{smcl} {* 29Oct2007}{...} {cmd:help episens}{right: ({browse "http://www.stata-journal.com/article.html?article=st0138":SJ8-1: st0138})} {hline} {title:Title} {p2colset 5 16 18 2}{...} {p2col :{hi:episens} {hline 2}}Deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analysis of epidemiological results{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {title:Syntax} {p 8 15 2} {cmd:episens} {it:var_case} {it:var_exposed} [{it:var_time}] {ifin} {weight} [{cmd:,} {it:{help episens##options:options}}] {p 8 15 2} {cmd:episensi} {it:#a #b #c #d} [{cmd:,} {it:{help episens##options:options}}] {marker options}{...} {synoptset 23 tabbed}{...} {synopthdr} {synoptline} {syntab:{help episens##mie:Misclassification of the exposure}} {synopt:{cmdab:dsec:a(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)}}{...} define the sensitivity among the cases{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:dspc:a(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)}}{...} define the specificity among the cases{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:dsen:c(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)}}{...} define the sensitivity among the noncases{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:dspn:c(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)}}{...} define the specificity among the noncases{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:corrse:ns(}{it:#}{cmd:)}}{...} set the correlation between case and noncase sensitivities to {it:#}{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:corrsp:ec(}{it:#}{cmd:)}}{...} set the correlation between case and noncase specificities to {it:#}{p_end} {syntab: {help episens##sel:Selection bias}} {synopt:{cmdab:dpsce:x(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)}}{...} define the selection probability among cases exposed{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:dpscu:n(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)}}{...} define the selection probability among cases unexposed{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:dpsne:x(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)}}{...} define the selection probability among noncases exposed{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:dpsnu:n(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)}}{...} define the selection probability among noncases unexposed{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:dsbf:actor(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)}}{...} define the selection-bias factor{p_end} {syntab: {help episens##unc:Uncontrolled confounding}} {synopt:{cmdab:dpe:xp(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)}}{...} define the prevalence of the confounder among the exposed{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:dpu:nexp(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)}}{...} define the prevalence of the confounder among the unexposed{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:drr:cd(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)}}{...} define the confounder-disease relative risk {p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:dor:ce(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)}}{...} define the confounder-exposure odds ratio {p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:corrp:rev(}{it:#}{cmd:)}}{...} set the correlation between exposure-specific confounder prevalences to {it:#}{p_end} {syntab:{help episens##sim:Simulations}} {synopt:{cmd:reps(}{it:#}{cmd:)}}{...} specify the number of replications to be performed{p_end} {synopt:{cmd:nodots}}{...} suppress the replication dots {p_end} {synopt:{cmd:seed(}{it:#}{cmd:)}}{...} set the random-number seed to {it:#}{p_end} {synopt:{cmd:ndraw(}{it:#}{cmd:)}}{...} number of observations drawn at each replication{p_end} {synopt:{help prefix_saving_option:{bf:saving(}{it:filename}{bf:, ...)}}}{...} save results to {it:filename}{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:grpr:ior}}{...} histogram of the priors{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:grarrs:ys}}{...} histogram of the adjusted relative risk (systematic error){p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:grarrt:ot}}{...} histogram of the adjusted relative risk (systematic error plus random error){p_end} {syntab:{help episens##other:Study design, format, combined analysis}} {synopt:{cmdab:st:udy(}{cmd:cc}|{cmd:cs}|{cmd:ir}{cmd:)}}{...} specify the type of study {p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:f:ormat(%}{it:{help fmt}}{cmd:)}}{...} set the display format for numbers{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:comb:ined}}{...} specify combined analyses of multiple biases{p_end} {synoptline} {p2colreset}{...} {marker pdf}{...} {pstd}{bf: Probability distribution function (pdf) for the bias parameter} {synoptset 28}{...