* cstable.ado, for Stata version 8.0 or higher * Sept 2007 * version 1.02 * * Univariate cohort analysis for each food items/exposures, results are summarized into one table. One row, one food item. * * Result file contains: ordering number of exposure(id), name of variable (exposure), total number of exposed, * number of exposed cases, attack rate of exposed, total number of unexposed, number of unexposed cases, * attack rate of unexposed, risk ratio, 95%CI interval, 95% p-value. * * NOTA BENE: * - There is no limitation in the number of exposures. * * - With the replace option, command will write the result table into the memory, * so the original file will be deleted from the memory! (But not from the disk) * Consequence: you can save the result table as stata file. * * syntax: cstable casevariable expvariable [expvariables...] , [nosort rr pvalue ar replace exact] * default is results sorted by 95% p value, ascending order. * options: nosort -results are displayed in the same order of variables in the command line * rr -sorts the result by risk ratio, descending order * ar -sorts the result by attack rates among exposed, descending order * pvalue -sorts the result by 95% p value, ascending order (default) * exact -give 2-sided exact p-value (default is chi square test p-value) * replace -replace the current dataset with cstable results * noabbreviate -display full exposure name (default 12 first chars) * * Collaborative work by Gilles Desve and Peter Makary . * in case of any question please contact us: * g.desve@epiconcept.fr * peter.makary@ktl.fi *(Opinions, notices are welcome as well!) capture program drop cstable program cstable version 8.0 syntax varlist [,rr ar NOsort EXact pvalue replace NOABbreviate] local rowline = "-" local rowname = "" local iRow = 0 local _varsize = 12 quietly foreach var of varlist `varlist' { // Nothing to do for the first var (cases) local iRow = `iRow'+1 if `iRow'==1{ continue } local ilength =length("`var'") if `ilength' > `_varsize' { local _varsize = `ilength' } // Get Exposed, Cases, AR count if `var' == 1 local _Totexp = r(N) count if `var' == 1 & `1' == 1 local _Casexp = r(N) local _ARexp = `_Casexp' / `_Totexp' * 100 // Get Exposed, Cases, AR count if `var' == 0 local _Totunexp = r(N) count if `var' == 0 & `1' == 1 local _Casunexp = r(N) local _ARunexp = `_Casunexp' / `_Totunexp' * 100 // get RR and confidence interval // manage exact option if "`exact'" == "exact" { local exact = ", exact" } cs `1' `var' `exact' if "`exact'" == "" { local _p = r(p) } else { local _p = r(p_exact) } local _rr = r(rr) local _lb_rr = r(lb_rr) local _ub_rr = r(ub_rr) // Fill the matrix matrix input tempmat = (`iRow', `_Totexp', `_Casexp' , `_ARexp', `_Totunexp', `_Casunexp' , `_ARunexp' /// ,`_rr',`_lb_rr',`_ub_rr',`_p' ) // First row : create the matrix if `iRow' == 2 { matrix mymat = tempmat } // Next row add to the matrix else { matrix mymat = mymat \ tempmat } } // End of foreach var // Select the column for the sort order pvalue is the default scalar icol = 11 if c(stata_version) >= 9 { if "`rr'"=="rr" { scalar icol = -8 } if "`nosort'"=="nosort" { scalar icol = 1 } if "`pvalue'"=="pvalue" { scalar icol = 11 } if "`ar'"=="ar" { scalar icol = -4 } } if (c(stata_version) < 9) & (( "`rr'"=="rr" ) | ( "`pvalue'"=="pvalue" )| ( "`ar'"=="ar")) { display as error "Sorting results only available in version 9" } if c(stata_version) >= 9 { // Sort the matrix mata : sortmatrice("mymat","icol") } // get width for displaing variable labels if "`noabbreviate'"=="" { local _varsize = 12 } display // This number are calculated to allow copy and paste display in text %`_varsize's "" %14s "Exposed" %23s "Unexposed" display in text "{hline 70}" "{hline `_varsize'}" display in text %`_varsize's "Exposure" " Total Cases AR% Total Cases AR% Risk Ratio P" display in text "{hline 70}" "{hline `_varsize'}" forvalues jrow = 2(1)`iRow'{ local _iorder = mymat[`jrow'-1,1] local _rowname : word `_iorder' of `varlist' local _rowname = substr("`_rowname'",1,`_varsize') local _rownames = "`_rownames'" + " " + "`_rowname'" display in text %`_varsize's "`_rowname'" _continue local stemp = el(mymat,`jrow'-1,2) display as result " " %5.0f `stemp' _continue local stemp = el(mymat,`jrow'-1,3) display " " %5.0f `stemp' _continue local stemp = el(mymat,`jrow'-1,4) display " " %7.2f `stemp' _continue local stemp = el(mymat,`jrow'-1,5) display " " %5.0f `stemp' _continue local stemp = el(mymat,`jrow'-1,6) display " " %5.0f `stemp' _continue local stemp = el(mymat,`jrow'-1,7) display " " %7.2f `stemp' _continue local stemp = el(mymat,`jrow'-1,8) display " " %5.2f `stemp' _continue local stemp = el(mymat,`jrow'-1,9) local stemp : display %5.2f `stemp' local stemp = " [" + ltrim("`stemp'") + "-" local stemp2 = el(mymat,`jrow'-1,10) local stemp2 : display %5.2f `stemp2' local stemp = "`stemp'" + ltrim("`stemp2'")+ "]" display " " %-14s "`stemp'" _continue local stemp = el(mymat,`jrow'-1,11) display " " %5.3f `stemp' _continue display } display in text "{hline 70}" "{hline `_varsize'}" display // If replace option used : replace the dataset with result matrix quietly { if "`replace'"=="replace" { // forget the Id column used for sorting // matrix mymat = mymat[1...,2...] // drop current dataset drop _all // give explicit variables names matrix colnames mymat = id exp_total exp_case exp_ar non_exp_total non_exp_case non_exp_ar RR ci95_low ci95_high pvalue forvalues jrow = 2(1)`iRow' { // outcome variable what numbered 1 matrix mymat[`jrow'-1,1] = mymat[`jrow'-1,1] - 1 } svmat double mymat, names(col) // add the exposure variable since matrix rownames are not saved gen str12 exposure = "" // put exposure at top of variables order id exposure local iRow = c(N) forvalues jrow = 1(1)`iRow' { local _rowname : word `jrow' of `_rownames' replace exposure = "`_rowname'" in `jrow' } format pvalue %5.3f format RR ci95_low ci95_high exp_ar non_exp_ar %4.2f browse } } // cleanup matrix drop tempmat mymat scalar drop _all end if c(stata_version) >= 9 { mata: void sortmatrice(string scalar matname, string scalar numcol) { x = st_matrix(matname) y = st_numscalar(numcol) _sort(x,y) st_matrix(matname,x) } end }