &data1 copydata() Names_set(o1) replacedata() } `T' `MAIN'::Names_added(| `SS' o1, `SS' o2) { // get if (args()==0) { S = &data1 copyadded() return(Names_get()) } // set S = &data1 copyadded() Names_set(o1, o2) updatedata() } `T' `MAIN'::info(| `SS' o1, `SS' o2) { // get if (args()==0) { S = &data return(info_get()) } // set S = &data1 copydata() info_set(o1, o2) replacedata() } `T' `MAIN'::info_added(| `SS' o1, `SS' o2) { // get if (args()==0) { S = &data1 copyadded() return(info_get()) } // set S = &data1 copyadded() info_set(o1, o2) updatedata() } `T' `MAIN'::Info(| `SV' o1) { // get if (args()==0) { S = &data return(Info_get()) } // set S = &data1 copydata() Info_set(o1) replacedata() } `T' `MAIN'::Info_added(| `SS' o1, `SS' o2) { // get if (args()==0) { S = &data1 copyadded() return(Info_get()) } // set S = &data1 copyadded() Info_set(o1, o2) updatedata() } `SS' `MAIN'::names_get() { `Int' i `SC' C C = S->names if (allof(C, "")) return("") for (i = rows(C); i; i--) { if (C[i]=="") C[i] = `""""' else if (strpos(C[i], " ")) C[i] = `"""' + C[i] + `"""' } return(invtokens(C')) } `SC' `MAIN'::Names_get() return(S->names) void `MAIN'::names_set(`SS' c, `SS' wchar) Names_set(_tokens(c, wchar)) void `MAIN'::Names_set(`SV' C) _Names_set(C, S->n, S->names) void `MAIN'::_Names_set(`SV' C, `Int' n, `SC' names) { `Int' i for (i = min((length(C), n)); i; i--) names[i] = C[i] } `SS' `MAIN'::info_get() { `Int' i `SC' C C = S->info if (allof(C, "")) return("") for (i = rows(C); i; i--) { if (C[i]=="") C[i] = `""""' else if (strpos(C[i], " ")) C[i] = `"""' + C[i] + `"""' } return(invtokens(C')) } `SC' `MAIN'::Info_get() return(S->info) void `MAIN'::info_set(`SS' c, `SS' wchar) Info_set(_tokens(c, wchar)) void `MAIN'::Info_set(`SV' C) _Info_set(C, S->n, S->info) void `MAIN'::_Info_set(`SV' C, `Int' n, `SC' info) { `Int' i for (i = min((length(C), n)); i; i--) info[i] = C[i] } end * {smcl} * {marker set}{bf:Set or retrieve colors} {hline} * {asis} mata: void `MAIN'::set(`T' C, | `SS' space) { S = &data1 _set(C, space) replacedata() } void `MAIN'::add(`T' C, | `SS' space) { S = &data1 _set(C, space) appenddata() } void `MAIN'::reset(`T' C, | `SS' space, `IntV' p) { S = &data1 copydata() _reset(C, space, p) replacedata() } void `MAIN'::reset_added(`T' C, | `SS' space, `IntV' p) { S = &data1 copyadded() _reset(C, space, p) updatedata() } `TM' `MAIN'::get(| `SS' space) { S = &data return(_get(space)) } `TM' `MAIN'::get_added(| `SS' space) { S = &data1 copyadded() return(_get(space)) } void `MAIN'::_set(`T' C, `SS' space) __set(C, space, 0) void `MAIN'::_reset(`T' C, `SS' space, `IntV' p) __set(C, space, 1, p) void `MAIN'::__set(`T' C, `SS' space, `Bool' reset, | `IntV' p0) { `SR' s `RC' a `IntV' p // preprocess p if (reset) { p = p0 if (p==.) p = J(1,0,.) else { p = (sign(p):!=-1):*p :+ (sign(p):==-1):*((S->n):+1:+p) if (any(p:<1 :| p:>(S->n))) { display("{err}p contains invalid indices") exit(3300) } } } // set colors s = strtrim(strlower(space)) if (s=="rgba" | s=="rgba1") { if (s=="rgba") s = "RGB" else s = "RGB1" assert_cols(C, 4) a = C[,4] if (any((a:>1) :| (a:<0))) { display("{err}alpha must be in [0,1]") exit(3300) } if (reset) rgb_reset(convert(C[,(1,2,3)], s, "RGB1"), p) else rgb_set(convert(C[,(1,2,3)], s, "RGB1")) if (reset) { if (length(p)) S->alpha[p,] = C[,4] else S->alpha = C[,4] } else S->alpha = C[,4] return } if (reset) rgb_reset(convert(C, space, "RGB1"), p) else rgb_set(convert(C, space, "RGB1")) // generate info if (rows(C)==0) return (void) convert_parse(s, space, 0) // will replace s if (s[1]=="RGB") return if (s[1]=="RGB1") return if (s[1]=="HEX") info_reset("", C, "", p) else if (s[1]=="CMYK") info_reset("", C, "%9.0f", p) else if (s[1]=="CMYK1") info_reset("", C, "%9.3g", p) else if (anyof(("lRGB", "XYZ1", "xyY", "xyY1", "HSV", "HSL"), s[1])) info_reset(s[1], C, "%9.3g", p) else if (s[1]=="CAM02") info_reset(s[2]!="" ? s[2] : "CAM02", C, "%9.0f", p) else info_reset(s[1], C, "%9.0f", p) } void `MAIN'::rgb_set(`RM' rgb) { `Int' n n = rows(rgb) assert_cols(rgb, 3) S->n = n S->RGB = rgb S->alpha = J(n, 1, .) S->intensity = J(n, 1, .) S->stok = J(n, 1, `FALSE') S->names = J(n, 1, "") S->info = J(n, 1, "") S->isip = `FALSE' } void `MAIN'::rgb_reset(`RM' rgb, | `IntV' p) { if (length(p)==0) { assert_size(rgb, S->n, 3) S->RGB = rgb S->names = J(rows(rgb), 1, "") S->info = J(rows(rgb), 1, "") S->stok = J(rows(rgb), 1, `FALSE') return } assert_size(rgb, length(p), 3) S->RGB[p,] = rgb S->names[p,] = J(length(p), 1, "") S->info[p,] = J(length(p), 1, "") S->stok[p,] = J(length(p), 1, `FALSE') } void `MAIN'::info_reset(`SS' c, `T' C, | `SS' fmt, `IntV' p) { if (length(p)==0) S->info = _info_reset(c, C, fmt) else S->info[p,] = _info_reset(c, C, fmt) } `SC' `MAIN'::_info_reset(`SS' c, `T' C, `SS' fmt) { `Int' i `SC' info if (isstring(C)) { info = J(length(C), 1, (c!="" ? c + " " : "")) if (cols(C)!=1) info = info + C' else info = info + C return(info) } info = J(rows(C), 1, (c!="" ? c + " " : "")) for (i=1; i<=cols(C); i++) { if (i>1) info = info :+ " " info = info + strofreal(C[,i], fmt) } return(info) } `TM' `MAIN'::_get(| `SS' space) { `SS' s s = strtrim(strlower(space)) if (s=="rgba") return((convert(S->RGB, "RGB1", "RGB"), editmissing(S->alpha, 1))) if (s=="rgba1") return((S->RGB, editmissing(S->alpha, 1))) return(convert(S->RGB, "RGB1", space)) } end * {smcl} * {marker opacity}{bf:Set or retrieve opacity and intensity} {hline} * {asis} foreach f in opacity alpha intensity { mata `T' `MAIN'::`f'(| `RV' O, `RS' noreplace) { // get if (args()==0) { S = &data return(`f'_get()) } // set if (args()<2) noreplace = `FALSE' S = &data1 copydata() `f'_set(O, noreplace) replacedata() } mata void `MAIN'::add_`f'(`RV' O, | `RS' noreplace) { if (args()<2) noreplace = `FALSE' S = &data1 copydata() `f'_set(O, noreplace) appenddata() } mata `T' `MAIN'::`f'_added(| `RV' O, `RS' noreplace) { // get if (args()==0) { S = &data1 copyadded() return(`f'_get()) } // set if (args()<2) noreplace = `FALSE' S = &data1 copyadded() `f'_set(O, noreplace) updatedata() } mata void `MAIN'::add_`f'_added(`RV' O, | `RS' noreplace) { if (args()<2) noreplace = `FALSE' S = &data1 copyadded() `f'_set(O, noreplace) appenddata() } } mata: `RC' `MAIN'::opacity_get() return(S->alpha * 100) void `MAIN'::opacity_set(`RV' O, `RS' noreplace) { if (length(O)==0) return if (any( ((O:<.):&(O:>100)) :| (O:<0) )) { display("{err}opacity must be in [0,100]") exit(3300) } _alpha(O/100, noreplace, S->n, S->alpha) } `RC' `MAIN'::alpha_get() return(S->alpha) void `MAIN'::alpha_set(`RV' O, `RS' noreplace) { if (length(O)==0) return if (any( ((O:<.):&(O:>1)) :| (O:<0) )) { display("{err}alpha must be in [0,1]") exit(3300) } _alpha(O, noreplace, S->n, S->alpha) } void `MAIN'::_alpha(`RV' A0, `RS' noreplace, `RS' n, `RC' alpha) { `Int' i `RC' A if (cols(A0)>1) A = A0' else A = A0 if (rows(A) < n) A = colrecycle(A, n) else if (rows(A) > n) _recycle(rows(A)) if (noreplace) { for (i=n; i; i--) { if (alpha[i]<.) A[i] = alpha[i] } } alpha = A } `RC' `MAIN'::intensity_get() return(S->intensity) void `MAIN'::intensity_set(| `RV' O, `RS' noreplace) { if (length(O)==0) return if (any( ((O:<.):&(O:>255)) :| (O:<0) )) { display("{err}intensity multiplier must be in [0,255]") exit(3300) } _intensity(O, noreplace, S->n, S->intensity) } void `MAIN'::_intensity(`RV' I0, `RS' noreplace, `RS' n, `RC' intensity) { `Int' i `RC' I if (cols(I0)>1) I = I0' else I = I0 if (rows(I) < n) I = colrecycle(I, n) else if (rows(I) > n) _recycle(rows(I)) if (noreplace) { for (i=n; i; i--) { if (intensity[i]<.) I[i] = intensity[i] } } intensity = I } end * {smcl} * {marker modify}{bf:Color modification} {hline} * {asis} foreach f in recycle select drop order reverse shift ipolate mix intensify /// Intensify saturate luminate gray cvd { mata void `MAIN'::`f'(| `T' o1, `T' o2, `T' o3, `T' o4, `T' o5, `T' o6) { S = &data1 copydata() if (args()==0) _`f'() else if (args()==1) _`f'(o1) else if (args()==2) _`f'(o1, o2) else if (args()==3) _`f'(o1, o2, o3) else if (args()==4) _`f'(o1, o2, o3, o4) else if (args()==5) _`f'(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5) else _`f'(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6) replacedata() } mata void `MAIN'::add_`f'(| `T' o1, `T' o2, `T' o3, `T' o4, `T' o5, `T' o6) { S = &data1 copydata() if (args()==0) _`f'() else if (args()==1) _`f'(o1) else if (args()==2) _`f'(o1, o2) else if (args()==3) _`f'(o1, o2, o3) else if (args()==4) _`f'(o1, o2, o3, o4) else if (args()==5) _`f'(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5) else _`f'(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6) appenddata() } mata void `MAIN'::`f'_added(| `T' o1, `T' o2, `T' o3, `T' o4, `T' o5, `T' o6) { S = &data1 copyadded() if (args()==0) _`f'() else if (args()==1) _`f'(o1) else if (args()==2) _`f'(o1, o2) else if (args()==3) _`f'(o1, o2, o3) else if (args()==4) _`f'(o1, o2, o3, o4) else if (args()==5) _`f'(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5) else _`f'(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6) updatedata() } mata void `MAIN'::add_`f'_added(| `T' o1, `T' o2, `T' o3, `T' o4, `T' o5, `T' o6) { S = &data1 copyadded() if (args()==0) _`f'() else if (args()==1) _`f'(o1) else if (args()==2) _`f'(o1, o2) else if (args()==3) _`f'(o1, o2, o3) else if (args()==4) _`f'(o1, o2, o3, o4) else if (args()==5) _`f'(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5) else _`f'(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6) appenddata() } } * {smcl} * {marker order}{bf:- recycle, select, drop, order, shift} {hline} * {asis} mata: void `MAIN'::_recycle(`Int' n) { // skip recycle if n is missing, number of existing colors is zero, or n is // equal to number of existing colors if (n>=.) return if (S->n==0) return if (trunc(n)==(S->n)) return // remove colors if n<1 if (n<1) { rgb_set(J(0, 3, .)) return } // recycle S->RGB = colrecycle(S->RGB, n) S->alpha = colrecycle(S->alpha, n) S->intensity = colrecycle(S->intensity, n) S->names = colrecycle(S->names, n) S->info = colrecycle(S->info, n) S->stok = colrecycle(S->stok, n) S->n = rows(S->RGB) } void `MAIN'::_select(`IntV' p0) { `Int' n `IntC' p n = S->n p = p0 if (cols(p)!