*Version October 2015 ---------------------- basic syntax: egi var, in(industry) st(state)index(#) mult(weight_var) by(year) Description: EGI calculates Ellision and Glaeser's index of geographical concentration of various industries. The module computes industry and region specific share of employment and also suitable for survey data where information up to plant level is available. EGI also evaluate other components of Ellision and Glaeser's index like square deviation of employment share and Herfindhal index of plant level employment concentration. Ellision and Glaeser's index EGIi = (GIi - HIi)/(1-HIi) where, GIi = Sum of squared deivation of ith industry's state employment share from a measure Ss. Ss = employment share ith state in the average industry. Hi = Herfindhal style measure of the plant level concentration of employment in ith industry. EGI syntax return and store the Ellision and Glaeser's index for each industry variety as a new variable. By choosing suitable index option it may also return other components. Option Option ------- by(varlist): allows groups defined by `varlist' e.g. (year) mult : allows for computing weighted index Examples: ---------- egi worker , in(nic2) st(stcode) index(EGI) by(year) mult(mult) egi worker , in(nic2) st(stcode) index(HHI) by(year) egi worker , in(nic2) st(stcode) index(GI) egi worker , in(nic2) st(stcode) index(SS) Author: Jay Dev Dubey Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi jaydevdubeyster@gmail.com Acknowladgemnt: --------------- Pritam Datta (PHFI) References: --------------- Ellison, Glenn, and Edward L. Glaeser. Geographic concentration in US manufacturing industries: a dartboard approach. No. w4840. National Bureau of economic research, 1994. Dumais, Guy, Glenn Ellison, and Edward L. Glaeser. "Geographic concentration as a dynamic process." Review of Economics and Statistics 84.2 (2002): 193-204.