{smcl} {* 11mar2016}{...} {* @@ Written by Elliott Lowy, mostly on the US government's dime (17 US Code ยง 105).}{...} {vieweralsosee "elfs" "elfs"}{...} INCLUDE help also_vlowy {title:Title} {pstd}{bf: elfs facts} {hline 2} File actions and associations {title:Description} {pstd}These are file settings that can be implemented in the Windows registry, to assign handy info & actions to relevant files. {pstd}These settings do nothing unless/until the {cmd:Set} link is clicked, when they set the current info into the registry. Things that are {cmd:Set} cannot be unSet, unlike most of the other settings. They can be {cmd:Set} again, with new info, or the registry can be adjusted in any other usual way. {title:Fields} {phang}{cmd:Name} is the file-type {hline 1} the logical identity. {phang}{cmd:Extension} is a space-separated list of file extensions that will be treated as file-type {cmd:Name}. {phang}{cmd:Icon} is the name of an icon file, to use as the source of the icon. The file must be located in a proper place on the {help adopath} {hline 1} as if it were an {cmd:.ado} file. Leave it blank to use (any) default icons. {phang}{cmd:open} is something to do when the file is double-clicked or otherwise opened in Windows Explorer. If {cmd:open} = {cmd:usel}, Stata & {help usel} will be used to open the file. If {cmd:open} is anything else, the exact text will be put in the registry as the open command. {phang}{cmd:Desc} Is a description for {cmd:Name}. It shows up in Windows Explorer as the 'Type'. {title:Links} {phang}{cmd:Set} Adds an entry to the Windows registry for {cmd:name}, if it doesn't exist, and assigns any specified extensions, icons, open commands, and descriptions. {phang}{cmd:Edit All} opens a data editor where all the settings can be edited.