=1) _transpose(p) p = (sign(p):!=-1):*p :+ (sign(p):==-1):*(n:+1:+p) p = ::select(p, p:>=1 :& p:<=n) // may return 0x0 __select(p) } void `MAIN'::__select(`IntM' p) { `Int' n n = length(p) if (n==0) { rgb_set(J(0, 3, .)) return } S->n = n S->RGB = S->RGB[p,] S->alpha = S->alpha[p,] S->intensity = S->intensity[p,] S->names = S->names[p,] S->info = S->info[p,] S->stok = S->stok[p,] } void `MAIN'::_drop(`IntV' p0) { `Int' n `IntC' p, k n = S->n p = p0 if (cols(p)!=1) _transpose(p) p = (sign(p):!=-1):*p :+ (sign(p):==-1):*(n:+1:+p) p = ::select(p, p:>=1 :& p:<=n) // may return 0x0 if (length(p)==0) return // nothing to drop k = J(n,1,1); k[p,] = J(length(p),1,0) // tag elements to be kept p = selectindex(k) __select(p) } void `MAIN'::_order(`IntV' p0) { `Int' n `IntC' p, rest n = S->n p = p0 if (cols(p)!=1) _transpose(p) p = (sign(p):!=-1):*p :+ (sign(p):==-1):*(n:+1:+p) p = ::select(p, p:>=1 :& p:<=n) if (length(p)==0) return rest = 1::n rest[p,] = J(length(p), 1, .) rest = ::select(rest, rest:<.) if (length(rest)) p = p \ rest __select(p) } void `MAIN'::_reverse() { `Int' n n = S->n if (n<=1) return __select(n::1) } void `MAIN'::_shift(`Int' k) { `Int' n `IntC' p if (k>=.) return // do nothing if (k==0) return // do nothing n = S->n p = (1::n) :- trunc(abs(k)>=1 ? k : k*n) p = mod(p:-1, n) :+ 1 __select(p) } end * {smcl} * {marker ipolate}{bf:- interpolate, mix} {hline} * {asis} mata: void `MAIN'::_ipolate(`Int' n, | `SS' space0, `RV' range, `RS' power, `RV' pos, `Bool' pad) { `Int' jh `SS' space, mask `RC' A, I `RM' C if (args()<6) pad = `FALSE' // parse space space = findkey(gettok(space0, mask=""), SPACES, "Jab") if (space=="") { display("{err}space '" + space0 + "' not allowed") exit(3498) } // skip interpolation if n is missing or if number of colors is zero if (n>=.) return if (S->n==0) return // remove colors if n<1 if (n<1) { rgb_set(J(0, 3, .)) return } // convert RGB1 to interpolation space C = _ipolate_get(space, mask, jh=0) if (mask!="") space = space + " " + mask // get opacity and intensity if (any(S->alpha:<.)) A = editmissing(S->alpha, 1) else A = J(S->n, 0, .) if (any(S->intensity:<.)) I = editmissing(S->intensity, 1) else I = J(S->n, 0, .) // interpolate if (anyof(("cyclic","circular"), S->pclass)) C = colipolate_c((C,A,I), n) // ignoring range, power, pos, pad else C = colipolate((C,A,I), n, range, power, pos, pad) if (length(I)) {; I = C[,cols(C)]; C = C[,1..cols(C)-1]; } if (length(A)) {; A = C[,cols(C)]; C = C[,1..cols(C)-1]; } // convert back to RGB1 if (jh) C[,jh] = mod(C[,jh] :+ .5, 360) :- .5 _set(C, space) S->isip = `TRUE' // reset opacity and intensity if necessary if (length(A)) { if (pad) S->alpha = clip(A, 0, 1) else S->alpha = A } if (length(I)) { if (pad) S->intensity = clip(I, 0, 255) else S->intensity = I } } `RM' `MAIN'::_ipolate_get(`SS' space, `SS' mask, `Int' j) { `RM' C C = _get(space + (mask!="" ? " " + mask : "")) if (space=="CAM02") { if (mask=="") j = 3 // default mask is JCh else j = strpos(mask, "h") } else j = strpos(strlower(space), "h") if (j) C[,j] = _ipolate_halign(C[,j]) return(C) } `RC' `MAIN'::_ipolate_halign(`RC' C) { // realigns hues such that for each consecutive pair of colors the // shorter distance on the color wheel is used `Int' i, j `RS' a, b, c for(i=(rows(C)-1); i; i--) { c = C[i+1] if (c>=.) continue j = trunc(c/360) b = mod(C[i], 360) if (bn==0) return // convert RGB1 to interpolation space C = _mix_get(space, mask, jh=0) if (mask!="") space = space + " " + mask // weights if (length(w0)==0) w = 1 else if (w0==.) w = 1 else { if (cols(w0)>1) w = w0' else w = w0 if (rows(w)<(S->n)) w = colrecycle(w, S->n) else if (rows(w)>(S->n)) w = w[|1 \ S->n|] } // get opacity and intensity if (any(S->alpha:<.)) A = editmissing(S->alpha, 1) else A = J(S->n, 0, .) if (any(S->intensity:<.)) I = editmissing(S->intensity, 1) else I = J(S->n, 0, .) // average C = mean((C,A,I), w) if (length(I)) {; I = C[cols(C)]; C = C[,1..cols(C)-1]; } if (length(A)) {; A = C[cols(C)]; C = C[,1..cols(C)-1]; } // convert back to RGB1 if (jh) { C[jh] = mod(atan2(C[jh], C[cols(C)])*180/pi() + .5, 360) - .5 C = C[|1 \ cols(C)-1|] } _set(C, space) // reset opacity if necessary if (length(A)) S->alpha = A if (length(I)) S->intensity = I } `RM' `MAIN'::_mix_get(`SS' space, `SS' mask, `Int' j) { `RM' C C = _get(space + (mask!="" ? " " + mask : "")) if (space=="CAM02") { if (mask=="") j = 3 // default mask is JCh else j = strpos(mask, "h") } else j = strpos(strlower(space), "h") if (j) { C[,j] = C[,j] * (pi() / 180) C = C, sin(C[,j]) C[,j] = cos(C[,j]) } return(C) } end * {smcl} * {marker intens}{bf:- intensify, saturate, luminate} {hline} * {asis} mata: // intensify(): equivalent to intensity adjustment as implemented in official // Stata (increase/decrease R, G, and B such that their ratio is maintained) // 0 <= p < 1 makes color lighter // 1 < p <= 255 makes color darker // output is always within [0,255] and rounded void `MAIN'::_intensify(`RV' p0) { `Int' i `IntC' id `RC' p `RM' C if (length(p0)==0) return if (any( ((p0:<.):&(p0:>255)) :| (p0:<0) )) { display("{err}intensity multiplier must be in [0,255]") exit(3300) } if (cols(p0)>1) p = p0' else p = p0 if ((S->n)==0) return if (rows(p)<(S->n)) p = colrecycle(p, S->n) else if (rows(p)>(S->n)) _recycle(rows(p)) if (missing(p)) { id = ::select(1::(S->n), p:<.) if (length(id)==0) return p = p[id] } C = _get("RGB") if (length(id)) C = C[id,] for (i=rows(C); i; i--) C[i,] = __intensify(C[i,], p[i]) _reset(C, "RGB", id) } `RR' `MAIN'::__intensify(`RR' C0, `RS' p) { // C0 is assumed to be rounded and clipped to [0,255] `RS' m `RR' C if (p==1) return(C0) m = (p<0 ? 0 : (p>255 ? 255 : p)) if (m<1) return(round(C0*m :+ (255*(1-m)))) m = 1/m C = round(C0*m) if (any(C0 :& C:==0)) C = round(C0 / min(::select((255,C0), (255,C0):>0))) return(C) } // Intensify(): intensify() by intensity() and reset intensity() void `MAIN'::_Intensify() { _intensify(S->intensity) S->intensity = J(S->n,1,.) } // saturate(): change saturation/chroma // similar to color.saturate()/color.desaturate() in chroma.js // source: https://gka.github.io/chroma.js/ void `MAIN'::_saturate(`RV' p0, | `SS' method0, `Bool' level) { `Int' i `IntC' id `RC' p `SS' method `RM' C if (args()<3) level = `FALSE' method = findkey(method0, ("LCh", "HCL", "JCh", "JMh")', "LCh") if (method=="") { display("{err}method '" + method0 + "' not allowed") exit(3498) } if (method=="JCh") method = "CAM02 JCh" if (length(p0)==0) return if (cols(p0)>1) p = p0' else p = p0 if ((S->n)==0) return if (rows(p)<(S->n)) p = colrecycle(p, S->n) else if (rows(p)>(S->n)) _recycle(rows(p)) if (missing(p)) { id = ::select(1::(S->n), p:<.) if (length(id)==0) return p = p[id] } C = _get(method) if (length(id)) C = C[id,] for (i=rows(C); i; i--) { if (level) C[i,2] = max((p[i],0)) else C[i,2] = max((C[i,2] + p[i], 0)) } _reset(C, method, id) } // luminate(): change luminance/brightness // similar to color.brighten()/color.darken() in chroma.js // source: https://gka.github.io/chroma.js/ void `MAIN'::_luminate(`RV' p0, | `SS' method0, `Bool' level) { `Int' i, j `IntC' id `RC' p `SS' method `RM' C if (args()<3) level = `FALSE' method = findkey(method0, ("Lab", "LCh", "Luv", "HCL", "JCh", "JMh", "Jab")', "JMh") if (method=="") { display("{err}method '" + method0 + "' not allowed") exit(3498) } if (method=="JCh") method = "CAM02 JCh" if (length(p0)==0) return if (cols(p0)>1) p = p0' else p = p0 if ((S->n)==0) return if (rows(p)<(S->n)) p = colrecycle(p, S->n) else if (rows(p)>(S->n)) _recycle(rows(p)) if (missing(p)) { id = ::select(1::(S->n), p:<.) if (length(id)==0) return p = p[id] } C = _get(method) if (length(id)) C = C[id,] if (method=="HCL") j = 3 else j = 1 for (i=rows(C); i; i--) { if (level) C[i,j] = max((p[i],0)) else C[i,j] = max((C[i,j] + p[i], 0)) } _reset(C, method, id) } end * {smcl} * {marker gray}{bf:- grayscale conversion} {hline} * {asis} mata: // gray(): reduce luminance towards zero // note: the method proposed at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grayscale // (set all RGB channels to Y of XYZ; and apply gamma) is equivalent to // method "HCL" or "LCh" with p = 1 void `MAIN'::_gray(| `RV' p0, `SS' method0) { `IntC' id `RC' p `SS' method `RM' C if (args()==0) p0 = 1 method = findkey(method0, ("LCh", "HCL", "JCh", "JMh")', "LCh") if (method=="") { display("{err}method '" + method0 + "' not allowed") exit(3498) } if (method=="JCh") method = "CAM02 JCh" if (length(p0)==0) return if (any(p0:<0) | any(p0:>1 :& p0:<.)) { display("{err}{it:p} must be within 0 and 1") exit(3300) } if (cols(p0)>1) p = p0' else p = p0 if ((S->n)==0) return if (rows(p)<(S->n)) p = colrecycle(p, S->n) else if (rows(p)>(S->n)) _recycle(rows(p)) if (missing(p)) { id = ::select(1::(S->n), p:<.) if (length(id)==0) return p = p[id] } C = _get(method) if (length(id)) C = C[id,] C[,2] = C[,2] :* (1 :- p) _reset(C, method, id) } `RM' `MAIN'::GRAY(`RM' C, `SS' space, `RS' p0, `SS' method0) { `RS' p `SS' method `RM' G p = (p0<. ? p0 : 1) if (p<0 | p>1) { display("{err}proportion must be within 0 and 1") exit(3300) } method = findkey(method0, ("LCh", "HCL", "JCh", "JMh")', "LCh") if (method=="") { display("{err}method '" + method0 + "' not allowed") exit(3498) } if (method=="JCh") method = "CAM02 JCh" if (p==0) return(C) // no conversion needed G = convert(C, space, method) if (p!