{smcl} {* 14jul2005}{...} {* @@ Written by Elliott Lowy, mostly on the US government's dime (17 US Code ยง 105).}{...} INCLUDE help also_vlowy {title:Title} {pstd}{bf:encodel} {c -} Streamlined encode {title:Syntax} {pmore} {cmd:encodel} {it:{help varelist}} , [ {cmdab:l:abel(}{it:label-name}{cmd:)} {cmdab:m:ultilabel} {cmd:yn}] {title:Description} {pstd}{cmd:encodel} is a streamlined version of encode, for bulk changing of string variables to numeric. In the default case, one set of value labels is created and assigned to all variables in {it:{help varelist}}, with the values and corresponding labels determined by the first variable. If {cmdab:m:ultilabel} is specified, each variable gets it's own set of labels. {pstd}Also, each variable in {it:{help varelist}} is {it:replaced} with a numeric version; no new variables are generated (and no warnings are issued). {title:Options} {phang}{cmdab:l:abel()} specifies a label name. If it is not specified, the label name will be the the name of the first variable in {it:{help varelist}}, with the suffix {bf:_enc}. {phang}{cmdab:m:ultilabel} overrides {cmdab:l:abel()}, and results in each variable in {it:{help varelist}} being labeled independently, with it's own values, and with each label name matching its variable name, with the suffix {bf:_enc}. {phang}{cmd:yn} overrides both {cmdab:l:abel()} and {cmdab:m:ultilabel}. It treats all variables in {it:{help varelist}} as yes/no variables, converts them to 0/1, and applies the value labels "No" and "Yes", with the label name "yn". {pmore}In this case, the command will convert all varieties of {bf:n}, {bf:no}, {bf:f}, and {bf:false} to 0, and all varieties of {bf:y}, {bf:yes}, {bf:t}, and {bf:true} to 1.