capture log close set more off set rmsg on program drop _all log using cs_avar, replace about which avar which ivreg2 which ranktest avar, version clear set obs 100 set seed 12345 gen double y1 = runiform() gen double y2 = runiform() gen double x1 = runiform() gen double x2 = runiform() gen double z1 = runiform() gen double z2 = runiform() qui reg y1 x1 x2 predict double e1, resid qui reg y2 x1 x2 predict double e2, resid qui reg y1 x1 predict double es1, resid qui reg y2 x2 predict double es2, resid qui ivreg y1 (x1 x2 = z1 z2) predict double eiv1, resid qui ivreg y2 (x1 x2 = z1 z2) predict double eiv2, resid gen int id1 = _n gen int t1 = _n gen int id2 = ceil(_n/5) gen int t2 = 5-(id2*5-t1) sum list y1-x2 e1 e2 id1 t1 id2 t2 in 1/10 * Replicate some covariances * OLS - classical (efficient) qui mat accum XX=x1 x2 mat Sxx=XX*1/r(N) mat Sxxi=syminv(Sxx) qui reg y1 x1 x2 mat V1 = e(V) qui avar e1 (x1 x2) mat S=r(S) mat Si=syminv(S) mat V2 = syminv(Sxx*Si*Sxx)*1/r(N) mat V2 = V2 * e(N)/e(df_r) // Stata small sample correction assert mreldif(V1,V2) < 1e-7 * OLS - robust (inefficient) qui mat accum XX=x1 x2 mat Sxx=XX*1/r(N) mat Sxxi=syminv(Sxx) qui reg y1 x1 x2, rob mat V1 = e(V) qui avar e1 (x1 x2), rob mat S=r(S) mat V2 = Sxxi*S*Sxxi*1/r(N) mat V2 = V2 * e(N)/e(df_r) // Stata small sample correction assert mreldif(V1,V2) < 1e-7 * IV - classical (efficient) qui mat accum ZZ=z1 z2 mat Szz=ZZ*1/r(N) mat Szzi=syminv(Szz) qui mat accum A=x1 x2 z1 z2 mat A1 = A[3..5,1..2] mat A2 = A[3..5,5..5] mat Szx = (A1 , A2)*1/r(N) qui ivreg y1 (x1 x2 = z1 z2) mat V1 = e(V) qui avar eiv1 (z1 z2) mat S=r(S) mat Si=syminv(S) mat V2 = syminv(Szx'*Si*Szx)*1/r(N) mat V2 = V2 * e(N)/e(df_r) // Stata small sample correction assert mreldif(V1,V2) < 1e-7 * IV - robust (inefficient) qui mat accum ZZ=z1 z2 mat Szz=ZZ*1/r(N) mat Szzi=syminv(Szz) qui mat accum A=x1 x2 z1 z2 mat A1 = A[3..5,1..2] mat A2 = A[3..5,5..5] mat Szx = (A1 , A2)*1/r(N) qui ivreg y1 (x1 x2 = z1 z2), rob mat V1 = e(V) qui avar eiv1 (z1 z2), rob mat S=r(S) mat V2 = syminv(Szx'*Szzi*Szx)*(Szx'*Szzi*S*Szzi*Szx)*syminv(Szx'*Szzi*Szx)*1/r(N) mat V2 = V2 * e(N)/e(df_r) // Stata small sample correction assert mreldif(V1,V2) < 1e-7 * OLS - cluster qui mat accum XX=x1 x2 mat Sxx=XX*1/r(N) mat Sxxi=syminv(Sxx) qui reg y1 x1 x2, cluster(id1) mat V1 = e(V) qui avar e1 (x1 x2), cluster(id1) mat S=r(S) mat V2 = Sxxi*S*Sxxi * 1/r(N) * Stata small-sample correction mat V2 = V2 * (e(N)-1)/(e(N)-e(df_m)-1) * e(N_clust)/(e(N_clust)-1) assert mreldif(V1,V2) < 1e-7 * Newey-West tsset t1 qui mat accum XX=x1 x2 mat Sxx=XX*1/r(N) mat Sxxi=syminv(Sxx) qui newey y1 x1 x2, lag(3) mat V1 = e(V) qui avar e1 (x1 x2), rob bw(4) kernel(bartlett) mat S=r(S) mat V2 = Sxxi*S*Sxxi*1/r(N) mat V2 = V2 * e(N)/(e(df_r)) // Stata small sample correction assert mreldif(V1,V2) < 1e-7 * sureg - 2 equations, exactly-identified, non-robust qui mat accum XX=x1 x2 mat Sxx=XX*1/r(N) mat Sxxi=syminv(Sxx) sureg (y1 x1 x2) (y2 x1 x2) mat V1 = e(V) qui avar (e1 e2) (x1 x2) mat S=r(S) local cn : colfullnames S mat KSxxi= I(2)#Sxxi // K for Kronecker mat V2 = KSxxi*S*KSxxi*1/r(N) // no small-sample correction needed mat rownames V2=`cn' mat colnames V2=`cn' assert mreldif(V1,V2) < 1e-7 * suest - 2 equations, robust qui mat accum XX=x1 x2 mat Sxx=XX*1/r(N) mat Sxxi=syminv(Sxx) qui reg y1 x1 x2 est store eq_1 qui reg y2 x1 x2 est store eq_2 qui suest eq_1 eq_2 mat V1 = e(V) mat V1a = V1[1..3,1..3] mat V1b = V1[5..7,1..3] mat V1c = V1[5..7,5..7] mat V1 = (V1a, V1b') \ (V1b, V1c) qui avar (e1 e2) (x1 x2), rob mat S=r(S) local cn : colfullnames S mat KSxxi= I(2)#Sxxi // K for Kronecker mat V2 = KSxxi*S*KSxxi*1/r(N) mat V2 = V2 * e(N)/(e(N)-1) // Stata small-sample correction mat colnames V2=`cn' mat rownames V2=`cn' assert mreldif(V1,V2) < 1e-7 * suest - 2 equations, robust, different regressors qui reg y1 x1 est store eq_1 qui reg y2 x2 est store eq_2 qui suest eq_1 eq_2 mat V1 = e(V) mat V1a = V1[1..2,1..2] mat V1b = V1[4..5,1..2] mat V1c = V1[4..5,4..5] mat V1 = (V1a, V1b') \ (V1b, V1c) qui avar (es1 es2) (x1 x2), rob mat S=r(S) mat Sa=S[1..1,1..6] mat Sb=S[3..3,1..6] mat Sc=S[5..5,1..6] mat Sd=S[6..6,1..6] mat S = Sa \ Sb \ Sc \ Sd mat Sa=S[1..4,1..1] mat Sb=S[1..4,3..3] mat Sc=S[1..4,5..5] mat Sd=S[1..4,6..6] mat S = Sa , Sb , Sc , Sd qui mat accum XX1=x1 mat Sxx1=XX1*1/r(N) mat Sxx1i=syminv(Sxx1) qui mat accum XX2=x2 mat Sxx2=XX2*1/r(N) mat Sxx2i=syminv(Sxx2) mat KSxxi= (Sxx1i, J(2,2,0)) \ (J(2,2,0), Sxx2i) mat V2 = KSxxi*S*KSxxi*1/r(N) mat V2 = V2 * e(N)/(e(N)-1) // Stata small-sample correction local cn : colfullnames S mat colnames V2=`cn' mat rownames V2=`cn' assert mreldif(V1,V2) < 1e-7 * suest - 2 equations, cluster-robust qui mat accum XX=x1 x2 mat Sxx=XX*1/r(N) mat Sxxi=syminv(Sxx) qui reg y1 x1 x2 est store eq_1 qui reg y2 x1 x2 est store eq_2 qui suest eq_1 eq_2, cluster(id2) mat V1 = e(V) mat V1a = V1[1..3,1..3] mat V1b = V1[5..7,1..3] mat V1c = V1[5..7,5..7] mat V1 = (V1a, V1b') \ (V1b, V1c) qui avar (e1 e2) (x1 x2), rob cluster(id2) mat S=r(S) local cn : colfullnames S mat KSxxi= I(2)#Sxxi // K for Kronecker mat V2 = KSxxi*S*KSxxi*1/r(N) mat V2 = V2 * e(N_clust)/(e(N_clust)-1) // Stata small-sample correction mat colnames V2=`cn' mat rownames V2=`cn' assert mreldif(V1,V2) < 1e-7 * Mimic mat opaccum - robust sort id1 avar y1 (x1 x2), rob mat S=r(S) mat list S mat opaccum A = x1 x2, opvar(y1) group(id1) mat A=A/r(N) mat list A assert mreldif(S,A) < 1e-7 * Mimic mat opaccum - cluster sort id2 avar y1 (x1 x2), rob cluster(id2) mat S=r(S) mat opaccum A = x1 x2, opvar(y1) group(id2) mat A=A/r(N) mat list A assert mreldif(S,A) < 1e-7 * Check that smata option works properly capture mata: mata drop S2 avar (e1 e2) (x1 x2), smata(S2) mata: st_matrix("S2", S2) assert mreldif(r(S),S2) < 1e-7 * Illustrate listwise behavior of avar * Same as behavior of sureg * sureg - 2 equations, exactly-identified, non-robust gen double y1a=y1 if _n>10 gen double y2a=y2 if _n<91 sureg (y1a x1 x2) (y2a x1 x2) mat V1 = e(V) predict double esur1 if e(sample), eq(y1a) resid predict double esur2 if e(sample), eq(y2a) resid qui mat accum XX=x1 x2 if e(sample) mat Sxx=XX*1/r(N) mat Sxxi=syminv(Sxx) qui avar (esur1 esur2) (x1 x2) if e(sample) mat S=r(S) local cn : colfullnames S mat KSxxi= I(2)#Sxxi // K for Kronecker mat V2 = KSxxi*S*KSxxi*1/r(N) // no small-sample correction needed mat rownames V2=`cn' assert mreldif(V1,V2) < 1e-7 capture log close set more on set rmsg off