=1) G[,2] = G[,2] * (1-p) else G[,2] = J(rows(G), 1, 0) return(convert(G, method, space)) } end * {smcl} * {marker cvd}{bf:Color vision deficiency simulation} {hline} * {asis} mata: // cvd(): simulate color vision deficiency // Source: // Machado, G.M., M.M. Oliveira, L.A.F. Fernandes (2009). A // Physiologically-based Model for Simulation of Color Vision Deficiency. IEEE // Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 15(6): 1291-1298. // {browse "https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2009.113"} // Transformation matrices: // {browse "http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/~oliveira/pubs_files/CVD_Simulation/CVD_Simulation.html"} void `MAIN'::_cvd(| `RV' p0, `SS' method0) { `Int' i, m `IntC' id `RC' p `RS' pi `RM' C, M `SS' method if (args()==0) p0 = 1 method = strlower(method0) if (smatch(method, "deuteranomaly")) m = 1 // includes "" else if (smatch(method, "protanomaly")) m = 2 else if (smatch(method, "tritanomaly")) m = 3 else { display("{err}type '" + method0 + "' not allowed") exit(3498) } if (length(p0)==0) return if (any(p0:<0) | any(p0:>1 :& p0:<.)) { display("{err}{it:p} must be within 0 and 1") exit(3300) } if (cols(p0)>1) p = p0' else p = p0 if ((S->n)==0) return if (rows(p)<(S->n)) p = colrecycle(p, S->n) else if (rows(p)>(S->n)) _recycle(rows(p)) if (missing(p)) { id = ::select(1::(S->n), p:<.) if (length(id)==0) return p = p[id] } C = _get("lRGB") if (length(id)) C = C[id,] pi = . for (i=rows(C); i; i--) { if (p[i]!=pi) { // update M only if p changed pi = p[i] M = _cvd_M(pi, m)' } C[i,] = C[i,] * M } _reset(C, "lRGB", id) } `RM' `MAIN'::CVD(`RM' C, `SS' space, | `RS' p, `SS' method) { `Int' i `RM' M, CVD if (p==0) return(C) // no conversion needed M = cvd_M(p, method)' CVD = convert(C, space, "lRGB") for (i=rows(CVD); i; i--) CVD[i,] = CVD[i,] * M return(convert(CVD, "lRGB", space)) } `RM' `MAIN'::cvd_M(| `RS' p0, `SS' method0) { `Int' m `RS' p `SS' method p = (p0<. ? p0 : 1) if (p<0 | p>1) { display("{err}severity must be within 0 and 1") exit(3300) } method = strlower(method0) if (smatch(method, "deuteranomaly")) m = 1 // includes "" else if (smatch(method, "protanomaly")) m = 2 else if (smatch(method, "tritanomaly")) m = 3 else { display("{err}type '" + method0 + "' not allowed") exit(3498) } return(_cvd_M(p, m)) } `RM' `MAIN'::_cvd_M(`RS' p, `Int' m) { `Int' a, b `RS' f f = p/.1 a = floor(f); b = ceil(f) if (a==b) { if (m==1) return(cvd_M_d(a)) if (m==2) return(cvd_M_p(a)) if (m==3) return(cvd_M_t(a)) } f = f-a if (m==1) return( (1-f)*cvd_M_d(a) :+ f*cvd_M_d(b) ) if (m==2) return( (1-f)*cvd_M_p(a) :+ f*cvd_M_p(b) ) if (m==3) return( (1-f)*cvd_M_t(a) :+ f*cvd_M_t(b) ) } `RM' `MAIN'::cvd_M_d(`Int' i) { if (i==0) return(( 1.000000, 0.000000, -0.000000) \ ( 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000) \ (-0.000000, -0.000000, 1.000000) ) if (i==1) return(( 0.866435, 0.177704, -0.044139) \ ( 0.049567, 0.939063, 0.011370) \ (-0.003453, 0.007233, 0.996220) ) if (i==2) return(( 0.760729, 0.319078, -0.079807) \ ( 0.090568, 0.889315, 0.020117) \ (-0.006027, 0.013325, 0.992702) ) if (i==3) return(( 0.675425, 0.433850, -0.109275) \ ( 0.125303, 0.847755, 0.026942) \ (-0.007950, 0.018572, 0.989378) ) if (i==4) return(( 0.605511, 0.528560, -0.134071) \ ( 0.155318, 0.812366, 0.032316) \ (-0.009376, 0.023176, 0.986200) ) if (i==5) return(( 0.547494, 0.607765, -0.155259) \ ( 0.181692, 0.781742, 0.036566) \ (-0.010410, 0.027275, 0.983136) ) if (i==6) return(( 0.498864, 0.674741, -0.173604) \ ( 0.205199, 0.754872, 0.039929) \ (-0.011131, 0.030969, 0.980162) ) if (i==7) return(( 0.457771, 0.731899, -0.189670) \ ( 0.226409, 0.731012, 0.042579) \ (-0.011595, 0.034333, 0.977261) ) if (i==8) return(( 0.422823, 0.781057, -0.203881) \ ( 0.245752, 0.709602, 0.044646) \ (-0.011843, 0.037423, 0.974421) ) if (i==9) return(( 0.392952, 0.823610, -0.216562) \ ( 0.263559, 0.690210, 0.046232) \ (-0.011910, 0.040281, 0.971630) ) if (i==10) return(( 0.367322, 0.860646, -0.227968) \ ( 0.280085, 0.672501, 0.047413) \ (-0.011820, 0.042940, 0.968881) ) } `RM' `MAIN'::cvd_M_p(`Int' i) { if (i==0) return(( 1.000000, 0.000000, -0.000000) \ ( 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000) \ (-0.000000, -0.000000, 1.000000) ) if (i==1) return(( 0.856167, 0.182038, -0.038205) \ ( 0.029342, 0.955115, 0.015544) \ (-0.002880, -0.001563, 1.004443) ) if (i==2) return(( 0.734766, 0.334872, -0.069637) \ ( 0.051840, 0.919198, 0.028963) \ (-0.004928, -0.004209, 1.009137) ) if (i==3) return(( 0.630323, 0.465641, -0.095964) \ ( 0.069181, 0.890046, 0.040773) \ (-0.006308, -0.007724, 1.014032) ) if (i==4) return(( 0.539009, 0.579343, -0.118352) \ ( 0.082546, 0.866121, 0.051332) \ (-0.007136, -0.011959, 1.019095) ) if (i==5) return(( 0.458064, 0.679578, -0.137642) \ ( 0.092785, 0.846313, 0.060902) \ (-0.007494, -0.016807, 1.024301) ) if (i==6) return(( 0.385450, 0.769005, -0.154455) \ ( 0.100526, 0.829802, 0.069673) \ (-0.007442, -0.022190, 1.029632) ) if (i==7) return(( 0.319627, 0.849633, -0.169261) \ ( 0.106241, 0.815969, 0.077790) \ (-0.007025, -0.028051, 1.035076) ) if (i==8) return(( 0.259411, 0.923008, -0.182420) \ ( 0.110296, 0.804340, 0.085364) \ (-0.006276, -0.034346, 1.040622) ) if (i==9) return(( 0.203876, 0.990338, -0.194214) \ ( 0.112975, 0.794542, 0.092483) \ (-0.005222, -0.041043, 1.046265) ) if (i==10) return(( 0.152286, 1.052583, -0.204868) \ ( 0.114503, 0.786281, 0.099216) \ (-0.003882, -0.048116, 1.051998) ) } `RM' `MAIN'::cvd_M_t(`Int' i) { if (i==0) return(( 1.000000, 0.000000, -0.000000) \ ( 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000) \ (-0.000000, -0.000000, 1.000000) ) if (i==1) return(( 0.926670, 0.092514, -0.019184) \ ( 0.021191, 0.964503, 0.014306) \ ( 0.008437, 0.054813, 0.936750) ) if (i==2) return(( 0.895720, 0.133330, -0.029050) \ ( 0.029997, 0.945400, 0.024603) \ ( 0.013027, 0.104707, 0.882266) ) if (i==3) return(( 0.905871, 0.127791, -0.033662) \ ( 0.026856, 0.941251, 0.031893) \ ( 0.013410, 0.148296, 0.838294) ) if (i==4) return(( 0.948035, 0.089490, -0.037526) \ ( 0.014364, 0.946792, 0.038844) \ ( 0.010853, 0.193991, 0.795156) ) if (i==5) return(( 1.017277, 0.027029, -0.044306) \ (-0.006113, 0.958479, 0.047634) \ ( 0.006379, 0.248708, 0.744913) ) if (i==6) return(( 1.104996, -0.046633, -0.058363) \ (-0.032137, 0.971635, 0.060503) \ ( 0.001336, 0.317922, 0.680742) ) if (i==7) return(( 1.193214, -0.109812, -0.083402) \ (-0.058496, 0.979410, 0.079086) \ (-0.002346, 0.403492, 0.598854) ) if (i==8) return(( 1.257728, -0.139648, -0.118081) \ (-0.078003, 0.975409, 0.102594) \ (-0.003316, 0.501214, 0.502102) ) if (i==9) return(( 1.278864, -0.125333, -0.153531) \ (-0.084748, 0.957674, 0.127074) \ (-0.000989, 0.601151, 0.399838) ) if (i==10) return(( 1.255528, -0.076749, -0.178779) \ (-0.078411, 0.930809, 0.147602) \ ( 0.004733, 0.691367, 0.303900) ) } end * {smcl} * {marker diff}{bf:Color differences and contrast ratios} {hline} * {asis} mata: // contrast(): compute color contrast // Contrast Ratio according to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 // source: https://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-WCAG20-20081211/#contrast-ratiodef `RC' `MAIN'::contrast(| `IntM' P) { S = &data if (args()==0) return(_contrast()) return(_contrast(P)) } `RC' `MAIN'::contrast_added(| `IntM' P) { S = &data1 copyadded() if (args()==0) return(_contrast()) return(_contrast(P)) } `RC' `MAIN'::_contrast(| `IntM' P0) { `Int' i, n, p1, p2 `RS' l1, l2 `IntM' P `RC' L, C if ((n = S->n)<1) return(J(0,1,.)) if (args()<1 | P0==.) { if (n<2) return(J(0,1,.)) P = ((1::(n-1)), (2::n)) } else P = P0 assert_cols(P, 2) L = _get("XYZ")[,2] :+ 5 C = J(i = rows(P), 1, .) for (; i; i--) { p1 = P[i,1]; p2 = P[i,2] if (p1<0) p1 = n + 1 + p1 if (p2<0) p2 = n + 1 + p2 if (p1<1 | p1>n) continue if (p2<1 | p2>n) continue l1 = L[p1]; l2 = L[p2] C[i] = (l1>l2 ? l1/l2 : l2/l1) } return(C) } // delta(): compute color differences // sources: // - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_difference // - http://www.brucelindbloom.com/ // - Luo, M.R., C. Li (2013). CIECAM02 and its recent developments. P 19-58 in: // C. Fernandez-Maloigne (ed). Advanced color image processing and analysis. // New York: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-6190-7_2 `RC' `MAIN'::delta(| `IntM' P, `SS' method, `Bool' noclip) { S = &data if (args()==0) return(_delta()) if (args()==1) return(_delta(P)) if (args()==2) return(_delta(P, method)) return(_delta(P, method, noclip)) } `RC' `MAIN'::delta_added(| `IntM' P, `SS' method, `Bool' noclip) { S = &data1 copyadded() if (args()==0) return(_delta()) if (args()==1) return(_delta(P)) if (args()==2) return(_delta(P, method)) return(_delta(P, method, noclip)) } `RC' `MAIN'::_delta(| `IntM' P0, `SS' method0, `Bool' noclip) { `SS' method, coefs, space `Int' n `IntM' P `RM' C pragma unset coefs if (args()<3) noclip = `FALSE' // parse method method = findkey(gettok(method0, coefs), ("E76", "E94", "E2000", "RGB", "RGB1", "lRGB", "XYZ", "XYZ1", "xyY1", "Lab", "LCh", "Luv", "HCL", "JCh", "JMh", "Jab")', ("Jab")) if (method=="") { display("{err}method '" + method0 + "' not allowed") exit(3498) } if (method=="Jab") space = "Jab" + (coefs!="" ? " " + coefs : "") else if (method=="JMh") space = "JMh" + (coefs!="" ? " " + coefs : "") else if (method=="JCh") space = "CAM02 JCh" else if (coefs!