clear mata : mata clear set mem 10m set more off cap log close log using confa-sj-examples * get the data use describe * basic syntax cap noi confa (vis: x1 x2 x3) (text: x4 x5 x6) (math: x7 x8 x9) * various starting values confa (vis: x1 x2 x3) (text: x4 x5 x6) (math: x7 x8 x9), from(ones) confa (vis: x1 x2 x3) (text: x4 x5 x6) (math: x7 x8 x9), from(iv) confa (vis: x1 x2 x3) (text: x4 x5 x6) (math: x7 x8 x9), from(smart) estimates store oim matrix bb = e(b) * Satorra-Bentler story confa (vis: x1 x2 x3) (text: x4 x5 x6) (math: x7 x8 x9), from(iv) vce(sbentler) nolog confa (vis: x1 x2 x3) (text: x4 x5 x6) (math: x7 x8 x9), from(bb) iter(1) vce(sbentler) nolog * comparing standard errors estimates store sb confa (vis: x1 x2 x3) (text: x4 x5 x6) (math: x7 x8 x9), from(bb) iter(1) vce(robust) nolog estimates store sandwich estimates tab oim sb sandwich, se * correlated errors confa (vis: x1 x2 x3) (text: x4 x5 x6) (math: x7 x8 x9), from(bb, skip) corr( x7:x8 ) * Satorra-Bentler scaled difference test? qui confa (vis: x1 x2 x3) (text: x4 x5 x6) (math: x7 x8 x9), from(bb) vce(sbentler) local T0 = e(lr_u) local r0 = e(df_u) local c0 = e(SBc) qui confa (vis: x1 x2 x3) (text: x4 x5 x6) (math: x7 x8 x9), from(bb, skip) vce(sbentler) corr(x7:x8) local T1 = e(lr_u) local r1 = e(df_u) local c1 = e(SBc) local DeltaT = (`T0'-`T1')*(`r0'-`r1')/(`r0'*`c0'-`r1'*`c1') di as text "Scaled difference Delta = " as res %6.3f `DeltaT' as text "; Prob[chi2>" as res %6.3f `DeltaT' as text "] = " as res %6.4f chi2tail(`r0'-`r1',`DeltaT') * Bollen-Stine qui confa (vis: x1 x2 x3) (text: x4 x5 x6) (math: x7 x8 x9), from(bb, skip) corr(x7:x8) * set seed 1010101 * bollenstine , reps(500) confaoptions( iter(5) corr( x7:x8 ) ) set seed 1010101 bollenstine , reps(500) confaoptions( iter(20) corr( x7:x8 ) ) est store bollst * estat commands qui confa (vis: x1 x2 x3) (text: x4 x5 x6) (math: x7 x8 x9), from(bb, skip) corr(x7:x8) estat fit estat corr estat corr, bound * factor predictions predict fa1-fa3, reg predict fb1-fb3, bart corr fa1-fb3, cov scatter fa1 fb1, aspect(1) * alternative identification confa (vis: x1 x2 x3) (text: x4 x5 x6) (math: x7 x8 x9), from(ones) unitvar(_all) corr(x7:x8) * example with missing data set seed 123456 forvalues k=1/9 { gen y`k' = cond( uniform()<0.0`k', ., x`k') } * list-wise deletion confa (vis: y1 y2 y3) (text: y4 y5 y6) (math: y7 y8 y9), from(bb) mat bbmis = e(b) est store listwise * sophisticated missing data mat bbspec = 0.5*(bb + bbmis) confa (vis: y1 y2 y3) (text: y4 y5 y6) (math: y7 y8 y9), from(iv) missing difficult est store missing * all saved results * need Satorra-Bentler followed by Bollen-Stine with correlated errors! est restore oim ereturn list est restore sb ereturn list est restore bollst ereturn list * MTMM example use, clear * base model confa (pollib: party broad print civlb) (demrul: leg80 polrt compet effec) /// , vce(sbentler) from(smart) difficult usenames estimates store traits local T0 = e(lr_u) local r0 = e(df_u) local c0 = e(SBc) mat b_t = e(b) * methods model confa (sussman: broad print) (gastil: civlb polrt) (banks: leg80 party compet effec) /// , difficult from(smart) usenames iter(20) estimates store methods mat b_m = e(b) preserve * replace the variables by their residuals est restore traits predict f1 f2, bartlett foreach x of varlist party80 broad80 print80 civlb80 { replace `x' = `x' - [lambda_`x'_pollib]_cons*f1 } foreach x of varlist leg80 polrt80 compet80 effec80 { replace `x' = `x' - [lambda_`x'_demrul]_cons*f2 } confa (sussman: broad print) (gastil: civlb polrt) (banks: leg80 party compet effec) /// , difficult from(smart) usenames iter(20) estimates store res mat b_res = e(b) mat bb2 = (b_t[1,1..19], b_res[1,9..30] ) restore constr def 101 [phi_2_3]_cons = 0 constr def 102 [phi_2_4]_cons = 0 constr def 103 [phi_2_5]_cons = 0 constr def 104 [phi_1_3]_cons = 0 constr def 105 [phi_1_4]_cons = 0 constr def 106 [phi_1_5]_cons = 0 constr def 201 [phi_pollib_sussman]_cons = 0 constr def 202 [phi_pollib_gastil]_cons = 0 constr def 203 [phi_pollib_banks]_cons = 0 constr def 204 [phi_demrul_sussman]_cons = 0 constr def 205 [phi_demrul_gastil]_cons = 0 constr def 206 [phi_demrul_banks]_cons = 0 * Bollen's results mat bb = J(1,8,0) mat bb = (bb, 1, 0.86, 0.93, 0.72, 1, 1.08, 0.94, 0.44, 1, 1.19, 1, 0.63, 1, -0.2, 2.7, 1.94) mat bb = (bb, 16, 12.9, 10.55, 2.59, 0, 0, 1.44, 1.48, 0, 0, 0.68, -0.35, -0.28, 0, 0) mat bb = (bb, 2.1, 3.1, 1.6, 0.6, 1.6, 0.27, -0.42, 8.6) confa (pollib: party broad print civlb) (demrul: leg80 polrt compet effec) /// (sussman: broad print) (gastil: civlb polrt) (banks: leg80 party compet effec) /// , constr(201 202 203 204 205 206) from(bb2) search(off) usenames iter(50) est store full1 confa (pollib: party broad print civlb) (demrul: leg80 polrt compet effec) /// (sussman: broad print) (gastil: civlb polrt) (banks: leg80 party compet effec) /// , constr(201 202 203 204 205 206) from(bb, copy) search(off) usenames iter(50) est store full2 local T1 = e(lr_u) local r1 = e(df_u) local c1 = e(SBc) local DeltaT = (`T0'-`T1')*(`r0'-`r1')/(`r0'*`c0'-`r1'*`c1') local df = `r0'-`r1' di as text "Scaled difference Delta = " as res %6.3f `DeltaT' as text "; Prob[chi2({res}`df'{txt})>" as res %6.3f `DeltaT' as text "] = " as res %6.4f chi2tail(`df',`DeltaT') log close exit