{smcl} {* version 2.01 14mar2006}{...} {cmd:help digit} {hline} {title:Title} {p 4 21 2} {hi:digit} {hline 2} Extracts digits at a specified decimal place {title:Syntax} {p 8 15 2}{cmd:egen} [{it:{help type}}] {newvar} {cmd:=} {cmdab:digit}({varname}) [{cmd:,} {opth d:igit(#)} {opth r:ound(#)} ] {title:Description} {pstd} The {cmd:digit} function extends the {cmd:egen} command. When used as described above, a new user-named variable {newvar} is created. For each case, {newvar} contains the digit (0 to 9) that is located at a specified decimal position in {varname}. {pstd}Options are available to specify the decimal position that you wish to examine as well as any rounding that should be applied to the variable when extracting this digit. {pstd} {title:Options} {dlgtab:General} {phang} {opth D:igit(#)} indicates the digit you wish to extract. This is specified using the decimal exponent or power of 10 of the desired digit (e.g. digit(0) extracts the 'units' digit, digit(1) extracts the 'tens' digit, and digit (-2) extracts the 'hundredths' digit). The detault setting is zero (extraction of the 'units' digit). {phang} {opth R:ound(#)} indicates the number of decimal places to which {varname} will be rounded prior to extracting digit information. When using the command repetitively to extract a series of digits, this option should be constant to prevent inconsistencies due to different rounding schemes being applied. The default setting is 15 decimal places, however in some cases this may result in rounding errors where the number being stored exceeds the available precision. This is often the case where floating point values have been imported from other data formats using third-party data conversion programs (e.g. a number may have been stored as 4.9999999999997 instead of 5). {title:Remarks} {pstd} This function creates a new variable containing the digit stored at a certain decimal position in an existing variable. This new variable can be tabulated to investigate digit preferences. {pstd} The following example illustrates how this function can be used: {cmd:. egen hundredths = digit(potass), digit(-2) round(2)} {cmd:} {cmd:. tab hundredths} {dup 12:{c -}}{c TT}{dup 35:{c -}} 10^-2 digit {c |} of potass {c |} Freq. Percent Cum. {dup 12:{c -}}{c +}{dup 35:{c -}} {dup 10: }0 {c |} 13,468 93.72 93.72 {dup 10: }1 {c |} 84 0.58 94.31 {dup 10: }2 {c |} 114 0.79 95.10 {dup 10: }3 {c |} 105 0.73 95.83 {dup 10: }4 {c |} 96 0.67 96.50 {dup 10: }5 {c |} 109 0.76 97.26 {dup 10: }6 {c |} 100 0.70 97.95 {dup 10: }7 {c |} 101 0.70 98.66 {dup 10: }8 {c |} 97 0.68 99.33 {dup 10: }9 {c |} 96 0.67 100.00 {dup 12:{c -}}{c BT}{dup 35:{c -}} {pstd} The tabluation of the created variable shows an overrepresentation of zero digits in the 'hundredths' position. This suggests around 6% of scores were measured with a higher precision may have been misrecorded or mistranscribed resulting in an incorrect precision. {title:Examples} {cmd:. egen units = digit(myvar)} {cmd:. egen dm2 = digit(potass), digit(-2) round(2)} {cmd:. egen dm1 = digit(potass), digit(-1) round(2)} {cmd:. egen d0 = digit(potass), digit(0) round(2)} {title:Author} {pstd}Richard J. Atkins{p_end} {pstd}London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine{p_end} {pstd}e-mail: richard.atkins@lshtm.ac.uk{p_end}