="") { display("{err}method '" + method0 + "' not allowed") exit(3498) } else { if (anyof(("E76","E94","E2000"), method)) space = "Lab" else space = method } // determine positions if ((n = S->n)<1) return(J(0,1,.)) if (args()<1 | P0==.) { if (n<2) return(J(0,1,.)) P = ((1::(n-1)), (2::n)) } else P = P0 assert_cols(P, 2) // get colors if (noclip==`TRUE') C = _get(space) else C = convert(clip(_get("lRGB"), 0, 1), "lRGB", space) // compute differences if (method=="Jab") return(delta_jab(C, P, coefs)) else if (method=="E94") return(delta_E94(C, P)) else if (method=="E2000") return(delta_E2000(C, P)) return(delta_euclid(C, P)) } `RC' `MAIN'::delta_jab(`RM' C, `IntM' P, `SS' coefs) { `Int' i, n, p1, p2 `RS' KL `RR' a, b `RC' D if (coefs=="") KL = ucscoefs()[1] else KL = ucscoefs_get(coefs)[1] n = rows(C) D = J(i = rows(P), 1, .) for (; i; i--) { p1 = P[i,1]; p2 = P[i,2] if (p1<0) p1 = n + 1 + p1 if (p2<0) p2 = n + 1 + p2 if (p1<1 | p1>n) continue if (p2<1 | p2>n) continue a = C[p1,]; b = C[p2,] D[i] = sqrt(((a[1]-b[1])/KL)^2 + (a[2]-b[2])^2 + (a[3]-b[3])^2) } return(D) } `RC' `MAIN'::delta_E94(`RM' Lab, `IntM' P) { // see http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Eqn_DeltaE_CIE94.html // (but using symmetric variant as in Hunt 2004:670) `Int' i, n, p1, p2 `Int' dL, dC, dH2, KL, KC, KH, K1, K2, SL, SC, SH, C1, C2 `RR' Lab1, Lab2 `RC' D KL = 1 // textile: 2 KC = 1 KH = 1 K1 = .045 // textile: .048 K2 = .015 // textile: .014 SL = 1 n = rows(Lab) D = J(i = rows(P), 1, .) for (; i; i--) { p1 = P[i,1]; p2 = P[i,2] if (p1<0) p1 = n + 1 + p1 if (p2<0) p2 = n + 1 + p2 if (p1<1 | p1>n) continue if (p2<1 | p2>n) continue Lab1 = Lab[p1,]; Lab2 = Lab[p2,] C1 = sqrt(sum(Lab1[(2,3)]:^2)) C2 = sqrt(sum(Lab2[(2,3)]:^2)) SC = 1 + K1 * sqrt(C1*C2) // asymmetic: 1 + K1 * C1 SH = 1 + K2 * sqrt(C1*C2) // asymmetic: 1 + K2 * C1 dL = Lab1[1] - Lab2[1] dC = C1 - C2 dH2 = sum((Lab1[(2,3)]-Lab2[(2,3)]):^2) - dC^2 dL = dL / (KL*SL) dC = dC / (KC*SC) dH2 = dH2 / (KH*SH)^2 D[i] = sqrt(dL^2 + dC^2 + dH2) } return(D) } `RC' `MAIN'::delta_E2000(`RM' Lab, `IntM' P) { // see http://www.brucelindbloom.com/Eqn_DeltaE_CIE2000.html // (need to work in radians: radian = degree * pi() / 180) `Int' i, n, p1, p2 `RS' dL, dC, dH, Lbar, Cbar, Hbar, G, a1, a2, C1, C2, h1, h2, T, dh, RT `RS' KL, KC, KH `RR' Lab1, Lab2 `RC' D KL = KC = KH = 1 n = rows(Lab) D = J(i = rows(P), 1, .) for (; i; i--) { p1 = P[i,1]; p2 = P[i,2] if (p1<0) p1 = n + 1 + p1 if (p2<0) p2 = n + 1 + p2 if (p1<1 | p1>n) continue if (p2<1 | p2>n) continue Lab1 = Lab[p1,]; Lab2 = Lab[p2,] Lbar = (Lab1[1] + Lab2[1]) / 2 Cbar = (sqrt(sum(Lab1[(2,3)]:^2)) + sqrt(sum(Lab2[(2,3)]:^2))) / 2 G = (1 - sqrt(Cbar^7 / (Cbar^7 + 25^7))) / 2 a1 = Lab1[2] * (1 + G) a2 = Lab2[2] * (1 + G) C1 = sqrt(a1^2 + Lab1[3]^2) C2 = sqrt(a2^2 + Lab2[3]^2) Cbar = (C1 + C2) / 2 h1 = mod(atan2(a1, Lab1[3]), 2*pi()) // Mata's atan2() is reverse h2 = mod(atan2(a2, Lab2[3]), 2*pi()) // Mata's atan2() is reverse Hbar = (h1 + h2)/2 + (abs(h1-h2)>pi() ? pi() : 0) T = 1 - 0.17*cos(Hbar - pi()/6) + 0.24*cos(2*Hbar) + 0.32*cos(3*Hbar + pi()/30) - 0.20*cos(4*Hbar - 63*pi()/180) dh = h2 - h1 dh = dh - (abs(dh)>pi() ? sign(dh)*2*pi() : 0) dL = Lab2[1] - Lab1[1] dC = C2 - C1 dH = 2 * sqrt(C1*C2) * sin(dh/2) dL = dL / (KL * (1 + 0.015*(Lbar-50)^2/sqrt(20 + (Lbar-50)^2))) dC = dC / (KC * (1 + 0.045*Cbar)) dH = dH / (KH * (1 + 0.015*Cbar*T)) RT = -2*sqrt(Cbar^7/(Cbar^7 + 25^7)) * sin(exp(-((Hbar*180/pi() - 275)/25)^2)*pi()/3) D[i] = sqrt(dL^2 + dC^2 + dH^2 + RT*dC*dH) } return(D) } `RC' `MAIN'::delta_euclid(`RM' C, `IntM' P) { `Int' i, n, p1, p2 `RR' a, b `RC' D n = rows(C) D = J(i = rows(P), 1, .) for (; i; i--) { p1 = P[i,1]; p2 = P[i,2] if (p1<0) p1 = n + 1 + p1 if (p2<0) p2 = n + 1 + p2 if (p1<1 | p1>n) continue if (p2<1 | p2>n) continue a = C[p1,]; b = C[p2,] D[i] = sqrt(((a[1]-b[1]))^2 + (a[2]-b[2])^2 + (a[3]-b[3])^2) } return(D) } end * {smcl} * {marker convert}{bf:Translate colors between spaces (without storing colors)} {hline} * {asis} mata: `TM' `MAIN'::convert(`TM' C0, `SS' from, | `SS' to, `RS' p, `SS' method) { `SR' FROM, TO `SM' PATH `TM' C pragma unset FROM pragma unset TO if (convert_parse(TO, to, 1)) { display("{err}'" + to + "' not allowed") exit(3498) } if (TO[1]=="GRAY") return(GRAY(C0, from, p, method)) if (TO[1]=="CVD") return(CVD(C0, from, p, method)) if (convert_parse(FROM, from, 0)) { display("{err}'" + from + "' not allowed") exit(3498) } if (FROM[1]==TO[1]) { if (FROM[1]=="CAM02") { if (FROM==TO) return(C0) CAM02_setup() return(CAM02_to_CAM02(C0, FROM[2], TO[2])) } if (FROM[1]=="JMh") { if (FROM==TO) return(C0) return(CAM02_to_JMh(JMh_to_CAM02(C0, FROM[2], "JMh"), "JMh", TO[2])) } if (FROM[1]=="Jab") { if (FROM==TO) return(C0) return(CAM02_to_Jab(Jab_to_CAM02(C0, FROM[2], "JMh"), "JMh", TO[2])) } return(C0) } PATH = convert_getpath(TO, FROM) C = C0 return(convert_run(C, PATH)) } `Bool' `MAIN'::convert_parse(`SR' S, `SS' s0, `RS' to) { `SS' s, mask pragma unset mask s = findkey(gettok(s0, mask), SPACES \ SPACES2, "RGB") if (s=="") { if (to) s = findkey(gettok(s0), ("GRAY", "CVD")') if (s=="") return(`TRUE') } if (mask!="") { if (anyof(("CAM02", "JMh", "Jab"), s)==0) return(`TRUE') } S = (s, mask) return(`FALSE') } `SM' `MAIN'::convert_getpath(`SR' TO, `SM' path0) { `Int' i `SR' path `SM' edgelist i = rows(path0) edgelist = ::select(EDGELIST, EDGELIST[,1]:==path0[i,1]) if (i>1) edgelist = ::select(edgelist, edgelist[,2]:!=path0[i-1,1]) for (i=rows(edgelist); i; i--) { if (edgelist[i,2]==TO[1]) return(path0 \ TO) path = convert_getpath(TO, path0 \ (edgelist[i,2], "")) if (rows(path)) return(path) } return(J(0,2,"")) } `TM' `MAIN'::convert_run(`TM' C, `SM' PATH) { `SS' from, to, err err = "inconsistent conversion path; this should never happen" from = PATH[1,1]; to = PATH[2,1] if (from=="HEX") { if (to=="RGB") C = HEX_to_RGB(C) else _error(err) } else if (from=="RGB") { if (to=="HEX") C = RGB_to_HEX(C) else if (to=="RGB1") C = RGB_to_RGB1(C) else _error(err) } else if (from=="CMYK") { if (to=="CMYK1") C = CMYK_to_CMYK1(C) else _error(err) } else if (from=="CMYK1") { if (to=="CMYK") C = CMYK1_to_CMYK(C) else if (to=="RGB1") C = CMYK1_to_RGB1(C) else _error(err) } else if (from=="HSV") { if (to=="RGB1") C = HSV_to_RGB1(C) else _error(err) } else if (from=="HSL") { if (to=="RGB1") C = HSL_to_RGB1(C) else _error(err) } else if (from=="RGB1") { if (to=="RGB") C = RGB1_to_RGB(C) else if (to=="CMYK1") C = RGB1_to_CMYK1(C) else if (to=="HSV") C = RGB1_to_HSV(C) else if (to=="HSL") C = RGB1_to_HSL(C) else if (to=="lRGB") C = RGB1_to_lRGB(C) else _error(err) } else if (from=="lRGB") { if (to=="RGB1") C = lRGB_to_RGB1(C) else if (to=="XYZ") C = lRGB_to_XYZ(C) else _error(err) } else if (from=="XYZ") { if (to=="lRGB") C = XYZ_to_lRGB(C) else if (to=="XYZ1") C = XYZ_to_XYZ1(C) else if (to=="xyY") C = XYZ_to_xyY(C) else if (to=="Lab") C = XYZ_to_Lab(C) else if (to=="Luv") C = XYZ_to_Luv(C) else if (to=="CAM02") C = XYZ_to_CAM02(C, PATH[2,2]) else _error(err) } else if (from=="XYZ1") { if (to=="XYZ") C = XYZ1_to_XYZ(C) else _error(err) } else if (from=="xyY") { if (to=="XYZ") C = xyY_to_XYZ(C) else if (to=="xyY1") C = xyY_to_xyY1(C) else _error(err) } else if (from=="xyY1") { if (to=="xyY") C = xyY1_to_xyY(C) else _error(err) } else if (from=="Lab") { if (to=="XYZ") C = Lab_to_XYZ(C) else if (to=="LCh") C = Lab_to_LCh(C) else _error(err) } else if (from=="LCh") { if (to=="Lab") C = LCh_to_Lab(C) else _error(err) } else if (from=="Luv") { if (to=="XYZ") C = Luv_to_XYZ(C) else if (to=="HCL") C = Luv_to_HCL(C) else _error(err) } else if (from=="HCL") { if (to=="Luv") C = HCL_to_Luv(C) else _error(err) } else if (from=="CAM02") { if (to=="XYZ") C = CAM02_to_XYZ(C, PATH[1,2]) else if (to=="JMh") C = CAM02_to_JMh(C, PATH[1,2], PATH[2,2]) else if (to=="Jab") C = CAM02_to_Jab(C, PATH[1,2], PATH[2,2]) else _error(err) } else if (from=="JMh") { if (to=="CAM02") C = JMh_to_CAM02(C, PATH[1,2], PATH[2,2]) else _error(err) } else if (from=="Jab") { if (to=="CAM02") C = Jab_to_CAM02(C, PATH[1,2], PATH[2,2]) else _error(err) } else _error(err) if (rows(PATH)==2) return(C) return(convert_run(C, PATH[|2,1 \ .,.|])) } end * {smcl} * {marker translate}{bf:Elementary translators} {hline} * {asis} mata: // Transformation between HEX string and RGB {0,...,255} `RM' `MAIN'::HEX_to_RGB(`SV' HEX) { `Int' i `RM' RGB i = length(HEX) RGB = J(i, 3, .) for (; i; i--) RGB[i,] = _HEX_to_RGB(strtrim(HEX[i])) return(RGB) } `RR' `MAIN'::_HEX_to_RGB(`SS' HEX) { `SS' c `Int' l c = strtrim(substr(HEX,2,.)) // get rid of #; allows blanks after # l = strlen(c) if (l==3) c = substr(c,1,1)*2 + substr(c,2,1)*2 + substr(c,3,1)*2 else if (l!=6) return(J(1,3,.)) return((frombase(16, substr(c,1,2)), frombase(16, substr(c,3,2)), frombase(16, substr(c,5,2)))) } `SC' `MAIN'::RGB_to_HEX(`RM' RGB) { `Int' i `SC' HEX assert_cols(RGB, 3) i = rows(RGB) HEX = J(i, 1, "") for (; i; i--) HEX[i] = _RGB_to_HEX(RGB[i,]) return(HEX) } `SS' `MAIN'::_RGB_to_HEX(`RV' RGB) { `Int' i `SS' HEX, s pragma unset HEX if (max(RGB)>255) return("") if (min(RGB)<0) return("") for (i=3; i; i--) { s = inbase(16, RGB[i]) if (strlen(s)==1) s = "0" + s //if (strlen(s)!=2) return("") HEX = s + HEX } return("#" + HEX) } // Transformation between CMYK [0,1] and CMYK {0,...,255} `RM' `MAIN'::CMYK1_to_CMYK(`RM' CMYK1) return(clip(round(CMYK1*255), 0, 255)) `RM' `MAIN'::CMYK_to_CMYK1(`RM' CMYK) return(CMYK/255) // Transformation between CMYK [0,1] and RGB [0,1] // source: .setcmyk from color.class and rgb2cmyk in palette.ado (official Stata) `RM' `MAIN'::RGB1_to_CMYK1(`RM' RGB1) { `Int' i `RM' CMYK1 assert_cols(RGB1, 3) i = rows(RGB1) CMYK1 = J(i, 4, .) for (; i; i--) CMYK1[i,] = _RGB1_to_CMYK1(RGB1[i,]) return(CMYK1) } `RR' `MAIN'::_RGB1_to_CMYK1(`RV' RGB1) { `RS' c, m, y, k c = 1 - RGB1[1]; m = 1 - RGB1[2]; y = 1 - RGB1[3] k = min((c, m, y)) return((c-k, m-k, y-k, k)) } `RM' `MAIN'::CMYK1_to_RGB1(`RM' CMYK1) { `Int' i `RM' RGB1 assert_cols(CMYK1, 4) i = rows(CMYK1) RGB1 = J(i, 3, .) for (; i; i--) RGB1[i,] = _CMYK1_to_RGB1(CMYK1[i,]) return(RGB1) } `RR' `MAIN'::_CMYK1_to_RGB1(`RV' CMYK1) { `RS' c, m, y, k c = CMYK1[1]; m = CMYK1[2]; y = CMYK1[3]; k = CMYK1[4] return((((c+k)<1 ? 1 - (c+k) : 0), ((m+k)<1 ? 1 - (m+k) : 0), ((y+k)<1 ? 1 - (y+k) : 0))) } // Transformation between RGB [0,1] and RGB {0,...,255} `RM' `MAIN'::RGB_to_RGB1(`RM' RGB) return(RGB/255) `RM' `MAIN'::RGB1_to_RGB(`RM' RGB1) return(clip(round(RGB1*255), 0, 255)) // Transformation between RGB [0,1] and linear RGB [0,1] // sources: // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SRGB // http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?WorkingSpaceInfo.html // http://www.babelcolor.com/index_htm_files/A%20review%20of%20RGB%20color%20spaces.pdf // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_correction `RM' `MAIN'::RGB1_to_lRGB(`RM' RGB1) { `Int' i, j, c `RS' C, g, offset, transition, slope `RM' lRGB if (length(rgb_gamma)==1) { if (rgb_gamma!