{smcl} {hline} help for {cmd:complogit} {right:(Glenn Hoetker)} {hline} {title:Compare coefficients across logit equations} {p 8 15}{cmd:complogit} {it:varlist} , {cmdab:group}{cmd:(}{it:varname}{cmd:)} [ {cmdab:num:erator}{cmd:(}{it:varname}{cmd:)} {cmdab:den:ominator}{cmd:(}{it:varname}{cmd:)} {cmdab:sp:ecific}{cmd:(}{it:varname}{cmd:)} ] {title:Description} {p} {cmd:complogit} allows for the accurate comparison of coefficients across groups in a logit equation by automating the calculations discussed in Hoetker (2004; 2007). This help file will make little sense without reference to those articles. {p} In its basic application, it performs the requested logit equation on all observations, on cases where the {it: group} variable=0 and on cases where it equals 1. It then performs a logit for all observations, allowing residual variance to differ across groups. It then tests whether residual variation differs across groups using a likelihood ratio and Wald chi-square test. Lastly, it uses a likelihood ratio test to test the null hypothesis that the true coefficients are the same across groups versus the alternative that {it:at least one} coefficient differs. {p} Optionally, the user may request a test of test of the null hypothesis that the true coefficients are the same across groups versus the alternative that {it:a specific} coefficient differs. To do so, specify the desired coefficient in the {cmd:specific} option. Note that this test assumes that all other coefficients are equal across groups. {p} Optionally, the user may request a test that the ratio of two coeffiients is the same across groups. To do so, specify the desired variables in the {cmd:numerator} and {cmd:denominator} options. {p} {title:Options} See above {title:Remarks} {p} Version 8 of Stata is required. There is minimal error checking. {cmd:complogitml.ado} contains the maximum likelihood routine and is of little direct use. It is based on code contained in Allison (1999). Users may also wish to see the {cmd: oglm} command of Richard Williams and his associated papers. {title:References} Allison, P.D. 1999. Comparing logit and probit coefficients across groups. {it: SMR/Sociological Methods & Research}. 28(2): 186-208. Hoetker, G. 2004. Confounded coefficients: Accurately comparing logit and probit coefficients across groups. Working paper. http://www.business.uiuc.edu/ghoetker/documents/Hoetker_comp_logit.pdf Hoetker, G. 2007. The use of logit and probit models in strategic management research: Critical issues. {it: Strategic Management Journal}. 28(4): 331-343. {p} {title:Examples} {p 16 20}{inp:. complogit y x1 x2, group(type)}{p_end} {p 16 20}{inp:. complogit y x1 x2, group(type) num(x1) den(x2)}{p_end} {p 16 20}{inp:. complogit y x1 x2, group(type) sp(x1)}{p_end} {title:Author} {p} Glenn Hoetker, College of Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Email: {browse "mailto:ghoetker@uiuc.edu":ghoetker@uiuc.edu}