*! Program to generate HTML code necessary to display a Stata dataset on the web *! Author P. Wilner Jeanty *! Date: February 17, 2013 program define dta2html version 11 syntax [varlist(default=none)] [if] [in], SAVing(str) [css(str) TABTitle(str) PAGEtitle(str) Datalink(str) Todisp(str)] marksample touse tokenize "`saving'", parse(",") args nameof_file secxx sav_opt local nameof_file `nameof_file'.html capture confirm new file `nameof_file' if !_rc & "`sav_opt'" != "" & "`sav_opt'" != "replace" { di as err "The suboption for {bf:saving()} must be {bf:replace}" exit 198 } else if _rc & "`sav_opt'"=="" confirm new file `nameof_file' else if _rc & "`sav_opt'"!="" & "`sav_opt'" != "replace" { di as err "The suboption for {bf:saving()} must be {bf:replace}" exit 198 } if "`imgsrc'"!="" & "`datalink'"=="" { di as err "Option {bf:imgsrc()} must be combined with :bf:datalink()}" exit 198 } if "`todisp'"!="" { tokenize "`todisp'", parse(",") args todisnme secxx todisp_opt if !inlist("`todisp_opt'", "txt", "img") { di `"{err}The sub-option for {bf:todisp()} must be either "txt" or "img""' exit 198 } } if "`pagetitle'"=="" local pagetitle "Stata Dataset in your Browser" if "`tabtitle'"=="" local tabtitle "Stata Dataset" tempname myhandle local wrfile file write `myhandle' local opfile file open `myhandle' if "`if'"!="" local ifexp `if' if "`in'"!="" local inexp `in' local ifinexp `ifexp' `inexp' preserve if "`if'`in'"!="" qui keep `ifinexp' capture drop `touse' if "`varlist'"!="" local allvs `varlist' else unab allvs: _all gen Obs=_n local allvs Obs `allvs' local nvs : word count `allvs' local outfile `"`nameof_file'"' `opfile' using `"`outfile'"', w text `sav_opt' set more off `wrfile' _n `wrfile' "" _n "" _n if `"`pagetitle'"' ~= "" { `wrfile' `"`pagetitle'"' _n } `wrfile' `""' _newline `wrfile' `""' _newline if "`css'" == "" TableStyle, towr(`wrfile') else `wrfile' `""' _newline `wrfile' `""' _n if "`css'"=="" `wrfile' `""' _n else `wrfile' `""' _n // You might want to edit from here fit to your CSS need. `wrfile' `""' _n `wrfile' `"
"' _newline `wrfile' `""' _newline `wrfile' `""' _n `wrfile' `""' _n if `"`datalink'"'!="" { `wrfile' `""' if "`todisp_opt'"=="img" { `wrfile' `""' _n } else { `wrfile' `""' _n } } `wrfile' `""' _n `wrfile' `""' _n if "`tabtitle'"!="" `wrfile' `""' `wrfile' `""' _n `wrfile' `"

"' _n `wrfile' `"
"' _n `wrfile' `"
"' `wrfile' `""' _newline `wrfile' `""' _n `wrfile' `""' _n `wrfile' `""' _n `wrfile' `""' _n local nnvs=`nvs'-1 forv i=1/`nnvs' { `wrfile' `""' _n } `wrfile' `""' _n // Writing the variable names `wrfile' `""' _n `wrfile' `""' _n foreach v of local allvs { `wrfile' `""' _n } `wrfile' `""' _n `wrfile' `""' _n // Writing the values of the variables `wrfile' `""' _n local N=_N forv i=1/`N' { `wrfile' `""' _n local j=1 foreach v of local allvs { if `j'==1 { `wrfile' `""' _n } else { cap confirm numeric var `v' if !_rc `wrfile' `""' _n else `wrfile' `""' _n } local ++j } `wrfile' `""' _n } `wrfile' `""' _n `"
"' _n `"
"' _n `"
"' _n `wrfile' `"
"' _n `"
"' _n `""' _n `""' _n file close `myhandle' set more off restore di _n `"Dataset written to HTML file {stata type `outfile':`c(pwd)'`c(dirsep)'`outfile'}"' di _n `"To open in Internet Explorer, {browse "file:///`c(pwd)'`c(dirsep)'`outfile'":Click here}"' end // Defining the table style program define TableStyle version 11 syntax, towr(str) `towr' `""' _n end