=1) return(sign(RGB1) :* abs(RGB1):^rgb_gamma) return(RGB1) } i = rows(RGB1); c = cols(RGB1) lRGB = J(i, c, .) g = rgb_gamma[1] offset = rgb_gamma[2] transition = rgb_gamma[3] slope = rgb_gamma[4] transition = transition * slope for (; i; i--) { for (j=c; j; j--) { C = RGB1[i,j] lRGB[i,j] = (abs(C)<=transition ? C/slope : sign(C) * ((abs(C) + offset)/(1 + offset))^g) } } return(lRGB) } `RM' `MAIN'::lRGB_to_RGB1(`RM' lRGB) { `Int' i, j, c `RS' C, g, offset, transition, slope `RM' RGB1 if (length(rgb_gamma)==1) { if (rgb_gamma!=1) return(sign(lRGB) :* abs(lRGB):^(1/rgb_gamma)) return(lRGB) } i = rows(lRGB); c = cols(lRGB) RGB1 = J(i, c, .) g = 1/rgb_gamma[1] offset = rgb_gamma[2] transition = rgb_gamma[3] slope = rgb_gamma[4] for (; i; i--) { for (j=c; j; j--) { C = lRGB[i,j] RGB1[i,j] = (abs(C)<=transition ? slope*C : sign(C) * ((1 + offset)*abs(C)^g - offset)) } } return(RGB1) } // Transformation between CIE XYZ 100 and linear RGB [0,1] // source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIE_1931_color_space `RM' `MAIN'::lRGB_to_XYZ(`RM' lRGB) { `Int' i `RM' XYZ, M assert_cols(lRGB, 3) M = rgb_M' i = rows(lRGB) XYZ = J(i, 3, .) for (; i; i--) XYZ[i,] = lRGB[i,] * M if (rgb_white!=white) XYZ = XYZ_to_XYZ(XYZ, rgb_white, white) return(XYZ) } `RM' `MAIN'::XYZ_to_lRGB(`RM' XYZ) { `Int' i `RM' lRGB, M assert_cols(XYZ, 3) lRGB = XYZ if (white!=rgb_white) lRGB = XYZ_to_XYZ(lRGB, white, rgb_white) M = rgb_invM' for (i=rows(lRGB); i; i--) lRGB[i,] = lRGB[i,] * M return(lRGB) } `RM' `MAIN'::XYZ_to_XYZ1(`RM' XYZ) return(XYZ/100) `RM' `MAIN'::XYZ1_to_XYZ(`RM' XYZ1) return(XYZ1*100) // Transformation between CIE XYZ and CIE xyY // source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIE_1931_color_space `RM' `MAIN'::XYZ_to_xyY(`RM' XYZ) { `Int' i `RS' sum `RM' xyY assert_cols(XYZ, 3) i = rows(XYZ) xyY = J(i, 3, .) for (; i; i--) { sum = XYZ[i,1] + XYZ[i,2] + XYZ[i,3] xyY[i,1] = (sum==0 ? 0 : XYZ[i,1]/sum) xyY[i,2] = (sum==0 ? 0 : XYZ[i,2]/sum) xyY[i,3] = XYZ[i,2] } return(xyY) } `RM' `MAIN'::xyY_to_XYZ(`RM' xyY) { `Int' i `RS' f `RM' XYZ assert_cols(xyY, 3) i = rows(xyY) XYZ = J(i, 3, .) for (; i; i--) { f = (xyY[i,2] ? xyY[i,3]/xyY[i,2] : sign(xyY[i,3]) * maxdouble()) XYZ[i,1] = xyY[i,1] * f XYZ[i,2] = xyY[i,3] XYZ[i,3] = (1 - xyY[i,1] - xyY[i,2]) * f } return(XYZ) } `RM' `MAIN'::xyY_to_xyY1(`RM' xyY) { assert_cols(xyY, 3) xyY[,3] = xyY[,3]/100 return(xyY) } `RM' `MAIN'::xyY1_to_xyY(`RM' xyY1) { assert_cols(xyY1, 3) xyY1[,3] = xyY1[,3]*100 return(xyY1) } // Transformation between CIE L*a*b* and CIE XYZ // source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIELAB_color_space `RM' `MAIN'::XYZ_to_Lab(`RM' XYZ) { `Int' i `RM' Lab assert_cols(XYZ, 3) Lab = XYZ :/ white for (i=rows(Lab); i; i--) Lab[i,] = _XYZ_to_Lab(Lab[i,]) return(Lab) } `RR' `MAIN'::_XYZ_to_Lab(`RR' XYZ) { return(( /* L* */ 116 * _XYZ_to_Lab_f(XYZ[2]) - 16, /* a* */ 500 * (_XYZ_to_Lab_f(XYZ[1]) - _XYZ_to_Lab_f(XYZ[2])), /* b* */ 200 * (_XYZ_to_Lab_f(XYZ[2]) - _XYZ_to_Lab_f(XYZ[3])) )) } `RS' `MAIN'::_XYZ_to_Lab_f(`RS' t) { `RS' delta delta = 6/29 return( t > delta^3 ? t^(1/3) : t / (3*delta^2) + 4/29 ) } `RM' `MAIN'::Lab_to_XYZ(`RM' Lab) { `Int' i `RM' XYZ assert_cols(Lab, 3) i = rows(Lab) XYZ = J(i, 3, .) for (; i; i--) XYZ[i,] = _Lab_to_XYZ(Lab[i,]) XYZ = XYZ :* white return(XYZ) } `RR' `MAIN'::_Lab_to_XYZ(`RR' Lab) { return(( /* X */ _Lab_to_XYZ_f((Lab[1] + 16)/116 + Lab[2]/500), /* Y */ _Lab_to_XYZ_f((Lab[1] + 16)/116), /* Z */ _Lab_to_XYZ_f((Lab[1] + 16)/116 - Lab[3]/200) )) } `RS' `MAIN'::_Lab_to_XYZ_f(`RS' t) { `RS' delta delta = 6/29 return( t > delta ? t^3 : 3*delta^2 * (t - 4/29) ) } // Transformation between CIE L*a*b* and CIE LCh // source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIELAB_color_space `RM' `MAIN'::Lab_to_LCh(`RM' Lab) { assert_cols(Lab, 3) if (rows(Lab)==0) return(Lab) return(( /* L */ Lab[,1], /* C */ sqrt(Lab[,2]:^2 :+ Lab[,3]:^2), /* h */ mod(atan2(Lab[,2], Lab[,3]) * 180 / pi() :+ .5, 360) :- .5 )) // note: Mata's atan2() is reverse } `RM' `MAIN'::LCh_to_Lab(`RM' LCh) { `RC' h assert_cols(LCh, 3) h = LCh[,3] * pi() / 180 return((LCh[,1], LCh[,2] :* cos(h), LCh[,2] :* sin(h))) } // Transformation between CIE L*u*v* and RGB [0,1] // source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIELUV // source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HCL_color_space `RM' `MAIN'::XYZ_to_Luv(`RM' XYZ) { `Int' i `RM' Luv assert_cols(XYZ, 3) i = rows(XYZ) Luv = J(i, 3, .) for (; i; i--) Luv[i,] = _XYZ_to_Luv(XYZ[i,], white) return(Luv) } `RR' `MAIN'::_XYZ_to_Luv(`RR' XYZ, `RR' xyz) { `RS' L L = 116 * _XYZ_to_Lab_f(XYZ[2]/xyz[2]) - 16 return(( /* L* */ L, /* u* */ 13*L * (_XYZ_to_Luv_u(XYZ) - _XYZ_to_Luv_u(xyz)), /* v* */ 13*L * (_XYZ_to_Luv_v(XYZ) - _XYZ_to_Luv_v(xyz)) )) } `RS' `MAIN'::_XYZ_to_Luv_u(`RR' XYZ) { `RS' sum sum = XYZ[1] + 15*XYZ[2] + 3*XYZ[3] return( sum==0 ? 0 : 4*XYZ[1]/sum ) } `RS' `MAIN'::_XYZ_to_Luv_v(`RR' XYZ) { `RS' sum sum = XYZ[1] + 15*XYZ[2] + 3*XYZ[3] return( sum==0 ? 0 : 9*XYZ[2]/sum ) } `RM' `MAIN'::Luv_to_XYZ(`RM' Luv) { `Int' i `RM' XYZ assert_cols(Luv, 3) i = rows(Luv) XYZ = J(i, 3, .) for (; i; i--) XYZ[i,] = _Luv_to_XYZ(Luv[i,], white) return(XYZ) } `RR' `MAIN'::_Luv_to_XYZ(`RR' Luv, `RR' xyz) { `RS' u, v, Y Y = xyz[2] * _Lab_to_XYZ_f((Luv[1]+16)/116) u = (Luv[1]==0 ? 0 : Luv[2] / (13*Luv[1])) + _XYZ_to_Luv_u(xyz) v = (Luv[1]==0 ? 0 : Luv[3] / (13*Luv[1])) + _XYZ_to_Luv_v(xyz) return(( /* X */ Y * (9*u) / (4*v), /* Y */ Y, /* Z */ Y * (12-3*u-20*v) / (4*v) )) } // Transformation between CIE L*u*v* and HCL // source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HCL_color_space `RM' `MAIN'::Luv_to_HCL(`RM' Luv) { assert_cols(Luv, 3) if (rows(Luv)==0) return(Luv) return(( /* H */ mod(atan2(Luv[,2], Luv[,3]) * 180 / pi() :+ .5, 360) :- .5, /* C */ sqrt(Luv[,2]:^2 :+ Luv[,3]:^2), /* L */ Luv[,1] )) // note: Mata's atan2() is reverse } `RM' `MAIN'::HCL_to_Luv(`RM' HCL) { `RC' h assert_cols(HCL, 3) h = HCL[,1] * pi() / 180 return((HCL[,3], HCL[,2] :* cos(h), HCL[,2] :* sin(h))) } // Transformation between CIE XYZ and CIE CAM02 // Source: // Luo, M.R., C. Li (2013). CIECAM02 and its recent developments. P 19-58 in: // C. Fernandez-Maloigne (ed). Advanced color image processing and analysis. // New York: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-6190-7_2 `RM' `MAIN'::XYZ_to_CAM02(`RM' XYZ, `SS' mask) { `Int' i, r `RM' JCh assert_cols(XYZ, 3) r = rows(XYZ) JCh = J(r, 3, .) CAM02_setup() for (i=r; i; i--) JCh[i,] = _XYZ_to_CAM02(XYZ[i,]') return(CAM02_to_CAM02(JCh, "JCh", mask)) } `RR' `MAIN'::_XYZ_to_CAM02(`RC' XYZ) { `RS' a, b, h2, A, et, t `RS' J, C, h `RC' LMS, sign, tmp LMS = C02.HPE * C02.iCAT02 * (C02.D :* (C02.CAT02 * XYZ)) sign = sign(LMS) tmp = ((sign :* C02.FL :* LMS)/100):^0.42 LMS = sign :* 400 :* (tmp:/(tmp :+ 27.13)) :+ 0.1 a = LMS[1] - 12*LMS[2]/11 + LMS[3]/11 b = (LMS[1] + LMS[2] - 2*LMS[3]) / 9 h = mod(atan2(a, b) * 180 / pi() + .5, 360) - .5 h2 = (h < C02.HUE[1,1] ? h + 360 : h) A = (2*LMS[1] + LMS[2] + LMS[3]/20 - 0.305) * C02.Nbb if (A<0) J = 0 else J = 100 * (A / C02.Aw)^(C02.c * C02.z) et = 0.25 * (cos((h2 * pi())/180 + 2) + 3.8) t = ((50000/13 * C02.Nc * C02.Ncb) * et * sqrt(a^2 + b^2)) / (LMS[1] + LMS[2] + (21/20) * LMS[3]) if (t<0) C = 0 else C = t^0.9 * sqrt(J/100) * (1.64 - 0.29^C02.n)^0.73 return((J, C, h)) } `RM' `MAIN'::CAM02_to_XYZ(`RM' CAM02, `SS' mask) { `Int' i `RM' XYZ CAM02_setup() XYZ = CAM02_to_CAM02(CAM02, mask, "JCh") for (i=rows(XYZ); i; i--) XYZ[i,] = _CAM02_to_XYZ(XYZ[i,]) return(XYZ) } `RR' `MAIN'::_CAM02_to_XYZ(`RR' JCh) { `RS' a, b, A, et, t, p1, p2, p3 `RS' J, C, h `RC' XYZ // Compute a and b J = JCh[1]; C = JCh[2]; h = JCh[3] * pi() / 180 if (J<0) J = 0 // J is not allowed to be smaller than 0 if (C<0) C = 0 // C is not allowed to be smaller than 0 t = (C / (sqrt(J/100) * (1.64 - 0.29^C02.n)^0.73))^(1/0.9) A = C02.Aw * (J/100)^(1 / (C02.c * C02.z)) p2 = A / C02.Nbb + 0.305 if (t==0) a = b = 0 else { p3 = 21/20 et = 0.25 * (cos(h + 2) + 3.8) p1 = (50000/13 * C02.Nc * C02.Ncb) * et * (1/t) if (J==0) p1 = 0 // in this case: 1/t = 1/infinity = 0 if (abs(sin(h))>=abs(cos(h))) { b = (p2 * (2 + p3) * (460/1403)) / ((p1 / sin(h)) + (2 + p3) * (220/1403) * (cos(h) / sin(h)) - (27/1403) + p3 * (6300/1403)) a = b * (cos(h)/sin(h)) } else { a = (p2 * (2 + p3) * (460/1403)) / ((p1 / cos(h)) + (2 + p3) * (220/1403) - ((27/1403) - p3 * (6300/1403)) * (sin(h)/cos(h))) b = a * (sin(h)/cos(h)) } } // Compute XYZ from J, a, and b if (missing((J,a,b))) return(J(1,3,.)) // not enough information XYZ = ((460*p2 + 451*a + 288*b) \ (460*p2 - 891*a - 261*b) \ (460*p2 - 220*a - 6300*b)) / 1403 :- 0.1 XYZ = (100/C02.FL) * sign(XYZ) :* ((27.13 * abs(XYZ)) :/ (400 :- abs(XYZ))):^(1/0.42) // missing if XYZ>=400 XYZ = C02.iCAT02 * ((C02.CAT02 * C02.iHPE * XYZ) :/ C02.D) return(XYZ') } `RM' `MAIN'::CAM02_to_CAM02(`RM' IN, `SS' fmask, `SS' tmask) { `RS' i, j `SS' c `RC' J, Q, C, M, s, H, h `RM' OUT // setup if (fmask=="") fmask = "JCh" if (tmask=="") tmask = "JCh" j = strlen(fmask) assert_cols(IN, j) if (fmask==tmask) return(IN) // nothing to do // parse input for (; j; j--) { c = substr(fmask, j, 1) if (c=="J") J = IN[,j] else if (c=="Q") Q = IN[,j] else if (c=="C") C = IN[,j] else if (c=="M") M = IN[,j] else if (c=="s") s = IN[,j] else if (c=="H") H = IN[,j] else if (c=="h") h = IN[,j] else { display("{err}character '" + c + "' not allowed in mask") exit(3498) } } // generate output j = strlen(tmask) i = rows(IN) OUT = J(i, j, .) if (i==0) return(OUT) for (; j; j--) { c = substr(tmask, j, 1) if (c=="J") { if (rows(J)==0) { if (rows(Q)) { J = 6.25 * ((C02.c*Q) / ((C02.Aw+4)*C02.FL^0.25)):^2 } else { display("{err}input must contain one of J and Q") exit(3498) } } OUT[,j] = J } else if (c=="Q") { if (rows(Q)==0) CAM02_to_CAM02_Q(J, Q) OUT[,j] = Q } else if (c=="C") { if (rows(C)==0) { if (rows(M)==0) { if (rows(s)) { if (rows(Q)==0) CAM02_to_CAM02_Q(J, Q) M = (s/100):^2 :* Q } else { display("{err}input must contain one of C, M, and