/* doubletofloat.ado By David Kantor, 10-18-2004 */ *! version 1.0.2; 10-20-2004 prog def doubletofloat version 8 /* By David Kantor, Institute for Policy Studies, Johns Hopkins University. This is essentially -recast float varlist-, for vars that are double. This is to complement -compress-, to change floats to long where possible. This complements -compress-, which does not make this particular change. (I think this ought to be an option on -compress-.) The code is based on floattolong.ado. */ syntax [varlist] local numvars "0" foreach var of local varlist { local origtyp: type `var' if "`origtyp'" == "double" { local ++numvars recast float `var' local newtyp: type `var' if "`newtyp'" == "float" { disp as text "`var' changed to float" } } } if `numvars' == 0 { disp as text "(no double variables specified)" } end // doubletofloat