program def eqlist, rclass *! NJC 1.1.0 23 January 2001 * NJC 1.0.0 5 January 2001 version 6.0 gettoken lists 0 : 0, parse(",") if "`lists'" == "" | "`lists'" == "," { /* no \ */ di in r "incorrect syntax: no separator" exit 198 } tokenize "`lists'", parse("\") if "`4'" != "" { di in r "incorrect syntax: too much stuff" exit 198 } if "`1'" == "\" { /* list1 empty */ if "`2'" == "\" { di in r "incorrect syntax: one \ only" exit 198 } local list2 "`2'" /* might be empty */ } else if "`2'" == "\" { local list1 "`1'" local list2 "`3'" /* might be empty */ } else { di in r "incorrect syntax: what to compare?" exit 198 } syntax [ , Global(str) Noisily ] if length("`global'") > 8 { di in r "global name must be <=8 characters" exit 198 } local n1 : word count `list1' tokenize `list1' local n2 : word count `list2' if `n1' != `n2' { local iseq = 0 } else { local iseq = 1 local i = 1 while `i' <= `n1' & `iseq' { local word : word `i' of `list2' if length("``i''") > 80 | length("`word'") > 80 { di in r "cannot handle word length > 80" exit 498 } if "`word'" != "``i''" { local iseq 0 } local i = `i' + 1 } } if "`noisily'" != "" { di `iseq' } if "`global'" != "" { global `global' = `iseq' } return local iseq = `iseq' end