s") exit(3498) } } C = M / C02.FL^0.25 } OUT[,j] = C } else if (c=="M") { if (rows(M)==0) { if (rows(C)) { M = C * C02.FL^0.25 } else if (rows(s)) { if (rows(Q)==0) CAM02_to_CAM02_Q(J, Q) M = (s/100):^2 :* Q } else { display("{err}input must contain one of C, M, and s") exit(3498) } } OUT[,j] = M } else if (c=="s") { if (rows(s)==0) { if (rows(Q)==0) CAM02_to_CAM02_Q(J, Q) if (rows(M)==0) { if (rows(C)) M = C * C02.FL^0.25 else { display("{err}input must contain one of C, M, and s") exit(3498) } } s = 100 * sqrt(M:/Q) } OUT[,j] = s } else if (c=="H") { if (rows(H)==0) { if (rows(h)) { i = rows(h) H = J(i, 1, .) for (; i; i--) { H[i] = CAM02_H(h[i]360) h[i] = h[i] - 360 } } else { display("{err}input must contain one of h and H") exit(3498) } } OUT[,j] = h } else { display("{err}character '" + c + "' not allowed in mask") exit(3498) } } return(OUT) } void `MAIN'::CAM02_to_CAM02_Q(`RM' J, `RM' Q) { if (rows(J)) { Q = ((4/C02.c) * (C02.Aw + 4) * C02.FL^0.25) * sqrt(J/100) } else { display("{err}input must contain one of J and Q") exit(3498) } } void `MAIN'::CAM02_setup() { `RS' d, k `RC' LMS, sign, tmp // already set? if (C02.set==1) return // matrixes C02.CAT02 = tmatrix("CAT02") C02.iCAT02 = luinv(C02.CAT02) C02.HPE = tmatrix("HPE") C02.iHPE = luinv(C02.HPE) C02.HUE = (20.14 , 0.8, 0 ) \ // i=1 Red (h_i, e_i, H_i) (90 , 0.7, 100) \ // i=2 Yellow (164.25, 1.0, 200) \ // i=3 Green (237.53, 1.2, 300) \ // i=4 Blue (380.14, 0.8, 400) // i=5 Red // some constants k = 1 / (5*C02.LA + 1) C02.FL = 0.2 * k^4 * (5*C02.LA) + 0.1 * (1 - k^4)^2 * (5*C02.LA)^(1/3) C02.n = C02.Yb/white[2] //__clip(C.Yb/white[2], 0, 1) ?? C02.z = 1.48 + sqrt(C02.n) C02.Ncb = C02.Nbb = 0.725 * (1/C02.n)^0.2 // Compute D and Aw from white point LMS = C02.CAT02 * white' d = __clip(C02.F * (1 - (1/3.6) * exp((-C02.LA - 42)/92)), 0, 1) C02.D = d * (white[2]:/LMS) :+ (1 - d) LMS = C02.HPE * C02.iCAT02 * (C02.D :* LMS) sign = sign(LMS) tmp = ((sign :* C02.FL :* LMS)/100):^0.42 LMS = sign :* 400 :* (tmp:/(tmp :+ 27.13)) :+ 0.1 C02.Aw = (2*LMS[1] + LMS[2] + LMS[3]/20 - 0.305) * C02.Nbb // update flag C02.set = 1 } `RS' `MAIN'::CAM02_H(`RS' h, `RM' H) { `Int' i i = 1 if (H[2,1]<=h) i++ if (H[3,1]<=h) i++ if (H[4,1]<=h) i++ return(H[i,3] + (100 * (h-H[i,1])/H[i,2]) / ((h-H[i,1])/H[i,2] + (H[i+1,1] - h)/H[i+1,2])) } `RS' `MAIN'::CAM02_invH(`RS' h, `RM' H) { `Int' i i = 1 if (H[2,3]<=h) i++ if (H[3,3]<=h) i++ if (H[4,3]<=h) i++ return(((h - H[i,3]) * (H[i+1,2]*H[i,1] - H[i,2]*H[i+1,1]) - 100*H[i,1]*H[i+1,2]) / ((h - H[i,3]) * (H[i+1,2]-H[i,2]) - 100*H[i+1,2])) } // Transformation between CIE CAM02 and J'a'b' // Source: // Luo, M.R., C. Li (2013). CIECAM02 and its recent developments. P 19-58 in: // C. Fernandez-Maloigne (ed). Advanced color image processing and analysis. // New York: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-6190-7_2 // Step 1: CIE CAM02 JMh <-> J'M'h `RM' `MAIN'::CAM02_to_JMh(`RM' CAM02, `SS' mask, `SS' ucscoefs) { `RS' c1, c2 `RR' KLc1c2 `RM' JMh if (ucscoefs=="") KLc1c2 = ucscoefs() else KLc1c2 = ucscoefs_get(ucscoefs) c1 = KLc1c2[2]; c2 = KLc1c2[3] CAM02_setup() JMh = CAM02_to_CAM02(CAM02, mask, "JMh") JMh[,1] = (1 + 100 * c1) * JMh[,1] :/ (1 :+ c1 * JMh[,1]) JMh[,2] = (1 / c2) * ln(1 :+ c2 * JMh[,2]) return(JMh) } `RM' `MAIN'::JMh_to_CAM02(`RM' JMh0, `SS' ucscoefs, `SS' mask) { `RS' c1, c2 `RR' KLc1c2 `RM' JMh assert_cols(JMh0, 3) if (ucscoefs=="") KLc1c2 = ucscoefs() else KLc1c2 = ucscoefs_get(ucscoefs) c1 = KLc1c2[2]; c2 = KLc1c2[3] JMh = JMh0 JMh[,1] = JMh[,1] :/ ((1 + 100 * c1) :- c1 * JMh[,1]) // invalid if J > (1+100*c1)/c1 JMh[,2] = (exp(c2 * JMh[,2]) :- 1) / c2 CAM02_setup() return(CAM02_to_CAM02(JMh, "JMh", mask)) } // Step 2: J'M'h <-> J'a'b' `RM' `MAIN'::CAM02_to_Jab(`RM' CAM02, `SS' mask, `SS' ucscoefs) { `RM' JMh `RC' h JMh = CAM02_to_JMh(CAM02, mask, ucscoefs) h = JMh[,3] * pi() / 180 return((JMh[,1], JMh[,2] :* cos(h), JMh[,2] :* sin(h))) } `RM' `MAIN'::Jab_to_CAM02(`RM' Jab, `SS' ucscoefs, `SS' mask) { assert_cols(Jab, 3) if (rows(Jab)==0) return(JMh_to_CAM02(Jab, ucscoefs, mask)) return(JMh_to_CAM02(( /* J */ Jab[,1], /* C */ sqrt(Jab[,2]:^2 :+ Jab[,3]:^2), /* h */ mod(atan2(Jab[,2], Jab[,3]) * 180 / pi() :+ .5, 360) :- .5 ), ucscoefs, mask)) // note: Mata's atan2() is reverse } // Transformation between HSV and RGB [0,1] // source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV `RM' `MAIN'::RGB1_to_HSV(`RM' RGB1) { `Int' i `RM' HSV assert_cols(RGB1, 3) i = rows(RGB1) HSV = J(i, 3, .) for (; i; i--) HSV[i,] = _RGB1_to_HSV(RGB1[i,]) return(HSV) } `RR' `MAIN'::_RGB1_to_HSV(`RV' RGB1) { `RS' r, g, b, M, m, C, H, S, V r = RGB1[1]; g = RGB1[2]; b = RGB1[3] M = max(RGB1); m = min(RGB1) C = M - m if (C==0) H = 0 // H undefined, set to 0 by convention else if (M==r) H = mod((g-b)/C, 6) * 60 else if (M==g) H = ((b-r)/C + 2) * 60 else if (M==b) H = ((r-g)/C + 4) * 60 V = M S = (V==0 ? 0 : C/V) return((H, S, V)) } `RM' `MAIN'::HSV_to_RGB1(`RM' HSV) { `Int' i `RM' RGB1 assert_cols(HSV, 3) i = rows(HSV) RGB1 = J(i, 3, .) for (; i; i--) RGB1[i,] = _HSV_to_RGB1(HSV[i,]) return(RGB1) } `RR' `MAIN'::_HSV_to_RGB1(`RV' HSV) { `RS' h `Int' i `IntR' p h = HSV[1] / 60 i = mod(floor(h), 6) // wrap around if H outside [0,360) if (i==0) p = 1, 2, 3 else if (i==1) p = 2, 1, 3 else if (i==2) p = 3, 1, 2 else if (i==3) p = 3, 2, 1 else if (i==4) p = 2, 3, 1 else if (i==5) p = 1, 3, 2 return(( HSV[3], HSV[3] * (1 - HSV[2] * abs(mod(h,2) - 1)), HSV[3] * (1 - HSV[2]) )[p]) } // Transformation between HSL and RGB [0,1] // source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV `RM' `MAIN'::RGB1_to_HSL(`RM' RGB1) { `Int' i `RM' HSL assert_cols(RGB1, 3) i = rows(RGB1) HSL = J(i, 3, .) for (; i; i--) HSL[i,] = _RGB1_to_HSL(RGB1[i,]) return(HSL) } `RR' `MAIN'::_RGB1_to_HSL(`RV' RGB1) { `RS' r, g, b, M, m, C, H, S, L r = RGB1[1]; g = RGB1[2]; b = RGB1[3] M = max(RGB1); m = min(RGB1) C = M - m if (C==0) H = 0 // H undefined, set to 0 by convention else if (M==r) H = mod((g-b)/C, 6) * 60 else if (M==g) H = ((b-r)/C + 2) * 60 else if (M==b) H = ((r-g)/C + 4) * 60 L = (M + m)/2 S = (L==1 ? 0 : C / (1 - abs(M + m - 1))) return((H, S, L)) } `RM' `MAIN'::HSL_to_RGB1(`RM' HSL) { `Int' i `RM' RGB1 assert_cols(HSL, 3) i = rows(HSL) RGB1 = J(i, 3, .) for (; i; i--) RGB1[i,] = _HSL_to_RGB1(HSL[i,]) return(RGB1) } `RR' `MAIN'::_HSL_to_RGB1(`RV' HSL) { `RS' h, C, X, m `Int' i `IntR' p h = HSL[1] / 60 i = mod(floor(h), 6) // wrap around if H outside [0,360) if (i==0) p = 1, 2, 3 else if (i==1) p = 2, 1, 3 else if (i==2) p = 3, 1, 2 else if (i==3) p = 3, 2, 1 else if (i==4) p = 2, 3, 1 else if (i==5) p = 1, 3, 2 C = (1 - abs(2*HSL[3] - 1)) * HSL[2] X = C * (1 - abs(mod(h,2) - 1)) m = HSL[3] - C/2 return((C+m, X+m, m)[p]) } end * {smcl} * {marker web}{bf:Named web colors} {hline} * {asis} mata: `SM' `MAIN'::namedcolors(| `SS' pattern, `Bool' strict) { `Int' i `SC' keys `SM' C if (namedcolors==NULL) namedcolorindex() keys = namedcolors->keys() if (pattern!="") { if (args()<2) strict = 0 if (strict) keys = ::select(keys, strmatch(keys, pattern)) else keys = ::select(keys, strmatch(strlower(keys), strlower(pattern))) } _sort(keys, 1) i = rows(keys) C = J(i,2,"") for (i=rows(keys); i; i--) C[i,] = namedcolors->get(keys[i]) return(::select((keys,C[,1]), C[,2]:=="")) // exclude system colors } void `MAIN'::namedcolorindex() { `Bool' brk `Int' j `SR' kw // setup namedcolors = findexternal("ColrSpace_namedcolorindex") if (namedcolors!=NULL) { if (classname(*namedcolors)=="`DICT'") return namedcolors = NULL rmexternal("ColrSpace_namedcolorindex") } brk = setbreakintr(0) namedcolors = crexternal("ColrSpace_namedcolorindex") *namedcolors = `DICT'() namedcolors->notfound("") // default library if (_namedcolorindex("namedcolors")) { namedcolors = NULL rmexternal("ColrSpace_namedcolorindex") display("{err}colrspace_library_namedcolors.sthlp not found") exit(error(601)) } // personal library (void) _namedcolorindex("namedcolors_personal") // placeholders for (documented) system colors kw = ("black","gs0","gs1","gs2","gs3","gs4","gs5","gs6","gs7","gs8","gs9", "gs10","gs11","gs12","gs13","gs14","gs15","gs16","white","blue", "bluishgray","brown","cranberry","cyan","dimgray","dkgreen","dknavy", "dkorange","eggshell","emerald","forest_green","gold","gray","green", "khaki","lavender","lime","ltblue","ltbluishgray","ltkhaki","magenta", "maroon","midblue","midgreen","mint","navy","olive","olive_teal", "orange","orange_red","pink","purple","red","sand","sandb","sienna", "stone","teal","yellow","ebg","ebblue","edkblue","eltblue","eltgreen", "emidblue","erose") if (stataversion()>=1800) { kw = kw, ("stc1","stc2","stc3","stc4","stc5", "stc6","stc7","stc8","stc9","stc10","stc11","stc12","stc13", "stc14","stc15","stblue","stgreen","stred","styellow") } else { // make additional Stata 18 colors available in Stata 17 or below namedcolors->put( "stc1", ("#1a85ff","")) namedcolors->put( "stc2", ("#d41159","")) namedcolors->put( "stc3", ("#00bf7f","")) namedcolors->put( "stc4", ("#ffd400","")) namedcolors->put( "stc5", ("#4f2c99","")) namedcolors->put( "stc6", ("#ff6333","")) namedcolors->put( "stc7", ("#4db7ff","")) namedcolors->put( "stc8", ("#7c0015","")) namedcolors->put( "stc9", ("#0fefaf","")) namedcolors->put( "stc10", ("#faa307","")) namedcolors->put( "stc11", ("#758bfd","")) namedcolors->put( "stc12", ("#fed9b7","")) namedcolors->put( "stc13", ("#08234c","")) namedcolors->put( "stc14", ("#f88dad","")) namedcolors->put( "stc15", ("#0f5156","")) namedcolors->put( "stblue", ("#1a85ff","")) namedcolors->put( "stgreen", ("#00bf7f","")) namedcolors->put( "stred", ("#d41159","")) namedcolors->put("styellow", ("#ffd400","")) } for (j=length(kw); j; j--) namedcolors->put(kw[j], ("","1")) // additional keywords allowed by colorstyle (or colorstylelist) kw = ("none", "fg", "foreground", "bg", "background", ".", "..", "...") for (j=length(kw); j; j--) namedcolors->put(kw[j], ("#000000","1")) // done (void) setbreakintr(brk) } `Bool' `MAIN'::_namedcolorindex(`SS' lib) { `Int' l `SS' fn, line, c, nm, hex `RS' fh `SM' EOF fn = findfile("colrspace_library_"+lib+".sthlp") if (fn=="") return(1) hex = "#" fh = fopen(fn, "r") EOF = J(0, 0, "") while ((line=strltrim(fget(fh)))!