} {p2col 5 36 38 2:{it:pdf_option}}description{p_end} {synoptline} {synopt:{cmdab:c:onstant(}{it:#}{cmd:)}}{...} constant value equal to {it:#}{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:uni:form(}{it:a} {it:b}{cmd:)}}{...} uniform between min={it:a} and max={it:b}{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:tri:angular(}{it:a} {it:b} {it:c}{cmd:)}}{...} triangular with min {it:a}, mode={it:b}, and max={it:c} {p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:tra:pezoidal(}{it:a} {it:b} {it:c} {it:d}{cmd:)}}{...} trapezoidal with min={it:a}, modes between {it:b} and {it:c}, and max={it:d}{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:logit-l:ogistic(}{it:m} {it:s} [{it:lb} {it:ub}]{cmd:)}}{...} logit-logistic with mean={it:m} and scale={it:s}, shifted between [{it:lb} {it:ub}]{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:logit-n:ormal(}{it:m} {it:s} [{it:lb} {it:ub}]{cmd:)}}{...} logit-normal with mean={it:m} and scale={it:s}, shifted between [{it:lb} {it:ub}]{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:log-l:ogistic(}{it:m} {it:s}{cmd:)}}{...} loglogistic with mean={it:m} and scale={it:s}{p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:log-n:ormal(}{it:m} {it:s}{cmd:)}}{...} lognormal with mean={it:m} and scale={it:s}{p_end} {synoptline} {p2colreset}{...} {title:Description} {pstd} {cmd:episens} performs deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analysis of the exposure-disease relative risk for misclassification of the exposure, selection bias, and unmeasured or uncontrolled confounding. The exposure-disease relative risk (and 95% confidence interval) is calculated using tables for epidemiologists; see {help epitab}. {pstd} {cmd:episensi} is the immediate form of {cmd:episens}. {title:Options} {marker mie}{...} {dlgtab:Misclassification of the exposure} {p 4 8 2} {cmd:dseca(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)} defines the sensitivity (probability someone exposed is classified as exposed) among the cases. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:dspca(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)} defines the specificity (probability someone unexposed is classified as unexposed) among the cases. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:dsenc(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)} defines the sensitivity among the noncases. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:dspnc(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)} defines the specificity among the noncases. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:corrsens(}{it:#}{cmd:)} sets the correlation between case and noncase sensitivities. The default is {cmd:corrsens(1)}, corresponding to nondifferential misclassification of the exposure when {cmdab:dsec:a(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)} and {cmdab:dsen:c(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)} have the same {it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:corrspec(}{it:#}{cmd:)} sets the correlation between case and noncase specificities. The default is {cmd:corrspec(1)}, corresponding to nondifferential misclassification of the exposure when {cmdab:dspc:a(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)} and {cmdab:dsp:c(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)} have the same {it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}. {marker sel}{...} {dlgtab:Selection bias} {p 4 8 2} {cmd:dpscex(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)} defines the selection probability among cases exposed. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:dpscun(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)} defines the selection probability among cases unexposed. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:dpsnex(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)} defines the selection probability among noncases exposed. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:dpsnun(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)} defines the selection probability among noncases unexposed. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:dsbfactor(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)} defines the selection-bias factor, [{cmdab:dpsce:x(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)}* {cmdab:dpsnu:n(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)}]/ [{cmdab:dpsne:x(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)}* {cmdab:dpscu:n(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)}]. This option is an alternative to specifying the other four selection probabilities. {marker unc}{...} {dlgtab:Uncontrolled confounding} {p 4 8 2} {cmd:dpexp(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)} defines the prevalence of the confounder among the exposed. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:dpunexp(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)} defines the prevalence of the confounder among the unexposed. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:drrcd(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)} defines the confounder-disease relative risk. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:dorce(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)} defines the confounder-exposure odds ratio. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:corrprev(}{it:#}{cmd:)} sets the correlation between exposure-specific confounder prevalences. The default is {cmd:corrprev(0)}. A correlation of 1 means no confounder-exposure association; that is, {cmd:dorce(}{it:{help episens##pdf:pdf_option}}{cmd:)} is equal to 1. {marker sim}{...} {dlgtab:Simulations} {p 4 8 2} {opt reps(#)} specifies the number of replications to be performed. The default is {cmd:reps(2000)}. {p 4 8 2} {opt nodots} suppresses display of the replication dots. By default, a single dot character is displayed for each successful replication. A single red `x' is displayed if {it:command} returns an error or if one of the values in {it:{help exp_list}} is missing. {p 4 8 2} {opt seed(#)} sets the random-number seed to {it:#}. Specifying this option is equivalent to typing the following command before calling {cmd:episens}: {pmore} {cmd:. set seed} {it:#} {p 4 8 2} {opt ndraw(#)} sets the number of observations drawn at each replication. {p 4 8 2} {help prefix_saving_option:{bf:saving(}{it:filename}{bf:, ...)}} saves the results (sampled bias parameters and bias-adjusted exposure-disease relative risk) of the simulations to {it:filename}. See {it:{help prefix_saving_option}} for details about {it:suboptions}. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:grprior} produces a histogram of the priors for the bias parameters. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:grarrsys} produces a histogram of the adjusted relative risk (systematic error). {p 4 8 2} {cmd:grarrtot} produces a histogram of the adjusted relative risk (systematic error plus random error). {marker other}{...} {dlgtab:Study design, format, combined analysis} {p 4 8 2} {cmd:study(cc}|{cmd:cs}|{cmd:ir})} specifies the type of study: {cmd:cc} (case-control data), {cmd:cs} (cumulative-incidence data), or {cmd:ir} (incidence-rate data). The default is {cmd:study(cc)}. See {help epitab} for more information. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:format(%}{it:{help fmt}}{cmd:)} displays format for numbers; default is {cmd:format(%3.2f)}. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:combined} specifies combined analyses of multiple biases. At each replication of the simulation, bias adjustment of the observed exposure-disease RR follows this order: misclassification of the exposure, selection bias, and unmeasured or uncontrolled confounding. {title:Examples} {phang}{stata "episensi 45 94 257 945, st(cc) dseca(c(.9)) dspca(c(.9)) dsenc(c(.9)) dspnc(c(.9))": . episensi 45 94 257 945, st(cc) dseca(c(.9)) dspca(c(.9)) dsenc(c(.9)) dspnc(c(.9))"} {phang}{stata "episensi 45 94 257 945, st(cc) dpunexp(c(.55)) dorce(c(2.45)) drrcd(c(5))": . episensi 45 94 257 945, st(cc) dpunexp(c(.55)) dorce(c(2.45)) drrcd(c(5))"} {phang}{stata "episensi 45 94 257 945, st(cc) dpexp(uni(.4 .7)) dpunexp(uni(.4 .7)) drrcd(log-n(2.159 .280))": . episensi 45 94 257 945, st(cc) dpexp(uni(.4 .7)) dpunexp(uni(.4 .7)) drrcd(log-n(2.159 .280))"} {phang}{stata "episensi 45 94 257 945, st(cc) nodots dpunexp(uni(.4 .7)) drrcd(log-n(2.159 .280)) dorce(log-normal(0 .639))": . episensi 45 94 257 945, st(cc) nodots dpunexp(uni(.4 .7)) drrcd(log-n(2.159 .280)) dorce(log-normal(0 .639))"} {title:Reference} {p 4 8 2} Greenland, S. 1996. Basic methods for sensitivity analysis of biases. {it:International Journal of Epidemioly} 5: 1107-1116.{p_end} {title:Authors} {p 4 8 2}Nicola Orsini, Division of Nutritional Epidemiology, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden{p_end} {p 4 8 2}Rino Bellocco, Department of Statistics, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy{p_end} {p 4 8 2}Matteo Bottai, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina{p_end} {p 4 8 2}Sander Greenland, Department of Epidemiology, UCLA School of Public Health, USA{p_end} {title:Author} {phang}Nicola Orsini{p_end} {p 4 8 2}{browse "http://nicolaorsini.altervista.org"}{p_end} {p 4 8 2}{browse "mailto:nicola.orsini@ki.se?subject=episens":nicola.orsini@ki.se}{p_end} {title:Also see} {psee} Article: {it:Stata Journal}, volume 8, number 1: {browse "http://www.stata-journal.com/article.html?article=st0138":st0138}{break} Manual: {bf:[ST] epitab} {psee} Online: {help epitab}, {helpb episensrri} (if installed) {p_end}