help for ^cpyxplot6^

Scatter plots for each y vs each x variable -------------------------------------------

^cpyxplot6^ yvarlist \ xvarlist [weight] [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] [ ^,^ graph_options ^text^size^(^#^)^ ]

Description -----------

^cpyxplot6^ produces an array of scatter or twoway plots for yvarlist versus xvarlist. There is one plot for each y variable from yvarlist and each x variable from xvarlist. The name ^cpyxplot6^ is derived from Cartesian product of y and x. ^cp^ may also be interpreted as `cross pairs'. The backslash ^\^ must be used to separate the yvarlist and the xvarlist.

A neat arrangement of the individual graphs is produced if the number of y variables is equal to the number of x variables, or the number of y variables is 1, or the number of x variables is 1.

^cpyxplot6^ is the original version for Stata 6, renamed but otherwise frozen as is, on 21 November 2004. Users of Stata 8 upwards should use ^cpyxplot^ instead.

Options -------

graph_options are options allowed with ^graph, twoway^ or ^graph using^. Note that

1. ^margin( )^, ^saving( )^ and ^title( )^ apply to the combined graph.

2. all other options, including ^b1( )^, refer to all the individual graphs.

^textsize(^#^)^ temporarily sets textsize to #% of the default.

Examples --------

. ^cpyxplot6 y1 y2 y3 \ x1 x2 x3^ . ^cpyxplot6 srunoff \ srain17 srain23 srain60^

Author ------

Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K. n.j.cox@@durham.ac.uk

Acknowledgements ----------------

Rory Wolfe suggested the original problem. Phil Ender alerted me to a bug.

Also see --------

On-line: help for @graph@ Manual: [R] graph