=EOF) { if (substr(line,1,1)!=hex) continue // not a color definition l = strpos(line," ") if (l==0) continue // color name is missing c = substr(line,1,l-1) nm = strtrim(substr(line,l,.)) if (nm=="") continue // color name is missing namedcolors->put(nm, (c,"")) // second el "" => not a system color } fclose(fh) return(0) } end * {smcl} * {marker palettes}{bf:Palettes} {hline} * {asis} mata: `SS' `MAIN'::pexists(| `SS' pal0, `SS' libname) { `Int' t `SS' pal `SR' SRC if (palettes==NULL) paletteindex() pal = pal0 t = parse_palette(pal) if (t) { SRC = ("palettes", "namedcolors", "lsmaps", "generators", "rgbmaps") if (t==99) libname = "internal/alias" else if (t<10) libname = SRC[t] else libname = SRC[t-10] + "_personal" return(pal) } return("") } `SM' `MAIN'::palettes(| `SS' pattern, `Bool' strict) { `Int' i `SC' keys `SC' src `SR' SRC `TS' t if (palettes==NULL) paletteindex() keys = palettes->keys() if (pattern!="") { if (args()<2) strict = 0 if (strict) keys = ::select(keys, strmatch(keys, pattern)) else keys = ::select(keys, strmatch(strlower(keys), strlower(pattern))) } i = rows(keys) if (i==0) return(J(0,2,"")) _sort(keys, 1) src = J(i, 1, "") SRC = ("palettes", "namedcolors", "lsmaps", "generators", "rgbmaps") for (;i;i--) { t = _palette_tget(keys[i]) if (isstring(t)) continue if (t==99) src[i] = "internal/alias" else if (t<10) src[i] = SRC[t] else src[i] = SRC[t-10] + "_personal" } keys = ::select(keys, src:!="") src = ::select(src, src:!="") return((keys,src)) } `Int' `MAIN'::parse_palette(`SS' p0) // p0 may be replaced { `SS' p `TS' t t = _palette_tget(p0) // only finds exact match, including case if (isstring(t)) { p0 = t t = _palette_tget(p0) } if (t==0) { p = findkey(p0, palettes->keys(), stataversion()<1800 ? "s2" : "st") if (p!="") { p0 = p t = _palette_tget(p0) if (isstring(t)) { p0 = t t = _palette_tget(p0) } } } return(t) } void `MAIN'::paletteindex() { `Bool' brk palettes = findexternal("ColrSpace_paletteindex") if (palettes!=NULL) { if (classname(*palettes)=="`DICT'") return palettes = NULL rmexternal("ColrSpace_paletteindex") } brk = setbreakintr(0) palettes = crexternal("ColrSpace_paletteindex") *palettes = `DICT'() palettes->notfound((&0, NULL)) _paletteindex() (void) setbreakintr(brk) } void `MAIN'::_paletteindex() // create palette index { `SS' lib, fn, line, nm, tn `SR' libraries `RS' fh `SM' EOF `TS' t // t = 1 palette from palette library // t = 2 color group from namedcolors library // t = 3 colormap from lsmaps library // t = 4 color generator from generators library // t = 5 colormap from rgbmaps library // t = 11 palette from personal palette library // t = 12 color group from personal namedcolors library // t = 13 colormap from personal lsmaps library // t = 14 color generator from personal generators library // t = 15 colormap from personal rgbmaps library // t = 99 internal palette/alias // t = pure alias EOF = J(0, 0, "") tn = "n:" libraries = ("palettes", "namedcolors", "lsmaps", "generators", "rgbmaps") for (t=1; t<=5; t++) { lib = "colrspace_library_" + libraries[t] + ".sthlp" fn = findfile(lib) if (fn=="") { display("{err}"+lib+" not found") exit(error(601)) } fh = fopen(fn, "r") while ((line=strltrim(fget(fh)))!=EOF) { if (substr(line,1,2)!=tn) continue // not a palette name nm = strtrim(substr(line,3,.)) if (nm=="") continue // palette name is empty _palette_tput(nm, t) if (t==2) { if (substr(nm,1,4)=="HTML") { // create alias nm = "webcolors" + substr(nm,5,.) _palette_tput(nm, t) } } } fclose(fh) // personal library lib = "colrspace_library_" + libraries[t] + "_personal.sthlp" fn = findfile(lib) if (fn=="") continue fh = fopen(fn, "r") while ((line=strltrim(fget(fh)))!=EOF) { if (substr(line,1,2)!=tn) continue // not a palette name nm = strtrim(substr(line,3,.)) if (nm=="") continue // palette name is empty _palette_tput(nm, t+10) } fclose(fh) } t = 99 _palette_tput("okabe" , t) _palette_tput("tab10" , t) _palette_tput("tab20" , t) _palette_tput("tab20b" , t) _palette_tput("tab20c" , t) _palette_tput("spmap blues" , t) _palette_tput("spmap greens" , t) _palette_tput("spmap greys" , t) _palette_tput("spmap reds" , t) _palette_tput("spmap rainbow" , t) _palette_tput("HTML" , t) _palette_tput("HTML redorange" , t) _palette_tput("webcolors" , t) _palette_tput("webcolors redorange" , t) _palette_tput("twilight shifted" , t) _palette_tput("sb" , "sb deep") _palette_tput("sb6" , "sb deep6") _palette_tput("pals" , "pals kelly") _palette_tput("tol" , "tol muted") _palette_tput("carto" , "carto bold") _palette_tput("ptol" , "ptol qualitative") _palette_tput("lin" , "lin carcolor") _palette_tput("sfso" , "sfso blue") _palette_tput("sfso cmyk" , "sfso blue cmyk") _palette_tput("w3" , "w3 default") _palette_tput("matplotlib", "matplotlib jet") _palette_tput("CET" , "CET L20") _palette_tput("scico" , "scico batlow") _palette_tput("HCL" , "HCL qualitative") _palette_tput("LCh" , "LCh qualitative") _palette_tput("JMh" , "JMh qualitative") _palette_tput("HSV" , "HSV qualitative") _palette_tput("HSL" , "HSL qualitative") } void `MAIN'::_palette_tput(`SS' key, `TS' t0) { `TS' t if (isfleeting(t0)) { palettes->put(key, (&t0, NULL)) return } t = t0 // need to make copy palettes->put(key, (&t, NULL)) } `TS' `MAIN'::_palette_tget(`SS' key) { return(*(palettes->get(key)[1])) } void `MAIN'::palette(| `SS' pal, `RS' n, `RV' o1, `RV' o2, `RV' o3, `RV' o4) { `Int' rc S = &data1 if (args()<=2) rc = Palette(pal, n) else if (args()==3) rc = Palette(pal, n, o1) else if (args()==4) rc = Palette(pal, n, o1, o2) else if (args()==5) rc = Palette(pal, n, o1, o2, o3) else rc = Palette(pal, n, o1, o2, o3, o4) if (rc==0) { display("{err}palette '" + pal + "' not found") exit(3499) } replacedata() } void `MAIN'::add_palette(| `SS' pal, `RS' n, `RV' o1, `RV' o2, `RV' o3, `RV' o4) { `Int' rc S = &data1 if (args()<=2) rc = Palette(pal, n) else if (args()==3) rc = Palette(pal, n, o1) else if (args()==4) rc = Palette(pal, n, o1, o2) else if (args()==5) rc = Palette(pal, n, o1, o2, o3) else rc = Palette(pal, n, o1, o2, o3, o4) if (rc==0) { display("{err}palette '" + pal + "' not found") exit(3499) } appenddata() } `Bool' `MAIN'::Palette(`SS' pal0, `RS' n0, | `RV' o1, `RV' o2, `RV' o3, `RV' o4) { `Int' t, n `SS' pal // find palette if (palettes==NULL) paletteindex() pal = pal0 t = parse_palette(pal) if (t==0) return(0) // read colors n = (n0<. ? (n0<0 ? 0 : trunc(n0)) : 15) if (t==99) Palette_internal(pal, n, o1) // o1: range else if (t==1) Palette_palettes(pal, n) else if (t==2) Palette_namedcolors(pal) else if (t==3) Palette_lsmaps(pal, n, o1) // o1: range else if (t==4) Palette_generators(pal, n, o1, o2, o3, o4) // o#; h, c, l, p else if (t==5) Palette_rgbmaps(pal, n, o1, 0) // o1: range else if (t==11) Palette_palettes(pal, n, "_personal") else if (t==12) Palette_namedcolors(pal, "_personal") else if (t==13) Palette_lsmaps(pal, n, o1, "_personal") else if (t==14) Palette_generators(pal, n, o1, o2, o3, o4, "_personal") else if (t==15) Palette_rgbmaps(pal, n, o1, 0, "_personal") // o1: range else return(0) S->name = pal // interpolation/recycling if (n0<.) { // only if n has been specified by user if (n!=(S->n)) { // only if number of returned colors is unequal // the number of requested colors; this is only possible for // palettes that have the -noexpand- (o1) argument if (anyof(("qualitative","categorical"), S->pclass)) { if (n<(S->n)) _recycle(n) // select first n colors else if (length(o1)) { // noexpand argument specified if (o1==0) _recycle(n) } else _recycle(n) } else if (length(o1)) { // noexpand argument specified if (o1==0) _ipolate(n) else if (n<(S->n)) _recycle(n) // select first n colors } else _ipolate(n) } } // done return(t) } `SC' `MAIN'::Palette_read(`SS' pal, `SS' lib) { `PV' T T = palettes->get(pal) if (T[2]==NULL) { T[2] = &(_Palette_read(pal, lib)) palettes->put(pal, T) } return(*(T[2])) } `SC' `MAIN'::_Palette_read(`SS' pal, `SS' lib) { `Int' pos, r, i `SS' fn, line, tn `RS' fh `SM' EOF `SC' f fn = findfile("colrspace_library_"+lib+".sthlp") if (fn=="") { display("{err}colrspace_library_"+lib+".sthlp not found") exit(error(601)) } EOF = J(0, 0, "") tn = "n:" fh = fopen(fn, "r") while ((line=strltrim(fget(fh)))!=EOF) { if (substr(line,1,2)!=tn) continue // not a palette name if (strtrim(substr(line,3,.))!=pal) continue // different palette // read palette pos = ftell(fh) r = 0 while ((line=strltrim(fget(fh)))!=EOF) { if (substr(line,1,2)==tn) break // next palette r++ } fseek(fh, pos, -1) f = J(r,1,"") for (i=1;i<=r;i++) f[i] = strltrim(fget(fh)) break } fclose(fh) if (r) f = ::select(f, substr(f,1,1):!="*") // remove comment lines return(f) } void `MAIN'::Palette_palettes(`SS' pal, `RS' n, | `SS' personal) { // get palette from palettes library `Int' i, j, r, l `SS' s, t, tc, td, ts, tP, tPn, tN, tI `SS' N, I `SC' f, P `IntC' nc, p // read palette from library f = Palette_read(pal, "palettes"+personal) r = rows(f) // collect palette information // - count number of color sets tP = "P:"; tPn = "P" j = 0 for (i=1;i<=r;i++) { s = f[i] if (substr(s,1,2)==tP) j++ else if (substr(s,1,1)==tPn) j++ } P = J(j,1,""); nc = J(j,1,.) // - parse palette tc = "c:"; td = "d:"; ts = "s:"; tN = "N:"; tI = "I:" j = 0 for (i=1;i<=r;i++) { s = f[i] t = substr(s,1,2) if (t==tc) S->pclass = strtrim(substr(s,3,.)) else if (t==td) S->note = strtrim(substr(s,3,.)) else if (t==ts) S->source = strtrim(substr(s,3,.)) else if (t==tN) N = strtrim(substr(s,3,.)) else if (t==tI) I = strtrim(substr(s,3,.)) else if (t==tP) P[++j] = strtrim(substr(s,3,.)) else if (substr(s,1,1)==tPn) { l = strpos(s,":") if (l==0) continue // invalid P#: l = strtoreal(substr(s,2,l-2)) if (l>=.) continue // invalid P#: nc[++j] = l P[j] = strtrim(substr(s,strpos(s,":")+1,.)) } } if (j==0) { // no color set found P = J(0,1,""); nc = J(0,1,.) } else if (jpclass = strtrim(substr(f[i],3,.)) else if (t==td) S->note = strtrim(substr(f[i],3,.)) else if (t==ts) S->source = strtrim(substr(f[i],3,.)) } if (j==0) P = J(0, 2, "") // no colors found else P = P[|1,1 \ j,.