clear all use "dietr_database.dta", clear *first, defualt paramaters (no minimum tax, full loss refund,...) dietr , id(x) taxrate(z) inflation(a) deprtype(b) depreciation(c) delta(k) dietr , id(x) taxrate(z) inflation(a) deprtype(b) depreciation(c) delta(k) system(cft) dietr , id(x) taxrate(z) inflation(a) deprtype(b) depreciation(c) delta(k) system(ace) twoway (scatter METR_CIT z, lcolor(blue) lpattern(solid)) /// (scatter METR_CFT z, lcolor(red) lpattern(dash)) /// (scatter METR_ACE z, lcolor(green) lpattern(dot)), /// ytitle("METR (%)") ylabel(, angle(0) nogrid labsize(medium) format(%9.0f)) /// xtitle("Statutory Tax Rate (%)", size(medium)) /// title("Comparison of CIT, CFT, and ACE") /// legend(order(1 "CIT" 2 "CFT" 3 "ACE") position(3)) *** second, check the implication of a tax holiday use "dietr_database.dta", clear dietr , id(x) taxrate(z) inflation(a) deprtype(b) depreciation(c) delta(k) holiday(s) ***Third, compare the non-refundable systems use "dietr_database.dta", clear dietr , id(x) taxrate(z) inflation(a) deprtype(b) depreciation(c) delta(k) refund(no) dietr , id(x) taxrate(z) inflation(a) deprtype(b) depreciation(c) delta(k) system(cft) refund(no) dietr , id(x) taxrate(z) inflation(a) deprtype(b) depreciation(c) delta(k) system(ace) refund(no) twoway (scatter METR_CIT z, lcolor(blue) lpattern(solid)) /// (scatter METR_CFT z, lcolor(red) lpattern(dash)) /// (scatter METR_ACE z, lcolor(green) lpattern(dot)), /// ytitle("METR (%)") ylabel(, angle(0) nogrid labsize(medium) format(%9.0f)) /// xtitle("Statutory Tax Rate (%)", size(medium)) /// title("Comparison of CIT, CFT, and ACE") /// legend(order(1 "CIT" 2 "CFT" 3 "ACE") position(3)) *Fourth, compare the ETRs without and with a top-up tax use "database.dta", clear dietr , id(x) taxrate(z) inflation(a) deprtype(b) depreciation(c) delta(k) rename (coc_cit METR_CIT AETR_CIT) (coc_cit_n METR_CIT_n AETR_CIT_n) tempfile pretopup save `pretopup',replace dietr , id(x) taxrate(z) inflation(a) deprtype(b) depreciation(c) delta(k) minimumtax(yes) merge 1:1 x using `pretopup' twoway (scatter METR_CIT_n z, lcolor(blue) lpattern(solid)) /// (scatter METR_CIT z, lcolor(red) lpattern(dash)), /// ytitle("METR (%)") ylabel(, angle(0) nogrid labsize(medium) format(%9.0f)) /// xtitle("Statutory Tax Rate (%)", size(medium)) /// title("METR without and with a top-up tax") /// legend(order(1 "without topup" 2 "with topup") position(3))