|] _set(P[,1], "hex") Names_set(P[,2]) } void `MAIN'::Palette_lsmaps(`SS' pal, `RS' n, `RV' range, | `SS' personal) { // get palette from lsmaps library `Int' i, j, r `SS' t, tc, td, ts, tr `SC' f, R, G, B `IntR' rr // read palette from library f = Palette_read(pal, "lsmaps"+personal) r = rows(f) // process palette tc = "c:"; td = "d:"; ts = "s:"; tr = "r:" for (i=1;i<=r;i++) { t = substr(f[i],1,2) if (t==tc) S->pclass = strtrim(substr(f[i],3,.)) else if (t==td) S->note = strtrim(substr(f[i],3,.)) else if (t==ts) S->source = strtrim(substr(f[i],3,.)) else if (t==tr) { rr = strtoreal(tokens(substr(f[i],3,.))) R = J(rr[1],3,"") for (j=1;j<=rr[1];j++) R[j,] = tokens(f[++i]) G = J(rr[2],3,"") for (j=1;j<=rr[2];j++) G[j,] = tokens(f[++i]) B = J(rr[3],3,"") for (j=1;j<=rr[3];j++) B[j,] = tokens(f[++i]) rgb_set(lsmap(strtoreal(R), strtoreal(G), strtoreal(B), n, range)) return } } } void `MAIN'::Palette_rgbmaps(`SS' pal, `RS' n, `RV' range, `Bool' shift, | `SS' personal) { // get palette from rgbmaps library `Int' i, j, r, rr `SS' t, tc, td, ts, tr `SC' f `SM' RGB // read palette from library f = Palette_read(pal, "rgbmaps"+personal) r = rows(f) // process palette tc = "c:"; td = "d:"; ts = "s:"; tr = "r:" for (i=1;i<=r;i++) { t = substr(f[i],1,2) if (t==tc) S->pclass = strtrim(substr(f[i],3,.)) else if (t==td) S->note = strtrim(substr(f[i],3,.)) else if (t==ts) S->source = strtrim(substr(f[i],3,.)) else if (t==tr) { rr = strtoreal(tokens(substr(f[i],3,.))) RGB = J(rr,3,"") for (j=1;j<=rr;j++) RGB[j,] = tokens(f[++i]) if (shift) { RGB = RGB[|rows(RGB)/2+1,1 \ .,.|] \ RGB[|1,1 \ rows(RGB)/2,.|] RGB = RGB[rows(RGB)::1,] } if (anyof(("cyclic","circular"), S->pclass)) rgb_set(colipolate_c(strtoreal(RGB), n)) else rgb_set(colipolate(strtoreal(RGB), n, range)) return } } } void `MAIN'::Palette_generators(`SS' pal, `RS' n, `RV' h, `RV' c, `RV' l, `RV' p, | `SS' personal) { // get palette from color generator `Int' r, i `SS' t, tc, td, ts, tP `SC' f `RR' P // read palette from library f = Palette_read(pal, "generators"+personal) r = rows(f) // process palette tc = "c:"; td = "d:"; ts = "s:"; tP = "P:" for (i=1;i<=r;i++) { t = substr(f[i],1,2) if (t==tc) S->pclass = strtrim(substr(f[i],3,.)) else if (t==td) S->note = strtrim(substr(f[i],3,.)) else if (t==ts) S->source = strtrim(substr(f[i],3,.)) else if (t==tP) P = strtoreal(tokens(substr(f[i],3,.))) } // overwrite defaults by user-specified parameters if (cols(P)<8) P = P, J(1,8-cols(P),.) if (length(h)) { if (h[1]<.) P[1] = h[1] if (length(h)>1) { if (h[2]<.) P[2] = h[2] } } if (length(c)) { if (c[1]<.) P[3] = c[1] if (length(c)>1) { if (c[2]<.) P[4] = c[2] } } if (length(l)) { if (l[1]<.) P[5] = l[1] if (length(l)>1) { if (l[2]<.) P[6] = l[2] } } if (length(p)) { if (p[1]<.) P[7] = p[1] if (length(p)>1) { if (p[2]<.) P[8] = p[2] } } // apply generator generate(pal, n, P[(1,2)], P[(3,4)], P[(5,6)], P[(7,8)]) } void `MAIN'::Palette_internal(`SS' pal, `RS' n, | `RV' range) { // get internal palette or alias if (pal=="okabe") { Palette_palettes("cblind", n) // remove gray and update note _select((1,3..S->n)) S->note = substr(S->note,1,strpos(S->note,",")-1) } else if (pal=="tab10") Palette_palettes("d3 10", n) else if (pal=="tab20") Palette_palettes("d3 20", n) else if (pal=="tab20b") Palette_palettes("d3 20b", n) else if (pal=="tab20c") Palette_palettes("d3 20c", n) else if (pal=="spmap blues") Palette_spmap("blues", n) else if (pal=="spmap greens") Palette_spmap("greens", n) else if (pal=="spmap greys") Palette_spmap("greys", n) else if (pal=="spmap reds") Palette_spmap("reds", n) else if (pal=="spmap rainbow") Palette_spmap("rainbow", n) else if (pal=="HTML") Palette_htmlcolors() else if (pal=="HTML redorange") Palette_htmlcolors(("red", "orange")) else if (pal=="webcolors") Palette_htmlcolors() else if (pal=="webcolors redorange") Palette_htmlcolors(("red", "orange")) else if (pal=="twilight shifted") Palette_rgbmaps("twilight", n, range, 1) } void `MAIN'::Palette_htmlcolors(| `SV' keys) { // get all HTML colors `Int' i, k `IntC' p `RM' C `SC' N, I C = J(0,3,.); N = J(0,1,""); I = J(0,1,"") if (args()) { k = length(keys) for (i=1;i<=k;i++) { Palette_namedcolors("HTML " + keys[i]) C = C \ S->RGB N = N \ S->names I = I \ S->info } } else { keys = palettes->keys() keys = ::select(keys, substr(keys,1,4):=="HTML") k = length(keys) for (i=1;i<=k;i++) { if (_palette_tget(keys[i])!=2) continue // palette is not from namedcolors library Palette_namedcolors(keys[i]) C = C \ S->RGB N = N \ S->names I = I \ S->info } p = ::order(N,1) // sort colors by name C = C[p,]; N = N[p,]; I = I[p,] // remove doubles p = selectindex(N :!= (N[|2\.|] \ N[1])) C = C[p,]; N = N[p,]; I = I[p,] } rgb_set(C) S->names = N S->info = I S->pclass = "qualitative" S->note = "HTML Colors from from www.w3schools.com" S->source = "https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_names.asp" } void `MAIN'::Palette_spmap(`SS' pal,`RS' n0) { `Int' n `RM' C `RC' p S->pclass = "sequential" S->source = "spmap_color.ado from https://ideas.repec.org/c/boc/bocode/s456812.html" n = __clip(n0, 2, 99) if (pal=="blues") { S->note = "light blue to blue color scheme from the spmap package by Pisati (2007)" p = ((1::n):-1) / (n-1) C = J(n,1,208), (.2 :+ .8*p), (1 :- .6*p) _set(C, "HSV") } else if (pal=="greens") { S->note = "light green to green color scheme from the spmap package by Pisati (2007)" p = ((1::n):-1) / (n-1) C = (122 :+ 20*p), (.2 :+ .8*p), (1 :- .7*p) _set(C, "HSV") } else if (pal=="greys") { S->note = "light gray to black color scheme from the spmap package by Pisati (2007)" C = J(n,2,0), (.88 :- .88*((1::n):-1)/(n-1)) _set(C, "HSV") } else if (pal=="reds") { S->note = "light red to red color scheme from the spmap package by Pisati (2007)" p = ((1::n):-1) / (n-1) C = (20 :- 20*p), (.2 :+ .8*p), (1 :- rowmax((J(n, 1, 0), 1.2*(p:-.5)))) _set(C, "HSV") } else if (pal=="rainbow") { S->note = "rainbow color scheme from the spmap package by Pisati (2007)" C = (240 :- 240*((1::n):-1)/(n-1)), J(n,2,1) _set(C, "HSV") } else C = J(0,3,.) _set(C, "HSV") } end * {smcl} * {marker gen}{bf:Color generators} {hline} * {asis} mata: void `MAIN'::generate(`SS' pal, `Int' n, `RV' h, `RV' c, `RV' l, `RV' p) { `SS' space space = findkey(gettok(pal), ("HUE", "HCL", "LCh", "JMh", "HSV", "HSL")') if (space=="HUE") generate_HUE(n, h, c[1], l[1], p[1]) else if (S->pclass=="qualitative") generate_qual(space, n, h, c[1], l[1]) else if (S->pclass=="sequential") generate_seq(space, n, h, c, l, p) else if (S->pclass=="diverging") generate_div(space, n, h, c[1], l, p) else if (space=="HSV" & S->pclass=="heat0") generate_HSV_heat0(n, h, c, l[1]) else if (space=="HSV" & S->pclass=="terrain0") generate_HSV_terrain0(n, h, c, l) else rgb_set(J(0,3,.)) // unknown generator class; do not create any colors } void `MAIN'::generate_HUE(`Int' n, `RV' h, `RS' c, `RS' l, `Bool' reverse) { // adopted from pal_hue() from the -scales- package by Hadley Wickham in R // see https://github.com/hadley/scales `Int' i `RS' h1, h2, dir `RM' C h1 = h[1]; h2 = h[2] if (mod(h2-h1,360) < 1) h2 = h2 - 360/n dir = (reverse & reverse<. ? -1 : 1) C = J(n, 1, (., c, l)) for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { C[i,1] = mod((h1 + (n<=1 ? 0 : (i-1) * (h2-h1) / (n-1))) * dir, 360) } _set(C, "HCL") } void `MAIN'::generate_qual(`SS' space, `Int' n, `RV' h, `RS' c, `RS' l) { `Int' i `RM' C `RS' h1, h2 h1 = h[1]; h2 = h[2] if (h2>=.) h2 = h1 + 360*(n-1)/n C = J(n, 3, .) for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { C[i,] = (mod(n==1 ? h1 : h1 + (i-1)*(h2-h1)/(n-1), 360), c, l) } if (space=="LCh" | space=="JMh") C = C[,(3,2,1)] _set(C, space) } void `MAIN'::generate_seq(`SS' space, `Int' n, `RV' h, `RV' c, `RV' l, `RV' p) { `Int' i, j `RM' C `RS' h1, h2, c1, c2, l1, l2, p1, p2 h1 = h[1]; h2 = h[2] if (h2>=.) h2 = h1 c1 = c[1]; c2 = c[2] if (c2>=.) c2 = c1 l1 = l[1]; l2 = l[2] if (l2>=.) l2 = l1 p1 = p[1]; p2 = p[2] if (p2>=.) p2 = p1 C = J(n, 3, .) for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { j = (n==1 ? 1 : (n-i)/(n-1)) C[i,] = (mod(h2 - j*(h2-h1), 360), c2 - j^p1*(c2-c1), l2 - j^p2*(l2-l1)) } if (space=="LCh" | space=="JMh") C = C[,(3,2,1)] _set(C, space) } void `MAIN'::generate_div(`SS' space, `Int' n, `RV' h, `RS' c, `RV' l, `RV' p) { `Int' i, j `RM' C `RS' h1, h2, l1, l2, p1, p2 h1 = h[1]; h2 = h[2] if (h2>=.) h2 = h1 l1 = l[1]; l2 = l[2] if (l2>=.) l2 = l1 p1 = p[1]; p2 = p[2] if (p2>=.) p2 = p1 C = J(n, 3, .) for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { j = (n==1 ? 1 : (n - 2*i + 1)/(n-1)) C[i,] = (mod(j>0 ? h1 : h2, 360), c * abs(j)^p1, l2 - abs(j)^p2*(l2-l1)) } if (space=="LCh" | space=="JMh") C = C[,(3,2,1)] _set(C, space) } void `MAIN'::generate_HSV_heat0(`Int' n, `RV' h, `RV' s, `RS' v) { `Int' i, n1, n2 `RS' h1, h2, s1, s2 `RM' C n2 = trunc(n/4) n1 = n - n2 h1 = h[1]; h2 = h[2]; s1 = s[1]; s2 = s[2] C = J(n, 3, .) for (i=1; i<=n1; i++) { C[i,] = (mod(h1 + (n1==1 ? 0 : (i-1)*(h2-h1)/(n1-1)), 360), s1, v) } for (; i<=n; i++) { C[i,] = (mod(h2, 360), s1 - (s1-s2)/(2*n2) + (n2==1 ? 0 : (i-n1-1) * (s2 - s1 + (s1-s2)/n2) / (n2-1)), v) } _set(C, "HSV") } void `MAIN'::generate_HSV_terrain0(`Int' n, `RV' h, `RV' s, `RV' v) { `Int' i, n1, n2, h1, h2, h3, s1, s2, v1, v2, v3 `RM' C n1 = trunc(n / 2) n2 = n - n1 + 1 h1 = h[1]; h3 = h[2]; h2 = (h1 + h3) / 2 s1 = s[1]; s2 = s[2] v1 = v[1]; v2 = v[2]; v3 = v2 + (1 - v2) / 2 C = J(n, 3, .) for (i=1; i<=n1; i++) { C[i,] = (mod(h1 + (n1==1 ? 0 : (i-1)*(h2-h1)/(n1-1)), 360), s1, v1 + (n1==1 ? 0 : (i-1)*(v2-v1)/(n1-1))) } for (; i<=n; i++) { C[i,] = (mod(h2 + (i-n1)*(h3-h2)/(n2-1), 360), s1 + (i-n1)*(s2-s1)/(n2-1), v2 + (i-n1)*(v3-v2)/(n2-1)) } _set(C, "HSV") } end exit